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  1. there has been some renewed interest in my detachable tour pack bracket and i am in process of having six made (three already sold). they are glossy black powder coated with mounting hardware. price is $225.00 and you pay shipping. i will have three left, so if you are interested give me a shout. buz http://i42.tinypic.com/1hcpk0.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/5n55pu.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/rw6fqw.jpg
  2. I just got done installing a tour pack on my 07 RSTD. Not very staisfied with the pack. It's a little small and cheaply made, but it has some cool LED lights. I think I will install a Harley tour pack when I find one that won't break the bank. What do you think? Mark
  3. Dose anyone know if a tour pack from a venture would fit a royal star or do they make a after market one?
  4. Leaving Saturday for a 12 day trip from Kansas City, MO to Bar Harbor, Maine, then down along the coast and eventually winding our way back to KC. Here's my question. When we go on our longer trips, we have a few more things than normal, and since we are going up to the NE, and the weather will be cooler and rainy from the looks of it, we will pack some extra things for that too. Now, I can get it all on the bike, including using the luggage rack, with the bag made to attach to it. When I calculate my weight that I will add on the bike, and then add myself and tailgunner, we are running pretty heavy, I think. We have done it for many miles that way but I am setup on the bike and have a nice little trailer that I can pull along... So, if I take all that weight off the bike (luggage, not tailgunner) and put it in the trailer with a tongue weight of about 20 pounds, would that be a better option? I will have less weight on the bike, but more weight behind me, and gas mileage goes down, and so forth.... So what say ye? What would be the preferred way to do this? Thanks Ex
  5. Last week while at B2Dad's M & E I lost a concho off one of my mud flaps so had to look for a replacement. Couldn't find anything matching the originals so ordered some online. I went from a plain concho to a star with engraved ring and also changed the black fringe to red, then found some red vinyl material as a backing for some nice contrast. Minimum order was a 10 pack & since I needed 6 to have a full set of matching that worked out OK. Once I got the replacements done and having a few extra I decided to get creative with the air cleaner. Larry
  6. I am installing a Barnett clutch pack #306-90-20082 and SR-2 kit in my 08 venture. With the spring plate torqued in place and the cover ready to go on. I still have considerable play in the clutch pack. It feels like I am missing one or more discs. Is play normal here or should torquing the spring plate have tightened everything up? Thanks for any guidance. Mike
  7. All, I am looking to add a venture tour pack truck, backrest and such to my 2008 RSTD. I have the hand grips and the trunk itself. I need the backrest, mounting brackets and other pieces. Where can I get a list of complete parts and where can I get the parts? I know I have seen some of the other RSTD owners do this and post some awesome pictures. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  8. OK...I finally got a few minutes tonight to see about putting my bike back together as a refresher....1988 VR, replacing the steering bearings. So...I put the bearing races and triple tree in the freezer to "shrink" them Races went into the neck just fine! I was told to put the bearings in the oven at about 200' or so to expand them, then tap them on with some PVC pipe. Question....how to I pack the bearings? Before the heat...they'll just melt the grease out of the bearings and make a mess. After the heat?...Still, will the grease not just heat up and run out? And by the time I pack them...will they not cool off too much?
  9. So, I've learned what to pack and how to pack from the great posts on this site, but the better half is still looking for a little more area. On one of my rides I saw a HD with a small strap on piece of luggage that hooked to the saddlebag rails. It was about a 16x6X4 high. I thought it might be a nice place to put glasses, gloves, sun tan lotion and such. Any body seen such a thing, or know where to find it? :think::think:
  10. Wife and I wanted to add a trunk / tour pack for longer trips, to our Tour Deluxe. I bought a trunk bracket from a wrecked late model Venture. First thing I found was that the posts for the latch for the detachable passenger back rest are in the location where two mounting bolts need to be for the Venture bracket. So, I drilled them out from the back, then tapped holes for bolts. The weld from the pins left me with enough metal to get about 4 threads in each hole. I mounted the bracket...then.... I had purchased an aftermarket Harley tour pack as it had the largest capacity of any of the trunks I saw on the internet. It arrived, very nice with passenger back rest. Now my problem. The bottom of the tour pack is formed to fit a different bracket. It isn't just flat. Of course, these inverse ribs don't align with the Venture bracket. Has anyone dealt with this issue?
  11. E Bay had a set of Venture tour pack brackets / support frames so I just purchased these. I have purchased an aftermarket, Harley style tour pack to do on it. Has anyone done this combination and what about height for the back cushion? My wife is about 5'5" and I would like to get the trunk painted to match and get it all installed by Christmas as a surprise. Any insight from experienced folks would be appreciated. Thanks.
  12. The question is to anyone that has installed the HD licence plate light bar on their bike. What has anyone done to finish off the 90 degree bend at the top of the bracket with the two holes in it. I believe the two holes were used to bolt it to a tour pack or frame work that the tour pack is attached to. With the RSTD the bend is very visible since we do not have a rear trunk, it's not that it is terribly distasteful, it just looks like something is missing.
