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  1. A friend of mine pointed this out to me, I am not to thrilled about the name but being one of the roads I grew up riding it is a nice ride. http://backofthedragon.com/
  2. For those looking for a solid and good looking hitch receiver CruiserCustomizing.com $200.00 Including shipping RECEIVER HITCH with CHROME PLATED TONGUE and WIRING KIT for 1999-2010 VENTURE and 1997-2001 and 2005-2009 ROYAL STAR TOUR DELUXE. Arriving 6/10/11 Now If I could just find a solid nice looking hitch for my 89 VR.
  3. Yesterday when we got up it was about 10 below zero here. It is warmer today...actually zero right now and is supposed to climb to a balmy 12 degrees F today. Actually staying fairly warm on the sleds but took the time yesterday to drive into Hayward and picked up a couple of facemasks. Also picked up a couple of very nice RibEyes. It's a tough life here but somebody has to do it.
  4. How are you mounting them??? How are you weatherproffing them??? No need to re-invent the wheel. Looking for ideas that are working and pictures if possible. Im going with this set up unless someone has a better option. This looks like a nice clear install that will protect it nicely. I visited all I could in here through search feature and rthough this is a old post it looks to be the best option. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=55068&highlight=garmin
  5. My wife got me the venturerider guardian bell and it came today. Very nice, thank you Don.
  6. I found a nice way to go to work , down thru the river bottom, it has large trees and nice curves. The other day going to work in the dark i was fixing to hit the curve hard like i like to do and i see brake lights halfway in the curve,so i slowed down. There in the curve is a power line hanging down windsheld high. someone looking out for me. On the way home coming around another curve ,brake lights again. This time a 100 year old tree across the road.Some one really looking out for me or telling me It's time to put the bike for the winter
  7. Well I went for a ride today. I know... soooo? So its been what seems like forever since I was on the bike last. November I had surgery for cancer. That went fine and with good results, no radiation or further treatment needed. Four weeks after that I was involved in a car accident that totaled my truck and left me pretty banged up. Most of that has now been resolved also. Today was the first day with decent wx that I actually felt good enough to ride. So, I did. Short run for about an hour but, Dang, that was nice!
  8. Thom


    Santa (AKA) Fender Lizard was VERY Nice to to me this year
  9. I know there are a lot of scenic rides in the Black Hills but here are some of that don't get a lot of traffic usually. One of the better ride is just south of Sturgis, SD, just south of I-94 exit 32. It is Vanocher Canyon Road. There is alot of curves and elevation changes on it and very little traffic other the other motorcyclist. It is a nice paved road and run to Nemo Road on the south end. From here I take Nemo road east towards Rapid City but turned south onto Norris Peak road. This was a twisty, sometimes little narrow paved 2 lane road the goes to Johnson Siding on SD 44. From here you can either go east to Rapid City or west to US 385. I enjoyed this ride so much I did it twice, once from the north and then from the south.. I also went into Sturgis and had lunch at One eyed Jacks on Main St. They have excellent hamburgers there. Another fun ride was the Old Hill City Road. This run alongs the Hill City Railroad tracks to Keystone. It is lightly traveled and has alot of curves on it. You will cross the tracks over a dozen times also. This is a nice ride from Hill City to Keystone. Of course I did the major riding roads too.. US 16A and Needles Highway. The one thing to watch out for on Needles highway are the tour buses and I mean the full size kind. So be prepared for meeting a few of these. I ended up meeting 4 of them on one trip and it took one of them about 20 mins to get thru the eye. He sure had traffic backed up both ways. Also road in Spearfish Canyon Road, US 14. We started in Spearfish and rode to US 85 where we headed south to New Castle, Wy. This is a nice road with lots of twisties in SD and then flattens out in Wy but still is a nice ride. We returned to the Hills via US 16 east to Custer. This route has more traffic but does have some scenic spots that make it a nice change. Another circle I did was south out of Hill City on US 385, thru Custer and south to SD 87 north. SD 87 is a twisty narrow road that runs up to US 16 and has all kinds of different terrain. I didnt have alot of traffic on this road either, compared to US 16A and Needles Hwy. There is a pigtail bridge on this section also that adds some interest to it but alot of wide open areas that give stunning views of the valleys. These were the roads I traveled this time and there are alot more you can do. If you dont mind gravel roads, there is always the forest roads to explore but I dont recommend it on a Venture Royale. Hope this helps in your travels of the Black Hills. I know I sure enjoys my travels out there on the motorcycle. Rick F.
