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  1. Heard this on the news last night. Appears They will be making several different off road models here and the 3 wheel slingshot. Tiny north Alabama crossroads of Greenbrier is excited, wary about new Huntsville Polaris plant | AL.com Bringing 1,700 more jobs to the Huntsville area. Want a job at the new Polaris off-road vehicle plant in Huntsville? Here's what we know now | AL.com
  2. A member who will remain anonymous for now is in need of all the prayers that we can offer. All I can say is that he is a long time member and a good friend to many. I will update you when I can but I pray that when I do, it will be good news.
  3. It is with a saddened heart I 'm passing along the following news. Jay/ ragtop69gs's Father had passed away yesterday. I know what he's dealing with due to the timing of his Dad's passing as my Father had passed away several years ago between Christmas and New Years day as well. Prayers going out for Jay, Jeanie, family , and friends during these trying times. Jay will be providing further news and info after tomorrows meeting with the funeral director. Thanks, Larry & Joyce
  4. Looks like I may need to reinforce the mounting braces..... The good news is the $0.01 XXL cover will cover the sidecar too.
  5. ...Okay..not really... but thought I would post these picts from a news story:
  6. Going to be in Newport News next week if anyone wants to meet up.
  7. Haven't seen anything on Ponch's recovery in a while. Any news??
  8. Be careful what you put in your bikes. The EPA has now approved E15 Ethanol. At this time, they are saying that it is good for vehicles made in 2007 and later but they are saying that they will likely revise that to 2001 models and later. MANY small and large engine manufacturers are warning that you should NOT use E15 in your vehicles because it will damage rubber parts and plastics and can cause fuel leaks. Some environmental groups are even saying that it can cause increased pollution because ethanol contains only 66% the energy of gasoline so fuel mileage will likely suffer. The good news is that, for now at least, it is voluntary and many stations are likely to not add pumps for it or switch over from the E10 that many currently sell. Still, some will likely do it and you don't want to put it in your motorcycles. I don't want it in my cars either. It is absolutely crazy for them to do this. There was a story on the news earlier this week about meat prices going up due to the higher cost of corn. Looks like it is only going to get worse. Let's not let this get political. I'm thinking that it probably will and will then have to be deleted but for now, I'm just saying to WATCH what you put into your gas tank.
  9. Here's some good news: http://www.bikerspost.com/forum/topics/new-bill-to-protect-patriot-guard-riders?xg_source=facebookshare
  10. steamer

    WNY gang

    Up date on our little vaction. we're not in DC anymore. Museums were getting boring, so we followed the sun shine. Lets just say temps were near 80 yesterday:rasberry:. Bad news, we have to head back later today.
  11. Got to burn almost a whole tank full through the the RSV this afternoon. Dodged a couple of rain showers. Saw a rainbow, but put the Frog Toggs on anyway and sho' 'nuff 5 minutes later the sun came out! That's the good news, the bad news I now have a 1999 "pogo stick"! The rear shock is completely "oil-less".
  12. Wouldn't have it any other way. Thats a new slang phrase I been using lately when sh## never goes right. Just checking in to say Hi and were doing OK. The bike is still setting covered up all year No time to ride and Ramona's back injury still has her practically unemployed.She has been off since June 1st. The latest news is her brand new car just got hit in a local business parking lot. The guy lost control of his new chevy silverado 2011 model, clipped a phone pole, then rolled in the lot and took her suv out. Good news was she was not in the vehicle. Bad news was he has NO INSURANCE. Just another day in WILD AND DANGEROUS WEST VIRGINIA. I hope to get on here more often. Maybe winter will slow things down a little.
  13. Got home safe about an hour ago. As usual at one of Lew's parties, had a wonderful time! :clap2: There is good news that I will let Lewis tell. There is bad news. The Alabama riders kicked out butts on the fund raising challenge. There were also several more of them that showed up in Memphis today.
  14. Lynn hasn't been on since July 16 of this year. I searched "Pegscraper" and haven't seen any news about him.
  15. This might have already been posted but it's great news as far as I'm concerned. Here's a link to the article. http://www.michelin.com/corporate/EN/news/products/article?articleID=N20110823_cpN_commandeII_E
  16. Anyone know who made the ABC "World News" six o'clock news today on their RSV? It looks blue and has passing lamps. Both rider and passenger on bike. News reporter was interviewing someone on the corner when the bike rode by behind them. Don't know when the story was recorded but I thought it was pretty neat. Anyone else see it?
  17. Picked up a bent over nail in Casper WY. I'm with Phoneman1981 and graderman and friends. Put a plug in but still have a slow leak. The good news is I'm with friends. Yamaha dealer here is closed Monday. The good news is I made to an airconditioned MacDonalds on the plug. Going to try to replug it and make it to Cody. Thats 200 miles. Friesman1 (Brian Fries) and Camos (Clive) and I are sharing a cabin at Ponderosa. Take the cabin if I'm late. I'll send email to Ponderosa.
  18. Sailor


