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  1. I need to order a pin from Bushtec that would fit in a priority box USPS for $5.95, They will only use fed ex or Ups. Sales claimed that they had no way to track packages with Post office???? Anyway for a $49 part They are wanting $14 shipping. I don't mind paying I just feel that this is gouging....
  2. Why I'm Divorced Last week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well waking up on that morning. I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my husband would be pleasant and say, 'Happy Birthday!', and possibly have a small present for me. As it turned out, he barely said good morning, let alone ' Happy Birthday.' I thought....well, that's marriage for you, but the kids.... they will remember. My kids came bouncing down stairs to breakfast and didn't say a word. So when I left for the office I felt pretty low and somewhat despondent. As I walked into my office, my handsome boss Rick, said, 'Good morning, lady, and by the way Happy Birthday!' It felt a little better that at least someone had remembered. I worked until one o'clock, when Rick knocked on my door and said, 'You know, It's such a beautiful day outside, and it is your birthday, what do you say we go out to lunch, just you and me.' I said, 'Thanks, Rick, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's go!' We went to lunch. But we didn't go where we normally would go.He chose instead a quiet bistro with a private table.We had two martinis each and I enjoyed the meal tremendously. On the way back to the office, Rick said, 'You know, It's such a beautiful day...we don't need to go straight back to the office, do we?' I responded, 'I guess not. What do you have in mind?' He said, 'Let's drop by my place, it's just around the corner.' After arriving at his house, Rick turned to me and said, 'If you don't mind, I'm going to step into the bedroom for just a moment. I'll be right back.' 'Ok.' I nervously replied. He went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes, he came out carrying a huge birthday cake, followed by my husband, my kids, and dozens of my friendsand co-workers, all singing 'Happy Birthday'. And I just sat there.... on the couch.... naked.
  3. ,.....On my Desk,.... http://inlinethumb39.webshots.com/46310/2758122200101950171S600x600Q85.jpg My wife and I have been working on redoing out Car Lot Office, I found a bunch of Harley Mufflers from Chraigslist and decided to use them as part of our office Theme. They make the computer sound Sweet!
  4. I have some windshield trim and brown passenger arm rest for 1st gen MK11 (came of an 89). If anybody wants these, email me at sc750virago@charter.net. No charge, if anybody can use them you can have them. Just take all of it, save me 2 trips to the post office, lol. Thanks.
  5. If anyone has a line on a decent working used TTY machine, we need one asap as our's just died (at the office) and it's a "must have" for our business.
  6. Jeff and I looked at a house before he left that we were interested in. So today Riderduke came down with a friend TC (some of the crew have met her) to check the place out for me. After looking under in and on top we headed off to McDonald's for coffee. Actually I headed home real fast to pick up the plat Jeff got from the health dept with the septic info. Which seems to be off. Long story short TC (whose a real estate agent up in VA) called a friend and got me a new agent locally to work with. The one I had wasn't very helpful. So we all headed over to the agent's office and I put in an offer. I don't know if you're suppose to have fun at a real estate office but we did. The place is gonna need work, so David will have his work cut out for him. Anyway I guess I just wait now to find out if they accept the offer. I can't thank TC and David enough for the help and hand holding. Kinda scary doing this on my own. They may regret offering to keep holding my hand through this. Margaret
  7. I saw a fundamentalist Muslim extremist fall into the Rio Grande River this morning. He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the guns and bombs he was carrying.Along with him was an illegal Hispanic drug cartel member who was also struggling to stay afloat because of the large backpack of drugs that was strapped to his back. If they didn't get help, they'd surely drown. Being a responsible Texan and abiding by the law to help those in distress, I informed the El Paso County Sheriff 's Office and Homeland Security. It is now after noon, both have drowned, and neither authority has responded. I'm starting to think I wasted two stamps.
