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Abdul who for many years and up until this year (due to family health reasons) has been a loyal member going under the screen name chabichka, could use our prayers. His wife Shah, (and though he would prefer to keep details private), is not well. So for those of you who believe in prayer please pray for him and Shah. And for those not so inclined please offer your best wishes and support. For those of you who know Abdul and Shah nothing needs to be said and for those of you who do not, I can only say they are are a wonderful couple a pleasure to be around and deserve all the hope and prayer they can get.
We are in the process of rebuilding our VR Assistance List. If you can and are willing to offer assistance to a member who is riding through your area, please edit your profile to include that information. Simply click on "Settings" at the upper right of the page and then scroll down to "Edit Profile". Near the bottom you will find a place to select "yes or no" in regards to offering local assistance and then a place to select services that you may be able to offer. Cowpuc just mentioned in another thread another, and maybe easier, way to get to it. Click "forum actions" in the small menu at the top. Select edit profile. Scroll down and you'll see where to select your information.
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i was checking out motorcycles on craigs list came accross a 1986 yamaha venture with a voyager kit. painted to match the bike. asking price 3 grand. has starter problems? bike will start but the starter hesitates? missing the yamaha piece that goes around the windshield? not a big problem. so i was thinking bike might need a starter clutch? so i shot him an offer of $2600. he sent me an email saying i must be nuts. the kit alone sells for $2500 or more alone? and at the price of $3000 he would be giving the bike away as it is. but needs to sell. sure hope it was noone here. if it is im sorry if i insulted you with my offer.
This offer might be buried in a place where many members won't be reading so I'll put it out there, loud and clear... See post #37...
What a great site. So many top mechanics willing to offer any info to help another Venturerider. For what it's worth, I'm a pretty decent HVAC Tech, although I do commercial / industrial work, there's not much to the residential work, which is where I started. Since I can't profess enough knowledge about these bikes to help in that manner, if any of y'all need help with the home furnace or a/c, right down to a house call if you're within a reasonable distance, please let me know. I've never been shy about helping out when I can. I live in Central Ohio and would be only too happy to help a fellow Venturerider. PM me if you need help. I'll get it on my phone and I'll get back to ya shortly. Pay it forward. Thanks for being there. John:)
If their are any members who may arrive early for the rally and would like to help set up , please feel free to come down to Pioneer on saturday and offer a hand..The rally committee will be there at noon...Many hands make a BIG job a small chore....
So. I added Oberlin,OH to my weather map saved locations this morning in anticipation of MD. it came up with 34F for today. Is Don going to offer electric oil heaters to the campers? Ice fishing on the pond?
Venture Mammoth. Just arrived. Straight from 50 miles with fuzzy butt, love it. More miles today, Anyone else have these? I believe it is the longest hair they offer. Now the new name for the bike seems to be "Tina Turner"
I have been paying one local hospital monthly payments for services not covered by insurance. They sent me a letter with a 50 % discount offer off the balance due if I pay in full by march 31st. Nice offer but still the balance due would be a sacrifice with Ramona still not working. I think I will call them with a counter offer accepting the 50 % reduction if they will accept maybe a increase in monthly payment $$$'s until paid in full. Anybody had luck with hospital negotiations?
Due to requests I have now added trailer hitches to my list of products I offer for members here. Thanks in advance, Larry
I am going to go and look at a 1999 Road Star 1600 it looks to be in nice shape from the pics I have seen, one owner 52,000 miles what are some things that I should be sure to check out on it. And what would be a fair price to pay or offer. Thanks Orlin
I need pair of new shoes for my Stratoliner, anyway i will buy here or from other MC online store. Does those guys with banners on top of the page offer any discount for VR members, or do any good for site, and if so do I have to enter any promo code? Love ya all.
