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  1. Almost 2:00 am in El Paso. The little church mice are starting to scurry. In an hour we will be leaving El Paso...225 riders...all headed north to Nelson, B.C. The first checkpoint is in Buena Vista, CO. Then over top Leadville, CO., at over 11,000 ft. Going to be a great day.
  2. If you are heading West to Nelson today from Saskatchewan or further, keep an eye open for my son Alex heading back to BC from the oil fields of Saskatchewan and Manitoba for his mothers birthday. He is driving a white Dodge Dakota with BC plates. Blow his mind honk and wave at him. He knows you will be on the road and keeping a closer eye out for you and all riders. Ride safe, wish I was joining you. Kevin
  3. Long range forecast for July long weekend @ Kruisn the Kootenays... Vancouver area [ATTACH]68666[/ATTACH] Nelson area [ATTACH]68667[/ATTACH]
  4. I'm planning on coming to the Kruis'n the Kootenays in 2012. At the same time I found a time share (22 Jun to 29 Jun) that I can trade into in Kelowna called Holiday Resort Park immediately the week before ending on the 29th of June. My wife has relatives in Kelowna too visit also. This would be perfect for I would leave Kelowna on the 29th an arrive at Nelson that same day. Maybe make a day of it and sight see between Kelowna and Nelson. My question is has anyone stayed at the Holiday Resort Park in their 1 bedroom condo. Would like your opinion. Maybe some units are nicer than others? What are some recommended rides and places to see, things to do, and favorite places to eat in the Kelowna area Second, What would be a nice ride between Kelowna and Nelson being that it is just a short 200 miles between the 2 cities. I wouldn't mind a longer scenic ride.
  5. Anybody heard of that famous Willy Nelson song On the Side of the Road Again? :-(
  6. Ok...so it all started innocently enough. I got a message on Facebook from a lady that said "Hi, you left your name and telephone number with my next door neighbor and asked that she give it to me. You can call me at XXX-XXXX and we can talk. Me: I'm sorry but you obviously have me mistaken with somebody else. I have not given my telephone number out to any ladies. Her: Well, it was Don Nelson and had your number on it. I looked on Facebook and see that you and I have a mutual friend so it must be you. Me: No, I know that it wasn't me because I haven't given my number out and you live in a state a long way from me and I haven't even been to that state in probably 6 years or more. Her: Well, if it wasn't you then how did you know that your number was left with my neighbor? Me: Please go back to your first message to me, the one where you TOLD me that somebody named Don Nelson had left a telephone number with a message to call you. Her: Well it just seems like quite a coincidence that somebody named Don Nelson left his number with my neighbor and then I see that you and I have a mutual friend on Facebook. Me: I have a lot of friends on Facebook from all over the country due to a Motorcycle Group that I am involved with. Some of whom I have met personally and others are just friends from online discussion. Here's an idea. Have you thought about CALLING the number that this person left with your neighbor? Her: Well, you have to admit that it was all a great coincidence. I just called the number and found that it was not you but somebody who lives close by. The funny part is that I am not the Cheryl that he was looking for. So, there was a Don Nelson looking for a different Cheryl and then I got on Facebook and found a different and wrong Don Nelson that I didn't know but was not the same Don Nelson looking for the wrong Cheryl. Me: You are making me dizzy. Sweet dreams. Her: and I'm not even a blonde.
  7. Howie over at the MTA site is digitizing the various publications that the Old Venture Touring Society and later the Motorcycle Touring Association produced. I was browsing recently and encountered this funny story by our own Don Nelson (Freebird). http://www.mtariders.com/magazine/Nov_Dec%2002.pdf (page 14).
  8. Just heard that a Old high school pal (ROY HOOD 63 of Willisburg)died Sunday when for some reason lost contol of his bike and hit a culvert.This was in Nelson Co, Ky.His passenger later died at the hospital.They were not wearing a helmet.