  10. It was a beautiful day here in Canada's southland today so I got out for a nice two hour ride. Mid 40s and sunny with no wind. Probably the last ride for a while.
  11. Hello everyone I am interested in learning more about my 2003 venture which was recently purchased. I have ridden a total of 30 miles on it, but has 24xxx. I am confused and concerned about things such as the lowering kit, how it's on and any advice on what to look for. Was there any adjustments on the front end? Tires, brakes, electrical etc. the shop says all is good, but I feel weird not knowing much. I live in spring hill, and some that were on the left coast have expired memberships. I am willing to ride down and meet with anyone who is available and willing to show this newbie about RSV. Perhaps anyone in the Tampa / St. Pete/, or anyone near hillsborough, pasco, Hernando, citrus, counties. Heck, I will even trek to Ocala. There are some nice roads by me and some nice little beaches and bars / eateries if some want an excuse to ride this way I would appreciate all input and your time as well. No rush and perhaps there may be more free time after the holidays. I am open to suggestions. Thank you all. Barrycuda.
  12. Has anyone checked out the new wing? 2013 goldwing f6b! Looks nice!
  13. Today I finally met my first VR member. I have been receiving very nice PM and thread replies from a lot of you. Want to thank Steve K. Aka M61A1MECH for taking the time after his bike run to meet with me in his old stomping rounds of spring hill. A couple of things. First off his bike looks awesome, has a lot of nice add ons and modifications. More importantly was his personable, friendly demeanor. He was eager to answer all my newbie questions and add his vast knowledge on things I would have never guessed. I asked him to ride the bike and give me a feel. Came back and was happy as a clam with my bikes handling. After the holidays I am headed his way on the other side of the state to have him help me w a cool light bar set up. Over all I have not had one bad experience dealing w anyone on this forum and wanted to let you know I appreciate it since I feel like I am running a marathon with my shoes tied together and my eyes closed. If anyone has any questions regarding lights /LEDs etc, trying reaching out to him. He has some good ideas. It's nice to be surrounded by people who are genuine and not Butt heads Barry
  14. * this post is also on 2nd gen.venture forum , bc I didn't see THIS forum when I posted, MY BAD * Hello everyone I am interested in learning more about my 2003 venture which was recently purchased. I have ridden a total of 30 miles on it, but has 24xxx. I am confused and concerned about things such as the lowering kit, how it's on and any advice on what to look for. Was there any adjustments on the front end? Tires, brakes, electrical etc. the shop says all is good, but I feel weird not knowing much. I live in spring hill, and some that were on the left coast have expired memberships. I am willing to ride down and meet with anyone who is available and willing to show this newbie about RSV. Perhaps anyone in the Tampa / St. Pete/, or anyone near hillsborough, pasco, Hernando, citrus, counties. Heck, I will even trek to Ocala. There are some nice roads by me and some nice little beaches and bars / eateries if some want an excuse to ride this way I would appreciate all input and your time as well. No rush and perhaps there may be more free time after the holidays. I am open to suggestions. Thank you all. Barrycuda.
  15. I shoot this event every month weather permitting. Mostly Cars but sometimes a few good bikes. These are a few of the ones I thought everyone would like. Nice Beemer Hack & A Moto Guzzi. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/MG-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/DriveIn-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/BMW--3.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/GW-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/BMW--5.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/VWbus-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/MG--3.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/56-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Caddy--3.jpg
  16. Looks like we will be blowing the dust off this Yuppyville North Texas area and heading for Ruidoso, NM. We have a contract pending on a nice chunk of property in the mountains, and if all goes well, we'll be heading out by November 1. Looking forward to some cooler temperatures! The next challenge is gonna be to sell this place in Texas. Been retired for a couple of years, and the DFW area just isn't our idea of a nice place to relax. Haven't had any luck finding the right kinda place down in the Texas Hill Country, so we decided to change venues all together. The new place in the mountains has a great big shop and lots of land, so maybe we'll see some of you out there! Goose
  17. Dingy stopped over for lunch!! Well, he had a hidden agenda, it seems as he bought the remains of s 2nd gen from a certain Canadian member, and another certain Canadian member brought the parts down to my place! I won't spoil the surprise but I will tell you it's gonna end up being a very nice 2nd gen!! Gary, it was great to see you again my friend, hope you and all the parts made it home OK!!!
