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  1. I finally finished repairing the plastic on my bike and so it was time to paint. Since I wanted to change the color of the bike I pulled the front tire to get the front fender off. I shot a layer of clear coat to smooth it out before painting a base coat and then it was time to go to work for the night so I left the tire off. After painting everything today I tried to put the front tire back on and... WTF?! The front axle doesn't fit in the the forks any more. It's like the axle bolts are too tight but they are so loose they might as well not be there at all. Any suggestions would be welcome. After all it's a shame to finally get done fixing the bike and be stuck with the front tire off.
  2. Not sure if this is already an ongoing thread but, sad news to report about a local biker, just a few miles from where I live/ride. There are some incredibly dumb people out there, be careful. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30558822/ Another article with her photo here: http://mobile.chicagotribune.com/inf/infomo;jsessionid=FD8A0179013AD9793388.2193?view=breakingnews_article&feed:a=chi_trib_1min&feed:c=latest_breaking_news&feed:i=C92EC7656B65D117A75BFECF7D993041&nopaging=1 Here's the text of the article. A motorcyclist was killed over the weekend after being struck by a car driven by a woman who was painting her fingernails at the time of the crash. Anita Zaffke, of Lake Zurich, was wearing a helmet when she was hit from behind by a Chevy Impala at a stop light Saturday evening at Route 12 and Old McHenry Road, the Chicago Tribune reported. "It appears to be a tragic accident and it appears (Zaffke) did nothing wrong," Lake County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Scott Morrison said. "She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and she could not have done anything to avoid it." Her son, Greg, told the Tribune that his mother was wearing a bright yellow biker's jacket. Zaffke was thrown "a couple of hundred feet" by the impact, the Lake County Coroner said. The driver of the Impala, Lora Hunt, 48, of Morris, told police she was painting her fingernails as she approached the red light at that corner, and she apparently didn't see the motorcycle. Lake County Coroner Richard Keller said that Zaffke died from chest and abdominal injuries about an hour later at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington. Morrison said Hunt was cited with failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident and could face additional charges. The Lake County State's Attorney's office says it's looking into criminal charges, as well. "We are looking into charges in the case," Assistant State's Attorney Patricia Fix said this morning. "But we are waiting for results of blood and urine tests and waiting for the results of an accident reconstruction, as well as any other technical evidence we can derive from the scene."
  3. Do any of you know what year Yamaha started painting the 1300 engine? I've seen several pics of Ventures without the Black painted engine, but mine is painted. craigr
  4. Couple days ago I finally fired up the heater in the garage and began a project that I had put off for 2 weeks. Girls had asked me if I would build there cats a plaything. Well i just used mostly scrap wood I had in stock and let my imagination go wild. After I was done they helped me do the painting and added some cheap cat toys to it. Also If ya look close ya can see a fish light tube that was Nicoles that had been stored away years ago. Figured might as well put it to some use. Daughter Sarah arrived home just in time to help with final painting and attachments. Sarah Pam and I had a couple cold ones in celebrating her coming home, and finishing cat christmas present. Nicole, who ended up doing most of the painting had to settle for a non-acholic strawberry dakerie. All in all it was alot of fun and cats are luvin it. Vibrant color paint = $17.49 Misc. cat toys = $ 8.99 Happy cats = Priceless http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3665.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3660.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3652.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3655.jpg
  5. Hi, I'm new so if this isn't the right place for this I'm sorry. I have saphire blue and white frt. and bk. fenders and wheels, side covers and a new tank for a 1996 RSTC. These will fit later models up to 2001 I think. The tanks is only a few months old but the rest is from the bike(I bought a new set of everything for custom painting). All in very good condition. I thought I woud offer it to club members before I put them on Ebay. I would like $400 plus actual shipping for all. I would consider a trade for some parts such as a backrest and rack from a 2005 RSTD. I will email pictures to truley interested parties. Thanks RENO
  6. Check out this site....I just ordered vinyl diamond plate paper from them to re-do my garage cabinets. Sure beats painting them. http://cutsmetal.net/index.html
  7. My first few days with my ’85 VR and I am trying to work out all the gremlins. I am off to buy the Deka ETX18L battery today as it was obvious that the old battery is not holding up very well. I have a few questions. 1- Is it common to have constant power to the accessory fuse with key off? With key off and hooking up volt meter to ground of battery and accessory fuse I am seeing 8.53 volts, when switch is turned on this jumps to 12 volts. What does this fuse operate? I unplug fuse and everything seems to work fine without it. 2- I followed the directions in the post to override/fool the battery sensor by wiring in a resister however this did not work for me at all I tried both the 1kw and 2.2kw just like the post recommended but neither of them worked for me. Has anyone been able to get this to work? 3- What is the quick and easy way to restore the look of the black plastic panels surrounding the radio and other control panels? I am not ready to tear bike apart just yet so re painting is not an option. Unless you all tell me there is no other option then maybe masking the bike off and painting could be done sooner than later.
  8. Well we finally got around to shooting the Black Beast, not in the put it out of its misery shoot but it now has a fresh new paint job. Spent the last three nights with my buddy from work painting it and it came out great. He did an awesome job painting it. Below are the pics of the process. Hopefully will have it reassembled in a few days...........The color is Ford Black with Pewter Trim. Had to go back with Black, after about 20 different choices, decided Black is beautiful..............:dancefool:
  9. To Scrubbing Bubbles that is. I tried it out on my bike yesterday, it left spots on my vents and streaks on black lower portions of my side covers. I scrubbed like hell with some Armor All to get them off, but no luck. Looks as though I might have to do some painting.
