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Found 23 results

  1. Here's a little something to help our members in the northern latitudes.... Kinda neat.. ROBOPLOW
  2. I'm putting the final touches and should leave in a few days. First destination is Nova Scotia and the maritimes and then the international rally. If anyone is heading the same direction and needs company, let me know. We can meet up somewhere. I am thinking of going along the northern states for the first part. Still have to check out the maps. At least I know which direction to head in! Tom
  3. when I was checking out a couple of the skywatching sites that I am a member of they were remarking how bright the northern lights were tonight. There were reports from Southern BC to Ontario and even a sighting of red lights in Ohio. If your sky is clear go have a look, it might be worth it! Brian
  4. Can someone in the area tell me if the leaves have started changing yet?
  5. The wife asked about taking a ride, to see the Northern Lights. Is this possible by Motorcycle, Given the time of the year? Or is this a Cage trip?
  6. dingy


    Just felt an earthquake. Felt like someone came up and was pushing on my chair. Computer monitors were moving. Not usual in northern Ohio. Was centered in Virgina, about a 5.8 Gary
  7. Ya that's right...I met up with Charlie and Evan at Evans cottage the other day for a fish fry. I was amazed at Charlie's cooking as it was the best fish I have ever eaten. He has my vote as Ontario's Northern Iron Chef. These are 2 great guy's and the weather for eating dinner outside at the lake was perfect; but Charlie's fish stories...now that's something else.
  8. What: Houston area, SE texas Maintenance Day When: August 21, 2010 - 0700 until ?? Where: My humble abode in NW Houston. (Address published later) Why: The date selected is only 2 weeks before the Pork-In-The-Pines ho-down in Minnesota. I for one will be making the 1400 mile trek up to meet and visit with our northern friends and want to make sure my bike is prepped. Anyone else planning to attend that event can use this MD to get ready. The more eyes on your bike, the better. Food: Main course - brisket prepared by one of the finest BBQ chefs in the area. Accommodations: There are several hotels/motels very close by and I will post more info on them later. Sorry, I have no camping room available. Perhaps one of the local members will offer up something. I have plenty of tools for use however I do not have a tire changer. I'm sure there will be tires to change so maybe someone will lug one along. This run for the northern boarder will also be the first leg of an extended, 2 week, solo trip for me. From Minnesota I will head to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and then down the Tail of the Dragon on my way back to Houston. I should be on the road for about 2 weeks and cover a bit over 4000 miles. So that's pretty much the plan at this point. I know it will be a fine Texas day with heat and humidity as usual. There will be plenty of iced beverages, shade and maybe even some ice cream to help keep you cool. And yes, the house AC will be on for your pleasure! Ya'll come on by...
  9. Does anyone know someone that can pin stripe my VR here in Northern Virginia. Just finished repainting and repairing. Thanks
  10. Arrived here Tues eve for routine 2 week trip. So I thought.... Typical quake on Wed and another smaller one on Thursday. I come here often and seldom experience a quake, never mind 2 during my stays. Friday was something else. I was working in a data center when the shaking started. Holy mother of Jesus!!!!!! I'm 200 miles from the epicenter, I can only imagine what it must have been in Sendai. Long story short Tokyo is pretty much back to normal once the train service restarted on Saturday but the northern part of the country is a shambles with horrific loss of life. I'm glued to CNN, Internet and local channels trying to figure out if the nukes melting down 170 miles north are going to be a factor. I think not, this far south, but what a horrific fate for those folks up north to have survived a quake and killer wave to now have to deal with that. What ever happens in my life from now I know I'm blessed to have to been spared that. Please give your prayers for the lives lost and more prayers for the poor souls in Northern Japan trying to get through all that is going on here.
  11. SPRING!!! I have three weeks vacation. One week is already committed to an airplane trip to a conference in Florida. A couple days to move daughter back to school. We are hoping to get at least four or five long weekends on the scoot. We're thinking of... Rte 6 in northern PA Finger Lakes Blue Ridge Parkway Smoke Hole, WV Niagara Falls/Toronto Where will you be heading when it warms/drys up?
  12. kenw


