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  1. I'm looking for someone that lives in Crossville, TN 38558 or near by that could pick up a trike travel pak for me till I can come down in May
  2. I have been searching for a detachable tour pak for my 07 RSMTD for 6 months - i've seen several attempts here on VR - but none that i really liked. A friend & I spent about 8 hrs. in the shop today laying out the template for a detachable tour pak. we finished the template (poster board) and our next step is to fab it out out light sheet metal to confirm fit and finish. next we will take the template to our local laser cutter to have the real detachable mount cut (.0125 steel). We have a friend in Fla. making & shipping the 'U' 1" round tube which mounts to the bottom of the tour pak and to the top of our detachable mount. We went to the local Harley dealer and purchased some docking hardware and ordered keyed locking mechanisms. This is going to be a real sweet setup when done. Once this project is complete i intend to post pics of the procedure to install hardware and pics of the finished product. If there are any interested RSTD'er who might have an interest in the product, let me know ( i know this is a little premature considering i have no pics to post yet ). i am hoping to have this project done over the course of several weeks - this will be a first class mounting kit with or without the actual tour pak - i'll keep everyone posted. I expect that some might ask if this detachable system will work on RSV and honestly i don't know anything about that bike, perhaps others who have much more knowledge of the similarities and differences between the bike could shed so light.
  3. Today is 4-25-10 and i am editing my original post to let RSTD riders know i have 3 brackets left. they are $225.00 and you pay shipping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finished up the tour pak yesterday and the wife and i logged some miles on it so that i could get her feed back. we've also made two Walmart runs and we filled up the tour pak on both trips. i am happy to say that she said she feels more secure than with a stock back rest, she also said that she has more room between us, her one downside comment was that she thought the contour of the back rest cushions weren't as comfy as the stock back rest - so i'll take the cushions to my friend the upholsterer and have him do his magic. i originally said i was going to offer this unit with locking mechanisms but honestly the amount of hours that we put into it to make it work caused us to think of a simpler and less expensive solution. we're going to replace the locks with knurled stainless steel thumbscrews. this will allow us to have the holes placed by our water jet cutting guy and they will all be uniform. we are thinking on offering the bracket several ways...1) primered 2) powder coated (black) 3) chrome plated, however plating it presents one problem - when you drill it for your tour pak it will chip the chrome ...or you can take it primered and drill your own holes and have it plated. i'll post up the price(s) during the week as soon as i get the numbers from powder coater and plating guy. take a look at the pic and i hope to get a video up on you tube as soon as i can. http://i41.tinypic.com/2q8a71y.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/ipd46a.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/el60rs.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/24uyiie.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/207t45t.jpg
  4. I've started the mod to my 06 RSTD, in about 1 week it should be completed.. I have all the parts needed to install the Venture tour pak and seats to transform it into a Tour DeVenture..... If anyone is looking for the following please email me 3 piece Mustang seat w/ driver’s backrest (offset bracket to sit back further) Luggage rack for passenger backrest Removable Tour Pac bracket with tour pak and LED light
  5. I have just designed the detachable tour pak my RSTD and was wondering if anyone knows if the 'front mounting hardware which attaches the stock back rest on my RSTD is also present on the Venture bike. also there is a thread hole on the chromed fender brackets which has chromed caps pushed into the treads, are these also present on RSV. i'm trying to figure out if my pak will work on RSV?
