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Found 17 results

  1. Let NY'ers into the South and look what happens.... S**W After the mildest winter on record now why????? My daffodils are up already. The reason appears obvious to me. sabotage by the Yankees I hereby make a motion that we all collect the stuff and send it back to where it belongs.
  2. If we (my wife and I) wanted to host a meet and eat at our house what would I need to do other than the obvious. (let everyone know when and were) Any info would be great. Thanks Rick
  3. This is driving me nuts! I went out for a short spin today and all was good. The radio was loud the sun was shinning and the traffic was light. Then it happened. I hit a small bump in the road (cuz they aren't as smooth as glass in Niagara), and my radio went into seek mode. It flipped to a new station and then moved onto the next station. It did this for quite a while. Obvious to me I have a short somewhere but I'm not sure where to start. I was thinking about opening up the left handle bar control to clean it. Any thoughts on this? Anyone? Thomas
  4. My sister (Lilsis on here) is looking at a '97 Royal Star Tour Classic with 17k on it. What should I look at aside from the obvious stuff? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  5. This is Murray, one of the guys I ride with in the local chapter of the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers. Its pretty obvious to me that he has a BAD case of cabin fever. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_iLG7FcgbY]YouTube- Rocker Burnout[/ame] Brian
  6. My girlfriend loves to ride with me but afterwords it is always a pain for her to get all those tangles out of her wind blown hair. Shes tried bandanas but can't seem to keep them from falling off for some reason. Her hair is short enough that she can't really get it all in a pony tail and she pins the rest down with bobby pins but they seem to fall out too. So my question is, what do you girls wear on your heads when riding? I know the obvious thing would be for her to just wear a helmet but she doesn't like wearing it and I don't blame her. I might try buying her a cute pink one or something. Maybe that will help??
  7. I wonder if anyone, anywhere has done anything about getting a ban on these things or lobbying to change how they do this. Recent readings in here as well as my own experience ... it's obvious that these things, especially in corners, are a "clear and present danger" to bikers all over.
  8. On my '98 TD...at the rear 4-bolt square flange of the drive shaft tube, where it bolts to the differential housing......Is there a gasket or O-ring for that? I've noticed the bottom of that bolted connection has been black & greasy the last few times I cleaned the bike up. (not a lot, but it's obvious that it's there) I can't really get where I can see around under the bike generally. Had it checked, bolts are tight. Fluid levels are good. Is it possible it's coming from somewhere else. If so, where might that be?
  9. I have ridden a 99' Venture for the past two years and just recently sold it. I had no complaints about the bike, I just decided that I wanted that "wind-in-the-face" feeling back that I had on my last bike. However, I also want a bike that can do the long haul trips that I like to take occasionally. I am looking at the Tour Deluxe becuase it seems to fit my needs for a cruiser/touring bike (and fit my budget). Having only test-ridden one a few years back, I was wondering if anyone else on this site has made this switch and if you had any input for me? I know to look for the obvious things (clutch whine, lower faring cracks, leaky rear shock, ect) but I would like some feedback from those who have acutally taken the plunge. Thanks, Bubba
  10. Hello from Alabama.I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question,as I am a new member here.My first touring bike.A1983 XVZ Venture.I am waiting on gasket so I'm piddling around getting to know My new ride.A simple question.How do I remove the luggage? I guess I'm just nto seeing the obvious! Thanks in advance, Nub
  11. Guest

    Service-Repair Manuals ?

    Now that I got my 97 Wing, I need a service-repair manual. Not Chilton & especially not Haynes. I found one for my 86VR, online, & it was great, but that laptop konked & I don't have the address. The price was very reasonable. Not like the ones on eBay & other sites. Seemed like it was repairmanuals.com or something real obvious like that. Cost about $22. They have 'em for most every bike. Anyone know the site?
  12. Guest

    Where do you sleep?

    I may have not found the obvious but I do need some info on where you stay on extended trips. Because I am still the primary care-giver for my 91 year old mother, overnight bike trips are out of the question. However, when she passes I am planning on an extended (multi-month) trip through the western USA, travelling back roads and visiting places I have never taken the time to see before. This leads me to the question: What to do about lodging? Yes, I could stay at motels but averaging $75/night that is $2250/month. Manageable, but not how I want to spend my limited retirement funds. Yes, I could buy one of the trailers/pop-up campers but that is not something I want to haul behind me. And yes, I could mooch off a few friends when available, but that is not something I am wild about doing either. So, that appears to leave 'camping' or at least some version of it as so many of you have referenced. Can anyone point me to a thread, resource, or just your advice on the details of how this works? Keep in mind this all new to me and I am not an experienced camper. (When I used to take extended trips (before care-giving) in an RV, I would pull into Interstate rest stops 3-4 nights and then an RV Park one night to get a quiet night's sleep. Somehow pulling off the road and sleeping on the ground doesn't sound all that appealing to my 68 year old carcass. I hope I am not asking a stupid or obvious question. I just haven't a clue as to how you folks do extended trips. Thanks, Oldsalt
  13. I guys, got a lot of work done on the 06 Midnight Venture last night with my ride buddy turning the wrenches.. We've changed the oil, spark plugs, rad levels and rear diff oil.. and installed an Air Horn in the front cowling (ouch loud), and a garage door opener. We tried to change the fuel filter but halted when we realized we weren't contortionists and weren't ready to dismantle half of the bike to get at the filter. Are we missing something obvious here, is there a painfully obvious route to access to the fuel filter or do you have to disassemble everything around fuel pump? Tomorrow, wheels come off to get the tires changed.. Cheers
  14. Ok to set the stage. Krome Rose and myself were in Food Lion picking up some fat bombs when I went down an aisle with a young couple in it. It was obvious they were deeply in love, arm in arm snuggling. You get the picture. It was also obvious they just started living together by the following conversation. Ok now the young lady stops and says "I need to get some sugar for the coffee I bought today" To which the young man answers "But we don't have a coffee maker" Not to be put off, she responds with "I'm pretty sure you can make it in the microwave" I don't know if he just didn't want to hurt her feelings, or if he really didn't know himself, but he said, "I believe you might be right" I giggled to myself and walked on by.
  15. Just wondering where is all the wiring on the RSVTD that is in the upper fairing on the RSV? The radio/player is obvious - so the TD does not have intercom & cruise and what else? Anyone know?
  16. Probably a simple question, but when I put the new front brake pads in the caliper they barely will squeeze in there. There is NO way the rotor is going to fit in between those new pads. So, how do I get the pistons to retract into the calipers? I know I'm probably overlooking something obvious but I just can't think right now. Thanks for thinking for me...
  17. 86 Venture Royale - It looks like the intake area in the air cleaner cover is about 1/4th the size of the area of the carb intakes. Is this an obvious restriction?
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