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Found 19 results

  1. Received a package from St. Jude today, in it were a plaque and a letter of thanks for our donation this year, thought I would share with the membership. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
  2. I had previously posted a query about how to repair the broken rear trunk lock bracket which broke off the lid. A lot of suggestions forwarded and a lot of attempts 'attempted' but they failed unfortunately.. Even using the ABS glue and sealant, making a slurry trick didn't work (poor man's welding). No matter what I had tried, a day's ride and vibes would break the bond. I can now happily say I have the lock bracket glued and secured in place for the past 2 weeks with a lot of locking useage, variable heat and humidity and vibes to really put the test to it and it's a good bond.. this one ain't going to come apart. Ultra Bond Plastic Expoxy... It comes in a purple package, comes in the typical 2 parts mini-containers. You brush on one liquid to both parts and let dry 30 secs, and then apply a bead to one part, and press together for 30 secs.. full solid bond in 24 hours as most 2 part epoxies do.. I tried to find an online image of the package to make it easier for others to locate but to no avail.. Oh and when they say "caution, bonds skin instantly" they mean it.. kewl. The product causes the two parts to melt and bond, basically 'welding' to each other very nicely. So, after 2 weeks, the bracket is rock solid and shows no signs of fatigue or re-cracking. I still have the package in the trunk, if someone is desperate enough to need to see it I can do a pic and post it.. etc.. FYI to a fix that actually worked.. =)
  3. Sorry if this has already been discussed but I did a quick search and did not find an answer in the posts I read. I went to the Sirius website and discovered that they list two different diaphrams for my 1986 Venture Royale. One is a package of four SD1 diaphrams and the other is single SD10's. Anybody know which is the best one for my bike and what the difference would be. They look different from each other in the pictures. Price is similar.
  4. Get this: The guy whom sold me my 1st Venture (I've had many other bikes) actually told me that it had a "passing gear" when I mentioned to him about the clutch slip! I had never heard of anything like this before, but he swore he found it on the internet after the guy he bought it from told him about it. Correct me if I am wrong, but these bikes are like the Suzuki Cavalcade, prone for an under engineered clutch that needs attention because of slippage when the throttle is twisted hard. I talked to a guy at PCW racing today who is putting together a complete clutch package for around $120.00 or so. Is this pretty much inline for a price? I measured a couple of friction disks, and they were borderline in spec, so I am going for the whole package (it has the 6 spring setup). I would appreciate any help you guys could give me, as I lost my job and my unemployment ran out sometime back. Thank you!!
  5. I have purchased an older model Escapade Classic Trailer and want to make a cooler rack to install on the chrome trailer tongue. California Side Car who makes this trailer, offers one for the trailer, but I would like to use my own cooler and thus have to make my own rack. Their package is made for their cooler. I did purchase the chrome mounting brackets from them for their cooler package as they sold them separately, but have not seen how to use them to make a rack. It is not self-explanatory (LOL).. If you have an Escapade Trailer with the cooler rack, would you take a couple of pictures of the rack so that I will know how to start making my own... Another reason I didn't buy their package, was the color of the cooler cover. It won't match my bike (2000MM RSV Pearl/Sand). Thanks in advance for your time... BTW: You can email them to me if you don't want to post them on this site... (anelson43@aol.com)
  6. I ordered the gauge set that Ponch designed and sells to replace the cassette deck in our second gen Ventures. I just want to say to anyone considering it, ORDER IT NOW. It is a well thought out quality package with EVERYTHING you need to install. It comes with awesome instructions, should be a straight forward install. Thanks Ponch! Ron:bighug:
  7. Your care package arrived. You better watch yourself...you are going to end up with a reputation of being a very sweet lady.
  8. Didja recently get an oddly shaped package ?? inquiring minds want to know
  9. We are one week away from the International Rally. If you are coming to the rally and haven't ordered a rally package or just the dinner if you don't want a shirt and patch, Please do so ASAP. We need to get a good headcount to get the food ordered for the dinner. Package consists of a shirt, a patch and dinner - $50.00 per person Dinner only - $24.00 per person Payment information: Paypal - CFAS@Juno.com or check or money order to: Russell Hicks 185 Redwood Rd Apple Valley MN 55124 We're trying to get everything finalized this week, thanks for your help.
