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  1. Guest

    Highway 1 in California

    Highway 1 "Shoreline Drive" is just an incredible road. It has everything you could want in a road. Curves with Cliffside vistas of the Pacific Ocean. Little to no traffic (occasional yellow line drifters so watch out). Small, rustic towns to visit and eat lunch. The best way to ride it, is from the North so you are next to the water. You can take side trips through the Red Wood forests. Absolutely amazing views so take several days to absorb this world class road.
  2. Restaurant Reviews
  3. Preacher, another member here, and I had a fantastic ride yesterday on what some people call "The Arkansas Dragon." I didn't count the curves - got dizzy enough without trying that but I can tell you the grin factor was way up the chart. To get to the good section, find your way to Melbourne on SR69 (North of Batesville, East of Mountain View) then turn West on SR9. The curves from that point on are posted at 20-35mph and there are three beautiful vistas with paved pull-off points. Going in this direction, you end up in Syllamore just North of Mountain View and there just happens to be two GREAT catfish restuarants that also serve Rainbow Trout, steaks etc. To find the route from the West going East, just take SR5 North from Mountain View until you find SR9 East at the four way stop at Syllamore. Ride Safely Lynn http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1075674&id=639519006
  4. Anyone want to get together for a meet & eat Jan 12 here in S.E. Michigan? Ya I know timing is short notice but just found out my weeks for the month are filled with other stuff.Timing will allow folks to visit with Joe before he heads off to suny AZ on the 26th too. Larry Updated info: January 12 th, 6 pm till whenever we're done Location is : BWW 6677 North Wayne Rd. Westland, Mi 48485 https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&t=m&q=6677%20N.%20Wayne%20Rd.%20%20Westland%20MI%2048185-7007%20 If you're coming either east or west on I-94 use the Wayne road exit by Metro-Airport, taking that north to the BWW's location. For those traveling from out of state or country here's a link for area hotels : http://hotelguides.com/michigan/wayne-mi-hotels.html
  5. Does anybody have a set of Ball milled ones they would like to sell or no of anyone that does. Have called and emailed at least 40 yamaha dealers. How about our friends to the north? Anybody in Canada.
  6. I am leaving here in about 5 minutes, to ride North to Alaska. I meet my riding partner in Seattle, then we are ending the first day in Prince George, B.C. That is 650 miles from here, and the last 150 miles will be on snow covered roads. In Prince George we are changing bikes. I will be leaving my Super Tenere' and he will be leaving his R12GS, and the bikes we will be riding out of PG will be a matching pair of BMW R1150 GSA sidecar rigs. Given the snow and ice conditions at this time of year up north, we decided to change out bikes for the sidecar rigs, and do the 1750 miles from PG to Prudhoe Bay on a more stable platform. And...these R1150GSA sidecar rigs have "studded" tires at all three points, to help with traction and braking on the ice. Entire trip should be a little more than 5,000 miles, but with temps below 0 degrees, with windchill making the temps feel like -40 degrees, and with snow and ice on the roads, this trip will take us about 10 days (twice as long as it would in the summer months). Very happy that the Beemers have such a large alternator, to fire up all the Gerbings Heated Clothing and such. It is going to be a cold, dark, and long 10 days, but...what the heck... You kids be good now, and no fighting in the family. See ya'all in 10.
  7. I am thinking of running down to North Carolina and ride The Devils Whip. Anyone ride that road?
  8. paysaw

    Iron Butt

    I did my Iron Butt Ride yesterday. Left here in Mississauga and went west to Sarnia.West to Flint MI. North to Sault Ontario. East to Sudbury, east to North Bay.Then south back to Mississauga.Not a great time of 21 Hours as I had many social stops.I met some interesting people along the way including a school mate I had not seen in 38 years. I will post pics later.It was a great day and a great adventure. Ray:322:
  9. Yea I know over rated, to busy etc. I have done it once entering from the north up by the Fontana Dam I think it is. In October the wife and I have a trip planned to Franklin Nc for a week. I was thinking about mostly shorter day trip maybe 2hr to somewhere shop etc then maybe an hour over to some other littel town and hour or so there working our way back. I was thinking of up 28 across the Cherola to Teleco up to the Dam area and then down the Dragon. If your riding the Dragon do you prefer making the trip from the north side or the south?
