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  1. When i got my 85 I thought the seat was dirty. It also was sticky to the touch on the passenger seat. Its already stained a pair of the girlfriends pants. I've tried cleaning it with everything i can think of . So far Windex and nail polish remove have worked BUT Now I'm wondering am i taking a color layer off the top of the seat or am i removing some sort of foreign goo that has been deposited by the prevoius owner in cleaning/treating the seat. The sticky layer can be "rolled" with the finger like glue on a sticker. I read on another site that Armor All might be the culprit If so is there a way to remove it or do i have a seat that needs replacing?
  2. I saw a real nice gold VR east of Rochester NY today in Wayne County. It had a tag on it that said "Fifth Anniversary". What model year would that be anyway? Also, if the owner could PM me for a quick question, it would be appreciated.
  3. I think the sign says it all.
  4. I may have the chance to put some teeth into my 05 RSTD By changing out the valves ,cams ,timing curve and possibly changing pipes. I had been talking to the owner of a local Yammie shop who builds speed bikes for Bonneville. Cliff Gullett, Owner of Team Bozeman Motorsports has set several records himself. http://www.team-bozeman.com/custompage2.asp?pg=BonnevilleRacingTeam For about $2300 he says he can get 115 hp out of my Turd De Lux. Yes thats an expensive mod so I wanted to know if anyone has had any experience doing this and if so what results? And to answer the inevitable next question ,No, its not fast enough for me. Its a great improvement over my 04 Roadie but this bikes performance flattens out after 80-90 mph. Ive already changed to K&Ns and rejetted for my altitude . But I'm looking for more mid range - top end performance. Any opinions would be appreciated. Eric
  5. I need a little info ASAP. As above, has 6500KM (4038 miles) in as new condition. The owner has no idea if it has CB or Intercom. Owner never rode two up and never had a head set. Serious health problems reason for selling. I don't care about CB, but do want intercom. Was intercom standard equipment in 2007? I want to purchase this evening. Don't come along like this very often. Robby
  6. Are there any radio knobs available? Or is there a suitable sub? Knob was missing when I bought the bike. The previous owner said someone liberated it from the bike one day.
  7. Saw a 1st gen, Blue parked at Gilberts in Key largo this afternoon. could not find the owner. anyone from here?
  8. Looking for the PO of the 87 Blond Venture traded at Don and Roys Motor Sports Brookfield Wi. Has anyone else did buisness with this place are they honest, I would like to find out the history on this cycle they told me it was a one owner. Thanks Orlin
  9. Like to see if someone in the area could take a look at this trike and check it out for me. Its located in Green, Ohio. Its about 70 miles from Don, but I know he is very busy guy. Hope someone else could check it out for me. Its a 93 Venture trike. Owner doesnt know what kit is on it or if the front end is raked. He said it would be okay for someone to come by and check it out. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/3216256238.html
  10. I am in need of a member living in the Shreveport area to help me out if at all possible. I have found a trike there and would like someone to check it out for me if possible. I dont know the exact address in Shreveport but I will be talking to the owner tonite and find out when and where it will be possible to see the bike.
  11. Looking to talk to 86-93 Venture owner. [not someone selling one] I am thinking about buying one and would like to talk and look at one in my area. I am located in Stockbridge, Mich. Between Lansing and Ann Arbor. If you can help me , that would be appreciated. I am willing to travel to your place or will meet where you want. I currently own a BMW and two Guzzis. [can you ever have too many sickles?] Anyway, I think I want a touring bike and these bikes interest me. Please feel free to call [517] 851-7402 Mornings are best. Weekends I'm riding, but I'm always home for dinner. Or you can e-mail me here. Thanks, James
  12. I was killing time between appts today, and thought I would run into Wal-Mart to get a few things. When I pulled up in the lot I came across a silver Venture with Wyoming plates parked there. I waited about 25 minutes for the owner to come out but had to leave for the next appt. before he came out. So if any of you were at Wal-Mart in Aberdeen South Dakota today, it would've been nice to talk to you.......