    My dad died earlier this year and Mom wouls like to well his camera equip. It's all Cannon 35mm that I know of. I know there's an FTQL and probably an AOS with a lot of accessory lenses. If your interested please let me know, she lives in Northern Wisconsin if your in that area. Don, this probably isn't the right forum for this and I apoligise! (ask for forgiveness rather than permission) Kenw 770-917-9964
  13. For the Northern VA guys on here, does anyone know of someone that could wire my 04 RSV for the purpose of pulling my HF Trailer? I am going to install the Venturedad hitch myself, but am too much of a chicken to try the lights wiring. I am not looking to do it until after Christmas, but would like to go ahead and plan to have it done. Thanks Ben
  14. An article that appeared in todays paper about a local firefighter taking his new HD on a ride through the Canadian and northern US Rockies and his encounter with a grizzly while on the bike. http://www.leaderpost.com/news/GRIZZLY+RIDE/1896340/story.html Brian
  15. OK all you Cheeseheads and northern Flatlanders. I have clearance from the tower to have a Maintenance Day at the Estate on July 18th/19th. Wife and daughter will be heading to northern Illinois for a basketball tourny, and that leaves me to my own devices. I know it is kind of short leadtime, but we can pull this together. The VR calendar has been checked and there appears to be no conflicts. What do you say? Anybody up for beer, brats, and wrenches? Fond du Lac, WI - kind of in the middle of everything. Plenty of ground for camping, beer fridge is full (as of now), workshop is fairly clean, garage is ... well, I will need to work on that. Let me know if there is still interest and we will get it set up. RR
  16. We're heading out this week on a trip up through northern Michigan on our way to northern Ontario. Thought we would head over to the west side of the state, since I haven't spent a lot of time over that way and check things out along the way to the "Big Mack". Any suggestions on places to go and things to see. Good bike roads etc. Thanks in advance.
  17. Northern Michigan to MD on Friday, Anybody? My Route will be M-115 to US-10 to I-75 to US-23 South to State Line... 350 miles One-Way... Maybe we can MEET somewhere? I DO NOT want to commit to any meeting place and time South of FLINT, MI. (due to traffic and time unpredictability. I hate driving under pressure).
  18. Is there anyone here in the Northern Va area that is good at working on the Yamaha's? I'm leery of the local shops and would like to find someone to help with some things. Carb sync and things such as that. I'm willing to pay if you're available.
  19. Howdy All: (Happy Easter, etc.) First of all, thank you to all of you that have contributed to this site and especially those that take care of the administrative end; this has been fantastic in aiding my research for my recent purchase and I am sure will continue to be a terrific source of information, friendship and great way to be connected with fellow enthusiasts! I noticed that someone else just made a purchase too! Yesterday I picked up a 2001 Venture with 28k miles from the original owner (with complete maintenance records) and I swear there is not a scratch or stone chip on it! Platinum and green color combination. I picked it up yesterday morning, made the 370 mile drive home and I would have continued riding if the 40+ mph wind gusts and the thunderstorm hadn't followed me home... In one (northern Michigan) riding season (about 3 years ago) I put about 10k touring miles on an 82 Goldwing and had to give that up two years ago (long story and no need to get in to it) and have missed the distance touring ever since. I have been looking at these for about a year now, everything from the style to the amenities had me hooked as I don't need to tell all of you about that The records show that this bike has only had 1500 miles put on since June of 2006, so the owner had it serviced and the carbs cleaned and synced, etc for me and it runs like a dream. The tires show a little cracking/dry rot on the sidewalls (which is unfortunate because they have less than 2000 miles on them. But I'm not going to argue with throwing on a pair of 491 Elete II's... Any input on tires is welcomed (I haven't specifically looked for tire information on the forums... I'll be doing that shortly). Also will be looking for a good headset (my Goldwing didn't have a CB or Intercom... That will be real nice)... Well, I'll stop yammering on for now - just thought I'd drop in and say hi and share some excitement... Looking forward to many many terrific miles!! If anyone ever comes through northern Texas (well... Texans call it west texas) That is Lubbock or anywhere within 150 miles, let me know if you want some company!! Here are a few pictures of my 'new' ride Gdspeed all, Ride safe and keep it shiny side up!!
  20. How's the weather up there? I see all the schools are running late. I hope you didn't get iced in too bad. We just got a bunch of rain down here and it has stayed above the freezing point. How about all you other northern MN folk, how you doing?
  21. Calling all riders in Northern IL, looks like a great ride for a great cause. http://www.heartofamarine.org/ This will be my first time doing this ride, can't wait. Weather looks..........decent. "The Heart Of A Marine Foundation supports military personnel from all branches of the United States Armed Forces including veterans and their families." Hope to see a few other Ventures out there! Semper Fidelis
  22. Just to let you know. Haven't been on the site to much of late. But, just checked the MN members and looks like we may be real close to passing Ontario. And a lot of them are in the northern part of the state. If we can get them out for the Pork in the Pines, we would have an awesome turn out this year.
  23. Unless I'm blind (been told that a couple times) I don't see how to delete the classified ad for my Baxley Trailer. A very nice gentleman gave me some of this funny green paper and I let him take away the trailer. It was a good trailer but did not fit my needs any more. New owner can't ride long distance but wants to go into northern rockies so the trailer will help him do that. If someone could pull the ad for me or tell me how to myself I'd appreciate it. Thanks !!!!!!! :smile5:
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