  6. for anyone interested in the finished product of the Detachable Tour Pak - take a look @ http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35033
  7. Well we finally got the 'real' bracket back from the water jet cutter. with a few little tweaks we installed it on my bike. it works just as i had hoped, easy on and easy off. as we were doing the final install, my friend came up with (another) brilliant idea - one of the items which drives up the cost of this unit is the 'locking mechanisms. he figured we could replace those mechanisms with spacers (would be welded to existing bracket) and provide knurled thumb screws which connects directly to the chromed side fender mount, using the hole already in that piece (it is currently blocked off by a chrome cap). of course this would do away with the security of locking the tour pak to the bike. or the other option would be to use one locking mechanism and one knurled knob. my bracket will be painted today and installed tomorrow, i'll post some finished pics. here are a few shots of our final unpainted product. http://i39.tinypic.com/2dueeci.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/eqv9mv.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2e36anl.jpg
  8. Finally got the prototype detachable tour pak bracket back from the water jet shop (thought it was going to be laser cut). i'm attaching some pics. keep in mind that this material is only .060 thick and the final product will be .125 (i.e. 1/8"). there are several changes to be made, one is more radiusing on several areas, another is removing some additional material from the sides, and possibly utilizing gussets if necessary. you will notice that the front of the bracket uses the stock front mount for the stock backrest, you will also notice the back of the bracket uses additional docking hardware with locking mechanisms. the tour pak in the pic is one i purchased for approx. $110.00 (plus shipping), it is ABS plastic and actually has lines on the top of pak which mimics the gas tank lines. we will be repainting the tour pak (getting rid of that silly yellow dot on the top of tour pak) and will also be painting the bracket to match the bike. feedback would be appreciated, thanks. and keep Freebird in your prayers and pay your subscription today (additional donation would be awesome)!! http://i42.tinypic.com/359flnm.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/x391dg.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/fn5j43.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2iqho42.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/aamg.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/zss36x.jpg
  9. Finally got the prototype detachable tour pak bracket back from the water jet shop (thought it was going to be laser cut). i'm attaching some pics. keep in mind that this material is only .060 thick and the final product will be .125 (i.e. 1/8"). there are several changes to be made, one is more radiusing on several areas, another is removing some additional material from the sides, and possibly utilizing gussets if necessary. you will notice that the front of the bracket uses the stock front mount for the stock backrest, you will also notice the back of the bracket uses additional docking hardware with locking mechanisms. the tour pak in the pic is one i purchased for approx. $110.00 (plus shipping), it is ABS plastic and actually has lines on the top of pak which mimics the gas tank lines. we will be repainting the tour pak (getting rid of that silly yellow dot on the top of tour pak) and will also be painting the bracket to match the bike. feedback would be appreciated, thanks. and keep Freebird in your prayers and pay your subscription today (additional donation would be awesome)!! http://i44.tinypic.com/x391dg.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/fn5j43.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/359flnm.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2iqho42.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/aamg.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/zss36x.jpg
  10. I posted this yesterday on the RSTD section and thought i would share it here as well. I have been searching for a detachable tour pak for my 07 RSMTD for 6 months - i've seen several attempts here on VR - but none that i really liked. A friend & I spent about 8 hrs. in the shop today laying out the template for a detachable tour pak. we finished the template (poster board) for a detachable mount and our next step is to fab it out of light sheet metal to confirm fit. next we will take the template to our local laser cutter to have the real detachable mount cut (.0125 steel). We have a friend in Fla. making & shipping the 'U' 1" round tube which mounts to the bottom of the tour pak and to the top of our detachable mount - most likely will not use the 'U' tube, rather just mount the tour pak directly to my mount, with a thin rubber mat sandwiched between the two for vibration dampening. picked up some docking hardware and ordered keyed locking mechanisms (to lock tour pak to mount). i believe my detachable mount should be usable for the tour pak of your choice. This is going to be a real sweet setup when done. Once this project is complete i intend to post pics of the procedure to install hardware and pics of the finished product. If there are any interested RSTD'er who might have an interest in the product, let me know ( i know this is a little premature considering i have no finished pics to post yet ). i am hoping to have this project done over the course of several weeks - this will be a first class mounting kit with or without the actual tour pak - i'll keep everyone posted. I expect that some might ask if this detachable system will work on RSV and honestly i don't know anything about the RSV, perhaps others who have much more knowledge of the similarities and differences between the bike could shed some light. here are a few pic of the prototype mocked up from poster board. http://i44.tinypic.com/imhrol.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/12517h5.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/34edenc.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/1q60e8.jpg
  11. Got these from WalMart..they come 6 to a pak.
  12. Here's a pic of my bike ready for a trip. Note the driver backrest with adjustable lumbar support, tour pak mounted with RSTD brackets and the 3 gallon aux. aluminum fuel tank on the trailer. AL
  13. I fabricated a trunk mounting bracket that requires no drilling or mods to the bike. The bracket uses u-bolts to mount to the backrest mounting points. I mounted a VIP Tour Pak clone trunk. I put a few pictures in my gallery to show how it was made in case some of you want to make you one. AL GUY
  14. I just finished with all of the mounting of my tour pak and now I need to run the wires for lights. My tour pak came with lights and I added leds to the bottom edges and replaced light bulbs with leds that can brake,signal, and be running lights. Any suggestions on wiring? I thought about under drivers seat but do I need anything special or just splice. Thanks for any tips. Bob:confused24: The "Fish-n-Musician" http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/5/5_2_110.gif http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb095&pp=ZNxmk393BBUS
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