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  1. Hi all, I had the good fortune to review the IXS Kevlar and coolmax riding jeans. They are awesome. As they should be for the price. But they are literally so nice that you can wear them off the bike as really nice/comfortable jeans. https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/09/07/ixs-classic-ar-cassidy-motorcycle-jeans-review-safety-fashion/ Hope you like the review. Comments always welcome. VentureFar...
  2. Hello everyone and almost Happy new year! I have been doing some research and reading up on safety gear, and such and. I have the alpine stars, the olympias, the heavy leather and such. Seems like Motoport is getting a lot of good/great reviews regarding their kevlar suits, pants and jackets. Now they are not cheap by any stretch, but testimonies from others on various forums and site seem to swear they are the top banana in safety wear. Lately, I have been more concerned with the good or poor choices of my gear in such an event happen. So....I wanna here from you guys and gals. Anyone have personal or know anyone who wears this kevlar brand? Here in Florida, the heat can be brutal, yet many a Floridian who wear the mesh kevlar have not experienced any overheating. From all accounts the customer service is excellent and the pants and jacket are custom made for your body, so they want specific measurements. Let me know what ya thoughts are. Right now leaning towards the purchase, and it will be my final purchase regarding gear. Thank you kindly for replying and have a fantastic and safe riding new year!!
  3. http://www.bohn-armor-pants.com I found a link to this site while browsing. The pants look interesting, I already have an armored jacket that I like. Has anyone used Bohn armor or have an opinion. I broke my right arm & shoulder in an accident 3 years ago, so am getting back into riding more cautiously than I have been in the past.
  4. A young couple, just married, were in their hotel honeymoon suite, on their wedding night. As they were undressing for bed, the husband who was a big burly man tossed his pants to his bride and said, ‘Here, put these on.’ She put them on and the waist was twice the size of her body. ‘I can't wear your pants,’ she said. ‘That's right,’ said the husband, ‘and don't you ever forget it. I'm the man and I wear the pants in this family.’ With that she flipped him her panties and said, ‘Try these on.’ He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. ‘Heck,’ he said, ‘I can't get into your panties!’ She replied, ‘That's right, and that's the way its going to be until your attitude changes!’
  5. when it happened... we r riding dwn 82 east toward Starkville, MS when I fill something sting me up my britches leg about my thigh, well i swat it and then rub it n think I solved the problem other than it hurting like crazy....well about 5 miles dwn the road it starts going crazy, stinging me all over I think i've got a whole colony of something in my pants, now mind u i'm running 70mph and nowhere to stop to come OUT of my pants when I see a BIG "Welcome to Starkville" sign I come to a quick exit on the shoulder, scare my wife 1/2 to death, jump off the bike and make a mad dash behind the sign and jerk my pants dwn to find the beast THAT IS TORMENTING me. Finally i see a big BLK flying creature exit my pants leg. Now all this is taking place behind a welcome sign on a 4 lane hwy...I have no clue what it was that stung me, almost felt like a stinging worm it hurt so bad... oh and to top it off the day before I go to a local car lot to see a cousin about a new car for my son, after the visit I hope on the bike and get a 1/2 mile dwn the road and feel SOMETHING crawling on my head, well I can't stop all I can do is HOPE the light is red, it is, thank God and i jerk my helmet off and go to swatting my hair when I swat a BIG bug off my head..lol well that's MY bug encounter for awhile I hope...
  6. I am NOT taking about when you got drunk and rode naked....Yes....me too ! I did have my shoes on !! Or about helmets. I just purchased a Kaw. Versys and joined their forum. These guys dress for war.... a lot of " made for motorcycle "(Kevlar) coats, pants and boots. I DO have some textile coats and Sidi ( spelling ?) boots from my BMW days and a couple leathers coats, chaps and leathers pants.... BUT..... I wear mostly jeans ( I just ordered 2 pairs of Diamaond jeans ), a tank top and steel toed boots. I carries a leather shirt on the bike for that day it's not full leather coat weather. One thing I always wear are some type of glove. What are you wearing ? Cb
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :biker:Yes, I wore boots and pants..
  8. Just watched a story on CBS where MK lighters from China can malfunction allowing the flame to stay lite after you release to the button. The story was on a man that put the lighter back into pants pocket where it ignited setting him on fire, resulting in his death.
  9. Watch this video from Russia. http://www.wimp.com/inrussia/ I would be changing my pants.
  10. Got to the office this morning and turned on the air and nothing happened. The air conditioner is out. I am in south georgia and the weatherman said this was going to be the hottest, most miserable day of the year. Don't know when the repairman can get here. Anyone have a portable air conditioner? I am down to a tee shirt and pants. Do you think I would lose customers if I stripped down to just underwear or do you think I might get more customers, especially female customers.
  11. I know everyone says they make a big improvement on the "cold knees", but do they keep the rain from getting to the inside of your pants legs?
  12. Bought the Gerbing gloves and jacket liner today at the MC Show in DC. I am so damn happy. I typically ride down to around 40 degrees with no problem but now can ride hopefully down into the 20's. I hope I don't regret not getting the pants liner but my legs are generally warm enough with my insulated pants. I hope to install them next weekend and finally get some more riding in this winter.
  13. Guest

