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  1. Folks, I'm getting emails every day asking if it is possible to join or renew memberships by credit or debit card for those without PayPal accounts. Please note, you do NOT need a PayPal account in order to pay with a credit/debit card or an e-check. If you do not want to use PayPal but DO want to use your credit or debit card, you can simply click on "settings" at the upper right corner of the page, scroll down until you see "Paid Subscriptions" in the left menu. Click on that link. You will then see a page that says "VentureRider Support" with a drop down box on the right side. Click on the arrow on that drop down box and select the only option, 1 year - $12.00. The click the button that says "Order". That will open a new page. Click the button that says "Order Using PayPal". There will be a link on that page to pay using a credit or debit card without a PayPal account. In that case, they are just the credit card processor. That will open another page. From that page, you can login and pay with your PayPal account OR you can select the option that says "Don't have a PayPal Account"? Click "Continue" beside that option and you will get a page where you can use your credit or debit card or e-check without a PayPal account. In this case, I am simply using PayPal as my credit card processor. In the attached image, I have circled the part that I am talking about. Thanks, Don
  2. We are in the process of rebuilding our VR Assistance List. If you can and are willing to offer assistance to a member who is riding through your area, please edit your profile to include that information. Simply click on "Settings" at the upper right of the page and then scroll down to "Edit Profile". Near the bottom you will find a place to select "yes or no" in regards to offering local assistance and then a place to select services that you may be able to offer. Cowpuc just mentioned in another thread another, and maybe easier, way to get to it. Click "forum actions" in the small menu at the top. Select edit profile. Scroll down and you'll see where to select your information.
  3. When I hit "Mark Forums Read", I got a box/window near the top of the page called "Shoutbox" with a bunch of strange info. Anyone else get that?
  4. According to the Welcome page it says "Everybody here is on equal standing" ...
  5. Chris Hammon wanted to join our FB page, but I did not see him listed as a VR.Org member. I sent him a message on his FB page requesting him to join VR.Org. first and then he can become a member on our FB page. I accidendently blocked him on FB, and I am not sure how to undo what I did . If anyone knows Chris, as a member here please accept his request on FB. I could not find his name in our community. Thanks Eck
  6. The only thing I can think of that I have not added back to the forum is the countdown page. It was the page that counted down the days until various rallies and etc. I think that those events get enough attention here and on the calendar that the countdown page was pretty much just a novelty. What are your opinions? Is it something that any of you really miss?
  7. All I get is a blank screen, and at the bottom of the "Forums" page there is no statistics for chat...
  8. No problem, I have Firefox and Chrome as well, but Windows installed an update last night and now IE opens but never finds my home page. It still works fine internally but I can't get onto the internet with it. I use IE as default. Anyone else having this issue???
  9. OK folks, I have started rebuilding our 2013 VentureRider Rally countdown page. I've added the information that I have at this time. Please take a look and post any additional information that you might have. There are at least a couple that I'm not sure will be repeating and if they are, what the dates might be. http://www.venturerider.org/rally/
  10. OK folks. I need to rebuild the event countdown page for 2013. This is mainly for our regular events, not the smaller meet and eats. Take a look at the VR Rallies page and let me know the dates for your regular events and any that need to be added. I'm not real strict on what is included but the page is a bit tricky to build and if possible, don't want to be adding little dinner rides and etc. all the time.
  11. There will be a poker run/benefit for Lane Goodwin of Beech Grove,Ky. on Sat. Oct. 20th at the Henderson County Fairgrounds in Henderson, Ky. Regestration at 10 am, first bike out at 11 am, last bike in at 2 pm. Approximately 50-60 mi. ride. $15 single or $20 couple, prizes for best and worst hand, all proceeds benefit the Goodwin family. Those of you with a Facebook account can read about Lane at the ( Prayers for Lane Goodwin ) page. His facebook page has over 258,000 likes and the list of people giving him the "two thumbs up for Lane" is amazing, rock stars, country artist, tv and movie stars, and lots of average joe's giving support( he's battling a rare form of cancer only 1 per million kids get, 13 yrs old). Come out and enjoy a nice October Western Ky. ride/benefit and get a blessing in return. All times Central time.
  12. Its a boy !!!!!!....Louciano William..7 lbs. 7oz....Mother and child doing great....Guess I'll have to change my info on my bio page.......
