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  1. I was just wondering how many of these wonderful bikes you fine people may have owned in all these years. Just to start, I have owned and still do..ONE. But would like to have a garge full of them :mo money:but..... Sqidley says he has owned 8.. That might be a record. Nothing against other bikes, I was just wondering about the Venture and Tour Deluxe. Thanks....
  2. I have a 2010 Ford Escape with 63k on the odometer. The AC quit working. I took it to the dealer and he gave me a quote for $3500! Said the system was full of debris and they need to change everything in it. I called Ford and asked for some good will on this repair. I have always owned Rangers and the F series trucks. We will see how well Ford stands behind its product. Happy Friday the 13th.
  3. Anyone have one or have owned one in the past? Besides gas mileage, likes/dislikes?
  4. Hi, I am a newbie and hope you can help me with a question. I am looking to buy a 2007 Venture and would like to know the problem areas and what to look for when I go to buy it. I have owned more Yamahas than any others and know their dependabilty, but every bike has their weak points. Thanks in advanvce!
  5. Took a s,mall ride this evening and had a wonderful time. I only rode for about 45 min, but it is nice to get back in the saddle and not have to worry about what time you have to be somewhere. I haven't owned a bike for 15 years. I had forgotten how nice it is to just cruise. BTW, Happy Father's day to all you dads out there! Hope you got some ride time in.
  6. Just wanted to post a pic of what I have done to my venture, it is a 2003 and I have owned it since new. It started life as a Midnight Venture and now has been transformed.
  7. I have a 2007 RSTD and am wondering where is was built? Is there any knowledge of any of the parts being built in China like some of the HD parts? I know the VTX's that I have owned were assembled in Marysville Ohio, NOT JAPAN, although many of the parts were mfg. in Japan.
  8. I have never owned a bike with a radio let alone a "tape deck" before. I have never owned a bike with air shocks . I have never owned a bike with hard removable bags. I have never owned a bike with cruse control. I have never owned a bike with a clock I have never owned a bike that weighs 800lbs Man what have I been missing ? A 1985 Venture Royal is what.I took a road trip to Lake Superior last weekend with my brother .I'm getting use to this bike and think this near mint 26 year old bike is really going to be nice . I have a 1983 Honda V65 Magna so I'm use to a bit more power and 300lbs lighter but this is a ripen machine.We put on 730 miles and didn't miss a beat.I need to get some work done on the carbs cleaning mostly but here in Minnesota winter gets long and plenty of time to a few things. Did I say how much I like this Yamaha. Oh, I know someone with a V 65 for sale.
  9. First let me thank everyone who gave me input on my clutch basket change. I switched to a generation I clutch basket, It made no difference at all in fact it added a churp down in my low rpm range. Now I have a churp/whine all the way from 0-70, I will be changing back to the original tomorrow. This 05 Venture is the most comfortable bike I have ever owned, and I've owned many, but this churp/whine p's me off.
  10. In the market for a Tablet. These are new to me, so to say I'm confused. Currently I have Droid Thunderbolt and love it. Never been an Apple fan, though I never owned any of their products. Any help will be appreciated. TIA, BEER30
  11. Guys, I have owned my RSTD for just under a month. I owned and rode lots of enduro bikes as a young man, have had Kawasaki, Yamaha, and H-D road bikes. At 55 years old, I thought that I knew how to ride albeit it has been a few years since I owned my last. I wrote to you about the whine in the bike, at which MPH and in which gear. There was a boat load of advice about allowing the engine to wind out a bit. One poster responded that he never uses 5th gear until 75 mph. I should have just listened. Yesterday my wife and I took about a 4 hour ride. I just gave way to trust in your advice. I ran along in 3rd gear up until just over 40mph. I used 4th the rest of the time except when we traveled on the 4 lane turnpike at 65 - 75 mph and then used 5th. It was one of the most comfortable and good feeling rides I have ever taken on a bike. That little engine just seems to cook right along just as happy as can be at those rpm's & wheel speed. Thanks for the advice. OH, and by letting it rev a little more in each gear, almost no whining whatsoever. Thanks for the great advice. R.
