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Found 12 results

  1. Linda and I decided to get away for an overnight and decided to go to Gatlinburg to see the Christmas lights before the end of the year. We got a room in Pigeon Forge on the river and after a nap, rode up to Gatlinburg to eat and do the usual walk through town. For a Thursday night, there were a lot of folks in town. Today, we took a ride through Cades Cove and even at this time of year, there was a lot of traffic. We did not see any bear, but there sure were a lot of deer. You would think that some of these people have never seen a deer before as there was a lot of stopping and watching. As we were leaving Pigeon Forge and heading back to I-40, it was a solid three lanes of traffic barely moving all the way, coming toward Pigeon Forge from the interstate. How many cars could there be in a parking lot three lanes wide and seven miles long? No, we were not on the bike, but it sure did make me want to look forward to spring time. RandyA
  2. Decided to take a trip while my daughter was in Camp. We are going to leave the 11th ride to Aiken then along the lakes check out a couple of the falls and stay overnight in Greenwood SC. Day 2 Cherohala skyway to the Dragon staying overnight in Alcoa TN. Day 3 on to Gatlinburg down to Cherokee and Staying overnight in Greenville SC. Day 4 onto the the house. I based my stops on where I can stay for free http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/share/478931 Anyone want to tag along or would like to meet up for lunch of dinner let me know.
  3. I am a member of Amazon.com Prime. This means I get free 2-day shipping and anything overnight for $3.99. My brother was hospitalized, I realized I might need to ride there, and my front tire was in iffy shape. I bought an Avon Venom 150/80-16 71H (front) for a good price ($145.80, near the cheapest I found) and selected overnight shipping for $3.99. It is out for delivery now. That $149.79 total is way cheap when you consider overnight shipping of a 16 pound tire. Heck, it's cheaper than Dennis Kirk by $10 and Jake Wilson doesn't carry the tire. Another option to consider if you have Amazon Prime and need something quick. I'll let you know if the tire comes out of date, as cheap tires have been known to do. Dave
  4. If I set it on medium front and back it bleeds out overnight. What is considered normal for these bikes?
  5. I have ridden 2400 miles so far in the last week and the reworked seat is great! I didn't think ihat I had any real issues with the seat before but apparently I just didn't know what the thing was supposed to feel like. I have had zero butt or back pain since we left home! One thing I found out this morning though is that if the bike is parked outside overnight in 28 degree temps, it takes about ten minutes for the seat to warm up and get soft again. I am 100% satisfied with this mod and would recommend it to anyone with the pillowtop seats.
  6. Sleeperhawk and I are about to leave Columbia headed for MD! Plan to stop in West Virginia overnight, so we will see everyone there at Don's! Everyone please ride safe!!!
  7. Couldn't find any other threads discussing this...how do you secure your m/c-pulled trailer when you stop overnight? Do you chain it to the bike or a tree or something like that?
  8. Just curious - how many has plugged your flat tire on your car or truck ? I've been doing it for years without a failure and decided to plug my Kumho after I found that miniscule needle in it yesterday. It held 55# of pressure overnight so I have no doubt it will run it's life on my Venture. That is unless I manage to find another nail in the same tire.
  9. I recently had a Kumho installed on my 2007 Venture. From day one it has leaked air and I attributed that loss to normal things that tires do. Day before yesterday I walked by the bike and noticed that the tire was FLAT, not low but flat. I put the carbon one adapter on and lifted the bike with my sears RV/motorcycle lift. When I had it up I put 40# psi and let it sit overnight on the lift. This AM I checked the pressure and it had lost 5# overnight. I did all the pressure testing with a progressive zero loss gauge so the gauge is not a factor. Prior to setting the pressure for overnight test I made serious attempts to find a leak with soapy water - nada nothing My next move is to take the tire off and try submersing in water to find the culprit. Has anybody else had a pressure loss that could be construed as NOT normal ? and what is my next move should I actually find something ?
  10. I sold my Honda CBR 929RR friday to a young man. :happy34:He called me last night and said the bike would turn over but was not getting any fire. :fiddle:He then told me that he had left the ignition switch on overnight and the battery was dead the following morning. With the advise of his buddy, he used a car to jump the bike but while it turned over, it never started. He then put the battery on a trickle charge overnight but it still will not start even just on bike battery. What did he mess up? Stater? Regulator? Ignition? Any input would be appreciated!:bowdown:
  11. This is way too soon, but it looks like winter weather is headed in to stay tomorrow with daytime highs in negative digits. yuk!! Snow is expected tomorrow and the high for tomorrw and for the next several days is supposed to be between -2 to -8 C (30 - 18F) . Overnight lows are supposed to be getting down to -20c (-4F) starting Thurs nite. It looks like everyones bike rides around here are done for quite a while now. Keep warm! Brian:snow::snow::snow:
  12. I'm looking out the window at the snow falling and am happy as heck that I got out on my bike yesterday. Weather was clear and in the high 40's. Here in the Mid-West, the weather can and will change overnight so when these opportunities come up I take full advantage of it.
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