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Found 18 results

  1. I want to get me some pipes for my RSTD (slip ons) but I don't want nothing loud like drag pipes or some high pitched sound,I'm looking something that is just a little louder than stock.I want some pipes that have a good deep throaty sound but not to loud when I'm going down the road so they don't get on my nerves when I'm on a long trip.From what I read I don't think I would want Barons,so any feed back would be great!! Thanks:confused24:
  2. My question is what are the advantages of converting the oem cartridge filters to the spin on variety? Are the spin on versions a better filtering system then the oem's or is it because there's more choices using the spin ons? Also if switching to a spin on type who or where has the best conversion adapters? This is for an 83. Larry
  3. Looking for aftermarket slip ons...maybe from a member that thought they were too loud? From reading...I'd guess Barons first, maybe Bubs...but open. I'll search through the normal channels as well, thanks. Bill
  4. I have searched the forums for info on the LA Chopper slip ons but not mush out there. Does anybody have these and do you like them?
  5. Hey Ya, Got some questions about Road King Slip Ons. I bought a set of RK Slipons from the HD dealer that came off a 2010 bike. When I got home with them I looked in the tubes and the baffles are different. I called the salesman and he said all the newer models were that way. So I guess I have to buy two sets to get a matching pair? I have the brackets to mount them, but don't know what type of clamps ya are talking about. The clamps that hold the RSV slipons won't work? Thanks. Glenn
  6. I have been looking at these great highway pegs by kuryakyn, Then I was looking at new handle bars, a new horn. I now have some expendale cash and I dont want to spend it. I feel i dont need those add ons and can save the cahs for a rainy day.Am I growing up. I told my wife I will grow old but never grow up . Please tell me , Am I brain washed by the Mrs.???
  7. we went to look at a 2003 venture ...turn key everything turn ons ...press button to start button and nothing ??? is it a burnt fuse?
  8. Ok, guys/gals. Looking to purchase a set of slip on's sometime this spring, so my question is what are your preferences, bubs slip ons, la choppers, khrome werks or the baron's slash cuts? Already have tried the stock HD slip ons and don't really like the sound they produce, to hollow sounding. Would like a low rumble at idle and also while cruising, not loud and annoying. Was going to put the bike up for sale, but with gas prices climbing and the bikes paid for might as well keep it. Any recommendations would be helpfull as I don't want to spend alot of money and be disappointed. Thanks...
  9. Looking for some ideas for different tips for the Bubs slip ons. Anyone know where to get different tips? Thanks Richie R
  10. I been wanting to change the exhaust on my RSV now for a while. It's all most impossible to find a used set of exhaust for the RSV. I heard most of them, and liked the sound of the Khromewerks the most. I'm giving up on trying to find a exhaust system ( slip on's ) and am looking into buying some HD exhaust slip on, being the HD exhaust are so much easyer to find Whats involed with adding the HD slip on's to the RSV? Also, any suggestions as to which HD exhaust fits the RSV? I did find these on our firms here , and wondering what they sound like, and whats needed to add them onto the bike: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2157/cat/7 Another concern we had, was the Khromewerks slip on's wasn't to loud. We wanted a nice deep rumble out the back, but somthing that wasn't to over welming that would over power the radio and communcation's, as we ride allot 2-UP, but also wanted somthing for the Friday night rides, where we want to crack the throttle and hear the exhaust, like the HD's. Thanks for your help
  11. we need to come up with something better and cheaper , i am thinking of something like the 2nd gens . i have a JD-2 bender and have made headers for cars before . if somebody can come up with a good and eazy design i will try to make it . if we make the pipe coming out the back longer and bend it dif. we could use slip ons . anybody know the ID and OD of the intake and the out take of the pipes ? Squid , you have had both bikes what do you think ? Thom
  12. My wife and I have used "Totes" slip on overshoes when it rains for a lot of years. These are the light weight boots with a zipper on the side. Her boots tore while we were on vacation and she needs a new pair. However, I can't find the ladies slip ons anywhere on the internet (of course I can find the man's "Zipper Town" boots). Does anybody else use slip ons?? Where do you buy them?? Frank
  13. Could some one steer me to where I can b y these brackets for this modification. I have RK slip ons! I tried the clasified . Thanks in advance Nevada Max
  14. hey can't seem to find here anywhere whether ulta classic slip ons will fir 07 rsv thanks Brian D.
  15. Just picked my 2007 RSTD and love it. IT's to dam quite. Need some input on which slip on's to use? Also will I have to have the carb's rejeted. Thanks Marty
  16. Well, I thought I had spent enough money on bling for my "06" Venture. That was until I did a favor on Sunday before the game for a member from Indiana wanting me to go over and check out an 2000 milemum edition Venture near my home in Texas he is wanting to buy. I took it for a little ride and fell in luv with the Bub slip ons. Great sound and not to obnoxious. Got to get me a pair. Where is a good place to get them, and do you have to rejet?
  17. One of the guys said that the KWs slip ons reduced his MPG. Anyboby else had the happen????---Buzz
  18. Does anyone know where I can here a sound bite from a RSTD/VENTURE that have these pipe on them I have a 06 RSTD and looking to install a set of samson (slash-cut slip ons) or Baron's Nasty Boy Bag Slash slip-on pipes but i like to hear them before I deside,. Does anyone know which of them is LOUDER?
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