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Found 24 results

  1. How many Oklahoma Venture riders do we have on this forum?
  2. Restaurant Reviews
  3. Picked up a 2006 and rode it home from Oklahoma today http://i45.tinypic.com/2qixkja.jpg
  4. :sign woo hoo: Just got the word, our niece's best friend just took 3rd place in the womans shot put. Her name is Tia Brooks from Grand Rapids MI. She is a senior at Oklahoma state. So please cheer her on this summer in London. ok "we" are not going. But we will be there spirit.
  5. Here's some good news: http://www.bikerspost.com/forum/topics/new-bill-to-protect-patriot-guard-riders?xg_source=facebookshare
  6. OK, bought the 2001 RSV back in September... I am so hooked! Even have a friend that I convinced and he now has a 99 RSV... I am now an Official Supporting Member as well... Have found tons of very useful information already, and have enjoyed stalking everyone for the last few months. Hope to possibly meet some of you soon. Merry Christmas from Oklahoma! Rod
  7. Wow!! I have lived in central Oklahoma all my life, and have never seen such beautiful fall colors as we have right now. Understand, Oklahoma, especially central Oklahoma, has never been a fall tourist destination and still may not compete with the north eastern states. But for the area the colors are the best I have ever seen. Either that or my estrogen levels are way up and I'm turning into a girl!
  8. where is the passenger lighter jack located? loving the bike but trying to find everything. Going on a hot Oklahoma birthday ride tomorrow my 50th. see ya on the road. Tony
  9. I'm looking for any history on this trike.would anyone here know who may have owned this trike. I believe it originally came from Texas. It is now in Oklahoma. The guy that owns it now has had it for only about 14 months. It's a 99 with a motortrike kit.
  10. I hope all our friends from Oklahoma made it thru the storms ok. Check in when you can.
  11. This message was just posted by the Oklahoma Patriot Guard State Captain...... Effective 13 Aug 09, the PGR back patch is not authorized for wear at anytime in the State of Oklahoma. All other PGR paraphernalia may be displayed during PGR missions and PGR-related activities. Permanent/semi-permanent items, such as stickers & decals make be displayed anytime on any item or vehicle (i.e, helmets, motorcycles, cages, etc.). Mike (Kit) Kittrell Oklahoma State Captain Note: This is posted for a INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY!! NO COMMENTS REQUIRED!! Respectfully...........Boomer
  12. Anyone thinkin of going to Oklahoma Bike week? http://sparksamerica.com/bike_week.htm
  13. I think Oklahoma has found a cure for it's ecconomic worries. We were just notified by our SCRC State Officer that as of 1 November, Oklahoma has a new traffic law: Anyone ticketed for speeding in a construction zone (any speed) will face a MINIMUM fine of $1000.00. Anyone who has an accident in a construction zone...the fine starts at $5000.00 and if a hiway worker is injured you are looking at $10,000.00 ticket. Now I don't know about the rest of the contry, but here in Oklahoma they put out the construction signs and cones, then apparently go on vacation for the next 6 months before doing any work. Also, most of the time they don't work on weekends and holidays (or if it's raining, too hot, too cold, too windy, etc.) I try to keep an ear on the news and there hasn't been any widely publicised discussion on this, so I doubt many know of it. One person said they heard a short on the evening news one time, but that was all. So if anyone is passing through the OK state, beware!!
  14. I'm Taking Brad's advice and starting a new thread on this. I have purchased a camp trailer from 1-UP in Flordia. Now the problem of getting it to it's new home in central Oklahoma. Ken has kindly offered to bring the trailer as far as Nashville, but I am heading out to the West Coast on the job on Monday and won't be back until the middle of November. Can't get out of it. I was hoping to find a Nashville member who would be willing to meet with Ken and take posession of the trailer until I can get out there at the end of November and pick it up. Ken's schedule isn't set yet, so I can't tell you when he will arrive. But we can work it out. Setting up a relay from Nashville to Oklahoma would be more fun, but I won't be around to coordinate. Sorry. Thanks Dale.
  15. Hello all, I am just starting to plan for a trip to South Dakota in 2009. I want to see Mt. Rushmore, ride Iron Mountain Road and Needles Highway. We are coming up from Oklahoma. I was wondering how many here have taken this trip. I would like suggestions and advice on what to avoid, what to see, and the best times of the year to go. Thanks... Bill

