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Found 11 results

  1. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  2. http://www.wcax.com/story/16663947/prisoners-sneak-pig-into-vsp-decal I took a year for one of the officers to notice it.
  3. Just attended the funeral procession for a well respected police officer here in Toronto. Normally I would not do this type of post, but the event was so amazing and moving. Close to 10,000 officers marched 8 abreast (over 1/2 a mile long) to honor this officer who was killed on duty by a mentally ill homeless man driving a stolen snow plow. Officers from across Canada marched, as well as some from the US. Our fellow VentureRider, Dogman (Dave), marched with his dog and other Toronto Canine Unit officers and I suspect there were others marching.
  4. I proudly fly the American Flag and today she is at half mast to honor our fallen Officers. Thank you. (old picture) hh http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t51/runeight/Home/CIMG1594.jpg
  5. Yesterday, wife and I were out and about, just enjoying getting on the bike for a time. We were heading out of OKC on the freeway when we were passed by two Motor Officers, riding side by side at about 70 MPH. I picked up speed and stayed behind them for a while just watching them. Like I said, we were traveling at 70 MPH, the two officers were exactly side-by-side. The thing was, there were never more than 2-4 inches between the tips of their handlebars, always perfectly aligned. They were talking and laughing with each other, apparently perfectly relaxed, looking around enjoying the day as much as I was. I followed them through several lane changes, passing cars, until they took an exit. Never did they move further apart or get ahead of the other, during these manuvers. They never looked down at where they were in relation to the other, they just seemed to know. I consider myself a fairly smooth and consistant rider, but I cannot imagine riding that close on purpose. The confidence you must have, not only in yourself but in your partner, is way beyond any I could muster. It was a beautiful thing to see.
  6. pick

    Texas LE

    Any Texas LE officers in the Amarillo area? Need a professional question answered? PM me?
  7. A gunman shot and killed 4 Lakewood Police officers today as they were sitting in a coffee shop. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?ps=1011&rip_id=%3CD9C9D0G80%40news.ap.org%3E&_LT=UNGL_LARSDCCLM_UNEWS Even having spent almost 20 years as a Federal Agent, I will never understand that kind of mentality....
  8. I know I am stating the obvious to all here but it needs to be said again. I belong to several MC forums and none, and I mean none, are anywhere near the caliber of this one. The other sites have areas such as Politics/Religion, NSFW areas and others that more often than not turn into slugfests with members being banned and members ignoring one another. Hell, I even exploded recently at someone who basically said the police officers killed in Washington asked for it. Don has done a fine job with this forum and I hope it's around forever. Kudos to him as well as to the mods for keeping the place running sharp. The members here are quick to come to the aid of others and no question looking for advice ever goes unanswered. I am proud to be a member of this fine group of men and women.
  9. Cops accused of Toys for Tots thefts ‘tarnished’ police’s image, official says By Freeman Klopott Examiner Staff Writer 12/25/08 The four District of Columbia police officers reportedly caught on tape stealing from Toys for Tots “tarnished” the department’s image, a police official said. Police confirmed that the four officers had been put on desk jobs as internal affairs investigates them for stealing toys. Officials said if the officers did take the toys intended for the city’s youth, they will be prosecuted. On Christmas Day, the department’s community outreach director, Yvonne Smith, fired off a message to an e-mail network for residents of the Southeast D.C. neighborhood where the thefts allegedly occurred. Smith wrote that she’d hoped to see Christmastime news coverage include positive stories about police outreach in one of the city’s poorest, most crime-plagued neighborhoods — the 6th District in Southeast Washington — instead of a tale about the strong victimizing the weak. The story of the four officers accused of taking the toys “starts off Christmas on a sour note, puts distance between the community and the police, and worst of all, tarnishes the image of the Department during a time when we are trying to build strong relationships to foster trust that ultimately helps us solve crimes,” Smith wrote. As police officials released few details on the investigation on Christmas Eve, police cadets were unloading a van stuffed with toys at Sursum Corda and Potomac Gardens Public Housing Developments, Smith wrote. “People of all ages ran out and surrounded them, taking toys and saying, ‘the police have never done anything like this here,’ ” she wrote, highlighting how police outreach can benefit relations with the community. “Please don’t let the Christmas story of the day be about an investigation of officers who make up .001 percent of the department,” Smith concluded. “Many many many more members made outstanding contributions during this holiday season to make a difference in the lives of families who are struggling.” Two of the accused officers worked for the department’s youth services division, and the four were caught on tape taking the toys, WJLA reported. Original Post
  10. Top this for a speeding ticket... Two British traffic patrol officers from North Berwick were involved in an unusual incident while checking for speeding motorists on the A1 Great North Road. One of the officers used a hand-held radar device to check the speed of a vehicle approaching over the crest of a hill, and was surprised when the speed was recorded at over 300 mph. Their radar suddenly stopped working and the officers were not able to reset it. Just then a deafening roar over the treetops revealed that the radar had in fact latched on to a NATO Tornado fighter jet which was engaged in a low-flying exercise over the Border district, approaching from the North Sea. Back at police headquarters the chief constable fired off a stiff complaint to the RAF Liaison office. Back came the reply in true laconic RAF style: "Thank you for your message, which allows us to complete the file on this incident. You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Tornado had detected the presence of, and subsequently locked onto, your hostile radar equipment and automatically sent a jamming signal back to it. Furthermore, an air-to-ground missile aboard the fully-armed aircraft had also automatically locked onto your equipment. Fortunately the pilot flying the Tornado recognized the situation for what it was, quickly responded to the missile systems alert status, and was able to override the automated defence system before the missile was launched and your hostile radar installation was destroyed. "Good Day."
  11. Hi there there will be a group of riders going from Oshawa Ontario at 8am Saturday Sept 29 to Ottawa for the Police and Peace officer memorial parade!! if you cant make it for the ride you are more then welcome to join myself and approx 10,000 other officers on parliment hill at 9am sunday morning for the service. for details please feel free to contact me at 905 924 4500 or at yamaha_racing_08@hotmail.com thanks
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