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  1. I ordered a SpeedoHealer, model SHv4, for my 07 RSV and got it installed today. Using a GPS, I did about 75 miles getting it calibrated just right. There is a disparity between the speedometer error and the odometer error, as others have reported. So, the choice then becomes, do you want accuracy of the speedometer, or the odometer, or, in my case, split the difference? I chose to bias the correction value to favor the odometer, with the speedometer error now being about 1-2 mph high, as opposed to before the correction, when it read about 7-8 mph high. My odometer reading is now off (low) by only a couple of tenths in 20 miles traveled, about a one percent error. This will probably equalize as the new tire wears in. Long story short: I ended up setting the correction factor on the SpeedoHealer to -05.5, which splits the difference nicely. At in-town speeds of around 30-50 mph, the odometer and speedometer error is almost not noticeable. At hiway speeds of 65-75 the full error is as previously stated, about 1-2 mph off. I can live with that! I started with a correction factor of -06.7, which had the speedo reading dead accurate with the GPS, as per the website calculator. There is a second setting that can be used in the SpeedoHealer, but I dont think I'll be needing that. The pushbutton for reading highest speed is kinda cool, it sweeps the speedometer needle across the face of the dial, and pauses for about 5 seconds at your highest speed. The unit is completely plug and play, and impressively small, about the size of a zippo lighter...very easy to hide under the seat. http://www.healtech-electronics.com/
  2. Ok what would cause the Odometer to work perfect but the speedo stay at 0? Is there a fix or do I need to find a used speedo and try to get the odo set to the right numbers?
  3. I'm sure others can easily top this.... but.. how far out of your way have you gone to get somewhere? For example.... - went to a Tim Horton's 22km away but put 145km on the odometer
  4. I need an odometer for my '86 Venture Royal?
  5. Been awhile since I've been on the forum. Been around since late 2004 when this all started. Have a 2005 RSV Speedometer, odometer, trip meters and and gas gauge all work. Cept at night its all in the dark. heard tell a new unit is $1K....can this be right and is there other solution. I've not pulled the fairing yet. Thought I'd get some feedback from one and all first. Also is there a fuse just for the LCD illumination back segments? thanks Jim
  6. Hi. I owned a Venture XVZ12 1983 and the odometer is not working. I put it apart and find out the gears are worn out on the primary shaft. As I don’t think it is repairable, is anybody who has a spare working speedometer unit wants to sell? The shaft I refer to is the one left of the pen on the picture. Thanks.
  7. OK guys so I'm feeling a little dumb here. I started hearing this screeching noise at random times and I thought it was my cooling fan. Sooooooooo..... After taking off the radiator and removing the fan, cleaning and lubing all that I could and reasmbled everything, who knew the problem would still exist. Shortly after this, the spedometer started jumping all over the place and I found the problem was the speedometer. Ive got it off the bike and I've lubed it up. Unfortunately, I think I may be to late. I found lots of metal shavings inside and once I hooked everything back up, my odometer works great but the spedometer does not move at all. Can anyone shed some light on how this thing operates exactly? I'm not sure how it works and am wondering if something in there got ground off or something. As far as I can see, it all still seems to be there as as I mentioned, After lubing it up, the noise is gone and the odometer rolls over fine. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!! Jay:D
  8. Anybody know how to rebuild the speedo on a MKII? I have no idea where to start. My speedo on my 91 quiite working the other day. The odometer and the trip odometer are functioning so Im assuming its not the cable. Just not reading how fast Im going. Had to drive home using the tach to gestimate how fast I was going. Nay help will be appreciated. David
  9. Beth and I completed a two week vacation on the bike a couple of weeks back. Still getting things put away and all that....it's boat loading season at work so not much time off to get things done. The total kilometerage....how's that for a word? on the Venture odometer was 8,011 kilometers. The total on the zumo 550 that was on for every foot of the trip was 6,853.6. Now that's a difference of 1,157 kilometers, or 723 miles. WOW! Thought I'd post this up....that's a pretty significant difference between the two. Interesting food for thought. gunk:scratchchin:
  10. I'm looking for an older Royal Star to buy, say 96-99, and I found a 96 on the internet but it's a fair drive away. I phoned the dealer who's selling it and they say there's 7000 miles on the bike. I have a hard time believing there's that few miles on a 14 year old bruiser cruiser. Does the odometer on the early royal stars roll over at a hundred thousand miles or a million miles?? (00,000 or 000,000) Dealers have been known to tell "half truths" in their favour and if there is only 7000 miles, I'd like to drive the three hours and grab it while it's there. Thanks, D.W.