  18. Well I took the beast out for it's first semi-long ride Sunday, about 100 or so miles. After working on it for a few weeks , cleaning carbs, repairing the brakes, changing plugs, and all the fluids (coolant, brake fluid, rear oil etc) it was time for a ride. Nice day here on Sunday about 68 so the girlfiend and I said lets go for a ride. She usually rides her own bike, 1997 Honda Shadow VLX 600 but she wanted to ride on the back. The bike rode well and she liked the rear seating and the noise level better than my Electra-Glide. It's not quite as heavy as my Glide so it went through the twisties with ease. Plenty of power and to my amazement everything worked, cruise, self cancelling signals etc. I do have to get used to the hydraulic clutch engagement, and the brakes! Doesn't stop as quickly as my other bikes, but I guess that is because of the linked brakes. The engine temp stayed way down in the green even in traffic. Fuel mileage was 34-35 mpg about the same as my Harley in town. So overall it was a nice ride, and the bike really performed well.....
  19. We got up early this morning to go to early church, so we could go for possibly the last ride of 2012. We headed toward Indiana on the back roads, went to Brookville Lake first, then road to Liberty, Indiana and west of there to Connersville. Left there and road on 121 to catch route 52 to get back to West Harrison to get to our daughters for dinner. It was really windy. Supposed to be 68 out but with the sun covered with clouds and the wind blowing strong, we wore our leathers. I wound up put on my fleece face cover to keep the wind from blowing on my face. All and all though it was really nice to get to go on a nice long ride. The bike ran great. Nothing interesting to say, just sayin! Yama Mama
  20. Thinking hard about buying Dmnordin's rebuilt carb set, which is from an 86 1300. Anyone know if it is the same setup as on the 85 1200 I have? I think it is, but hate to drop the $$$ and have a nice set of carbs I can't use. Thx to any and all that answer. I do appreciate you guys/gals. Kevin
  21. Just a few more days an we will giving St. Jude a nice donation and then touring the facilities.
  22. i just bought 12 pair. got them the other day, fast shipping. nice and toasty. made in USA! thought i would pass it along. hunters and stuff......http://www.ebay.com/itm/12-pr-Cabelas-20-Merino-Wool-Blend-Winter-Thermal-Socks-10-13-Gray-NWT-/360491837890?pt=US_Men_s_Socks&hash=item53eefce9c2.
  23. ... and comparatively speaking feels fine after the C-section. The worst she feels is hungry. She's not even using the morphine pump that much. Nurses won't let her eat anything more than chicken broth and crackers yet...I'm hoping that I can sneak in a nice steak dinner for her tomorrow. And now, pics... A couple of which confirms that he is, in fact, a boy. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/JT%20pics/
  24. We are going to Janesville WI, to pick a 1992 Blue Venture today, sure hope that this ends up being a better one than the one I got three weeks ago, that was doctored up with stop leak. Looks from the pics to be in very nice shape everything is there still has the cargo bags . All of the plastic is is good shape. The PO said its been a very good cycle and that he doesnt ride much anymore and wanted to get his daughter a nice scooter to cruze around town on. I will get some pics on here when I get it home and all cleaned up. Orlin
  25. I recently went out with family members to see some local musicans at a club here in town. While waiting for the show to start i was looking out the big front windows at the traffic and watched as a sidecar pulled up to the corner. It had a Velorex 700 attached just like my old one. and it looked like it was on a Yamaha like my old one. In fact it was my old rig. It pulled up in front of the club and parked. I ran out to talk to the owner who wasn't the guy i sold the bike to. He had just bought it and loved it. i told him all kinds of stories about its history and i gave him my number in case he needed any info on the bike. It was nice to see her again and see someone enjoying it as much as i did. Its always nice to run into an old friend.
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