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  1. Here's the numbers key as a .pdf file attachment -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA NGK Spark Plug Number Key.pdf
  2. I tried to buy new NGK caps for my 2004 venture but the parts store could't match the numbers off of OEM's. Does anyone have the NGK numbers or know how to get them?
  3. What its the benefit to the NGK iridium over the NGK standard? Or is there even an advantage.
  4. Well, damn. Had my tank off so that I could run the GPS wire under it and decided that I had 47k on the bike, figured I'd change plugs. Took out an old one, #2, was an NGK DPR8EIX9 Irridium. Hmmmmmmmmm..... Wonder when these were put in? They looked ok, not really burnt, but what the hey, go to the parts store, they don't have them i stock but can get them by the morning. Kewl, I order. Picked up this morning, read a few posts here, anti-sieze, grease for the caps, man, what a deal! Finish for the night, get out my log to write down al I did and as I am coping the numers, DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plug numbers are different? Does anyone know wha the difference in an; NGK DPR8EIX9 and an NGK DPR7EIX9 is????????????????? I've already got them gapped and installed..................................
  5. if you have the latest December 2011 MCN. Downtime files has my letter. Seems he does not have a "for sure" answer to my question. I did have an issue with #2 carb, which is now fixed. But that does not explain why all the NGK caps and spark plugs failed. He thought maybe oil got into the caps. FYI- No, that's not it. I truly believe NGK is now making junk(which I have stated before). And think about it. OEM caps are roughly $25-$40, NGK $4. So you get what you pay for in this case. I have a total of 6 or more bad spark plugs from NGK in the last 3 years resistor and non-resistor. Remember the spark plug is simply an extension of the wire connected to the engine's coil for spark to jump in a hostile environment. I NOW have changed the caps back to OEM(10k ohm) and spark plugs to Denso iridiums. Plus all my carbs set up on low speed screws at 2.5 ccw +/- a quarter turn connected to EGA . 13.6:1 at idle. And were not rich when tested on load. ...cheers:)
  6. Can anyone give a quick tutorial on what the codes on spark plugs mean? for my 83 VR (1200) The manual says I need DGK DPR8EA-9 or X24EPR-U9(Nippon Denso) (is Nipon Denso the manufacturer???) The plugs that are in the bike from the PO are NGK R DR8ES-L (which the largest CTC in Canada (Kingston, ON) doesn't stock! so...what do you folks recommend?
  7. My original caps did not fail internally. But had oxidized from age. And due to the high cost of the OEM caps. I replaced them with NGK caps and new copper core wires. NOW-After having ALL my NGK replacement caps fail internally with little mielage on them. Which I posted on another thread. FYI- This will happen to them all. They are junk. NOW, I am wondering if anyone has found 7mm graphite or other wires with RUBBER caps like older cars use...that fit properly on our small (in automobile terms) spark plugs??? I know we are to have some resistance in the wires or caps....thus graphite type is my 1st thought.
  8. I haven't had my Gen 1 all that long and I did not know anything about the spark plug condition. I found a tip sheet that said that the best plug for my bike would be the NGK DPR8EX-9. It was not a big deal to find the plugs and replace the current NGK Iridium DPR8EIX-9 plugs. The Iridium plugs looked pretty good when I removed them. Since I have installed the new plugs I have noticed that the bike doesn't run as well. Cold starting isn't as snappy as it had been and the engine is a little lethargic when rolling off of idle. Outside of that I cant tell much difference. Was the Iridium plug really the better plug? Ray
  9. Hi Guys, I have had my Venture Royale since 1989. Done all the maint myself...everything. I have been an electronics tech for 30+ years. Last year I replaced spark plugs, spark plug caps with all NGK, along with new 7mm hypolon copper wires. I had always used NGK spark plugs since the begining. In fact I only changed spark plugs every 20k miles or so. They were that good, and my bike tuned that well. This year I have been having "misfire" issues at idle. I finally checked the spark plug caps , wires and spark plugs. 3 spark plug caps measured OPEN(should be 5k ohms) on my digital meter and cleaned all spark plugs...3 spark plugs also open. I use non-resistor type which should read almost zero ohms. I suspect These items are NOT made in Japan or they have changed their construction of these items. These above items only had 3k miles on them. Now I have the OEM parts back in. NGK...Junk I say. Don't get stuck like me.
  10. OK I am wondering what I did or maybe there isn't really any difference. I changed the plugs today in my 2000 venture and the Clymers manual said they took a NGK DPR7EA-9 When I got the old ones out and the new ones in I was cleaning things up and happened to look at the old plugs, which by the way looked new after 12,000 miles anyway the ones I took out where NGK DPR8EA-9 Anyone know what the difference is? Is one hotter than the other? Just wandering Thanks Gentleman.
  11. anybody know the part # for ngk sparkplugs on a 1st gen ? i forgot manual at home and want to change plugs . Thom
  12. Hi, I want to replace the H.T. leads to the spark plugs on my '84. What do I need to ask for at my local auto parts counter? I notice that one local supplier (not usually my first chioce) has a selection of pre-made NGK wires on the shelf. Is there a ready made NGK part that would be a good choice? Prices across the range he had were about $22 Cdn / wire. Does that sound reasonable? Thanks, Brian H.
  13. Anyone know what the gap should be on the NGK Iridium plugs? Should it be the same gap as the NGK standards (.031-.035)
  14. Ok, I installed a set of NGK Iridium plugs 18,000 miles back. Replaced them last week, just because---Here is photo of what the old ones look like if anybody is interested. Bike was still running good on this set.
  15. Anyone have any experience using a Champion RA6HC plug vs. the NGK DPR8EA-9? What about the Autolite 4163? This is for my 88 VR?
  16. I have a '92 VR. I removed a plug just to check wear and condition and discovered the plug does not match the number listed in the shop manual for the bike: The spark plug was an NGK DPR7EA-9. According to the manual, it should be an NGK DPR8EA-9. I'm assuming this means the plugs in the bike are a lower heat range...? Would this make a difference in performance, especially start/cold performance. The bike runs like it is firing on two cylinders until it gets warm, sometimes. Should I change to the DPR8EA-9 part number plugs? Thanks, Randy
  17. Seems like i can't find the right socket to fit my plugs in my socket set and I don't have the original tool kit. Will a standard deep 18mm socket work? The manual says either NGK DPR8EA-9 or ND x24EPR-UP Can someone assist. Thanks, Jim
  18. Auto parts store. I said give me 4 NGK plugs for an 84 Venture. He said the book calls for an NGK 7EA. I said no the number has an 8 in it. He said here it is NGK 7EA for a 84 Yamaha venture 1200 engine. I said check the VMAX it takes the same plug? OK VMAX shows same thing NGK 7EA. My old plugs are NGK DPR8EA's. I'm going to take them back but just curious anybody running these 7EA plugs? They look identical in size
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