  10. Friday 8-3-12 around 5:30 pm. Caledonia WI Blue 1st gen. Headed south on HY 31 at the 4way stop on 6 mile road. I was headed north. Driver with a bald head....... Anyone we know?
  11. Almost time to go. We are leaving North Carolina and heading West to Texas. Although we will miss our friends and our little place out here just off the IP for drop zone Sicily at Fort Bragg we are looking forward to getting into our new place outside of San Antonio. The folks in NC and the East here have been great. I have no doubt I will miss sitting on the front porch at the house here as the C-130's and the monstrous C-17's fly over our garage so low you can almost reach out and touch them, then watch as they head over the forest until the parachutes blossom in a strings behind them. Or when the Marines come to town and shake the area with the 155's day and night. Well, maybe we won't miss that. In the last couple of years I've found myself literally falling apart but thanks to modern medicine, I have been mostly put back together. But still I retain a few problems that seriously affect my ability to work on my bike. I had a problem with the bike that really needed fixing. So I waited till an old friend stopped by and we took the bike apart, fixed the problem but another problem cropped up I did not foresee and I had to order a part that didn't come in till after he left for home on the other side of the country. Now I have my bike in 500 pieces or so and waiting for help to come from Texas to put it back together. But. The turning wrenches problem has been resolved. In San Antonio we will be living but a few hundred feet from an old pal, family, rider, member and one time evil companion (we have both reformed from our earlier days on VR.org ... or at least I have), who has sworn to turn wrenches for me when needed, share his stash of ice cream and generally be available to go with when I wanna ride. And away we go ... well, in two weeks or so.
  12. For those who are interested in going on the Finger Lakes ride when you are at the international, here is the schedule. You do not have to sign up. just be ready to ride. There will be more info at the rally. Ride capt. will be NYJERRY 9:30,Starting out at Pioneer we will head south on RT16 to RT39 east, Take 39 east to the intersection of RT19 Then go straight thru the intersection on Griffith RD. Follow Griffith to RT436 east, thru the towns of Portageville and Nunda on in to Dansville. We will then take RT63 east to RT 21 north and go thru North Cohocton and Naples. Following RT21 to West Lake rd ( county RD16 ) and take that in to Rt20 east in to Canandaigua. We will take a right on to South Main St and have lunch of your choice of dinning places there. After lunch we will meet up at the pre determined location and continual the ride west on RT5&20 Then we shell take RT20A to Conesus lake and turn left on to East lake rd and follow it to the end. Turn right on Sliker hill rd and another right on to West Lake rd (RT256) and go north. Take a right on to Grayshores rd, it turns in to Clunypoint rd then turns in to Pebble beach rd. At the end of Pebble beach rd we will turn Left on to RT20A west. This will turn in to RT39 witch takes us to the Ice cream stop and with any luck the other ride of the day will be there and we can all ride back to Pioneer as a group. You will be back in time for the BBQ. This is one of the most beautiful areas in NY state. Don't miss it.
  13. Joyce & I are heading north in the morning. Destination - Mackinaw City, Mi. I'll be on the slab till I get past Bay City then hit 33 all the way to Lake Huron & on to the Big Mac. Should have 15* cooler temps up there so going to just kick back and enjoy the area. Larry
  14. I am leaving on Thursday with a group of friends to ride down to Nogales AZ to pick up US 89 and ride it back North. We will be gone 10 days and end this segment in Springville UT then pick up the North segment in Sept.This is my 1st real ride on the trike and the 1st since the wreck last June.Needless to say I am a little nervous but I am so excited I can hardly wait,I wish we were leaving tomorrow.
