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Found 17 results

  1. Let's see if this thread takes off. I will start with a word, and the following poster comes up with a word that is associated with it. For example, if I say the word "Lincoln" the next poster may say "President" or maybe even "Continental". I belong to another board where this thread has gone for over 400 pages before problems had to lock the thread. They started another and it is going like crazy. Its fun to see what people come up with. I'll start a few to get it going.
  2. On some of the post pages and how can I get rid of them?
  3. Take advantage of these nice days and get out and play the Great Venture Scavenger Hunt. I know this has been going on a lot longer than I have been here but it's been fun and only a handful of folks playing. After looking back over the first 55 pages of the post I think its safe to say that the early drama is gone and the rules ? Well I have been here long enough to know what some of you think about rules ? So come bend a few and have a ride.
  4. Can I change the number of threads displayed? When I click on the "New Posts" link at the top of the page I always get up to 25 threads listed, is there a way to increase this number? I do have the replies per page at the max number for when I am in a thread but can not find the setting to increase the number of threads displayed in "New Posts". If I actually have to do work at work there is always pages of new posts by the time I get back here. Sometimes if there are a lot of threads that need reading and or replies the system will timeout and I will end up missing the older ones on the later pages.
  5. Had nothing to do and while I was surfing ebay I typed in Stuff in the search column, just to see what came up. Seems that there is over 700 pages of stuff available. Wonder what would come up if I typed in crap?
  6. Hey Freebird, would it be possible to put the "More button" with pages at the top right corner of this page (Active Threads From Forums), rather than or also at the bottom, and also always active page nimbers to move to the next pages ? Then only one stroke would be needed to move to the next active page of posts - MORE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Now when you click on the More button it takes you to the top and then you must scroll down again to got to the next page. Hope this makes since, just try it and you will see what I mean. I personally use this home page feature more than the forums pages any how. Just a thought here. Thank you for what you do here. Fuzzy
  7. Hopefully it's not too serious somebody try to post to the thread help a new guy - it shows 3 pages NOT http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=56484
  8. Hey...you guys riding the Tour Deluxe...check this out: http://www.baggersmag.com/features/1008_hrbp_2009_yamaha_royal_star_tour_deluxe/index.html This pimped-out bike made an appearance in the August 2010 issue of Baggers Magazine, online and on the newsstand.. No small achievement! Three pages on the website and five full pages in the magazine. Stick THAT in your Road-King pipe and smoke it!
  9. oldgoat


    whats with all the pages of welcome? and who is justin?
  10. If I received a freind's request from someone and did not want to be their friend. I had two options, accept or ignore. If I hit the ignore button, do they instantly know I've ignored them or does it just kind of sits on their pages unaccepted? Thanks in advance....
  11. I have several versions of the 83 Service Manual that I have downloaded and they are all missing some common pages. Pages are only partially scanned and have large black areas on them. There are 10 pages missing or incomplete. I included page 183 below so you can see what I am referring to. Would someone that has a hard copy manual please scan these pages and send them to me. The higher the scan resolution the better. I have the software that I can replace the bad pages and I will post a complete manual. First number is chapter & page number in printed manual, followed by what appears to be detailed on that page. Number on next line is the PDF page number for reference in two different copies that I have. 2-5 - Deals with TDC mark & valves 150 3-5 - Engine removal 183 3-10 - Engine dis-assembly 188 3-52 - Right after clutch reassembly 230 3-55 - Cam chain installation 233 3-58 - Oil pipe installation 236 5-20 - Brake master cylinder 275 6-2 - Coolant replacement 316 7-27 - Brake light wiring 354 8-3 - Appendix Bulb specs 403 Gary
  12. Hi folks, I've been editing the Wikipedia Venture and RSV pages. I'm getting ready to bring the Venture page up to the style of the RSV page. As such I'm looking for a good pic (1024x768 res or better) of each Mk of the First Gen to put on the page. The pic has to be yours and you have to release it into the public domain. At this point I really only need two. I might be able to get away with one of each year, though I'm not sure how the senior editors feel about that sort of thing. Now you could do this yourself, but you have to do a minimum number of edits before you're allowed to post pics. Naturally corrective edits are welcome on either page. It's not like I own 'em or anything. I'm just trying to keep them in the same basic layout as the RSV one since it's similar to most of the other more established Wikipedia pages. I'm hoping that changing the page to a more Encyclopedic format will put an end to the battles over the adverts for the web sites that Freebird found when he first started the pages. (Thanks for starting them Don.) Anyone interested?
  13. bossman


    I was wondering if anyone has clicked on the e-bay link on the bottom of the page. When I click on it it does take me to ebay but there is 45 pages to the link and it is not all about bikes or bike parts. ??????????????????????????
  14. How do you get one posted on your post pages?
  15. I've had two reports from people who tell me that the donation button in the upper right of the menu bar and also the one in the left menus do not work and you just get a blank page with some text. If that is happening, then you just need to clear your browsers "cache" because it is pulling up old pages from your cache. Some have also told me that they don't want to "subscribe" because they don't want it to automatically bill them again a year from now. Please note, ONLY the monthly subscriptions are automatic billing. For the yearly ones, you will get a reminder but will NOT be automatically billed.
  16. I have a Chilton Motorcycle repair manual for sale if anyone's interested. Covers BMW, BSA, Bultaco, Harley, Honda, Kawasaki, Montesa, MotoGuzzi, Norton, OSSA, Suzuki, Truimph, Yamaha .... I'm gussing it's for bikes around 1970 era as I got it when I had my '72 Truimph back around 1976. The book was published in 1974. It's in pretty good shape...has a bit of a "burn" on the edge of the front cover that extends to the first 2 or 3 pages. 1376 pages in total. No idea what this book is worth so if anyone's interested, make me a offer...I'll ship it COD or will find out shipping cost and add that to the price.
  17. OK, I've removed my carbs because the intake manifolds are getting huge cracks. Earlier someone had mentioned these cracks would be cosmetic only because the intakes had metal sleeves in the core. NOT MINE!! Some of these cracks actually only tissue paper thickness from breaking through. Boy am I glad I pulled the carbs.. But that's getting sidetracked..... :whistling: I've read the tech pages and a few of the threads regarding rejetting. There seems to be some cloudy areas and I really don't want to go through this more then one time... :confused07: In the tech pages I'm getting the impression Don is saying changing the main jets isn't gonna help that only the pilot jet needs to be replaced. Is that what the general feeling is now? In one of the threads someone mentioned they got negative results from shimming the needles. Can anyone shed better light on this? Is modifying the air intake still recommended? If so, can someone point me to "HOW TO"? Pictures might be nice here also... Well I guess that's about it. Thanks in advance for any help...
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