  8. Sign over a Gynecologist's Office: "Dr. Jones, at your cervix." ************************** In a Podiatrist's office: "Time wounds all heels." ***************** ********* On a Septic Tank Truck: Yesterday's Meals on Wheels ************************** At a Proctologist's door: "To expedite your visit, please back in." ************************** On a Plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed." ************************** On another Plumber's truck: "Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber." ************************** On a Church's Bill board: "7 days without God makes one weak." ************************** At a Tyre Shop in Milwaukee : "Invite us to your next blowout." ************************** At a Towing company: "We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows." ************************** On an Electrician's truck: "Let us remove your shorts." ************************** In a Nonsmoking Area: "If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action." ************************** On a Maternity Room door: "Push. Push. Push." ************************** At an Optometrist's Office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place." ************************** On a Taxidermist's window: "We really know our stuff." ************************** On a Fence: "Salesmen welcome! Dog food is expensive!" ************************** At a Car Dealership: "The best way to get back on your feet - miss a car payment." ************************** Outside a Muffler Shop: "No appointment necessary. We hear you coming." ************************** In a Veterinarian's waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!" ************************** At the Electric Company "We would be delighted if you send in your payment. However, if you don't, you will be." ************** ************ In a Restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up." ************************** In the front yard of a Funeral Home: "Drive carefully. We'll wait." ************************** At a Propane Filling Station: "Thank heaven for little grills." ************************** And don't forget the sign at a CHICAGO RADIATOR SHOP: "Best place in town to take a leak." (And in Texarkana !) ********************** Sign on the back of another Septic Tank Truck: "Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises"
  9. received this fabulous email today....anxious to start receiving my daily pay of $3500.00. check it out and let me know what you think.......... and if you come up with half of the $70.00 up front money, i'll share the $800K..... Western Union Paymant Notification WESTERN UNION HEAD OFFICE DEPARTMENT REPUBLIC OF BENIN.FOREGN CONTRACTOR PAYMENT OFFICE TELEPHONE +229-99-354-730 w_union0077@sify.com PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS OF USD$800, 000. 00 CERTIFIED FUNDS: Hello Clinet,Goodday,and how are you today?please sorry for our silent, you may think that we forget to transfer your funds no but verifiction to know whether you are not real beneficary that why we no mailing you since but thank God that our verification discovered that you are real beneficary of the said ($800.000.00) and every arrange was made normaly, You where given a bill of $140 in order to start receving your daily pay $3500 of which we didn’t hear from you for sometime now and because of your silent we have be thinking on how to help you about of the issue because we understand that you are facing finacial difficulties over there. Hence, our general manager Mr Mike Bronw is now offering a Special XMAS bonus to all our customers that are abandon their funds in our custody due to because of price before. in order words we are now requesting that those involve should pay only the sum of $70.00 to receive all their payment in our custody. Besides, my dear, this is an opportunity you have to comply and have your fund transfered to your designated address. Send the fee through Western money Transfer with the information below; Name...............CHIZOR CHINAKA Country............Benin Republic TEXT QUESTION: ....In God? ANSWER ............We trust, AMOUNT.............$70.00 MTCN............... Forward the payment control number, sender name and address after sending to enable pick up the money in this Department office here. Finally, we are looking forward to your compliment. I wish you good luck. Yours in service MR NICK MAXX, WESTERN UNION HEAD OFFICE DEPARTMENT REPUBLIC OF BENIN.FOREGN CONTRACTOR PAYMENT OFFICE THIS IS OUR CONDUCT CODE ( 101)
  10. Many of you probably don't know, but, some of you might suspect that there have been periods of my life when I have struggled with anger issues. Yea thats right, I have times when my anger management techniques don't work. There I've said it. This morning was one of those times. Last night I spent the night at my girl friends, who happens to live in a condo. We have been dating for about a year and last night was not the first night I had spent the night. Nor the first night that my bike spent the night peacefully parked in the parking lot. But, this morning when I walked out the door the first thing I see is that some A*****E had put a F*****g 12" x 6" orange super sticker glue sticker across the windsheild (right at eye level) of the borrowed Midnight Venture I have been riding which read basically, and I quote "NO MOTORCYCLES ALLOWED" So at this moment i'm thinking F**K anger management. For the next thirty minutes I very carefully pealed the sticker off the windsheild as my blood boiled, making sure that the sticker came off in one whole piece. So that I could haul a** down to the management office armed with the knowledge: That there is no posted signage on the property informing the general public of that policy and I was realitively sure he could not enforce it. That my girl friend had complained to me on several occassions that she hated to go to the management office because the married Property Manager always hit on her making sexually suggestive comments to her. Suspecting that his attack on my motorcycle was probably personally motivated against me I sped on down to his office to carefully place that sticker in some conspicouse place while voicing my opinion about his management policy and my anger management technique or lack thereof. Did I display self control and maturity when I confronted that Property Manager. F**k that. Was I calm, cool and collected? I doubt it. Did I handle the situation in the best possible way? Probably not. Could some of my actions and words be legally construed as Terroristic threats. I'm sure. Did that Property Manager believe me when I told him where I would shove that sticker the next time he put one on my bike, or what I would do to him personally if he ever behaved inappropiately to her again, as I carefully rubbed out the air bubbles from between the sticker and his office door glass. He better. Did I feel better as I rode off. Yes I did Sorry for the rant, Thanks for letting me vent. I'm over it now.