    screen name

    A lot of you people have real neat screen names. Me, I am not creative at all - maybe my life is too boring to get called a handy nick name. Wondering how you came up with your screen name. Now there is a 2-year old boy that is calling me Mr. Krabs from the Spongebob Square Pants cartoon - I don't know who Mr. Krabs is or why he picked that out for me - maybe because I had a red shirt on and Mr. Krabs maybe has red claws? What is the consensus - should I change my screen name to Mr. Krabs? or is he a rotten character?
  14. I'm ready to look for a new rain suit. I have a set of Frogg Togg Road Toads but I don't like the pants. After wearing them a few times they seem really worn in the crotch and seat area. The jacket seems OK. I have a pair of nylon rain pants I picked up at the Bass Pro shop that I really like but I have a hole in one of the legs that I've got patched with duct tape. The things I like about these pants is that they pack up really small into their own back pocket and they are light weight. I've looked at Nelson Riggs, Tourmaster and Fieldsheer suits and they all seem to be much heavier and bulkier to pack and they seem like they would be very hot during summer showers. I stopped at a Harley shop recently and found this packable suit that seems OK but I hate the logo emblazend across the back, http://www.stpaulharley.com/Men-s-Packable-Rainsuit-98028-09VM-p/98028-09vm.htm I don't want pants with suspenders because I want to be able to throw the jacket on first quickly if I need to. What's everybody using for rain gear? Dennis
  15. Just ordered 2 pair of Icon mesh ARC pants for warm weather riding and protection. Anyone tried these? Was told they are very cool in the summer. They have armor in the knees and reinforced panels. http://www.ridersdiscount.com/street-gear/pants-men/54689.php
  16. Can anyone here comment on the Yamaha "On Tour" jacket and or pants? I'd like to know what temperature range they will be effective in and any general comments about them. I have not been able to locate them at any local dealers to take a look at them in person.
  17. Does any of you use the electric clothing made by Widder or Gerbing? My question, Is the RSV electrical system big enough to sustain a jacket, pants, gloves, and insoles that are heated? Any help with this question will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  18. Just finished watching American Idol and had to laugh when General Larry Plat {He is 62 yrs old} sang "Looking like a Fool with your pants on the ground".:rotfl:What is with that fashion statement anyway? Way to go General Plat!:rotfl:
  19. Went for a 150Ml. ride yesterday, and for the first time, thought I was gonna die a slow terrible death... my tail bone hurt so bad, I thought I was gonna have to stop... well they are both, ( The seats, not the butt ) going to visit Mr. Buttler this week... We are planning on going to the international Rally and this problem will be solved before then... I still hurt this morning... maybe it was the pants I had on it was to cold to go camando with just my chaps.. Hopefully Rick is not too busy and can get to them pretty fast.... K
  20. It's no secret that New Enough is an excellent company and offers customer service like few other companies. I know from personal experiences in the past. I own a pair of Firstgear riding pants and seem to have lost the liner. I did not buy them from New Enough but I have been unsuccessful contacting anyone at Firstgear. NE put me on hold and tried as well and couldn't get anyone to answer the phone either. I started calling Firstgear's 800 # a few weeks ago with no luck. I even tried e-mailing them. Needless to say I don't believe I'll be buying Firstgear anymore. The gentlemen said they didn't sell just the liners for the pants but he would try and track some down. He called me back an hour later and said he was able to get in touch with a FG dealer who was trying to track down the liners. He took all the info and passed it to the dealer and promised to call me back. Keeping in mind that NE is making nothing off this transaction I was impressed. I've bought a lot of gear from NE and will continue to do so. PS. the web site listed on the FG pants has not worked either for the last month. www.firstgear-usa.com (EDIT) I just tried the link from this post and the site opened. I tried again from my browser and it's still not working. Not sure what's happening here. (EDIT-EDIT) I found a direct number at the web site and left a message. We'll see what happens with FG now.
  21. Guest

