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  1. I have small VentureRider patches available for anybody who is interested. Price is $3.00 each and that includes shipping to the USA and Canada. Payment can made via PayPal to: PayPal to: dnelson@venturerider.org These are oval and about 3 1/2" wide and 2 3/4" tall.
  2. Just wanted to check if all of you have received your patches. I think that the only people who may not have received them are wkboard and maybe seabeetom. Those should be there soon. If you have paid and not received yours, please let me know. I have a LOT of patches still and also still have some VR Guardian Bells if anybody wants some. Don
  3. I've noticed that there are some items in the VR Store that are out of stock to be reordered if enough interest. Don was kind enough to scare up a couple of patches for me (which I have proudly put on our jackets) but, I also want Domed decals and a few more patches for our other riding jackets. I'm sure there are others who are interested as well. ESPECIALLY THE NEW MEMBERS! So... I have attached a poll to let Freebird know if there is sufficient interest to reorder more! VentureRider Domed Decals VentureRider Guardian Bells Small VentureRider Patches C'mon guys, I'm sure you've gotten new jackets or helmets. SHOW YOUR Venture Riders PRIDE!
  4. Venture Patches are being mail out tomorrow. Except the order got shorted the Origional Fonts of the 3 1/2 inch patches. I will mail out what I've received. The 3 1/2 inch Origional patches will be mailed as soon as I receive them to the following: Patrolman46 pmelah warrior/honeybee saddlebum Bummer However I will be out of town soon and returning around mid July. I'm very sorry about the shortage. Hope you all enjoy the patches. Brian T.
  5. Pioneer has a woman that will be available to sew on your patches at the rally for a nominal fee...so bring those vests and jackets with you if you want them done..
  6. Thanks Sweetie we just got the mail and the patches came in. Margaret & Jeff We miss you too!
  7. Will be in the mail on Monday Could the following folks PM me their address please Halmost There ........................... thanks *** If any one else would like to order the patch, just let me know [$AU10]
  8. I recently attended a meeting at the Patriots Motorcycle Club, and asked the President if I had the okay to sell and send their Patriots Supporter patches to the U.S.A. He agreed it would be great to have you wear an Australian Military veterans patch. The Patriots M/C was started by Vietnam Vets, and is a club that current service personnel, and veterans can join throughout Australia. The patch is unique and depicts all branches of the Australian Military. They do a lot of charity rides, and try to take care of veterans needs. We have a ride this Sunday, and all proceeds go to Legacy. If anyone is interested, the patch is $10, and postage paid by me. [i have Paypal] Maybe some PGR chapters might like to do a swap of patches, and I could ask Patriot members if they were interested in an exchange.
  9. I want to have some patches sewn on our vests, but do not want to have the pockets sewn shut. Anyone know where I can find someone in the San Antonio area that might possess such skills?
  10. I spend well over an hour yesterday trying to find a couple of specific patches. I would like to find a patch (or patches) that are "fill in the color" for Europe or the world. I have a USA/50 state patch already. I have ridden in Ireland, Spain and Australia and I would sure like to have those patches. Can anyone point me to a website that has those?
  11. this is a friend of mine who I ride with in the patriot guard riders nc. She seen a chance and took it . She make these great fleece neck warmers in her home. Local here and american made. Look her up if your interested. I ve already bought 2 and looking for another in custome colors with pgr and ventureriders patches i will provide her sewn in. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F%23!%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D100003252028782&h=ZAQFdXRAy thanks for looking as this is her baby and I thought Id try to help her out a bit. David
  12. The RSTD patches has arrived. I will get them out soon. Just one issue the package had a tear and so I maybe short patches. I'll take inventory tomorrow.
