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  1. Like to know what the group's opinion on any Deer Avoidance Gadget.
  2. Gentl. This morning the bike had no problem cruising, after I got out of work and started to head home, the bike's rpm neddle started to go down and the bike stalled. After I came to a stop, I got it on nutral and pushed the kill swith, less than 10 seconds later I attempted to start it again and off we go with no problems. a few miles later the same thing. Like I'm loosing electrical power in my opinion. I know for a fact that the battery terminals are tight and I didn't notice anything weird with the battery meter. Any clues where to start troubleshooting? Thank you guys!
  3. :)Man I never paid attension to how much HD bashin going on around here. I start out every Monday with one feeling and I got it hurt already . Now I would like to know how many guys have rode a Harley from the last couple of years and can give an opinion . If you havent, and have an opinion you must just be Venturerider brain washed.
  4. Soo... I arrive home today with my fancy shiny new FJR. I love it! I couldn't wait to hear my wife's opinion, and she's not shy about sharing her opinion either. Her very first comment was, 'That's a young guys bike...' Damn!
  5. Work on the bikes, and swap starters in the cold. Or sit around eat and watch tv all night long?
  6. Someone drove by and inquired if I was interested in selling my 76 Chev Luv (156K miles). It is in really bad shape. Has a cracked head and has been parked for 15 years. I'll attach some pictures. The only thing I know about parts vehicle is that I'm looking for a 90 to 93 1st gen for parts for about $500.00. If readers could give me their opinion I'd appreciate it.
  7. i think the sea foam is fouling out my plugs. i used the ngk's recommended by the manul. has anyone tried a different plug? in your opinion, which is best?
  8. hey everybody i need some help please i have a 2003 midnight venture with 87000 kl on it and i am the original owner. it vibrates when i cranck it in 3,4,5 gear . now im pretty sure that it could be the u joint on it but some other buddys have a difference of opinion on this as they say my carbs need to be sinked. so lets take a poll carbs or u joint
  9. Folks, this has been weighing heavily for a few days now so I'm going to put it out here and hope that you all give it some thought. It has been a long winter for many of us and I think that we all need a long soul cleansing ride to wash those winter doldrums away. It is perfectly understandable and happens to some extent every winter. I'm talking about the tone of some of our responses to one another. There just seem to be way too many posts and responses lately that end up with one or more members going after each other much more aggressively than is necessary. Sometimes it is the result of a short, snippy and totally unnecessary response to a question or opinion and at other times it seems to be a problem with somebody being entirely too thin skinned and taking offense at something that was perhaps meant more in fun and not as a smart remark. One thing that has always set this forum apart from so many others on the Internet is our patience and willingness to help each other. Even if it's a question that may have been discussed multiple times before, we have recognized the fact that some folks are newer and may not have seen the previous discussion. We also recognize that some folks here are much better with computers than others may be and we realize that searching for and finding existing information is difficult for some of those people. That is why we often discuss things over and over again or at least help them by posting a link to an existing discussion without a smart remark to accompany the response. We have also been able to disagree about things without it turning into personal attacks against another members opinion. If don't don't like a certain product, whether it is a tool to sync carbs, a tire brand, whatever, it should be easy enough to state an opinion and explain why you feel the way you do without telling somebody else that they are stupid or don't know what they are talking about just because they happen to have had a different experience with that product than you have. The strength of VentureRider.org is that we have a fantastic group of folks that generally bend over backwards to help each other. I've said many times, our bond here is the love of the Venture, Royal Star and other motorcycles. We are here to enjoy that which brings us together, not to dwell on things that might tear us apart. None of us are perfect and we all have a bad day now and then. I have actually censored myself here by going back and deleting my own posts a few times because when I read it back later, I realized that it did not come across as I had intended or I had said something that I quickly realized was uncalled for. The best advise I have to offer to all of you and to myself is to NOT post if you are upset or angry about something. Walk away and think about it for a while. After you type a post when you are a bit miffed about something, take a few minutes and read through it again a couple of times before you hit that submit button. You are the greatest group of people that I have ever had the pleasure of being associated with. I am very proud of the family that we have built here and if we stay true to the the basic principals that this club was founded on, we will continue building those lifelong friendships that so many of us have found here. Thanks for listening.
  10. I have been on the fence about modulating headlights for some time now. Obviously from a motorcycle safety perspective this seems like a good option. But after coming across a couple GL1800 trikes today that have them, I am leaning to support the side that would see them be made illegal. It was somewhat confusing as they were headed towards as to whether they were an emergency vehicle or not till they we close enough to identify as trikes. I also noticed that people in cars were pulling over until they realized that it was motorcycles and not emergency vehicles. I have heard several talk about how cute it is to have cars pull over,but this could turn out to be very hazardous to everyone. So I guess what you will here me say is I am no longer on the fence. Put Sylvannia Silverstars on, use passing lamps, bright vest, ride with Caution, and number of different things. As for me if I were asked to vote the fate of the modulating headlight I would have to say NO! Disclaimer: This is an opinion and an opinion only, no animals were hurt while this opinion was formed, If you have an educated response I would love to hear it. P.S. the folks riding with the modulating headlights were wearing shorts and the passenger was wearing sandels.
