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Found 14 results

  1. Just want to introduce myself. My name is Jeff, and I'm a bike nut. Whoops, wrong forum...this isn't motorcycles anonymous. LOL Anyway, last week I picked up a 1983 Venture for $200.00 (payable in shots of Southern Comfort at my local American Legion) The bike hasn't been treated well for the past 3 years. I bought the bike from the second owner, but I also know the original owner fairly well. The bike used to have very nice black cherry color paint (original), but now it's Harley orange, and not a quality repaint at that. That's changing soon, as I worked at Home Depot for several years and if I never see Orange paint again, it will be too soon. All the bodywork is currently in a pile as the second owner took it all off so he could get the motor out to repair the bottom case after bottoming out on a large rock that was in the middle of a dirt road. The case has been professionally repaired, but he could never get the bike started again, hence my purchase price of $200.00. With the advice given here, I have a TCI on the way from Dingy that should be here in a couple of days, so hopefully that will get the bike to fire on all 4. I'm slowly figuring this bike out (it's the newest bike I own other than a 1997 Kawasaki KE100) and I'm sure that I'm going to have a lot more questions. Looking the bike over, I think that the mechanical issues are going to be few, but I can see some more electrical issues (other than the ignition) already. I have a new fuse block that I hope will cure a lot of the issues once I install it. Thanks for the help in the few posts I've made since joining here last week. Jeff
  2. My Venture won't start. I have spark on 1 and 3. Nothing on 2 or 4. I've swapped the coils around and the problem moved to 1 and 3 when I swapped the wiring from the TCI, so I know the coils are good. According to page 7-17 of the service manual, I'm supposed to have 110 ohms between the Orange and all the other wires coming off the pickups. I have 105 ohms between the Orange and red/white but 200+ ohms between the Orange and all the rest. Am I looking at a pickup issue or a TCI issue? Thanks, Jeff
  3. Nothing to do with Ventures, but thought you guys might like to see what kind of weekend I've had. Although a geologist by profession, I'm also local elected politican official. Reports began coming in about a stranded whale in one of our bays on Thursday. So we began to mobilise crews to be ready. From previous experience its normally a dolphin or small whale, although any stranding here is rare. You can imagine our surprise when we turned up to be greeted by an almost full grown bull sperm whale, all 39 tons of it! I'm sure if you google Whale on beach in the UK or something like it there's a lot more info on it. Suffice to say its taken three days to try and remove the whale with as much dignity as this kind of operation can afford. Nonetheless, a very sad end to such a noble giant of the deep and a personal privelige to stand next to such a massive warrior of the deep. I've added some pics, there are many others for those with strong stomachs! I'm the one in the orange jacket and green hat Cheers
  4. I need to pick a brain or two. I have a 98 1500 suburban 5.7 Vortec that I'm having some heating problems with. I had a new radiator, water pump, and thermostat installed early this last summer. I noticed that the radiator cap went on without having to push down on it. So I bought a new cap and the new one did the same thing, and I wasn't getting any pressure build up in the system. So I bent the tabs on the new cap a bit and then I got compression. So now, this what it was doing. Start off in the AM and the guage will run up to 240 degrees before dropping back down to around 160-170. Then slowly rise again to about 210 and then back down, finally settling in at about 190. I'm suspecting a screwed up thermostat. Also... it had that orange coolant in the system. Actually the coolant looked clear but the cr@p floating around in the system plugging everyting up looked like rust/orange. Anyway I digress. So I took the car down to a good mechanic and they flushed the sytstem, put in fresh 'green' coolant, and installed a new HD 195 thermostat. Not an 'el cheepo' but a good one. The one that came out was caked with the orange stuff. Ugly. Now this is what it's doing. It still heats up and drops back down, but not as high a temp as before, but the bottem temp is the same. Fresh coolant, new thermostat, clean system. It's still acting like a bad thermostat. Now I'm thinking. Could the sensor be bad, and sending signals to the computor, and the CU is retarding/advancing the timing and causing the problem??? Any ideas??
  5. I bought a Street Magic load equalizer and set of 4 LED turn signals from a friend for my 2nd gen. The SM load equalizer has 4 wires; purple wire to left, brown wire to right, orange wire to positive, and black wire to negative. Everything works fine but when I turn on the CB and I turn on the left or right turn signal I get a lot of static over the speakers. The orange wire connected to the positive wire is connected to the blue tail light wire. I disconnected the orange wire and connected it straight to the positive battery post and the CB does the same thing. I took the black wire and connected it to the negative battery post and it does the same thing. I disconnected the Street Magic and of course my turn signals flash fast but the static is gone. If I get load equalizers off ebay I will need four. Does anyone know if I need 25 watt 60 ohms or do I need 50 watt 60 ohms or does it matter. Anybody have any ideas on either system??? Thanks, Harry
  6. Some one here has a sense of humour... I rec'd a package an hour ago.... Apparently someone here..... or..... maybe not ......called The Harley shop and bought me a Harley jacket for me Black with orange Stripe I called The shop all they can say that it was from the States :rotfl: I'll take some picture later
  7. Knocked off #12 yesterday, #6 today! It's going to be an Orange season!
  8. Ok, time for me to get my goldwing. Now what color, not Titanium, Orange, Black, Silver.
  9. Paul

