did anyone see the interesting news on how gastric bypass is pretty much curing type 2 diabtetes???
they are saying that apparently there is some relation to the duodenum ( spelling?) first part of small intestines and diabetes.
people who had the surgery and were diabetic.......were off their medications after the surgery and not because of weight loss.these people were off the meds by the time they left the hospital
they have been doing lab tests with diabetic mice and as soon as they disconnect the small intestines from the stomach and reattach the stomach to the large intestines the diabetes is gone!
reattach the small intestine and its back !
wow this is incredible......
the only problem is that right now they will not do the operation unless you are severley overweight or obese....they will not do it for diabetes alone......
I see this changing in the near future.....or some sort of similar operation for diabetics !
I cant believe that as long as gastric bypass surgerys have been going on they haven't said something sooner.......
and how I wish this were more widely known before my father passed away in 2002......he was diabetic and overweight and would have been a good candidate.....and maybe lived a while longer........