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  1. Restaurant Reviews
  2. We don't have to register our trailers here in Tennessee. I heard someone say last week, that my trailer has to be registered, because some states require it. Is this true? I will be pulling my trailer to Ohio next month for MD, and don't want any issues.
  3. The wife and I got back Friday after visiting Hocking Hills area. Some real nice riding around there and a lot to get off the bike and see on foot. We left Thursday morning and headed North east and road the scenic ByWays. When the road drops off ahead of you where you can't see it any more until you are on the down side of the hill, can take your breath away. Some great riding in Ohio on the east side. Great roads. We got 850 miles put on our trip. Thanks Ohio.
  4. It's been a while since I laughed this much the first thing in the morning. Every time I looked at this pic I have to chuckle..... Look at those two guys looking at each other. http://images.politico.com/global/2012/09/biden_bikers_605_ap.jpg Cruisers Diner in Seaman, Ohio
  5. Like to see if someone in the area could take a look at this trike and check it out for me. Its located in Green, Ohio. Its about 70 miles from Don, but I know he is very busy guy. Hope someone else could check it out for me. Its a 93 Venture trike. Owner doesnt know what kit is on it or if the front end is raked. He said it would be okay for someone to come by and check it out. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/3216256238.html
  6. It's not too early to start discussing where we should hold the 2013 International. I even thought about not having one at all as it seems that many prefer the regional meet and eats but I got a good bit of feedback in NY and everybody I talked to would like to see it continue. So, where should we have it? Now remember, there may be a lot of great ideas but the final decision has to take a lot of things into consideration. Primarily, WHO in the area wants to head it up and has people close by to lend a hand. It is a lot of work. I will start it. I have thought about going back to the Hub in Arkansas because it was a great location and Randall and Debbie did a wonderful job for us. I also thought about the Texas Hill Country. Very nice area but it can be VERY hot down there in the summer. I considered having it here in Ohio but I think it is too close to where we had it this year. Maybe I'll think about Ohio in another year of two. The floor is open. Let's hear your ideas.
  7. Hello all, I was just wondering if there is anyone close to Akron Ohio that might be able to help change out my tires? I'm willing to take them off and all, but I don't have the tools to break them down and spin balance them. If someone's got their on little garage that is willing to help, I'd be more than willing to through a few bones their way for the effort. Please feel free to PM me. Like I said, I'll take the old tires off and on, I just need help getting the new tires on the wheel hub and balance them. Thanks
  8. Below is a link to an article in the local paper where a Ohio State Patrolman endorses the use of a headlight modulator to make bikes more visible. He doesn't specifically use the term modulator but he does describe the effect. Copied in part here. "As a motorcycle driver, you need to drive more defensively than you do when you're driving a car," Randall said. The sergeant said a number of newer features enhance safety. "There are some headlights that almost look like they're flashing as they come at you," Randall said. Other enhancements include brighter turn signals and brake lights. "It's unfortunate that you have to spend the extra money, but in the end it's worth it," Randall said. http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20120331/NEWS01/203310314/1002/rss01 Gary
  9. Of the place in Ohio that has salvage parts? I bought from them but can't remember it.
  10. In Ohio, vehicle registration renewals are the same as your birthday. Mine will be coming up the first of March so I just went online and renewed them all. I think that registrations in Ohio are fairly reasonable compared to some states. I'm just curious what it costs all of you. I just renewed registrations for: 2011 Kia Sorento 2004 Chrysler Crossfire 1999 Royal Star Venture 2000 Royal Star Venture 20somthing Bushtec Trailer Total cost was $160.35 That included my option to add $1.00 to each one as a voluntary contribution to the Ohio vision program. How does this compare to what you pay in other states? The motorcycles were actually 28.87 each, the trailer was 20.87.
  11. i have struck a deal on a used crashed royal star tour deluxe in CANAL Winchester Ohio, and i am looking for a member to go and inspect it before i travel from Illinois to purchase it.. email me, pm or text or call my phone the number is in my profile. thanks in advance! mike
  12. I'm coming up on 28k miles and need to get my valves done. One local stealer quoted me $700 just to do the valves. Any one know a reliable / honest mechanic in the central ohio area? I've wrenched on a lot of bikes but this valve train is something i don't want to do by myself as I've never done one. Thanks Zinger
  13. when I was checking out a couple of the skywatching sites that I am a member of they were remarking how bright the northern lights were tonight. There were reports from Southern BC to Ontario and even a sighting of red lights in Ohio. If your sky is clear go have a look, it might be worth it! Brian
  14. A friend and I are planning a spring trip to Talcott WV down RT 16 from the Ohio River. I am trying to avoid Summerville and Gauley Bridge. Gauley Bridge has 750 resisdents. They write more speeding tickets than anywhere in the state or WV. They write MORE than the state capitol city. I would be coming from the Cleveland Ohio area and want to avoid these spots. Any suggestions from our WV brothers? I want to take 16 down so I can see the folks and turn off before the traps. 16 is also just a great road. Thanks, Geo
  15. The start of our journey through the U.S. started with MD in Ohio.....now that's what I call startin' with a "bang" We are now in Fairborn, Ohio --staying for a couple of days to let my legs rest, and AL wants to check out the USAF museum here. We then head to Kentucky. Will keep you all up to date in here from time to time.