  13. Printer has been out of ink because I just don't have the $68.00 to by the 5 cartridge pack of ink. Seen on e-bay a company in California selling a compatible 5 pack with chips for $10.80 and free shipping so I decided to give them a try. They arrived today, so I installed them, did the print tests and printed out a couple of things. They seem to work great. If they don't last as long as the Cannons I can buy 6 sets of these for the price of 1 set of the Cannons. Just so they don't damage the printer.
  14. A man called home to his wife and said, "Honey, I have been asked to fly to Canada with my boss and several of his friends for fishing. We'll be gone for a long weekend. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so could you please pack enough clothes for a 3 day weekend. And also would you get out my rod and tackle box from the attic? We're leaving at 4:30 pm from the office and I will swing by the house to pick my things up. Oh! And please pack my new navy blue silk pajamas..” The wife thought this sounded a bit odd, but, being the good wife, she did exactly what her husband asked. Following the long weekend he came home a little tired, but, otherwise, looking good. The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish? He says, “Yes! Lots of Walleyes, some Bass, and a few Pike.” Then he asked: “But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do?” You'll love the answer... The wife replied, "I did. They're in your tackle box". Never, Never, Never try to outsmart a woman!!!
  15. Can I print of a list of VR assist by state only? Something to pack with me on different trips. Thanks
  16. Thought I would share this with you, it is the original 1998 Venture Press Pack presumably released to accompany the launch of the bike for 1999. Dont know if anyone has put this on the site but here goes. RSV2 is the booklet. RSV2a is the remaining photographs and graphic card that held a disk with the photographs on. The final one is the Press Pack Cover. I dont think Yamaha will mind. Neil (oldminer).
  17. Which Branch of the Service Do Your Prefer? An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having marched 12 miles, and says, "This is crap!" An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles, and says with a smile, "This is good crap!" A Navy SEAL lies in the mud, 55 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having had a 10 mile swim to shore, a five crawl through swamps, and a 25 mile march in jungle, at night, through enemy positions, says with a grin, "This really is great crap." A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 pound pack on his back and a 15 pound weapon in each hand, after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to the shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I love this crap." An Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's out? What kind of crap is this?"
  18. I'm ready to look for a new rain suit. I have a set of Frogg Togg Road Toads but I don't like the pants. After wearing them a few times they seem really worn in the crotch and seat area. The jacket seems OK. I have a pair of nylon rain pants I picked up at the Bass Pro shop that I really like but I have a hole in one of the legs that I've got patched with duct tape. The things I like about these pants is that they pack up really small into their own back pocket and they are light weight. I've looked at Nelson Riggs, Tourmaster and Fieldsheer suits and they all seem to be much heavier and bulkier to pack and they seem like they would be very hot during summer showers. I stopped at a Harley shop recently and found this packable suit that seems OK but I hate the logo emblazend across the back, http://www.stpaulharley.com/Men-s-Packable-Rainsuit-98028-09VM-p/98028-09vm.htm I don't want pants with suspenders because I want to be able to throw the jacket on first quickly if I need to. What's everybody using for rain gear? Dennis
  19. I noticed that my tour pack had some water in it from a rain storm the other night. I believe that the oring might be shot. Any one know where a guy can get a new one? 84 yamaha venture xvz1200
  20. Just got done mounting a tour pack. The pack is a cheap one, I think it cost around $135.00 but it had some cool LED lights installed. It seems to work okay for now. But I want to purchase a Harley tour pack if I can find one without breaking the bank.
  21. Just got a set of sealed bearings for the front end of my 1988. Question is the bearings are pre-greased but seem so very little, should I pack or use them as is. Thanks cimack77
  22. Hello my friends another question about tourpack mounting, I am wanting to maintain the quick release system, I do not want to butcher up my oem passenger backrest. So what alternatives are there? I will be mounting a Roadking tour pack, if I can figure this out. If you are one of the guys who has already figured this out and is selling please let me know ASAP so I can get the Tourpack ordered. Norr3mi@aol.com 309-620-2855 thanks everyone/.
  23. Kirby


    Well I haven't used a tent since 1990 and Desert Shield. Now I'm thinking I may want to try it on some of my riding adventures. Any of you got any recommendations as to the type of tent I should look for?? I want something that will pack up tight because I don't have a trailer yet for my RSV. Just maybe for 2 people. Any suggestions???
  24. At the store the other day a gentleman was buying a 24 pack of Pepsi which was on sale for 6.95. In line behind him a young lady had 2 12 packs at $4.95 each. Trying to be helpful, the gentleman told the young lady that buying the 24 pack was much cheaper. She thanked, and then stated that they didn't drink that much Pepsi in a week to make it worth her while to buy the 24 pack. Now, how does one respond to that???? And no, she wasn't blond.
  25. He was one of the riders in The Poker Run .......ITS LOUD !!! The organizers placed him in Back pf the Pack
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