  11. If you're like me and have been using the same old scanner for the last 10 or 12 years and the thing works for all you need it... but have upgraded to Vista or Win 7 only to discover your scanner is not supported by either windows or the scanner MFG .... DON'T THROW IT OUT!! I almost did this with not only my own personal scanner but also one here at the office. Then I found this program called VueScan ... http://www.hamrick.com/ It will install drivers for you. At least it did for our old HP scanners. Voila` ... both scanners now work in Windows 7 !!
  12. My trip to byran Tx is being pushed back a few months. so, for those of you I chatted with about coming through, and stopping for coffee, we'll have to hold that thought. I was riding out to sit at a court trial, for a Fellow rider Killed by a drunk driver. So, Our friend Jim, doesn't get any justice, and his family has to go on waiting, to hang the little bastard Subject: Info on Petcock killer trial from (Club name removed): I spoke with Kelly today and over this past weekend. She has been in contact with the victim's assistance coordinator at the DA's office. I also got off the phone with the victim's assistance coordinator in the DA's office this morning and she confirmed that the pre-trial / trial is NOT going to be on the dates listed on the web site. The trial may not even occur this year. Yeah, that's right, Jim's been dead for over a year and his murderer still gets to run around loose possibly for another year.The young lady in the DA's office told me the dates on the web site Brad sent are meant to be tentative dates and the web site is updated by a completely different office. She did say that as the date is firmed up, the wording "Preferential Jury Trial" will replace "Jury Trial", as that means the case has been moved to the top of the list and the date has been confirmed.So, basically it looks like everything is on hold until we get further info.-Doc
  13. Just got back from Charlene's second follow up for her spine surgery, which went very well, she is healing up fine, back pain is gone, at the same office we had an appointment with another surgeon to look at her hip and knee, she will be having her right hip replaced sometime in May, which is just around the corner, she is releived that we are moving on a lot quicker than we expected. I think if it were me I would have contacted Dr. "K" by now....but she has put up with more than I ever could, then if she still needs it the knee will be replaced next. Charlene spoke to the Dr. office today and the date is set for May 19, so in a little over 2 1/2 weeks back to the hospital. Like I have said before, this is her rebuilding year...........
  14. Hi Don: Any chance of enabling the newer Office files: ie) docx instead of doc
  15. Stuck at the office? www.espn3.com
  16. What brings a 290lb man to his knees? Two words KIDNEY STONES! Today started well.Went to work at 6:30 all is well. By 7:15 i was a mess.It was like someone hit a light switch. Sitting in the doctors office by 8:30 and cat scan by 11:00. Passed one tonight another to go. Thank god for Hydrocondone. Thanks Chris
  17. I laughed so hard I cried - I hope this lightens your day! COSTELLO CALLS TO BUY A COMPUTER FROM ABBOTT ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you? COSTELLO: Thanks I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer. ABBOTT: Mac? COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou. ABBOTT: Your computer? COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one. ABBOTT: Mac? COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou. ABBOTT: What about Windows? COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here? ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows? COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows? ABBOTT: Wallpaper. COSTELLO: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software. ABBOTT: Software for Windows? COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What do you have? ABBOTT: Office. COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything? ABBOTT: I just did. COSTELLO: You just did what? ABBOTT: Recommend something. COSTELLO: You recommended something? ABBOTT: Yes. COSTELLO: For my office? ABBOTT: Yes. COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office? ABBOTT: Office. COSTELLO: Yes, for my office! ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Windows. COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need? ABBOTT: Word. COSTELLO: What word? ABBOTT: Word in Office. COSTELLO: The only word in office is office. ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows. COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows? ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'. COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue 'w' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with? ABBOTT: Money. COSTELLO: That's right. What do you have? ABBOTT: Money. COSTELLO: I need money to track my money? ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer. COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer? ABBOTT: Money. COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer? ABBOTT: Yes. No extra charge. COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much? ABBOTT: One copy. COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money? ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money. COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money? ABBOTT: Why not? THEY OWN IT! (A few days later) ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you? COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off? ABBOTT: Click on 'START'............. :rotf::rotf:
