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  1. I got gas for $2.89 a gallon after my .10 discount at Kroger's. Hoping it keeps falling some and stays there, but I dont think it will. :crying: What are you paying in your neck of the woods?
  2. is there a picture showing where the ground wire is for the R/R ? I have the gas tank off, and I understand its on the right side of the bike near he neck. do I have to remove the other plastic plate, wrapped around the ignition? Just checking, for a lose ground
  3. Does anyone know of a manufacturer or vendor that makes chrome neck covers to fit a 2006 Royal Star Venture?
  4. --to nest in the neck of my Venture! Had spider fly out from the neck and splatter my faceshield today. Surprisingly the sucker managed to stay there for 23 miles. Musta got tired on the 24.6 mile. Come to think of it, should of taken a picture.... but... I was more concerned with cleaning the bug off.
  5. Anyone heard from KY. Rider? He is from my neck of the woods and have not seen him post lately.
  6. Ok Now that I am basically road ready, I want to tighten the front end. The Class is working perfect but regardless of the air pressure the when driving over manholds & bumps the front kinda clunks. So I'm going to redo the front end. 1. New Progressive Springs 2. New Neck Bearings - the neck bearing are tight but since I will have the handlebars off why not do the bearings I need a good source for Springs. & good = less expensive. Also are Lytle Racing Group or Air Balls Racing Neck bearing good? If not which do you recommend? After this is done it should be time for long distance cruising time!
  7. Hello Everyone: Last weekend, Graderman46 and I escaped for a short ride. Dan rode his "Work Bike" stock 06 RSTD. We stopped about 20 miles north of town and swapped bikes. It was interesting to finally see my own bike from the rear. Made me appreciate the lighting improvements. By the time I got back to town, my neck was on fire!!! I was missing my Flanders Bars, Butler seat mod. and Utopia backrest. Dan got to test ride a modified bike and compare also. Sure is nice having friends!!!!!
  8. I have been hearing a clunk when going over large bumps.I thought the fender or something like that was loose but a preliminary check turns up nothing loose. It really concerned me sunday after rolling through a rough part of the road.I thought something was gonna fall off. Another noise was like heard when leaning into a curve.Can't explain it but the sound was in conjunction with a feel.Are my wheel bearings dry,damaged, or could it be my neck bearings. I'm sorry this is so cryptic but I can't video tape the sound because the wind noise is too great.I am just hoping some one has an ideawhat neck and wheel bearings symptoms might be. Maybe some inspections I can preform.I csnt figure oit how to change the fork oil without removing the forks.
  9. Two or three of us couples are going to be in Davis/Canaan Valley West Virginia from the 4th of September til the 10th of September and will be riding the area of about a 100 mile radius. Thought if anyone lived in that neck of the woods maybe we could do a ride or a meet and eat one day. Keep us in mind and let me know if this might work out for someone. Rick
  10. Was headin home from work Friday in my '10 Nissan Altima SR, the fast one with the 270 HP V-6 when a "new to Texas" uninsured woman from elsewhere, rearended me. Damages to the rear are substantial and the front of my car is not quite as bad, but probably totalled; don't know for sure yet. Glad I had uninsured motorist coverage. Was taken to a local hospital for lower back injuries as well a seriously bruised chest and neck. I'll be fine in a couple weeks. Glad I wasn't on one of my scooters. If totalled, I am going to replace the Nissan with a Camaro. So there is good in everything.
  11. A lot has been going on in this household for the past few years, it all started with Charlene having her knee scoped, then before she could start PT for that, she burned both her feat severly, that aggravated her back and hip with the position she had to keep her feet in, then 2 spine surgeries in Jan. 2010, then a total hip replacement later the same year, then 2011 comes along and she has surgery for herniated disk in her neck. She still has some other problems but is going to PT for those to see if that helps. I start out this year with a severe case of bursitis that was very very painful and kept me out of work for a few days, that all cleared up, and now find I have scoleosis, spinal stenosis, and s slipped vertebrae. Treatment started on that, feeling a little better, stated PT yesterday, and BANG, started having chest pains on the way home.........dang, not having the other symptoms associated with the BIG ONE, so call my nurse rep with my med carrier and she says get to ER right away...........Oh No..!!!!!!!! Get there they put me in a trauma room stat start taking blood, EKG, X-Rays, inhalation therapy for trouble catching my breath. After almost 2 hours all hooked up to monitors the Dr. comes back..........Double Pneumonia , ok, I have had walking Pneumonia several times but I usually had something else going on to precipitate it...........not this time, sudden onset, I didnt know that it could happen that suddenly, but I learned different. Now I have to miss 3 days of work at least. Sure wish this Black Cloud would move on. Now they have me on IV antibiotics, after about 5 minnutes I start itching on my face and neck, I am breaking out in Hives, call the nurse back, have to switch antibiotics, they give me more steroids, and Benadryl to stop the itching. What is next? Just spoke to my daughter who is in nursing school, tell her whats going on and get another punch in the face, the antibiotic I am now on, and the steroids can make you susceptible to tearing your Achilles tendon.:bang head: Aint life DANDY???
  12. Been having a lot of pain in my neck the last couple of weeks and it's gotten so bad I finally went to the Doctor today. Yes you guess it, another surgery coming up. They took an x-ray and the look on the Doctors face as he came in said it all. Two vertebrata that you could see at the base of the neck have collapsed onto each other and he fears there is more below the shoulder area the x-ray doesn't show. They are setting me up for an MRI so they can see just how bad it is. I knew about every 5 years I would have to have surgeries to extend the rods in my back as the vertebrates keep deteriorating but they started at the bottom of my spine and have been working their way up. Will know more after the MRI and consulting with the neurosurgeon. At least this time I shouldn't have to ware that awful brace for 4 months. Crap, I just didn't need this right now. Vent done.
  13. This post is not to start any arguing about helmet usage. It is simply information from new research published this year about reduced neck injury in motorcycle accidents because of helmet usage. It seems to show a 22% decrease in neck injury from those without a helmet. http://www.news-medical.net/news/20110210/New-research-Motorcycle-helmets-appear-to-reduce-cervical-spine-injury.aspx
  14. I can't find a part number for a part. I took the tank off my bike. On the left side there is a black cover that attaches to the neck of the frame. Does anyone know the description and part number? I need the screw that holds this part on the bike. Thanks,
  15. If you have kids or grandkids or you're a big kid...........................Here's the NORAD link to tracking that jolly old elf so you know when he's in you're neck of the world. http://www.noradsanta.org Merry Christmas Margaret
  16. Maybe down where you live you use flies and meeps But Up in these neck of the woods its a different story as you see in this photo
  17. My yamaha shop is telling me they are charging me for the regreasing. isn't this warranty work? The neck was never done. 44,000 miles on her. the bike is a 07 venture
  18. Monty