  13. I hate to sound like a pessimist, but things arent looking good for raising funds for St. Jude this year. Yes I have sold some t shirts, and I have some left. But Registrations are way down for being under 2 months from Vogel, 53 days to be exact, I need to know some numbers of how many are coming and I thought the poll would help out there, but it hasnt. I need to order the shirts and patches in about 3 weeks and with what I know know, I wont be ordering the quanities that I usually order which is 100 patches and 100 t-shirts. Raffle ticket sales have just surpassed what I spent on the 3 items I bought out of my own pocket, and we need to sell the rest which is 115 tickets. So please if you plan on coming, please go to the poll and vote, that would be a great help. And if anybody would like to help in selling raffle tickets, I would be more than happy to send some out, Send me a pm or let me know on this post if you can help. Thanks, Lewis
  14. Venture Patches has arrived and will be mailed by Monday.
  15. To all the RSTC riders out there! There has been a couple threads on this forum recently regarding patches for the RSTD's. Well, I've been putting in a few words for the RSTC owers out there as I'm about to become one, owner of a RSTC that is! End result is that Golf&Venture is willing to do up designs for the RSTCs. So far I'm the only one on the thread that "has" a RSTC so I'm the only one asking for a Tour Classic patch. Anyone else interested There are two designs, the STAR patch with ROYAL STAR on top, the Yamaha star in the middle, and for our bikes TOUR CLASSIC underneath. The M/C patch would be basically the same but with a TC between the RS and TC. You can see mock-ups of the RSTD M/C patch and STAR patches on the other thread. We can get the colors we want for the lettering and can also decide on which colors we want for the bike on the M/C patch. Also 4 sizes can be available, basically the same as the Venture patches that are currently being ordered and distributed on the site. ANY TAKERS???? The thread you'll find the mock-ups on is "RSTD possible patch design" . Just join the other thread and let G&V know there's more of us out there that want these!!
  16. I got an email asking if I knew where to get the "states visited" patches. I did some searching and found a place that has the patches and you color the states in with a marker. Thought I would post it here in case anybody else is interested. http://www.gmanindustries.com/shop/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=49
  17. You've all seen or heard of "American Idol". We bring you "The Venture / Tour Deluxe / Tour Classic Patch Contest" This ought to be fun. Show Us You’re Venture / Tour Deluxe / Tour Classic Patch. Take a picture or pictures of how you displayed your Venture/Tour Deluxe/Tour Classic Patch and submit it to a New Thread that I will created on 1 August. This should give all participants ample time to order and sew or iron. 1st Place is a whopping 15.7 inch Patch 2nd Place is a 9 inch Patch 3rd Place is a 7 inch Patch 4th Place is a 5 3/4 inch Patch 5th Place is a 3 1/2 inch Patch The Patch will be of your choice of Venture or Tour Deluxe or Tour Classic. The contest will start on 1 August and close on 7 August. I would suggest, not posting till 1 August so other do not see your display and try to better it. Each member's vote counts only once and if you vote more than once time only your 1st vote will count. ATTENTION!!!.....YOU CAN NOT VOTE FOR YOUR PATCH..... And you do not need to have purchased a patch to vote. A qualifying patch display only counts if displayed on motorcycling equipment sold in say a motorcycling store such as Motorcycle Superstore or Revzilla. This is just to help keep the display clean and appropriate please. If inappropriate then the display will be disqualified. I will consult with FreeBird to determine if a posting violates the spirit of this organization. 52 members ordered Venture Patches on the 1st order. So far on the 2nd order there are 30 Members are ordering Venture Patches. A Royal Star Tour Deluxe and Tour Deluxe Classic patches are in the design phase and the interest is growing. So now is the time to order additional Venture Patches. On a previous thread I stated that this Sunday 8 May the 2nd the Venture order window would close. I will keep the Venture order window open for 1 more week. Therefore closing on next Sunday 15th May. You can place your Venture Patch order on this thread. (Please Do Not order “Tour Deluxe” Nor the “Tour Classic” Patches on this thread. When the design is finalized I will create a new thread for these new patches.
  18. Already have orders for 17 patches. Last order was for 110 patches. They are Iron-on or Sew-on. Sizes are 3 1/2" 5 3/4" 7" 9" The 3/1/2" inch wide is great for a baseball hat size. If you want a very specific width side, they can be accommodiated. Just specify the width in inches. Sample pricing for a 7 inch patch is $10.00 including shipping. Smaller sizes will be a little less. Larger sizes will be a little more. Actual Pricing depends on the qty of orders. I will accept orders for a few more days. PayPal, Money Order or Personal Checks accepted. No Cash please. Place your order on this thread with your mailing address. Those who have previously order on the Thread "Venture Patches Has Arrived" do NOT need to order again. See Sample Attachment.