    wrongway (allan)

    Thanks again for the pants! if any of you were wondering, allan sent the pants i bought before i even got him a check, and the pants were in fantastic condition and came really quick!
  22. I bought a pair of these riding pant cause they were low priced ie:$50.00 and had alot of features. Like hip pads,knee pads, quilted removable liner, zipper for jacket etc. These pants are warm down to the 30s and lower with the liner in. The knee pads don't stay put well thou. right side stays for me left one doesn't want to stay over the kneecap. Material looks and feels good has extra heaver mesh on skid zones. Reflective piping is very bright and it had ankle zippers to help getting them off and on. All and all these are a good part time cold weather MC pant. They are bulky and alot of the stitching of little thinks like the liner stays and belt straps are weak.One belt side has broke already, I guess I can sew it back on. For the money, I think they are worth looking at if you just want a pair of warm and padded pair of waterproof pants in your collection of gear. That you can wear every now and then when its nasty out. I don't know how long the will last. But they are very comfy except for the knee pad moving around on you.....
  23. I just received, a couple days ago my purchase from New Enough. I bought the Venture Air Mesh pants and Intake Air Series 2 Jacket. I am very pleased with New Enough's prices and shipping. Ordered it on Friday morning, got it on Tuesday. Also very pleased with my selection. Both jacket and pants have windproof/waterproof layer and a quilted insulated liner, as well as multiple sections of Armor and padding. The liners can be utilized together or seperately in any configuration or they can we worn without any liners. Its really working well for me as I can wear the liners when I leave at 3:30am for work, 55 degrees and then ride home with just the mesh when its reached 80+. If I had any complaint I guess it would be that the items do not store very compactly. I have to take the jacket in because it won't compress down small enough to fit in the bags or trunk along with the other things I carry. This wasn't a problem with my leathers. It seems to be the Armor that is causing the issue. So here is my question: Does the Armor really add significant protection or could you take it out? Thanks for the info/opinions in advance. Jay
  24. TEW47


    Check out Motorcycle Daily for first ride on new VMAX. Yes it still has the kick in the pants acceleration at 6500 rpm. tew47
  25. Wow, been riding a good while and this is the first time I ever had a bee in my pants. Riding along minding my own business and pow!! One got me on the right leg about the knee on the outside. Grabbed that bugger and rolled him good in my blue jeans. Thought I got him but about 3 minutes later he got me again on the inside of my knee right in the bend. After I stopped and shook out a big ole red wasp I didn't feel to good about getting my feet up on the highway pegs. But I did anyway. What if someone came up with a little filter to put over your pants leg to let in the wind and keep out them critters? Wind sure feels good running up them britches!!
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