  11. What do you think painted to match and mounted on my RSTD 08???
  12. Any Venture owners live in the Knoxville/Maryville TN area? If so, would you be interested in test riding my Venture for me? I have an 08 and I'm concerned about the way it is running. Thought maybe some of you experts may live close enough to give me your opinion or at least make a comparison to your Venture. Seems like when its under a load it feels like the pulse of a v-twin. I thought it would be smoother than it is. I've synched the carbs, put new plugs in it and used the seafoam. The Dealer said it was fine but I would like a second opinion. Thanks Ride safe Jim Garner
  13. I think I finally figured out how to share pic's! Maybe... This is my brother's tour deluxe with fairing. In my opinion it's better looking than my RSV front end. Please work!
  14. Is it normal for the radio on a 83 venture to only work on A M side. Tried to clean all the buttons with electric cleaner but it did not work. I looked on ebay but the prices was a little high.(my opinion) Is there a fix for these or is it the nature of the beast. It is not a big deal but i like it all to work if its on the bike. Doug
  15. It didnt take long for a company to manufacture and Alternative to a Can-Am Spyder What's your opinion on the photos below?
  16. Does anyone have an opinion on the Bushtec Quantum series trailer?
  17. Folks, I think that Eileen and I are going to try to take an Alaskan Cruise in July or August of 2010. We have a lady here who sells cruises and she asked me a year or so ago if I thought there was any interest within the club of a group package. I just thought I would throw it out here and see. Also, anybody who has done the inland passage Alaskan cruise and wants to share their opinion of the best cruise line to use and etc., it would be appreciated. I am thinking that we will depart from Seattle and do a 7 night cruise. I've looked at ads from Norwegian, Celebrity, Carnival and Princess at this time.
  18. So there has been some discussion on and off and I have a question that I would like to ask the truck drivers out there (since I know we've got a few in here). If you have EVER driven a semi or are currently driving it does not matter to me either way. I have a few over the road drivers in my family and we have had discussions about this particular topic from time to time. Only one of them does not want anything to do with motorcycles and his opinion is the same as the others. My question is: When you are on the highway in your truck how do you prefer to be passed by a motorcycle? (lane position, speed, etc.) Thanks in advance for the input!
  19. I am in the process of building a one wheel trailer.Here are a few possibilities so tell me what you think,be honest please. http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/73/173/1/49/38/2189149380037297848YaelBj_th.jpg http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/66/766/4/63/81/2392463810037297848OwfbEK_th.jpg http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/73/173/4/47/95/2549447950037297848twDqMc_th.jpg http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/66/766/7/60/83/2363760830037297848RtjgsO_th.jpg
  20. Made the modification and it worked out fine - see http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20293 . I even found the bracket you used at Menards. Also tried a different approach with an "L" bracket - didn't work out too well - was, in my opinion, just too stiff and might cause some cracking in the ABS - was also just butt ugly (see pictures). Thanks for a good write up on the subject. Jinksy
  21. I am looking at 2 headsets the J&M H58154 of/ff and the IMC HSG35u/HSG15. Both inexpensive headsets. One for 3/4 and one for full face helmet. I do limited 2-up but its nice to have when I do. They are both about the same price so was wondering if any one has an opinion either way on which to get. Thanks. Bill
  22. i'm not a moderator here but just wanted to say my piece. seems like alot of the threads on here start on a mild politcal theme, or some how turn into one. now we all know everyone has their own opinion and no one is going to give an inch. it is impossible to have a politcal discussion with out it going to the dogs, and eventully getting deleted with some hard feelings left along the way. this group is to good to fall apart over politics. there are people on here i don't agree with but i still respect their opinion and i hope they respect mine. what i'm trying to say is why don't we keep our political opinions on the economy, unions, and politics to ourself and get back to motorcycles, and other clean, neat topics. i have jumped on some people that i don't agree with out of temper and i am sorry i did cuz it really bothers me. we are all friends on here, and i sure would like it to stay that way, there was one really bad post and i don't really remember who it was but he had his opinion and it got deleted. still he is one of us and thats what it's all about. if i am out of line here to bad, but i do hope everyone agrees. snarley bill
  23. For some of you that don't frequent the VR Rally board that often we're taking a poll on the location for Venture West V. Now's your chance to voice your opinion and vote... and it ain't even political... CLICK HERE to GO to the POLL
  24. Installed new windshield what you think? Joe
  25. i finally got the flywheel off, no problems, after you locate the correct bolts! now , is where it gets "different". the pins and rollers, all seem to be in excellent shape. the 3 allen bolts , that hold the clutch to the back of the fly wheel, are shot! all three, were "finger tight".and had been rubbing the internal portion of the flywheel. they were all "dimpled ", on the thread end, to secure them in place, but only ONE, was not ruined.i am going to attempt to attach pics, and then , i ask EVERYONE"S opinion. is this a "fairly common", problem, or am i just "special". seems that everyone else has these "easy fix",problems, EXCEPT ME!!! oh, in the third pic, you can see that the "clutch weight/plate, is cleanly broken!
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