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  1. Last year a member asked me to help fix his bike, turned out that water had got into the motor and it was ceased. He picked it up and has it parked since then under cover. It's been a few years since it has been used. He wants to donate it to somebody deserving. Let me know if you're interested. It's in Georgetown Ontario
  2. made it one hour. New owner lost control and parked in some trees. RandyA UPDATED ? Highway to Hell(cat): Owner wrecks 707-hp Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat one hour after buying it | MotorSportsTalk
  3. Picked up me new '12 venture Aug 13..... Loving it loving it loving it (and it looks great parked next to my TD)
  4. I'll pay up when I can 1. I was riding home after a job, I was coming off the highway, and all was good. I come to the stop sign, I look, and make my left turn. Not far away is another stop sign, no biggy, done this HUNDREDS of time. I come to a stop..... and the rear tire slips. That was my first experience that for some odd reason, despite gravity, Lady Blue fights like hell because it was all slow, and steady going down on the right side. I was fine, just laughing, and thinking, "great, come on now, the sooner we get you up the better" Well. I tried. And failed, it took some fine brave young women to help me up. That was early 2011, just started riding the Venture after the 650's driveshaft shredded up. Looking back, wish I got some numbers and had taken out to dinner. Hahaha. ah well. 2. I was parked. 1st gear, 1st gear because where I was parked it dipped in quite a bit. and well, I also happened to have parked "inward" officer wouldn't let me turn her around. So, I'm getting off, and I did not let her set into 1st, she slipped off of the kickstand and fell to the left. My leg was hurting all day....
  5. I seen 2 Ventures parked in Tarpoon Springs outside Tampa Florida on Oct 15 early PM. just wondering if it was anyone from this site? Midnite venture parked on one side of street and a 08 gold and black venture on the other side. Thanks CHRIS
  6. Came out of the rooftop bar at Zuki Lake today and this silver RSV was parked next to us anyone here claim ownership ?
  7. Well, with this heat, Linda and I again took off to the mountains. With some great curvy back roads thru NC and TN, we ended up on Roan Mountain and the low temperature we saw was 64 degrees. We did a little hiking out to the point to walk off some of the great meal she treated me to at Western Sizzling in Burnsville, NC. I took a picture after I parked the bike and it was 66 degrees. We did encounter a hard rain for a few minutes while we were eating, but it was no big deal, but it did keep us grazing at the buffet longer. RandyA
  8. I found these pics in an old file and I realized I never posted them here. I took my daughter to get her driver's license earlier this spring and this guy was parked at the DMV. Don't think I've ever seen a bike quite like this one. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyNjEtMjAxMTA1MDMtMTQ1Ni5qcGc.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyNjMtMjAxMTA1MDMtMTQ1Ny5qcGc.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyNjItMjAxMTA1MDMtMTQ1Ny5qcGc.jpg
  9. Pulling into work this morning I spotted a Silver 99 parked in the contractors parking, nobody around. Left a note on it with the website.
  10. I'm having my Gall bladder out Thursday and I have a question for anyone who has had it out the old fashion way ( they have to do a biopsy at same time and that's near the liver) Laproscopic is out. I just wonder how the recovery went. This is my first major surgery and getting a straight answer from the doctors is tough. I know the RSTD gets parked for awhile. WebMD sayes 4 to 6 weeks -- truth? How about all the other things food, pain activities Etc.? Thanks up front
  11. I have ridden 2400 miles so far in the last week and the reworked seat is great! I didn't think ihat I had any real issues with the seat before but apparently I just didn't know what the thing was supposed to feel like. I have had zero butt or back pain since we left home! One thing I found out this morning though is that if the bike is parked outside overnight in 28 degree temps, it takes about ten minutes for the seat to warm up and get soft again. I am 100% satisfied with this mod and would recommend it to anyone with the pillowtop seats.
  12. Who's parked out front of the Microtel in Robbinsville NC?
  13. Just pulled in for some dinner and there's a burgundy 1st Gen parked out front. Is it anybody here?
  14. Hi everyone, I just got back from Americade! I've never seen so many Ventures in one place, I know that I must've seen at least twenty differant ones by Wednesday morning. I have a couple of questions about some items that I saw on some of them. There was a cream colored two tone that had MM Edition on its tank and tour pak, what does that mean? This bike also had a set of cool wind deflectors mounted to the high way bars(crashbars), I saw an 07 with the same set up. The 07 had wrap around lights around the saddle bags like an older Gold Wing or Harley might have. I think the 07 had every available add on you could get on his bike(it was parked down by the demo area on Tuesday night). I saw a few other bikes with these lights also, anything to help with being seen is good. Only got to talk with one other owner and he had the Black and Cherry edition, he had Bub Exhausts on it and it sounded good. I think my wife was getting a little annoyed at me for pointing out the Ventures as they drove by or were parked in the parking spaces on main street. I think she felt as if she was in a VW commercial. One thing that did bother me while I was downtown was the loud pipes!! I can see why a lot of the towns people get up in arms about the noise. Some of the guys would come off the red light heading up hill just like a quarter mile. If you were walking in that area you couldn't hear the person next to you. There was no police presence in that area checking pipes,maybe by the end of the week there will be. I sound kinda like an old fart don't I!!!! Joshua
  15. have a 1300 v star fuel injection model. gas drips from vent tube when parked. any ideas
  16. Went to the Local eatery tonight. Parked beside the building and noticed 9 Harley's parked out front. Walk in and much to my surprise there at a table were 9 women. First for this old boy. Good to see the opposite sex getting together for some riding and eating.
