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  1. got home on saturday after almost a month in a care center for my left total knee replacement. things are going good so far. im able to walk with out a walker now and i can walk about a block with the help of the cane. very little pain. untill night time comes? i have pills for that.im able to fully extend the knee. but not able to do so bending it. im at 95% on that and they want more? kind of sore doing that work out the quads are tight. and i still have great pain in the area the drain tube was? i lost 12 pounds and working on a diet. i went from 274 to 262 still more to go. i have pt starting again monday. one hour per day five days a week. and a half hour swimming on saturday afternoon. did any one else have a clicking feeling after a total knee operation? feels funny and sometimes i can hear it? all in all im very happy with the operation. i dont lean to my right any more. standing taller now. and able to put equal weight on both legs and knees feels great. now i need to see if my dues are due? so if the boss sees this let me know ok?
  2. oldgoat


    well after all that.s been going on in my life this year with 3 deaths. and such and not able to ride and selling the old 1984 .im going in tomorrow to get this left knee replacement done. i know there is a lot of work to do to get the new knee up to snuff. lots of PT and i will end up in a place for 2 weeks after the operation. to help push me along. then im going to push the PT as much as i can stand. i have put away 3 grand for the purchase of a bike for next summer.im not going to go with a first gen as i just cant handle that big boy no more. thinking a vstar? not sure what size? and if i can snag one for that price? i did see a nice one for $2800 and i should have snapped on that one.1100cc and had 24000 miles but my daughter said to wait as she knew i would have taken that bike out before this operation. and either mess up my old knee or the new to me bike/ dang kids where they learn to be so smart? anyways asking for a little prayer that all goes well. and with luck and hard work i might be on the road again next summer. bike wise. sincerly oldgoat
  3. All the best Larry... For the cochlear operation from us
  4. Many thanks to Earl (Skydoc_17) for the inspiration. I had the mirror stem and just bought the cell phone mount. I like how the phone enters car mode when inserted in to the dock for simple operation. I didn't even know that this mode existed. Ill probably clean it up a little more and shoot the back side with a little black paint.
  5. Hi, long time no see! To make a long story short: My Venture acts weird, the problem right now as I've pulled the airbox is that I can see butterfly #2 not closing eventhough the idlescrew does not touch it!? If I slack the cable at the trottle the throttle will not pull back by itself. If I force the throttle back, the butterfly closes...If I adjust the cables so that I have "normal" throttle operation I still have slack but no go on #2 butterfly!? Is there a spring or something among the carbs that is either missing or come loose since I rebuilded the carbs 5 years ago (yeah, I'm afraid it's been sitting still since, only occasionally startups...) ? regards from Sweden Abbe
  6. I've been nursing a bum right knee for about a year... busted it up swinging a leg over the scoot last summer.... I'd been putting off doing anything hoping that it would heel up by itself. Yesterday it got so bad I couldn't even walk on it. Damn it hurt. So off to the Docs I go this morning. Torn miniscus. A shot of cortizone cocktail and I'm mobile again. I may need an operation to clean things out of there. The Doc kinda hesitated about recommending the op untill I asked him if my name were Joe Montana would it make a difference... Gotta go mow the lawn now....
  7. I have bought a 2007 Royal Star Tour Deluxe which I haven't picked up yet. In the meantime I have been reading the manual and come across engine break-in period. I have never owned anything new with 0 miles. The manual says avoid prolonged operation over 1/3 throttle in the first 600 miles then avoid prolonged operation over 1/2 throttle to 1000 miles. Basically I understand this to baby the thing for this time. This may be a stupid question but my concern is what is determined to be "prolonged operation"? I have an hour ride with this coming home mostly highway speed. Is an hour considered "prolonged operation"? I ask this cause as the manual states "there is never a more important period in the life of your engine than the period between 0 and 1000 miles". Is there anything else I should watch out for. Thank you in advance for any replies.
  8. Finally getting my broken cb antena replaced by the dealer. When I asked about swr tuning I got one of those "oh it don't need that". True or false? Seems I read or heard said that the cb would go bad. Then again I know nothing about these things . I know some members have tuned their antenas for best operation but wanted to know if it's required or needed. I'd rather not let them mess with it unless I have to. Larry
  9. did anyone see the interesting news on how gastric bypass is pretty much curing type 2 diabtetes??? they are saying that apparently there is some relation to the duodenum ( spelling?) first part of small intestines and diabetes. people who had the surgery and were diabetic.......were off their medications after the surgery and not because of weight loss.these people were off the meds by the time they left the hospital they have been doing lab tests with diabetic mice and as soon as they disconnect the small intestines from the stomach and reattach the stomach to the large intestines the diabetes is gone! reattach the small intestine and its back ! wow this is incredible...... the only problem is that right now they will not do the operation unless you are severley overweight or obese....they will not do it for diabetes alone...... I see this changing in the near future.....or some sort of similar operation for diabetics ! I cant believe that as long as gastric bypass surgerys have been going on they haven't said something sooner....... and how I wish this were more widely known before my father passed away in 2002......he was diabetic and overweight and would have been a good candidate.....and maybe lived a while longer........
  10. What is the best way to bleed the rear brake system? I have a shop manual but just thought someone here had come up with a good bleeding sequence. Is there any way to turn this into a solo operation as I am home alone for the week end. I see the rear master cylinder is not very easy to get into. Any tips appreciated! regards Dave
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