  10. Just to let everyone know... I am starting to receive payments for the Rally Package and more "Donations" for the 2010 International Rally. Have been putting in 12-14 hour days here for about the past month and spending a lot of road time for work. Right now it looks like my schedule will give me at least one day at home this week end. So, will try and get receipts out to everyone. Russell
  11. He told me he got the package today. He also said he loves you. Thanks Sweetie. Margaret
  12. Been looking for the package price for t-shirt,patch and dinner. Can't seem to find it. Has it been posted yet? Might help if I could find my glasses
  13. Seriously considering getting an iPhone for Krome Rose and myself. I have been researching them along with the LG Vu, LG Shine, and LG Insite. Apple has so many more applications for the iPhone and the LG's run on a Windows platform. From the reviews I have read on LG's they don't seem very reliable. Are the iPhones a good reliable piece of equipment? Are they easy to use, or is there a steep learning curve? Another question I have is about the iPhone Maps program. Does that come standard on the iPhone and does it cost extra over the required data package? Thanks in advance.
  14. I stopped at the Herley dealer in Lawton this weekend. Wanted to check on a hand pump for my shock. But never did. they kept trying to sell me a new ultra. Got me to wondering about gauges tho. Has anyone or does any one know of a gauge package that works good with our ventures. I was thinking about removing the useless tape deck and trying to fit up some mini analog gauges in there. Temp, oil p, oil temp, and volt meter. Fishing for thoughts. Oh by the way it was 80 here on Saturday. Today we got freezin rain. Had to drive the pickup:cry:
  15. I blew a couple of fuses which go to the radiator fan over the course of three weeks or so. I came up with some time to investigate the reason for blowing these fuses, and I also had a new package of assorted fuses. A fuse is a fuse right? I found them while visiting one of those cheap Chinese tool establishments. A whole package of 20 fuses for just a couple of bucks! Anyway, I plugged a fresh new 10 amp in, turned on the key and proceeded into my shop to retrieve my meter to do a little resistance checking. As I turned and walked toward my sweet '86 now parked in the driveway, I saw a mushroom shaped plume of smoke rising from my bike. I screamed to my bike, turned off the ignition and looked to see if I needed to grab a water hose. The smoke cleared and it was evident whatever was burning had stopped. First thing I checked was the fresh new fuse I had just installed. The freakin' plastic surrounding the element was melted away but the metal element was as good as new. Heck, I could've looped a piece of clothes hanger and got that result! Anyway, after tearing apart the wiring harness, replacing all the fried wiring which was now just strands of charred copper and melted insulation, I went to NAPA and bought good fuses. It's been three weeks with no new burned fuses and the fan works great. Lesson learned. Maybe this post will save you from the same experience.
  16. Black Owl


    Pegscraper... Got the package the other day. Just what I needed for the project.
  17. or heard tell of. my bike has been in my "work shed", for better than three MONTHS! not a soul around it, except me. a couple of weeks ago, i did the "battery cable upgrade", and ALL was fine. today, i went out there, and the WHOLE RIGHT FRONT " FAIRING, has begun to disintegrate! right in front of where my right knee would normally ride, the whole corner, is split completely through, from top to bottom. the side that attaches to the frame, is also broken. two pieces, almost as large a cigarette package, stayed on the bike , when i took the fairing off. i will definitely take my "gremlin bells" off, tomorrow! they seem to be attracting the little devils, instead of warding them off! anyone else ever had this sort of problem? just jt
  18. My wife and I took a ride this last summer up, into SD and ND, through WY. We live in Colorado and have lots of roads to look at here. This next summer we plan on Yellowstone and a bunch of Id. My question is about roadside coverage for a problem. AAA has it as part of a RV package but I don't have a RV. Is there any thing else out there that is reliable. Look forward to hearing from you guys. This site is the best for working out questions that come up. Thanks.
  19. I have no problems with either service. When you live in the country no cable available it's either satellite tv or nothing. We had direct for a few years and switched to dish to get a discount package and new equipment. Now after 3 years with dish I'm thinking about switching back to direct for new equipment and a package discount for another year. I have no problem with a 18 month contract. My real question is HD receivers and $10 a month for HD service worth it. I can upgrade to direct with a free HD receiver. I could always call dish and negotiate with them to keep my business.Rumour has it dish is asking for a rate increase in Feburary.
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