    New Project

    Well I finally am building my trailer here are a few pics. I cut down a HF trailer to 30 inches wide and CNC'D the diamond plate at work. I still have to mount my diamond plate bumper along witl my LED lights. I put a slot in for a divider which will be for the dog when we take him. I am making 2 different tops. A solid one for regular use and one with a cutout with a little high rise box with widows with screens for air intake and I also have to put one more exhaust in the back that will have 3 small computer fans (which will draw as little power as LEDs) to pull the air through. I have to finish the cooler rack which I will line with orange acrylic and then polish the aluminum then the flames will be orange from the outside. I am going to make it so I can take it off the trailer and mount it to my hitch platform when not using the trailer. I am going to get someone to tig weld all my seams to make it water tight and I should be good to go after I put the fenders (with diamondplate mudflaps with small flames cut out in them. It should be sharp when its done if I can find some hubcaps that will fit the 8 inch wheels as the ones I see say they are for golf carts and they are different rims. Anyway let me know what you think. When its all done I will only have about $350 into it as I got all my aluminum at cost and programmed the CNC myself and cut it on my own time. (its nice having a key to the shop) And being that it is aluminum it is very light. Paul
  10. I know I'll probably fill like a dummy asking, but I've seen these on RSV's before and bought one for my bike quite a while ago, just never put it on, but lost the instructions. Now I'm thinking of putting it in my car instead, it's about 5 inch's long x 1 inch high x 3/4 inch deep and has a combination clock, voltage meter, and outside temp. reading. With the sensor that you put outside to p/u the outside temp. it has 3 other wires (black, red, and orange). I figure black and red goes to grnd. and batt., but where does the orange wire go (ignition?) I hooked up the red and black to the batt., and the clock, volt meter and outside temp came on, but I guess I still need to know about the orange, anybody out there done this??
  11. 1BigDog

    New bike

    After much thought and consideration I have decided to go out and buy a new Harley. Jean fell in love with a neighbors 08 Ultra and the dealer here has a super price on an 08 Screaming Eagle Ultra. And Zeus looks good in a black and orange bandana. Pics to follow. Dealer even offered me 8k on my RSV. Cant beat that with a stick. :thumbsup2:
  12. Here is the link to Mechani's photos Lots of orange http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20NC%20Year%20End%202007/
  13. ]Hey All, I am sure this has been hashed out plenty of times, and I promise I did a forum search prior to posting I have pulled the exhaust off of the "brown Bomber" (1985 VR) and I will have to create or purchase a new collector, but figured as long as I am at it, I might as well give it some new pipes to boot. Now I see a group of you have gone with the MAC's and some with the jardines, and Rusty even made his with "glasspacks", I was just wondering what H/D pipes (exhaust mufflers) will work slip-on to the 1 Gen. The reason I ask, is I have many misguided friends who prefer the old Orange and Black to the mertic side of the house and most of them have sheds full of various "tossed aside after upgrade parts" and just thought I would go searching if someone could guide me in the right direction. Thanks if Advance, and I have literly spent hours in reading the Tech info on this side. Keep up the good work all.
  14. Saw Bud (Circuit Rider) at our swap meet today. As you may recall he sold his RSV and bought a new Goldwing and had a Hannington sidecar put on it. It's an orange bike with the side hack painted to match. It is one Gorgeous bike, very sweet. Wish I had had a camera to take some pictures. Jerry
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