  17. oldgoat

    why me

    got home about a hour ago went out to cover the venture before it rains. and darn it i left the cover at a friends house. just how much rain can a old 84 venture stand? its pouring out there so hard i cant see across the street. bike is parked between 2 cars. but it looks like a poor duck out there. it needs to be washed but gee not that bad. so has anyone else been stuck in this type situation? radio tape player should be ok i hope?
  18. It was really windy here yesterday. I was riding home from work directly into a 30-40MPH head wind. This is the same route that I have driven every workday for the last 10 years so I know it well. I pulled up to a red light, on level ground, fairly new concrete surface. I was first in line at the light. With every wind gust the bike was pushed backwards and my feet on the ground (rubber soled shoes) did not have enough traction to hold the bike against the wind. I had to hold the front brake to keep from backing into the car behind me. This is with the wind blowing on the most aerodynamically clean side of the bike. After reading in several threads recently about parking in gear, and tales of the wind blowing over the bike, I am reformulating my beliefs as to how to safely park this thing. I can believe that with the bike parked with a strong tail wind that the faring and windscreen are acting like a parachute that the wind could move the bike forward enough to fold up the side stand. Parking in gear will/should help to prevent this from happening. I know that I once parked a manual transmission cage pointed up a hill and left it in first gear, and it was able to turn the engine over backwards while it chugged slowly down the hill. I do not know how much force it would take to move a bike while parked in gear but I am certain that it would be a lot more than in neutral.
  19. i'm at work and i get a phone call from scheduling.....it appears that the local storm...BLEW my bike over !!.....i don't know if it actually blew it over or blew it forward and it fell...either way, the parking garage guy says major damage to faring....this is an 840 lb bike.....hard to believe...the bike is parked next to the office under the parking ramps...on concrete...it's not really out in the open.....i just finished mounting new tires, carbon 1 braces, new plugs, carb sync.........anyone ever heard of this with a bike this heavy..??
  20. Hi, Anyone have any info on whether 2 '84's could be parked side by side inside a Trike sized BikeBarn? http://www.thebikebarn.net/images/smartbarn_sidecar.jpg I guess what it comes down to is: can they be parked side by side in less than 72"? Which is the response from the good folks at BikeBarn. I am thinking I may need to use a nose to tail apporoach. My bikes are still in winter storage in my dad's garage so I can't run out and measure. I am looking for a storage solution for next winter, as dad's garage will not be available to me then. The BB and a bit of real estate in my side garden, is looking like my best solution so far. Thoughts, advice, experience, 2 bikes handy to measure? Thanks, Brian H. PS, there seems to be a free shipping sale on at BB till the end of March!
  21. Parked Motorcycle syndrome.
  22. I'm in North Conway, NH at a Holiday Inn Express. I was walking just now to the local Rite Aid when I found a Venture parked at the store. It has a Quebec tag on it and has a trailer attached. Anyone from this site?
  23. I bought a used 1990 Venture. I went on a trip to OH. I parked it at night, it was running fine. The next day it start skipping and popping. I worked on the kill switch and it seemed to fix the problem. Since I returned home, bike had been running good. I went for a short ride recently, parked it, and it has not started since. No spark! All other electronics work properly. Any and all ideas greatly appreciated.
  24. newbie to this baord HI! ALL . i have a 1983 1200 with a 1300cc motor on it was a members bike from canada anyway i ran when parked last year had to go through carburetors it runs good on back cylinder but no spark on front one any ideals? thanks mike
  25. Trying to get out of the whole rental situations and become an owner. Going to go take a look at a house this evening. :banana:I'm so sick of landlords who think they can control every aspect of your being just because it's they own the joint. My current landlords were pretty good till this spring. All kinds of new strange rules. He showed up on my doorstep a few weeks ago saying the neighbors were complaining about junk vehicles. I told him I don't have any. He pointed out my old Ford and said it has been sitting in the same spot since last fall and such. Then he said I wasn't allowed to have any incapacitated or unregistered vehicles in the yard. All vehicles are supposed to be parked in the garage. My garage is not to be used for storage. (Wouldn't keeping your care in the garage when not in use be considered storing it?) I told him it had current tabs and wasn't incapacitated. He started getting an attitude, then I told him to leave. I got a copy of my lease in the mail about a week later with all the rules he thought I was breaking highlighted. :bawling:Not a one of them was I actually breaking except for my truck being parked outside. I don't know what he expects if the truck is to tall to fit through the dang garage door. Now why would a landlord care if you car is parked outside? Why would he care what you keep in your garage? Why would a landlord think it's cool to limit tenants to only two vehicles when it's a 3 or 4 bedroom unit when both parents and the kid all work different shifts? I'll quit my complaining now. I hope this is a place I and my better half can both agree on. I don't mind having to to some work on the place. I'm handy that way. Besides, when is it you find something that's exactly the way you want it anyway? Wish me ?
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