  16. The last in state football team to beat Ohio State was Oberlin. In 1921. Hey Boss what position did you play on that team???
  17. hey all havent been around much for a while so im sure some of u know and some of u dont that we are moving heading to louisville area in the morning just about all packed up , what a nightmare, especially since i just got back on my leg after being off it all summer !! i have a dilema....and wondering if there is anyone in that area (moving to jeffersonville, indiana to be exact) that would be willing to help unload, hahaha should arrive sometime tuesday and gotta have the truck back to penske wed morning we got waylaid a day and origianlly planned to arrive monday my daughters coming down from ohio to help but as of right now thats the only help , her and dale i cant lift and carry anything heavy so im about worthless- no smart comments lol anyways wish us luck !
  18. my son and i are trying to come up with a covered bridge ride something between 2 and 3 hundred miles , we are in central ohio, any sugestions thanks Lee
  19. I think my scoot has had it's last bath!!! Last few times I washed it things went wrong! Just before Doodle's MD gave it a bath and one of the wind deflectors, by the right front fork, fell off. The good news there is it fell off in my driveway. Washed it before MD in Ohio, the other deflector is on the highway somewhere north of Cincinnatti Today I washed it to go to kbran's MD and now the intercom sounds like the fuel pump is running in my helmet headset!!!
  20. and it don't rain in Indianapolis--- HAH, WANNA BET??? Lightning, thunder, rain, rain, hail, lightning, thunder, rain, lightning, thunder, hail, and then repeat. It's just plain nasty, and probably headed for Ohio (just in case there's anyone from Ohio active on this forum:stickinouttounge:) We're inside and dry, but it's been at this for around 2 or 2 1/2 hours now and no let-up in sight. P.S. forum name WATERING HOLE???
  21. The better half and I will depart the Western 'burbs of Detroit 8:00AM Saturday for Maintenance Day. We'll leave Stony Ridge Ohio about 9:30 and travel across Ohio 20 to Oberlin. Anyone from SE Michigan or NW Ohio going Saturday AM that wants to ride together?
  22. Hello everyone, New here and excited about my purchase but confused.....I'm actually in the purchasing and transporting process at this time. I'm purchasing a 2007 Royal Star Venture in Ohio and trying to arrange to get it here to Florida. Confusing I might add. I have never done this before and I'm seeking suggestions if anyone has any. I'm excited about the bike but not about the process. Thanks ahead of time for your comments.
  23. Just heard about this place in Mansfield Ohio and thinking about taking a ride to check it out. We really liked the movie and thought it would be neat to go and have a look at the actual prison. Anyone else been there? As a tourist I mean... Or a resident...LOL! Maybe a good destination for a Ohio M&E???? http://www.mrps.org/
  24. T.J.

    Oberlin Inn

    I just made reservations at The Oberlin Inn for Friday Night. I figured I would try them again. I liked the over hang for parking the bikes. The price is $89.95 for the Venturerider group. The same as it was in 2009. It will be here before we know it. In case you want to know. Oberlin Inn 7 North Main Street Oberlin Ohio 44074 1-800-376-4173
  25. After consulting the boss (no, not Linda )I'm talking about Freebird and much discussion he has decided to test the water and see how much interest there might be in having home-made ice cream at MD this year. It already has been decided that there will be 4 flavors, Vanilla, Chocolate, Reeses peanut butter cup and Black cherry. It will all be home-made by Schloneger's of Dundee Ohio. I know some of you have had his ice cream because he has a 'permanent' stand across the street from Lehmans Hardware in Kidron Ohio and I've had the pleasure of working beside him at Atwood Lake for the past 11 years, hence my enlarging belt size. Getting back to MD - My intention is to buy a small chest freezer, take it to Don's and make it a permanent fixture in his greenhouse. We can then have home-made ice cream at MD without spending the man hours to make it. Whatcha think ??
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