    If anyone is planning on riding Vancouver Island be aware that the Naniamo police have announced they are going to stop and check every motorcyclist they see during the next year. This is supposedly to stop motorcycle accidents and deaths. They say it is the same as enforcing no cellphone regulations. To me it is more like mugging tourists so they don't get mugged by crooks. I sent a letter to the Nanaimo Daily News and another one to the Victoria Times Colonist advising them to read the Hurt report and asking how harassing motorcyclists is going to stop some idiot on a cell phone from hitting them. The letter to the Times Colonist was printed yesterday but I don't know about the Nanaimo News as we don't get it here.
  19. Over in Victoria today helping our niece move. Beautiful day. Lots of hot rods and bikes on the road. Saw a black/red 2nd gen a couple times. I was the guy on Superior street with a truck full of furniture watching you go by. Bad news...she is moving in with us for a few months Good news.....she is a nice kid and loves to bake. Bad news......looks like I might be gaining even more weight.
  20. http://www.roadbikemag.com/home/breaking-news-polaris-acquires-indian/ Should be an interesting match-up.
  21. Today it happened. NEWS HEADLINE-- Texas has gone to the pigs! (Drudge):crackup:
  22. bj66

    Great News

    My mother in law took a fall early this fall. Her ribs kept hurting etc. and she finally went in and had some x-rays etc done. When doing this they happened to find some spots in each lung. They biopsied (spelling?) one right away, and on monday morning went in and removed a very suspicous spot on the other lung. The surgery went well and she is recovering just fine. The results came in this afternoon. It is non cancerous as well. Great news for a person who has been a smoker for many years. The docs attribute the spot/growth to scar tissue etc. as a result of her having pneumonia in the past. So the fall was a blessing in hind sight. Nothing was broken, and she is in better health now. Besides she quit smoking since going to the doctor. What a way to start her retiremnet. Her last day of work was Dec 31st. So thanks to those that let me bend their ear a little bit the last few nights on chat. It was kind of nice having somebody to talk to since my wife was at the hospital with her mother. You just cant talk to your kids quite the same way. So again, thanks guys.....
  23. Hello again everyone. I've been gone for a while, and thought I should share what's been going on. It's been a difficult couple of years, with good news and bad news. A few months before buying our RSV, my wife started having unexplained pain in her legs. It got worse and worse, and eventually she couldn't stand or walk for more than a couple of minutes. Unable to work, she lost her job. After 2 years and close to 100 doctor appointments and tests at multiple hospitals and other medical centers, we still have no diagnosis. We don't know what it is. We just know what it isn't. And without a root cause, there is no way to fix it. Anyway, that's the reason we've been missing and our riding was so limited, even before we went missing. The good news: We had a break through of sorts. We still don't know the cause of the pain, but one of the spine doctors suggested a specialized device to help mask the pain. She had the surgery about 3 months ago and is doing much, much better. We even went out on a couple of short rides on the RSV! The bad news is that I don't see Venture-type (longer) rides anytime soon. The RSV is spending most of it's life just sitting in the garage, and I don't know how long that will continue. So, we've decided to sell it. If things continue to improve, we might get something smaller in the spring just to do short rides, and hopefully we can meet up with the GA group again for breakfasts or lunches or something. We enjoyed your company and comaraderie very much in the times we've shared with you.
  24. I have a chance at a 1999 Venture with 12,000 miles at a good price. Do any of you know of any bad news of the 99's? Thanks.
  25. Saw on the news that parts of Australia are being flooded. You ok where your at Annie?
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