  9. I am going to a Willie Nelson concert tonight in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. It is raining and miserable, but this might be my only chance to see him in person, so I am going. I guess I am "CRAZY"! Yama Mama
  10. I found a couple of vids on youtube taken in and around Nelson BC where the Kruisn the Kootenays Rally is going on in July 2009. I thought it might be good to give everyone a look at the scenery and roads we will be riding on. Youre all invited to come on out and enjoy!! more info at [ame= ] [/ame] [ame= ] [/ame] [ame= ] [/ame]
  11. After a very long year and not so great of a year I is back.For thoose who might have missed (not you Hip) for both of the others I am glad to be back onthe site .May all of you have a great New Year. Ron Nelson
  12. I recently returned from a weekend trip up north, about 450 km each way. On my way out of town on Thurs, I saw the forcast was calling for rain on Sat, the day I was returning. So I stopped at my dealer, and purchased a Nelson Rigg Stormrider rain suit. http://www.nelsonrigg.com/pages/Rainwear-apparel/SR-6000-2-Big.htm I know I could have gotten it cheaper on eBay, but that would have meant good planning, and that was not going to happen. Anyways, the weatherman was correct and it was pouring rain for the last 250 KM of my trip home. There are 2 reviews here, and both are positive. First, the Nelson Rigg Stormrider rain pants. They are very easy to get into, even with my boots on. They have a boot strap, to keep the pant legs firmly down against your foot. There is long zipper vertically along the bottom of the pant, that you can zip closed after you get your feet out the bottom. There is an elastic around the waist, that gives you lots of room to slide your hand inside the rain pant, to get into your regular pants pockets, how do I know this? Well, I forgot the key for the bike in my pocket, and then put the rain pants on at the gas station. There is also lots of reflective striping around the legs to make you very visible. After riding 250 KM in a downpour, my jeans were completely dry. All in all, they functioned as well as I could have hoped, and a reasonable price. So, why am I only reviewing the Nelson Rigg Stormrider pants? Well, I did not use the jacket, although I did try it on for size, and it fits perfectly over my riding jacket. The reason I did not use the Nelson Rigg jacket, is I wanted to test my new Tourmaster Flex jackets waterproofing. http://www.tourmaster.com/xcart/product.php?productid=248&cat=3 And I was not disappointed. Some of you may remember I recently sold my Joe Rocket jacket to Squidley, and I bought a new Tourmast Flex jacket system. The Flex has a main mesh jacket, that holds the 5 piece CE armor system, givng you shoulder, elbow and back dual density armour plates for impact, and slide protection. When worm alone, it is a perfect hot weather jacket, with FULL ventilation, that feels like riding in a T-shirt alone, similar to the Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket, while affording you excellet protection from abrasion, and the elements. There is a full outer shell that is 100% waterproof, that ZIPS to the outside, along the neck, sides and cuffs. There are ventilation zippers in the chest to allow for air flow. These zippers are waterproof when they are closed, using a rubber flap system to seal the zippers, along with velcro to keep the zipper covers closed. This system works perfectly, and the shell is really waterproof, keeping me almost completely dry. The only moisture I got in my jacket at all, came in via the hand holes at the cuff. I am sure if I had tightened the cuff flaps, that would have been solved. I was dry top to bottom. The Flex jacket is listed as "water resistant" and I am really not sure what the difference is between that and "water proof" but at highway speeds for almost 3 hours in the rain, no significant water got to me in my jacket, so that will be good enough for me. I doubt I will ever even use the Nelson Rigg jacket, as it seems like it would be overkill. There is also a full sleeved inner thermal liner, to keep you warm come the fall and cold weather riding days. All 3 units together, will certainly keep you warm and dry. I just wanted to review some new apparel that I got this year, and let you know what I found. Hope it helps. Sonny
  13. Just a small note to say 2 things . 1. I am back on line a short while eack night now . 2. MANY THANKS to all of you who helped us in our time of need and for the many prayers from all of you ,may the good Lord bless all of you . THANKS RON NELSON and FAMILY
  14. I have to hand it to you guys and gals on here I can come on here when feeling a little down are when there ain't nothing on the T V and always get a good laugh and leave feeling better. May all of you have a safe and Happy New Year. Ron Nelson
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