  13. Looking to see if Stebel has a distributor in Canada. A location I had purchased mine from before no longer lists it on their product page. Went to Stebel's home page and the banner says "we are now back in business". http://www.stebel.it/stebel2012/default.asp Considering replacing the stock horn in the left lower fairing. One question ... is there room for a Stebel Nautilus (or Wolo Bad Boy) ? Second question... how loud will it be considering it is inside the lower? Better place to mount it? (off engine guard above and to the right of the toe shifter was a consideration)
  14. I started a Facebook Page for the Venture to Galena 2013 International Rally if you want to follow the progress and pictures we will add. https://www.facebook.com/events/273807886053192/
  15. Hello All, I'd like to think i'm not a complete idiot (perhaps this is merely wishful thinking)... I have a '96 RS (boulevard?) and i belive is a XVZ13A. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2012-07-20_11-40-40_132.jpg I have the had this bike only for a couple of weeks and have been pretty happy with it other than the pesky vibration in 4th and 5th gears. I have read (and have been told) that i need to sync my carbs, so i bought a motion pro (i've read that the glycol will stick to the tubes of the gage and sure enough they do and i already wish i had gotten a morgan carbtune). At any rate, after calibrating the tool and hooking it up to the carbs the sync looked like this. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2012-07-29_14-15-33_156.jpg So i began to sync the carbs using this page from my clymer manual http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2012-07-29_20-14-38_307.jpg However, this page is very different than the carb sync in some of the tchnical lbraries here as well as on Venturers http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002010&id=311 Well, to say the least i never got the carbs sync'd correctly and it's now worse. The screw to sync 1-2 worked perfect but the others adjustments didn't work correctly. Though i haven't ridden it, it backfires and pops and smells "hot" (lean) after adjusting the "A" screw to sync 4-3 and then the "B" screw to sync 2-4. Can anyone with a '96 tell me if the page from the book that i have attached is correct? If not can anyone tell me what the "A" and the "B" screws do on my bike so i can get them back to what they should be? Thanks in advance all. John
  16. Couple of links below to the history of our younger cousin, the VMax. http://www.vmaxguru.com/Tech/Gen1/Pages/History/Gen1_History.htm http://www.monstermax.com/Yamaha%20Vmax%20History.html Link to the V-boost page doesn't work in the 2nd one. Gary
  17. VR photo front page Gopro facebook page any of our members?
  18. Michael Brady Use my name as the (Name) then hit vote 4 minutes ago · Can You imagine? what a great importunity Mission: Small Business℠ http://www.missionsmallbusiness.com Chase and LivingSocial are awarding $250,000 Grants. Vote for your favorite small business at http://www.missionsmallbusiness.com. Miramar, General Contractor-Ex-Tex Residential Builder-Handyman Services the page you get to gives your 2 options ( click on the right one) The next page will give you Company Name, Entire my Name Michael Brady (hit vote)
  19. LtShame


    Is there a Facebook page for Ventureriders??...It would be easier to communicate with each other.
  20. I see many posts here stating that the search function does not work or does not work well but if you know he best way to use it, it actually works very well and is simple to use. I concede that the base function included with VBulletin leaves a lot to be desired. That is why I long ago installed a modification called "Google Search". It is very simple to use and returns much better results than the standard search function. Here is the best way to search the VentureRider forum. First of all. Make sure you are on the home page of the forum, NOT the Venturerider home page. The home page of the forum is the page that lists all the various forum areas such as Watering Hole, First Gen Tech Talk, etc. To make it simple, you want to be at http://www.venturerider.org/forum At the top of the page are two blue menu bars. You will see the "Search" link in the lower menu bar. It is the third button from the right side. Click on the "Search" button and a drop down menu will open. Do not enter your search terms in the top field. Look at the very bottom of the drop down menu and you will see an option for "Google Search". That is what you want to use. Enter your search term, for example "oil", in the field just below "Google Search". Do NOT click search just yet. You have two selections to choose from just under the field where you enter your search terms. The are "web" and "www.venturerider.org". You want to click on the circle beside "www.venturerider.org". That way you are searching only the venturerider forum and not the entire Internet. After you have entered your search term and clicked on "www.venturerider.org", then click the button that says "Google Search". That's all there is to it and it works very well. I am adding some pictures to show exactly what you should be seeing. The first picture simply shows which search button I am referring to. The second shows what you should see when you click on the search link. The third shows what you should enter to search for, example, oil.