  15. Been here at Foxwoods Casino and Mohegan Sun in Ct since Sunday.Ive been injecting money into the economy trying to bail your government out.I think I done my share.Will be heading back north to the border tomorrow.We had a great time but getting homesick.
  16. NO? IT'S A GREAT DAY!!!!! took a ride yesterday went up north road a lot of back roads from home to traverse city, petoskey, Harbor Springs, and then up 119 to Cross Village. a nice meal at the legs inn and off to Mackinaw City for a walk around all the shops and a bit of shopping at Bass Pro shop:thumbsup2: around the corner to ZIP'S the Harley shop for a look around and off again to make it over on the Northeast part of the state then meandering my way around the other side of the north made my way to the black mountain resort for dinner and then headed for home left the house at 6am and was home by 10pm dang I had a very good day:big-grin-emoticon: dray
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/Helmetdance/mountrushmoreNorthside.jpg
  18. We are leaving this weekend for our own "Venture West", departing from Toronto. My wife and I now have five weeks available so we hope to make it to the west coast. Have rode to the east coast a number of times but this is my first bike trip west. Plan to ride west mostly in Canada (eh) and back mostly in the US, likely by way of route 2 unless we also go to Yellowstone. Going north of Lake Huron and then through the Michigan UP before we turn north to Kenora/Winnipeg and then westward. Plan on spending some time in BC (Banff, Jasper, Kamloops, Kelowna areas). Will mostly motel but also do some camping. Hope to meet up with some fellow Venture Riders along the way and will invite your specific route and sightseeing suggestions as we go.
  19. I have Yamalube 4 stroke oil SAE 10W30 API/SJ left over. Can I use this in my 08 RSTD for an oil change before I head up north. Next change I want to go and get Syn. oil. Joe :confused24:
  20. I would appreciate if some of you could help with some info on the various highways as I am leaving on a trip on Saturday thru North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and wherever from there. I would like to know if there are any problems with following roads, ie., closures, bad pavement, gravel sections. We are going via: North Dakota highway #5 to #85 to Williston,ND Out of Williston down #200 to Sydney #16 out of Sydney to Glendive I94 to Miles City #59 to Broadus and onto to Gillette then to Wright #387 out of Wright to I25 to Casper Out of Casper to #220 to Muddy Gap Then #287 to #28 and then down to #191 to Rock Springs and then onto Dutch John Then wherever I have looked on the various road condition reports but I thought it would be more accurate from fellow motorcyclists, especially when dealing with roads with gravel, etc. Thanks Dana
  21. Just got back in from a 130 mile run up north of Huntsville to meet up with Kbran and Bethy Boo! There headed back to Louzianner and are spending the night with us! We may not have went to Cody, but I started the trip with Ponch and Kathy 10 days ago as they headed north out of Texas and now Kenny and Beth here as they are headed back home Life is good when you have buddies on VRO!
  22. Great ride with the group going to Yellowstone. Most of the group went to Old Faithful. We headed north to Mammoth Hot Springs. Others did both! http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/VR%20org%20Rally%20-%20Day%202/
  23. OK you North Georgia folks, what roads are a must for the Helen, Dahlonega, Ellijay area? I have been there once but dont remember much about the area. What I do remember is the ride from Suches over Blood Mountain by way of Wolfpen Gap, I believe, was very interesting. What else is there in the area? I will be there Thursday and Friday.
  24. Happy Fathers day to all the Dad's out there, my dad is back up north for the summer and I miss him.
  25. We are heading out at 4am for Jacksonville, Fl. We'll probably be there until sometime Monday morning, then head home. Not sure which way we're gonna come home yet. Might get froggy, and come home thru North Carolina and East Tenn. That is, if we don't get choked out from all the smoke in Jax, from all the wildfires.
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