  12. I know this is an odd question to be asking but: Does anyone have pictures of how and where they hooked their straps to the Venture when hauling it on a trailer. :rotf: Yes I know it ain't no stinking Harley. LOL Just kidding guys, I have owned Harleys too. Any way I would like to see, so I can put some I-bolts in the appropriate places on my trailer. Bubber
  13. I am thinking about picking up a 86 venture. This would be my 6th bike. I am looking for something comfortable for my commute on the highway and mild touring on the weekends with my wife. I came across a venture on line at a local shop. I was going to take a look this week, but first I wanted to know if there was anything I should watch out for. I've owned 80's hondas but the venture is new to me. I found freebird's"A list of known problems on the First Gen Venture". Any other advice or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. OK...a little quickie contest. The attached picture is a collage of 16 bikes that I've owned over the years....it would be more but I don't have pictures of near all the bikes that I've owned. Anyway, the first person to correctly identify all 16 bikes and the year models within 2 years either way, will win a VentureRider lapel pin. Have fun.
  15. Splitting the front fairing Less then a week owned, second time I had it apart. Glad its easy.....
  16. Anyone out there have any knowledge of Fly-N-Low? This Papaw Len and I am trying to find an adrress or phone # or "E" mail for Landon. I want to let him know wat has been done to my Royale that he previously owned. if anyone has any info: you can get me at. (678)230-0261, or at this site or, lb_retired @ yahoo. thanks' and remember, It's not the destination,It's the journy. Papaw Len:grandpa:
  17. I joined the sight to gather information before I purchase a RSTD. I was hoping that I could get some questions answered so any help will be appreciated. I've owned a Honda ST1300 and am now driving a V-STrom. The V-strom is fine for short trips, but I'm 57 and would like something a little more comfortable, less susceptable to crosswinds, and better for 2 up riding. I've never owned a cruiser so I was wondering. How much engine heat do you get on hot days? How does the RSTD do in the twisties in the mountains? Can you get through the corners without constantly dragging? How does the performance of the engine differ from a typical 2 cyliner cruiser like a RoadStar? Is the RSTD a little anemic starting out without reving the motor? Like I said, any help will be appreciated. PrairieParson Lubbock, Tx.
  18. For those of you who ride ventures what is your age? Just curious to what is the age range who rides these bikes. I'm 40 yrs owned it for 4 yrs now a 1st gen. 83' royale. I love my scoot.
  19. Hello, Im the new guy. What would make the right side cylinder's run hotter than the left side? Much more heat coming off the right than the left after a few miles, Im just wondering if this is normal or not? I have not owned a venture before been a Harley,Honda goldwing guy for a long time till now.
  20. I owned an '83 Venture Royale from 83 to 90. It was top heavy but manageable with care. I am looking at a 99 and 2000 MM and I understand they are top heavy also. How do the two bikes compare in this important handling situation? Thanks in advance for your replies...
  21. Who has owned a Harley touring bike, and how do you like Harley compared to the venture? Would you go back to a Harley, or do you like the venture better?
  22. It's time to say good bye to an era. Been stuck in the "50"'s too long. My Ol' Custom has a new "ol fart" owner as of yesterday. Yep, it's time for me to "refine". My target replacement is something like I owned in the late "60"'s.....see,,, I gained 10 years! Pix to follow..............hope the suspense is got'cha! Renne....
  23. I love my Venture. For the type of riding my wife and I do together, it's the ideal bike. I previously owned Honda VTX 1800s, though. Despite my love of my Venture, I still sometimes really miss the massive torque and responsiveness of those large V-twins. I could buy a 2nd bike, I guess, but I hate paying for the insurance on the bike I have, plus having a secure place to park it at night would be a problem for me. Does anyone else feel this way? The V-4 is a great motor, no doubt about it. But if you've previously owned a large V-twin, don't you miss it sometimes?
  24. I see ads all the time where there are a lot of Harleys for sale. My curiosity wants to know why. This will apply to PREVIOUS HARLEY OWNERS ONLY!! I don't want second hand info either. I don't want to know about the guy down the street or someone's brother-in-law who may have owned one. I think it would be interesting as to why people give up their Harleys. Is it because of money problems, the bike itself, service, maybe it was because of a death in the family, or whatever else? So, if you have previously owned a Harley and given it up for something else, tell us why. Personally, I've never owned one so this does not apply to me. We all have opinions, but to hear from the actual previous owners is the purpose of this survey. Above all else, THIS IS NOT ANOTHER HARLEY BASHING SESSION!!!!!!! If it turns to that , I'll ask Freebird to take it down!!!
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