I have a source for the solid motor mounts for the 1st Gen and Vmax. Made from 6061 Aluminum, all six pieces as 1 set. At this time I would like to see if there is an interest from folks. Pricing is $50.00 for each set including shipping to 48 states, I will need to check on shipping to our Canadian members. All orders would be shipped from me and a Paypal account setup to receive funds, those that wish not to use Paypal arrangements can be made accommodate you. AT THIS TIME this is just an offer, if there is enough interest (20 sets) I will get things moving forward. My plan is to offer these to be delivered in time for a great winter project. If you have priced these you know this is a good deal. I am not interested in making a personal profit from the group buy. All of you have offered me plenty of support and knowledge that can never be repaid. So if interested please respond by sending a personal message via the forum. If you need more info my telephone number is listed in my profile. Thanks to all of you. Steve Neal
I had found some parts I needed for my bike on ebay. I made the seller an offer and he accepted my offer. I was waiting for the invoice so I could get him paid and instead he said that someone had "just" offered him more money. Now I do not get my parts and he just sayd it is business. So if you have to deal with ebayer onestopoutlet beware. Shaun
Here is a link I saved a while back on my computer, that you GW owners may find very useful.. If you read this document from beginning to end, you will expand your personal knowledge of what your GW really has to offer and where it is located. Hope you find it helpful. Eck
Wow! Anyone else notice this? We used to have between 2000 & 2500 on the books, but, now only 992. Anyone got an explanation for the drop? Less trust? I found this out by looking to see who might offer a place to stay the night in those areas I might be headed this summer. Just wonderin'.
Jeff and I looked at a house before he left that we were interested in. So today Riderduke came down with a friend TC (some of the crew have met her) to check the place out for me. After looking under in and on top we headed off to McDonald's for coffee. Actually I headed home real fast to pick up the plat Jeff got from the health dept with the septic info. Which seems to be off. Long story short TC (whose a real estate agent up in VA) called a friend and got me a new agent locally to work with. The one I had wasn't very helpful. So we all headed over to the agent's office and I put in an offer. I don't know if you're suppose to have fun at a real estate office but we did. The place is gonna need work, so David will have his work cut out for him. Anyway I guess I just wait now to find out if they accept the offer. I can't thank TC and David enough for the help and hand holding. Kinda scary doing this on my own. They may regret offering to keep holding my hand through this. Margaret
Passanger intercom/radio connection
SMSgt posted a topic in Royal Star Venture Tech Talk ('99 - '13)
I saw a picture of an RSV showing the passenger intercom recepticle up on the back of the drivers back rest. I would like do that to mine. Has anyone seen that or made that mod? Can anyone offer me any suggestions? I know it will take some kind of wiring work under the left rear armrest but I can't even get that off. Thanks Kent -
The Upgrade of the Year, or I think so. Bike MP3 has an Upgrade Program for the next 5 to 7 days ONLY. Details are on the web site. Now for the good or best part. Read paragraph 3 carefully. Did you catch it,, If you have an MP3 Player that plugs into the GL1800 system you qualify to Upgrade to the New V-3 Bike MP3 plug and play system. Yepp if you have a J&M, Ipod Shuffle, or another working player that is working, but you want the functionality of the handlebar controls, here is the opportunity to get it as an Upgrade. And Yes there is one in the works for the Venture
Hey ya'll . I just received this email from Bikemp3. Some of you who already have these units on your GoldWings might be interested in this. I'm just passing the word along. I really don't know anything other than what is in this message. News About The V1 MP3 Players Dear BikeMP3 Customer I just wanted to take some time to tell you about our progress with V1 MP3 players for the GL1800 and to make you what we think is an exciting offer. As you will know some users have experienced problems on pre 2006 bikes where they loose control of the change track function. The reasons for this are complicated but above all annoying. Also many users have asked for more functionality from the players. Well, for over a year we have been working with our suppliers to find a remedy to issues and requests and we are happy to tell you that we now have a working solution. What I cannot tell you is that as of today we do not have this solution into a form that we could release to owners of the current players although we are confident that we will soon be able to offer you a solution. However our new factory has made a one time generous offer to all MP3 owners and not just owners of our V1 player but any MP3 player currently being used on a GL1800 regardless of the manufacturer. As long as it is in working condition with all cables and accessories we will upgrade you to our new player for the same