  18. I just got this from our church office staff. I either drive or ride this road daily. It's a really straight stretch of highway with a 50 mph limit. It's a shame to hear about these things, but when we do it should always remind us of how fleeting life can be. Not just a reminder for when we are on our bikes, but every moment should count. May God bless you and keep you safe. The doctor's office where this occured is right at the entrance to our church. Everyone: I just wanted to let you know that the church office will be closed this morning. At about 7 this morning there was a fatal motorcycle accident in front of the doctors office. The road is currently closed and we do not know how long it will take to open it back up. Please pray for the family of the person killed. As soon as we are able to get in to the church, we will let you know. If you need to get a hold of me in an emergency, you can still e-mail me at the church’s email address or this one or you can call my cell phone at Thanks, Kris
  19. the Withdrawal of my Membership at Venturerider.org !! !! NOT !! You won't get rid of me that easy !!! :whistling: But i'd like annouce the newest Addition to my Stable .... a brand new 2009 VMAX. http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto292%28Medium%29.jpg http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto294%28Medium%29.jpg http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto295%28Medium%29.jpg http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto296%28Medium%29.jpg http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto297%28Medium%29.jpg http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto298%28Medium%29.jpg http://wkhost.webkicks.de/squeeze/Docs/09/Foto299%28Medium%29.jpg It was last Tuesday. My Wife gave me a ride over to the Dealer where i've ordered the Bike on 07/18/2008. My Wife dropped me at the Dealer and they have had everything preped as it was spoken over the Phone. My Payment went over the Bank the Friday before, so all we had to do was inspecting the Bike, get first Information's from the Sales Guy and off i go. My Wife left a bit earlier, because she had another Appointment at the Office. I said; i'll be there in two Hours or so ... When i took of the first Time, it was a strange Feeling. The Bike is fairly high, but the Pull this Motor produces is noticeable even at off Idle. When i had accustomed my self to the Seating Position, i was out of Town and riding over some wide and not too cornery Back Roads. The Asphalt was cold, it was only 4 Degrees Celsius that Day and with new Tires and cold Roads, you gotta take it easy. I was only revving up to 3 or 3.5 k because i don't want to ruin my Ride on the first Encounter. I stopped in front of the old Church to take the Pics and have a Smoke and grin onto my new Bike. After i took off, i was more encouraged and getting more on the Motor. I revved up to 4.5 k and some more but only with slightly opened Throttle. This Motor is awesome. I'm sure it will pull my Arms out soon. I arrived at the Office were my Bikes are sitting after 1.5 Hours and 35 mls ridden. My Wife said i was grinning all the Way from left to right Ear. I think she's right, i have some Problems with the Muscles in my Face since. The Bike will sit another 4 to 6 Weeks until the Weather clears up and i'm able to give it the Treatment it's ought to. Please refrain from Comments about how ugly this Bike looks. I know, and i don't like some Aspects like the Head Light and the Signals myself. I didn't buy it because of the Look, this will change anyway. I bought it for the Motor, the Frame, the Suspension, the Brakes. Everything else will be changed anyway sooner or later.
  20. Saw in another post that you work for Gemini Letters. Our son works as a graphic designer for Signs by Tomorrow in Cedar Falls, IA. He designed our letters for the outside of our office here and they are Gemini's. Nice product!!!
  21. Had to post this one. Received this Email today. I get a few of these, as do a number of others on this site. It got me thinking - no wonder the world is in financial turmoil with these jokers giving away so many millions of dollars. I wonder if George W is on the mailing list? Dear Beneficiary. Congratulations as we bring to your notice, The Office of the senate house of Assembly has chosen you by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of this new year promotion cash grant/Donation. To celebrate the 30th anniversary celebration,We are giving out a yearly donation of The ATM Card Value is $2,500,000.00 USD to 2 luck recipients, as New Year promotion from the W.H.O, UN, and the EU in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament. Fill out below information and send it to the Payment Remitance Office Via their email contact address: Full Name: Address: Occupation: State: Country: Telephone: Sex: Age: Winning Batch No:(W-342-8876,U-500-32) Remittance Contact Mr.Alfred Udeh E-mail:atm-remmittancedept@hotmail.com Phone Contact:+234 80507 17862
  22. Anybody putting one together this year? I've really enjoyed having the 2008 caledar in my office this year. If I'm just missing the thread, would somebody point me in the right direction?
  23. we sat and sat and sat.......lol he was the very last case this morning..we were the very last people sitting in the courtroom... he saw us when he came in again but never ever looked our way again....he definately avoided us.....his lawyer didnt show today..supposedly had a medical emergency and never made it there. Prosecutors office said they had some issues with the case they want to get taken care of so they wanted next hearing in two weeks....so guess where we be in 2 weeks again... Ive got a call into our advocate at the prosecutors office to find out exactly what the issues are they want to take care of.....all i know of at this time would be the motion for bond reduction he has in........patience isnt one of my better traits.....
  24. Working in the shop today I stepped in the mens room to wash up. I was only in there for a minute and when I opened the door to come out guess what? There laid a copper head snake in front of the door. I hollered for my secretary. I'm stuck in the john come and get me. Oh yea and bring a hoe. Someone left the bay door cracked again. The last one got in my office.
  25. I was once told that there is freeware that works with Microsoft Office? I understand that it will work with all the same applications that Office has ...if someone knows could you tell me where to download it from? Thanks in advance for all the help ...we'll see you folks in a few days !!
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