  21. If I come on to this sight after being off for awhile the main page is new as it should be. New posts and all. if I click on a post and read it and then go back. It takes me back to old posts days ago. If I hit refresh all is well again untill I read another post and then get out of it the new page is gone and replaced with old posts. What is going on?
  22. I know some of you here on VR may get tired of my postings about St. Jude and Cancer Research. But it is stories like this that break my heart and make my determination even stronger to raise funds to help find a cure for cancer. Small donations from large groups such as ours make a difference. I am not asking for donations, I am pleading for help for all the young cancer victims out there. You dont have to make your donations to me, you can make them via the Mean Dog Tribute page, you can become a partner in Hope at the St. Jude Web site. Its not about what I can do, its about what we all can do to make a difference. Please read this story and tell me it cant happen to you or your loved ones or a friend, cause it happens every day, every hour, every minute to someone's loved one. I know, it has happened to me, and just about every member here losing someone to cancer or someone battling cancer. "NEGU" WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif. (AP) — A Southern California girl who became a nationally recognized face of child cancer with a blog that chronicled her fight against brain tumors has died. Jessica Joy Rees was 12 years old. Jessica's family announced her death on her Facebook page, stating that her 10-month battle with brain cancer ended Thursday. Tens of thousands of people responded by posting updates to the page in a show of support that includes "likes" and prayers. By Friday afternoon the outpouring surpassed Jessica's goal to get one "like" for each of the estimated 50,000 American children with cancer. The Orange County seventh-grader, called "Jessie" by family and friends, began her blog and Facebook page after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in March. A second tumor was discovered in September. While some of her posts discussed her struggles as she underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments, others urged readers in dozens of countries to support pediatric cancer research and to pray for other children with the illness. She always signed her posts with the acronym "NEGU" (NEE'-goo), short for "never ever give up." Also, she and her parents started The NEGU Foundation, a nonprofit organization to raise awareness of pediatric cancer, support sufferers and raise money for research. The foundation sold and provided thousands of "JoyJars" stuffed with candy and toys to sick children. More than 3,000 were sold and distributed in 27 states last year, according to the NEGU website. After her diagnosis, Rancho Santa Margarita youngster received tickets to "American Idol" and arrived with signs that read "NEGU Casey" to support contestant Casey Abrams, the Orange County Register (http://bit.ly/yJwyF3) reported. Co-host Ryan Seacrest also allowed her to announce country singer, and eventual winner, Scott McCreery. Jessica wrote on Facebook that her mission was "to encourage kids fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up by spreading hope, joy and love. A cheerful heart is great medicine." A celebration service was scheduled for Wednesday at the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, where her father, Erik Rees, is a pastor.
  23. I was checking MPG when we went away this past summer and then when I got home I just kept keeping track. Attached is a couple of charts with all the fuel records, with a trailer and without. The first page is pretty accurate, but the second page may be off one or two fill ups either way. To those who get higher MPG, I don't know how you do it, but I am sure we do not drive the same. PS. Takes too long at every fill up so I am not checking anymore Brad
  24. Hey Freebird, would it be possible to put the "More button" with pages at the top right corner of this page (Active Threads From Forums), rather than or also at the bottom, and also always active page nimbers to move to the next pages ? Then only one stroke would be needed to move to the next active page of posts - MORE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Now when you click on the More button it takes you to the top and then you must scroll down again to got to the next page. Hope this makes since, just try it and you will see what I mean. I personally use this home page feature more than the forums pages any how. Just a thought here. Thank you for what you do here. Fuzzy
  25. Hello Everyone: We had been planning a ride back to our Daughter's home in Riverside WY. We dropped in on her on the way home from the Cody Rally. I envited a few local VR.org members Patrolman46 and Babe, Vstar1230 LoriB along with Roger and Lori H from the Venture Owners FB page along with a few others. Ended up with 9 riders on 7 bikes. Rode 600 miles over the weekend. Made more new friends. RogerII has join our group as a result of our trip. Proud to be a member here!!!
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