    Im here

    we made it to Florida. We rode thru Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee Mississippi, Alabama and southern Florida. Im just north of Miami in a place called Boynton Beach. 2358 miles in 3 days. Ride was fun. was cold running thru eastern Colorado at 2 am! Hot as hell in Oklahoma. Got lucky and missed the rain in Fl. People here on the turnpike drive completely suicidal!!! First day we made it from Ft. Collins, CO to Blackwell, OK. Second day we made it to Jackson MS and day 3 we made it all the way to Boynton Beach, FL. Tomorrow I get to see the ocean for the first time and go on "thong patrol"! Later:thumbsup:
  17. Here are a few pictures from the Oklahoma Meet and Eat. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/OK%20MnE%2004%2012%2008/ It was a great time meeting old friends for the first time in person. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it in the winds and cold temperatures in the 50's.
  18. OK everybody I going to list this here since the Oklahoma M&E is toward the bottom of the page and probably missed by a lot of folks not looking .. RoseBud has set up the FIRST Oklahoma M&E at POP's Restaurant in Arcadia on hwy 66 at 12:30pm on April 12 (Saturday). Weather shows to be clear in the mid 70'F on April 12. So as of right now we have excellent riding weather. Go to http://www.pops66.com for more information on the restaurant and directions. Pop Restaurant 606 W. HWY 66 Arcadia Okla. Rosebud NEEDS a head count of everybody coming before this coming Saturday April 5. So she can get the seating set up for us so Please let RoseBud know who's coming. If your for sure or not for sure yet. At least go ahead and set it up anyway. If your new to the family and you would like to meet up with us this is the best time to meet some of the family members ....All members that can make it please come and say hi and have lunch with us ... APRIL 12 SATURDAY 12:30PM..... Buddy
  19. Garfield on the oil crisis http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=581d97e462&attid= A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country. ~~~ Well, there's a very simple answer. ~~~ Nobody bothered to check the oil. ~~~ We just didn't know we were getting low. ~~~ The reason for that is purely geographical. ~~~ Our OIL is located in ~~~ ALASKA ~~~ California ~~~ Coastal Florida ~~~ Coastal Louisiana ~~~ Kansas ~~~ Oklahoma ~~~ Pennsylvania and Texas ~~~ Our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington , DC!!! ? Any Questions??? NO? Didn't think So. http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=581d97e462&attid= Have a good day!
  20. NEWTrk wants to replace the stock grips with some new ones that are a little bigger in diameter. If you have replaced your grips he is looking for some reviews of what you replaced your stock grips with, and if you the replacements them or not. BTW - We're in Oklahoma so he is not looking at heated grips. Thanks in advance....
  21. Buddy, hope you and family all OK over there is Oklahoma . I know the ice is bad you are in our prayers. :7_6_3[1]::7_6_3[1]:
  22. my wife and i are going to the quarter horse world show in oklahoma city next week .we will be there monday through thursday.any body from that area want to meet at the biltmoor hotel on meridian for breakfast and coffee, let me know and we will set a time.bill
  23. Greetings all. Just found this from yesterday's news. Anybody know these folk? Thankfully they appear to be okay. A motorcycle ran off the road at the Interstate 40 eastbound off-ramp to U.S. 177 Friday afternoon, injuring both the driver and passenger. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol said the accident occurred about 3:23 p.m. Trooper Jason Richardson's reports show a 2000 Yamaha Venture driven by Loyd Sigle, 59, Oklahoma City, was eastbound on I-40 when he failed to negotiate the off-ramp and ran off the roadway to the right. He and his passenger, Vickie Sigle, 56, Oklahoma City, were ejected about five feet. Loyd Sigle was taken by Medi Flight helicopter ambulance to OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City, where he was admitted with internal trunk injuries. He remained hospitalized Saturday in critical condition. Vickie Sigle was transported by REACT EMS to Unity Health Center, where she was treated for a minor leg injury and released. Both were wearing safety helmets, the OHP said. Unsafe speed on a curve/turn was listed as the cause of the accident.
  24. Best ride in Oklahoma is the Talihina Drive through the Winding Stair Mountain area start at Talihina Oklahoma on HWY 1 in Oklahoma to 88 in Arkansas ending up in Mena. Beautiful ride in the fall of the year, but a great ride anytime. Stop at Queen Wilhelmina SP in Arkansas for lunch.
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