  19. I will be submitting a new order for some Venture Patches. In this 2nd order we have over 40 ordered so far. The more patches the less per patch. See Attachment Width Size 3 1/2 inch 5 3/4 inch 7 inch 9 inch If you need a very specific size up to 15 inch wide, they can be made to your specific request. Sample pricing is a single 7 inch patch will cost less than $10 including shipping.
  20. The Venture Patches Have Arrived. See Attachment. I'll get them out as soon as I can. Meanwhile I've already received requests for more orders so for those interested see attachment. They are super nice looking patches. The picture has all the sizes. 3 1/2" 5 3/4" 7" 9" The 3/1/2" inch wide is great for a baseball hat size. Plus if you want a very specific width side, they can be accommodiated. Just specify the width in inches. The prices will be a bit higher than specified in the other threads for I under estimated PalPal fees and postages fees plus the number in orders I'm guessing will be less in quantity but they will still be a great value.
  21. Are you going to have T-shirts, Crests( patches) Or whatever? this Year
  22. I've had some emails about the big patches, I can get an order in with a 25 count. That's where the break is.
  23. Folks, I have been somewhat struggling with a decision lately in regard to our classified section. We had a person join as a trial member and then posted an ad in our classifieds for some patches. I may end up making the classifieds for supporting members only and even then, I don't want to have people joining at $12.00 per year only for the purpose of hawking their goods on our site. The fact is, if I allowed people to start using the site and our classifieds as a store at $12.00 per year, this would end up being nothing but a spam filled site and I just won't allow that to happen. I just deleted the ad for patches in our classifieds and will be watching closely that it doesn't continue to happen. I block memberships here almost every day from spammers in China, India and other places that I know want nothing more than to spam our forum. It is a non-ending battle that requires me to be on constant lookout. Very rarely one will get through and we will see some spam posts but they are deleted quickly and those responsible are permanently banned from the site. I was also made aware today of a site in Australia that has VentureRider patches listed for sale. I don't know who the actual person is behind the site but I have not authorized that our logo be used for any retail purpose outside of our own products listed here on the site in the VentureRider Merchandise forum area. I do vaguely remember a request from a member some time ago asking if he could use our logo and put the outline of Australia in the background. I had no problem with that for one's personal use but NOT to be sold. There have been a few times over the years when I have received requests from members to reproduce our logo on their trailer or other items and I've never had a problem with that but again, that is for your own personal use ONLY. NOT to be reproduced and sold retail. If you find our logo being sold on products outside of this site, please let me know and PLEASE do not purchase those items.
  24. Below are ebay links to the two patches that were made relating to Yamaha's & RSV's First one has profanity in it that is blocked out in picture. Second one is a good natured rubbing at our RSV members. Intended for the 1st gen owners. Each are $3.95, including shipping. Gary [ATTACH]50588[/ATTACH] http://cgi.ebay.com/3-5-Embroidered-Patch-Biker-Humor-Black-Yamaha-/230529337404?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35ac9e883c Ebay item # 230529337404 [ATTACH]50589[/ATTACH] http://cgi.ebay.com/3-5-Embroidered-Patch-Biker-Humor-Faster-than-RSV-/230529337362?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35ac9e8812 Ebay item # 230529337362
  25. OK Folks, I have been working with a patchmaker out on the left coast and she will be doing our patches for the rally. They are a bit pricey, but have 8 colors in them and a good amount of detail. The patches will be $12.50 a piece and we can either send them to you or you can pick them up at the rally. I am putting a poll up for the #'s game on how many we need to have made and it will display your name for how you voted so I can keep track of it. I will come back in a later thread and give details on where and to whom to send the monies to. If you have question PM me or ask them in the thread, I will keep this bumped up to the top and we'll let it run for 2 weeks or so....here is a pic of the patch.
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