  13. So I finally was able to connect with the owner of the bike junkyard and finalize the deal for the 2 MK1 carcasses he had rotting away in his yard. Got a big surprise though.. I had been wanting to buy the blonde and a frame that had the motor and rear drive train but not much more. When the owner directed an employee to help me " load the two Ventures" we walked out to the yard. I went looking for the frame as they had cleaned up and moved things around. The employee pointed to the gold one and said that one and this one... I was still looking ion the other direction for the frame. When I said " they moved it ... I can't find it.." He said "it's right there..." He was pointing to a different Venture with a lot more parts on it. I hadn't seen that one before. He said " that's the two the boss said to load" . So, I got both. A better deal than what I thought I had. The first picture is the frame I thought I was getting... the purple bike is what I got. Here are the pictures:
  14. I read the previous post about this but have a question. A friend of mine is looking at an 08 RSV at a dealership. The original owner traded in the bike so my friend will be the second owner. Does this matter as long as there is warranty left.
  15. They don't make them like this any more. The car or the 90 year old owner. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,533803,00.html
  16. Guy put in a AGM battery and sold the VR to a guy and told him the battery light was on because the sensor wire didn't work with a AGM battery. (which we all know is correct) Seems after a couple months the new owner took the bike to a dealer and the dealer told him the light was on because the stator is bad and it would cost $1800.00 to fix.. The new owner even has the sensor in his hand in front of the Judge. Judge Joe Brown looked at the picture of the bike and knew where the stator is located and said it can't cost that much to change. Well the new owner was trying to get the $1800.00 from the old owner to repair the bike. It ended up the new owner really wanted the money to go by a Harley that his wife wanted.. The Judge denied the new owner any money and told him he had a nice cruiser and should ride it and if he didn't like it go by a Harley. Surprised me how much Judge Joe Brown knew about the Venture.
  17. Noone that I have come across in my life so far is or ever was an original owner. Well, one reletive of mine was and he totalled it setting the cruise so i dont really know if that counts. I guess what im asking if there is anyone who is or was, what made you chose the venture over the GL 1200/1500. Have you ridden both bikes? And what are your key favorite things about both? I just figured this would be a neat thread to start. Well ill buckle up for hopefully a great story!!!
  18. Just want to introduce myself. My name is Jeff, and I'm a bike nut. Whoops, wrong forum...this isn't motorcycles anonymous. LOL Anyway, last week I picked up a 1983 Venture for $200.00 (payable in shots of Southern Comfort at my local American Legion) The bike hasn't been treated well for the past 3 years. I bought the bike from the second owner, but I also know the original owner fairly well. The bike used to have very nice black cherry color paint (original), but now it's Harley orange, and not a quality repaint at that. That's changing soon, as I worked at Home Depot for several years and if I never see Orange paint again, it will be too soon. All the bodywork is currently in a pile as the second owner took it all off so he could get the motor out to repair the bottom case after bottoming out on a large rock that was in the middle of a dirt road. The case has been professionally repaired, but he could never get the bike started again, hence my purchase price of $200.00. With the advice given here, I have a TCI on the way from Dingy that should be here in a couple of days, so hopefully that will get the bike to fire on all 4. I'm slowly figuring this bike out (it's the newest bike I own other than a 1997 Kawasaki KE100) and I'm sure that I'm going to have a lot more questions. Looking the bike over, I think that the mechanical issues are going to be few, but I can see some more electrical issues (other than the ignition) already. I have a new fuse block that I hope will cure a lot of the issues once I install it. Thanks for the help in the few posts I've made since joining here last week. Jeff
  19. I had these pictures saved on my hard drive, i think I probably saved them from this site, but I cannot find them in the gallery. I really really like this color, I'd like to ask the owner what color this is. http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/101_0012.JPG http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/101_0013.JPG http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/101_0014.JPG
  20. I talked to the owner, John, at F4 about getting a new windshield on my RSV. I told him I wanted a vent and he said the standard answer is no, but since he's the owner maybe. Well, he checked out the shield and said he could get the Goldwing vent installed. I know there was discussion on this before, the lack of a vent was a deciding point for many. I'ts the same height as stock but 2 in. wider per side. The Lexan sounds like a superior product and for $30 more than comparable Clearview shield, I think I'll go for it.