low price of $39.99 including shipping. It need not even be integrated just plugged into a GL1800 and working will qualify. After this offer expires the retail for the new player will be $129.99. So tell your friends the offer is open to everyone. So what does this new player offer that makes it worth upgrading to? Well just take a look at the features listed on the right of this page to see the benefits of upgrading, and if the new player does not do what we say it does we will refund your the upgrade fee and return your original player. We are offering 3 upgrade options including one for those of you who want to wait for the fix for our V1 player to be released, however the V1 fix when it comes will just address the lockups it will not offer any of the additional features that the new player offers. We need to organize our records and target our efforts so regardless of your choice we must ask you to visit our website and register your intentions before Friday January 7th 2011 I must emphasize even if you want to wait for the V1 fix we need to know by that date for you to be added to the waiting list this is your final opportunity any requests after this date cannot be accommodated. Current V2 owners that are already on the waiting list will be emailed separately as that list is already closed and we are in contact with effected owners, other V2 users may take advantage of the upgrade program. The upgrade options are $00.00 Keep your old V1 player and wait for the fix $39.99 Send in your old MP3 player and receive the new 2011 V3 $64.99 Keep your old player and receive the new 2011 V3 Register on our homepage WWW.BikeMP3.COM and click the MP3 upgrade product at the bottom of the page All orders must be prepaid with a projected shipping date mid to late January 2011 Please take time to register your intentions as soon as possible Thanks For Your Continued Custom And May I Wish You A Happy And Prosperous New Year Pete Elvin BikeMP3 New Player Features Fix Lockups On Pre 2006 Pause/Stop Function Auto Folder Change Second Aux Port Numeric Index Alphabetic Index Small Form Factor Auto XM Radio Support (No Switch) SD/USB Support Screw In Connections New Player Features Fix Lockups On Pre 2006 Pause/Stop Function Auto Folder Change Second Aux Port Numeric Index Alphabetic Index Small Form Factor Auto XM Radio Support (No Switch) SD/USB Support Screw In Connections
Could someone please help me find a post. Yesterday I was reading a very interesting post, we had to leave so I booked marked the post. When I returned I just couldn't find it. The post was on somthing like any leo's out there and what to say and what not to say when pulled over allso the ten rules which you might want to memorize by a 33 year law enforcement veteran and former training commander with the Maryland State Police and Baltimore Police Department and narrated by former federal judge and acclaimed Baltimore trial lawyer William Billy Murphy Jr. I did find the sights: Thanks for your help. AL Bates P.S The post was very interesting to me and seeing both sides and some of the real experiences that each side have to offer was great. If I do ever get stop again I will place my hands on the wheel and roll my window all the way down and turn on my inside lights, most of all I will be cool, calm and respectful. I wish the post was still here i could have learn a great deal more. Note: hot heads deleting post do nothing for the sight. I wish they would check with the boss first. P.S.2 Infomation in post like the one that got deleted may help to keep both sides straight. No mater what profession there is always a small percentage that will stray.
Just an FYI . I put some more items in my ad in the classifieds...Traded the Venture so I need to move these items....Make me an offer if u see anything u r interested in. Thanks
The Oberlin Inn emailed Nance56 with the following information. Due to the way that they did us last year, I am NOT endorsing them in any way but felt it only fair to at least let you all know. "The Oberlin Inn contacted me and told me that they would let us have rooms for the 89.95 same as always. I told them that we were not happy with the treatment that our members received. She said that they were aware of that, but that several stayed there last year. I will leave this to you to post it if you want. She said to just tell them you are with ventureriders and you will get that rate. We do not have any type of agreement with them. She just wanted to extend the offer. I do know that this was out of her hands and she was not happy either. When you are an employee you do not always get a say in the matter."
Just want to give out an offer to any of our members (be it here in Texas or any other place close by) that may not have plans for Thanksgiving. Lonna is like a Ninja in the kitchen, she loves to cook the big holiday meals, actually gets put out a bit when she can't do it We have been very blessed this year with work and monies coming in. We have a ham and I will be deep frying a turkey and the fixins will come along for the ride. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come over, I know there will be enough food to feed an army. I very sincerely extend this offer to come to our home and share in Thanksgiving with us. PM me if your interested and I can send you an address