  10. Ever think that chrome headlight shroud gives your 2nd gen a "cyclops" look? Here's a couple pics of mine I "cleaned up" (rather quickly) .... looks a whole lot cleaner to me now. I was contemplating getting a second chrome shroud and painting it to match the scoot just up to the forward edge and wondered what it would look like. I think I like it! 3rd pic of course is the stock one.
  11. finally i got this pos of a bike running now all i got to do is put some oil,antifreeze,andand a rebuild kit for the clutch resivore,and finish painting it and get on down the road with it hopefully
  12. I am repainting my 83 this winter. In the process of prepping, I'm stripping everything off the painted parts for a color change. I drilled out the rivets to seperate the trunk and saddlebags into halves and got everything off them except for the aluminum sealing trim. I really want this off for the painting so that the final job looks it's best. I removed all screws and drilled out every rivet yet I still cant get this stuff to release fro mthe plastic trunk and saddlebag halves. any tricks to removing this without breaking the trunk or scraping up the aluminum trim/seal track?
  13. Hello all i am in the middle of repainting my bike. This weekend i will have it all primed and water sanded to put paint on it. I will do that the folling weekend i will be going yellow and black and repainting the wheels black . I didnt think gray would go with the yellow and black then the long process of re assy i hope i remember how it gose back togeather. While its been apart i have a lot of accorys that were a wiring night mare i took them re wired them to a aftermarkit fuse box now the mess is gone when i am done i will post photos i am painting it myself i use to paint for a living but has been a while since i painted anything hope it turns out nice kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  14. Just finished painting trailer and getting it put back together.I will try to send some pics.Jerry M
  15. My 86 VR is the Urishi Black/Marshall Gold color tone. Not bragging; however, in my humble opinion, the bike's design and color looks better than most bike's out there. Just wished the plastic would hold up as well as the metal. Anyway, I am thinking about painting the "YAMAHA" side of the passenger floorboards. In my mind I have visualized, black paint for the inner textured part of the floorboard and gold for the letters YAMAHA to match the "Venture" wording on the bike. The all around outer 1" untextured part of the floorboard I have polished to a mirror finish. Any thoughts or better ideas about this. If some of you have done something similar, please let me know. I am open to any suggestions. Thanks, Allen Dallas, Texas
  16. I need some advice...I have a guy painting my bike (actually repainting the trunk and saddlebag) and he is trying to strip them down, but the paint won't come off. He paints cars (and does good work) but hasn't dealt with plastic much...how can he strip the clear and paint off (quickly and easily) so he can start shooting paint? He has tries a few different strippers, but they aren't taking the paint off. Looking for some help to move this project along and help him not to send days trying to get the old paint off. Dave
  17. So, I have painted 3 coats of black over the factory red paint, lightly sanding between coats and am now ready to spray a clear coat on. Do I lightly sand again between the clear coat layers? Iowa Guy (first time painter)
  18. I had some free time and I was a little bored so I took my bike apart. I've been wanting to get it painted and I was getting some run arounds from the people I had approached. One guy finally told me what the problem was: They've never worked on an RSV and didn't have any idea how long it would take to take the thing apart and put back together. The painting was the easy part. Another guy pretty much told me the same thing so I had given up for this year. But it was bugging me so I took out the tools and got started. Took me about 5 hours on Saturday and 2 hours today, but I finally got everything taken apart. I tried to be meticulous and place all of the nuts and bolts in separate baggies that I labeled where they came from, but I got a mess of baggies with nuts and bolts in 'em. Unbelievable how much stuff has to be taken apart to get to the nuts and bolts that actually hold up the parts I was trying to take off. Anyway, it's apart and now I'll contact a couple of places to get the best deal (note: not necessarily the lowest price). In the meantime, I've got one more week of school and then I'm off to Mexico again. When I get back, the painting should be done and I can begin the task of figuring out where everything goes. It should be interesting.
  19. If I was going to paint the engine in my 84... what kind of paint would be the best to use? I'm not to sure about painting the whole thing. Maybe just do some highlights to match the color of the bike.
  20. Ok I have a question on Paint. I have been reading the treads on here and other sites about Painting. But what is the difference in urethane, lacquer, and enamel? Still don't get it. What kind do you use when repainting a RSV? Need to do some plastice repair on trunk. What is the best way to do this? Please help guys. Want to try and do some of this work myself. Also Planning some special painting on the bike in different colors. Hope to be able to paint myself. What can you get for that kind of painting (picture) paints? Would model car type paint work? Just a thought than Clear coat over it. Help!
  21. I hate Painting and paints, as there seems to be so many different types of paints. Curious what should be used on our bikes ? I know about Color Rite, has anyone used this paint to completely repaint their bike, and do you get that high shine to it ? It was suggested a Base/Clear paint but that is seems very expensive. I also heard of Imron as a cheaper alternative, but was recomended to go with the Base/clear for the quality. I was curious about using different types of paints. Any suggestions ? Also is there any tricks to get that high shine or is it just a good clear coat. Brad
  22. I bought a harbor freight trailer kit. I will be painting it black as the standard red paint just doesn't go with my 2 tone blue 89 VR. I am curious as to what others have put on top of the trailer. I have looked at the Sears x-cargo 189.99 http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_02872020000P?vName=Automotive&cName=Automotive+Accessories&sName=Car+Top+%26+Hitch+Carriers The dimensions look like it would be alright. I checked into painting it to match the bike but wow. The body man said it would be $200 or more. That sort of negates the savings of the HF kit. He also incouraged me to get something in fiberglass. So, What have others put on top of their HF kits? Tim Lantz
  23. Looking for tips on painting my garage floor. Wally world had garage floor paint for $15 a gallon, lowes $25 a gallon and Menards has the epoxy kits for $64. Anyone thought on the pros and cons of each
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