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  1. Ontario Restaurants
  2. I am checking the valves on my 96 Royal Star and have 5 shims that need to be changed. There are 2 local dealers who will swap shims but I need the tool for depressing the valves. Does anyone in Canada have one that is available for loan if I pay the shipping? I read in a previous post that Mother from Toronto had a kit that could be circulated but I have not been able to reach him. I live in Oshawa, Ontario. Thanks Doug
  3. There have been so many good reports on the Deka ETX18L battery for my 88VR that I have searched for retailers here in Ontario with little success. One local supplier can get me one but at almost twice the US price. So, I just got off phone with Bohannon Battery Distributor in Florida who are willing to ship to me here in Ontario. Is there any reason why I should be leery of Bohannon or shipping a battery to Canada? Any advice appreciated!
  4. Now this is a picture of winter,, lucky them. Ottawa Ontario, Canada.
  5. I see you just posted more information about restaurants in Ontario. And again no Chips and Gravy!!!! What gives?
  6. I just ordered one of those $98 Drift Cameras. Once I get it and have it figured out on how to use it and post video on here I'll show you folks what eastern Ontario riding is all about. Ordered IN CANADA! total price was 110.74 including shipping (that's to Ontario with 13% HST) I know there was another thread on these cameras and the supplier mentioned there did not ship into Canada http://www.visions.ca Sale ends tomorrow
  7. I've always ran Metzler tires on my sport bikes. So now that I have a 85 Venture project I have to decide on a set of tires. As always budget is a concern, but are the Marathon 880's good. Its only a few bucks more than the Kenda Cruz @ Royal Distributing?? Or is there somewhere better to get tires in Ontario??
  8. Any Ontario riders heading to the international on Monday morning.
  9. CBC Ottawa is showing pictures of a red RSV involved in a collision with a van today in Ottawa. Male driver killed and female passenger critical according to reports. Any Ontario members aware if it might be someone from the forum? Thoughts to all involved....Doug
  10. Hi Folks, Partshark say we will not get stuck with the extra charges UPS is so famous for when sending to Canada. Any Ontario folk have any experience with them? Was it as stated?
  11. This is a great web site for a guide of the best roads to ride in Ontario. Check it out @ www.noinfo.com/bikeroads/ :cool10:
  12. We don't have a local dealer any more so I have to drive about 40 miles to Bob's Motor sports in Chatham ON (http://www.bobsmotorsport.com/) to buy parts etc. I stopped in this week to see if they had a new shifter bolt to replace the one I lost. They don't stock that part but one was available at the warehouse in Toronto. Rather then make me have to go back to pick it up they removed the one from the RSV in the showroom and sold it to me. It was a small gesture but it was very much appreciated. I've always been very impressed with these folks. It's a small, family owned business that always seems to go above and beyond for the customer.
  13. At the top of Mt Washington, NH at the end of the Auto Road on 7-18-2011. Ontario Plates. Anyone here?? RSTDdog
  14. There was an accident just outside of the town I live in a couple of days ago. All I can find out is it was a Black Venture from Ontario. As far as I know the rider is in the hospital but I have no info. If anyone knows of anyone travelling in this area that may need some help or is a member here please let me know if there is anything I can do! Keith From CBC A motorcycle accident in central Newfoundland sent the driver to hospital Tuesday afternoon. The RCMP in Grand Falls-Windsor says police responded to the accident at about 1 p.m. on the Trans Canada Highway just outside of Red Cliff. The 56-year-old man was eventually airlifted to St. John's. The RCMP says the resident of Ontario lost control of the bike and went off the road at the intersection to Red Cliff. The investigation continues into what caused the crash. There hasn't been any word on the extent of injuries.
  15. Save the date.........August 6th 2011.......for a cruise on Lake Ontario and the Genesee River. Sheila & I are hosting a M & E in August. I wanted to buy a party barge, but my wife said something about finding me floating in Lake Ontario, ............face down! So, I decided to do the next best thing and let someone else do the driving and we can enjoy the scenery. After the cruise we will return to our home for a picnic style dinner and a custom ice cream sundae bar. Yes, Big Tom....there is something for everyone! Build your own banana split!!! :fnd_(16): We have room in our yard for a few tents if you would like to spend the night, and a hot tub and a beach for a swim in the lake. See the details in the Meets & Eats Forum. We hope to see you there!! Jim & Sheila
  16. Is anyone coming from Sherbrooke Que to Ontario this summer with extra room on a trailer. I picked up a Venture their and need it moved to Mississauga,Ontario.I am more than willing to pay if some one can help out .Thanks Ray.