  11. I replaced my broken speedo cable, the good part is that I can now see how fast i am not going and the odometer works again ass well. Unfortunately the self cancel feature on the blinkers which used to work, does not! Any thoughts??
  12. Ok, for all of you who have over 100,000 miles on your 2nd Gen machines. Does the odometer show 100,001 miles or does it roll over (like the old mechanical kind) and show 001 miles again? Moderator. Delete this if you want to. I would if I could. The odo had 6 digits showing, so will obviously be good until 999,999 miles (or kilometers)
  13. Cuz I looked at my odometer and it ready 66666:scared:
  14. The odometer on my 83 stopped working. The dealer wants $300 for a new speedometer assembly but I am considering buying a complete 86 dash off ebay. Will the speedo assembly swap into my 83? Also, can I reset the odometer to show the milage on my bike?
  15. How many miles can you guys go an a tank (1200cc engine)? I calculate that I should be able to go between 200 & 220 miles, depending on mileage (38mpg-42mpg). My gas gauge reads empty between 115-130 miles on the trip odometer when I reset it with each fill up. Is this normal, according to how your trip odometers read? Thanks, Doug
  16. I just purchased an '87 Venture Royale. The guy who I bought it from just installed a new speedometer cable. When he hooked everything up he found that the speedometer works but the odometer stopped working. So now I am left with this problem. Does anyone know how I might troubleshoot this? Is it a matter of disassembling the front gauge cluster and simply reseating the cable or is there something more sinister lurking for me? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I have had an E3 on the rear of my RSV for some time now and I thought I had better be thinking about getting a new one at the beginning of this year. I just took a look at it and I think it has a few more thousand miles in it. I put a E3 on the rear on 5-2-06 with 40773 miles on the odometer. I put a E2 on the front on 7-29-07 with 53414 miles on the odometer. Today the Odometer has 67,045 miles on it. That's 26,272 miles on the E3. and 13,631 on the E2 front. I know I can get 20,000 out of the front tire as I have done this several times in the past. The E3 rear is what impressing me though, I have never got anything close to that kind of mileage out of a rear tire. By the way just in case you are not familiar with these tires they are Dunlops. BOO
  18. First time out this year...speedo works fine, but odometer doesn't. What's going on?
  19. I may be picking up my 2007 Venture from a dealership in New Castle, PA. next week with only 10 miles on the odometer. Wondering what generation will the 2007 Midnight Venture fall under...is it 2nd generation?
  20. I have an '05 RSV with (of course) the electronic speedometer/odomoeter. The speedometer face has both mph and kilometers per hour shown, but my question is can the odometer function be switched from miles to kilometers electronically (maybe by a dealer only), or would I have to get a whole new 'Canadian' speedometer unit?
  21. Installed the SpeedoHealer last summer. Speedometer originally read 8.5% high. I now have a GPS and find that the speedometer reads correctly. However, the odometer now reads 5% less than actual. Not a major drawback, but something to keep in mind.
  22. Someone asked me just how good a VR is and how long will it last? So how many miles do you have on yours? Has anyone broken 100,000 on the odometer?
  23. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/Behmer/Venture/MVC-162S.jpg User "Behmer" over at The Venturers posted this pic today of his 00's odometer.
  24. When second gos out, about how many miles are on the odometer? I've got 38,000 on mine and second seems to be still going strong(knock on wood). I wanted to go through and fix it before it goes out over this winter.
  25. You know the little rubber boot for the odometer, well actually, trip meter reset button? Mine is falling apart, which it seems will allow water into the gage assy which seems not good! It's not separately available, according to the parts fish. What have you guys done to fix that, or is water entry not really harmful? Thanks, Jeremy
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