  21. Stopped by the local Yamaha shop and they had a Supere Tenere' on the floor. Got a chance to sit on it, stand it up, look it over really close. The owner (who I know) came over to chat and answer questions. Oh My, is that a nice bike. 1200 cc of adventure riding goodness. The owner offered to let me take it for a ride. I declined realizing that would be real trouble for me. I can't afford the alimony (and we have two kids in college and two more that are high school seniors - next year is going to be REALLY expensive). Most, if not all, the farkles are released for this model since the Tenere' has been in Europe for a couple of years. And Then to Top It Off...... I get home and there is a box on the porch from Touratech!!. My lock and cable for the Garmin 276C mount arrived. Included in the box was the TT catalog with all the Tenere' stuff. Mmmmmmm, tasty. This may be a problem. RR
  22. Three years ago, my daughter, Heather and her husband Adam accepted a position in Brechin (Orillia) ON as associate pastor for a very small church. They could not afford to buy a house so they looked for something to rent. They could not find that either, but one of the church members had just built a 3 car garage with a one room apartment above it. Now with 2 kids it was getting a little tight so the search continued. In November last year, they found a house,, not much, kind of old but serviceable. It needed a new roof, so the owner was replacing it when it rained, and ruined the whole inside, so that was all redone. They were told they could move in in March, and then the end of March, then April,, you got the story. Now all is done and they were packed and ready to move in this past weekend, when all of a sudden things took a turn around, and now the owner has decided not to rent, but to sell. Heather is going bald I think,,, she must be totally pulling her hair out. We're going there to see what can be done, there just seems to be no place to rent so we may have to become creative. So we need some guidance, maybe from you folks, but most of all from our Creator, so if you could ask Him that would be awesome. Carl
  23. Have a 84 Royale that i don't think is running quite right. Would also like a member to take it for a spin before and after the sync. New owner and not too familiar with the bike. Tks Rob
  24. 1984 Venture Royale. Picture makes it look nicer that it really is. Missing tour pack and few mounting tabs for the plastics. Also there is a medium length crack in the fairing below the mirror. Best thing is I paid $700 dollars and it only 13,1xx miles. Radio works (1 speaker), cruise works analog/digital gauges work and air suspension also. Original owner passed away 2 years ago and spent most of the time in his garage being banged up. Purchased 2 years ago by the seller I got it from and he only put 400 miles on it. I was originally looking for a gl1200 after getting rid of my Electra glide classic and road king in the past two years to play around on the cheap, but I felt the price on this bike was too good to pass up. It does not get good gas mileage and does not seem to have a lot of power or I thought it was going to feel stronger than it does. Seems to run fine, but lacks resposiveness off of idle when starting from a stop. Plugs, filter and oil were just changed by the previous owner. He has been running sea foam in the tank for the last fifty miles in preparation to sell the bike. Plug wires look bad with tape and the such so I want to change them. Almost feels like it only runs on two cylinders and the two rear header pipes do not get very hot. It got about 26.5 mpg on the first tank for me. Obviously my biggest gripe is the power and mpg. Since I will start first with plug wires, do these bikes have individual wires to plug from the coil that I can replace or are they built into the voil and require cutting? If I can just buy wires, who are the best retailers for this bike? Another gripe I have is the front brakes are inadequate. Previous owner did pads on the front and back, bake brakes are great fronts feel like they are glazed. Maybe they are glazed or is this the nature of the beast? Are new rotors available? I know the pegs are adjustable, but not enough for me. Who sells a nice highway peg so I can stretch out on long rides? This motor puts off some heat going down the road, wow was not expecting that yamaha routed the hot air to hit your legs while driving. Can the 2 holes on each side of the fairing by the rear cylinders be covered or are they required to properly cool the bike? Tks and I'm sure I will have many more questions. [img]http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p75/jurob_2006/photo5.jpg[/img]
  25. Finally found a deal to work and I am now the proud new owner of an 89 Venture Royale:cool10:. My 07 RSV is headed South shortly with Grey Ghost. It was with a heavy heart that I had to let the 07 go, but was eased by my new addition. Rode the 89 into work this morning (1st time riding a 1st gen) and it is much different than a 2nd gen, but I loved the way it handled. Gonna get out tonight after work and take my girl for a ride (she already loves it after sitting on it last night)and the kids are quite excited about getting their first ride when they come back tomorrow night.
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