  17. Gas Just went up here in Northern Ontario It's $1.40 a litre =$6.36 a Gallon
  18. 0- 50 is classified as Speeding 0-15 Kilometers................ 0 Points 16-29 "........................... 3 points.. and Fines 30-49 "........................... 4 points " 50 over........................... 6 points and " or 30 day Suspension, A warning letter from Ministry of transportation Now if you are charged for STUNT Driving 50 over Immediate 7 day suspension Immediate 7 day vehicle impound 7 demerit points 1 year Suspension minimum fine $ 2,000 Maxium $10,000 jail up to 6 months 100% Insurance increase Probationary drivers in Ontario are allowed to accumlate six demerit points, fully licenced drivers may accumlate fifteen demerit points. Upon reaching fifteen demerit points the Ontario Ministry of Transportation will suspend the driver's licence for thirty days for a first demerit point violation, and up to six months for any subsequent accumulations of demerit points. As well, fully licenced drivers may be required to attend at the offices of the Ministry of Transportation for an interview upon the acculmation of nine demerit points.
  19. 2.5 mm to a 3.5 mm audio jack. Anyone have 1 kicking around.... Ontario Sucks Cant find one
  20. I am thinking of leading a group of Arkansas Riders on a longer ride and have been wondering about Ontario, Canada. Someone educate me on a couple of things regarding Ontario (sorry for my ignorance). I know we'll all need to have passports, but where or what is the best place to cross the border? What is the best time of the year to make a 14-21 day trip like this? What are some MUST SEE sites and things to see in Ontario? Thanks for any information. Wally
  21. An Ontarian, a Prince Edward Islander and a Newfie all die and go to hell. While there, they spot a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The devil tells them it is for calling back home to Earth. The Islander asks to call Charlottetown and talks for 5 minutes. When he finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so the Islander writes him a cheque. Next the Newfie calls St. John's and talks for 30 minutes. When he was finished the devil informs him that the cost is 6 million dollars, so the Newfie writes him a cheque. Finally the Ontarian gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he was finished the devil informed him that there would be no charge for the call, and feel free to call Ontario anytime. When the Newfie hears this, he goes ballistic, and asks the devil why the Ontarian got to call his home province free. The devil replied," Since McGuinty became premier of Ontario , the province has gone to hell, so naturally it's a local call.":rotfl:
  22. dunvilsteev

    1913 Harley

    Interesting little video of a 1913 Harley that actually runs. For the Canucks, if you listen, he says it was originally purchased in Hamilton Ontario. http://www.fark.com/cgi/vidplayer.pl?IDLink=5734912
  23. Reading the Myrtle Beach, SC paper this morning I came across this. It happened about 4 miles from my parents home. The gentleman was on a 1985 Yamaha in Myrtle Beach from Ontario, Canada. Surely it had to be a Venture. Anyone know him? I looked through the Ontario section of members and couldn't find an Edward or Ed. Sad sad news!!! Police HORRY COUNTY Motorcyclist dies after S.C. 31 wreck A 63-year-old man from Canada has died after a single-motorcycle crash Friday morning in Horry County, according to authorities. Edward Parnall of Ontario was pronounced dead at 2:23 p.m. Friday at Grand Strand Regional Medical Center from injuries he suffered in the crash, said Horry County Deputy Coroner Tamara Willard. The incident occurred at 11:25 a.m. Friday when Parnall, traveling north on S.C. 31 on a 1985 Yamaha, exited onto a ramp to U.S. 501 North, lost control of the motorcycle and slid off the left side of the roadway, said Sgt. Kelley Hughes with the S.C. Highway Patrol. Parnall was the only person on the motorcycle, Hughes said. Parnall was wearing a helmet. The incident is still under investigation by the highway patrol. http://www.thesunnews.com/2010/11/06/1796357/police-motorcyclist-dies-after.html
  24. saw this ad on Kijiji (Hamilton) http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-motorcycle-parts-accessories-yamaha-venture-royal-parts-W0QQAdIdZ195694101
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