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  1. Friend (100 miles away) who has a V-Star (1100 I think) and has been running premium exclusively. He mostly rides it to commute (5 miles, maybe one way) back and forth to work. Talked to him tonight and he is complaining that he is having to jump it off and it runs like crap! The AutoZone battery is only a year old and he has not been using the tender that he has. I told him that with his short trips the bike cannot recharge completely, so he is gonna start using the tender. I wonder if the low battery could be contributing to the rough running? My main question for you V-Star riders, is what grade gas do you use? My friend tells me that the owners manual says "86 octane or higher". I would guess that 87 would work, but then again I don't have a V-Star.
  2. I just saw this on another board. http://www.cjay92.com/Contests/Register.aspx?ContestID=134250 CJAY 92, Cycle Works and Husky have decided to give away FREE gas! Its High Octane Tuesdays all summer long! If you own a motorcycle, listen to CJAY 92 Tuesday mornings to get the secret location. Then at 7pm you have 94 minutes to feed your motorcycle some 94 Octane and drive away without paying a dime. wish we had that here:confused24:
  3. What fuel does every one use?? I have been using the highest Octane I can get get, but read that some just run Regular gas???
  4. I've never been real picky about the grade of gas I used in my bike, but since I got it out of the garage this spring, I've only been putting premium in it. I don't have the original factory manual that came with the bike, so I'm not sure, but I think 93 octane may be required. When I was using cheaper grades of gas my bike seemed like it started "hard" and you had to let it warm up for about 20 minutes before you could ride it. But since I've been using the expensive stuff it starts nice and smooth and is ready to go at the start. Not to mention it seems like it runs better in the high rpms range and seems like it has more get up and go. So is 93 octane required, or is it just good for my bike?
  5. have started the chroming on my nomad. so far i have added a cobra fi 2000r module, handle bar switch for the highway lights. venturerider.org logo on the windshield, and have some goodies on the way. the injection module really made this bike come alive. next i'm trying to redesign the exaust to get a good big twin sound with a pleasant sound level. then i am going to design and machine a billet aircleaner with minimum restriction and good looks. the feds really put the hurts on this bike with the pollution standards. it was a real pooch when i got it. it was so lean on the low end that it reguired 90 plus octane fuel with 9 to 1 compression. next tank will get 89 octane, and then maybe 87 octane., no pinging so far. st. jude here we come, first official road trip. sure like this bike alot. it is almost at the top of the list with my all time favorite v-max.
  6. What is the highest Octane anyone has run in a Royal Star? I am going to have another dyno done and was looking at raceing fuel. My choices are 100, or 111 octane. Will the pistons handle the 111 or will they melt?
  7. OK, I have a 2006 RS Midnight Venture which I bought new. I love the bike and want to keep it in tip-top shape. I have been changing the oil every 2500 miles or so, but recently switched to synthetic and plan on changing it every 5000 from now on. Let me be totally honest and confess that I am NOT mechanically minded and have some questions about which I am totally confused. So folks, I need your expertise on the following as owners, riders and mechanics on the Ventures. 1) If I put the K&N air filters in, do I have to have the carbs re-jetted? I have the RoadKing mufflers, and the mechanic at the dealer said I would probably have to let them re-jet the carbs because the increased air flow will lean out the bike and could cause problems. Another mechanic said re-jetting is not necessary when installing the K&N filters. CONFUSING!!! :doh:Who is right?? 2) Spark plugs - I have been told that the NGK Iridium plugs are THE best. At $12 each, they should be! Regular NGK plugs are $3 each. If the Iridium plugs are beneficial and improve start up, performance, gas mileage , or last longer, or something, I don't mind spending the $$. Problem is, I have been told "Yes, they are much better" by one dealer's mechanic, and "No, they just cost more and don't improve anything" by another dealer's mechanic. Also, one said change the plugs every 8000 miles and the other said just run the plugs until they give me a problem, like hard start up or engine missing. Sheeshhh!! :doh:Who is right? 3) Gasoline - I have used the 87 octane for the last few months and haven't seen any problems as of yet, but sure don't want to mess up my ride. One dealer mechanic said I should use ONLY 91 octane or higher in my bike. The other said 87 or 89 is fine to use. Oh brother!! Who the heck is right?? HELP!!!!! Thanks in advance!
  8. I am a new owner of a 1986 Venture Royale. What is the minimum fuel octane rating that I should use?
  9. i had a race car driver tell me, that the higher the octane in fuel, the more compression it takes to vaporize. and vise versa, the lower the octane level,the sooner it will vaporize and ignite. in a nutshell, what he said is "lower octane fuel fires before it is supposed to,giving you less than optimum power.". anyone have any knowlege about this subject? oh . this guy also said that avgas,works better in "older" motorcycles, than super unleaded fuel, because it is a higher octane,(110 to 120 octane) just jt
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