    Neck wraps

    Does anyone know of a store that carries the cooling neck wraps, or do you have to order them online only? I want them before Friday, but I don't want to pay an extra $30-$40 for fast shipping.
  19. You are alive .Where have you been?
  20. I have been enjoying reading the exploits of a couple of insane guys from Norway riding two 70 y.o. Nimbus side car rigs around the world. http://kccd.no/chronicles/2006/part2/x175.jpg As of March 23, they were in Huntsville Alabama. Unfortunately I didn't learn about them till after they passed through my neck of the woods. Check it out HERE if you have some time on your hands. Brian H.
  21. Guest

    What a crappy weekend...

    So with both kids having strep throat, the weather was poor most of the weekend, then on top of it all- my dog got attacked. My father-in-law's 120+lb yellow lap grabbed my 9lb mini Dachshund my the neck, shook him like a rag doll, and flung him a good 30 feet. Now my dog has two lacerations on his neck, won't eat, won't drink, won't come out of his crate- and if I pick him up and carry him out, he just pulls his tail between his legs and starts shaking. Won't walk, won't sit, just looks around in fear. If it weren't for the legalities, there'd be a yellow lab suffering from cranial high-velocity lead poisoning.
  22. Just wondering if anyone has found a magic bullet for warm riding gear for the face. I have a good balaclava that does a good job but my forehead will start killing me within 30-60 minutes and I have to remove the thing. The fat head thing makes it get too tight in the helmet. I'd like to find something that I can wear around the neck and comes up to cover the chin area and even the nose if necessary. I rode today and the chin area was by far the coldest part on me.
  23. Ok.....I'm down to the tricky part. After dealing with the rust in my tank I'm down to applying the epoxy resin tomorrow. The tank looks a lot better than it did and the epoxy should solve any future rust issues. My question is, are there any interior baffles in the neck of the tank? I noticed while I was shaking the tank with a handful of grabber screws and a tube of BB's that very few made it into the filler neck. Using an inspection mirror I could not see anything in the upper neck but couldn't get that good of a look up inside. The only "baffle" I can see is the neck of the filler tube going down into the neck a few inches. Anything other than that? Just trying to figure the surface area so I mix enough epoxy to cover EVERYTHING! Thanks
  24. Hi guys, after some nice help from the lads here about tightening the steering neck bearings as a temp fix to some steering wobbles, it seems that now I'm going to have to get them either repacked or replaced.. The techs who did the tightening stated that they did not feel any flat spots so the bearings should be good as is.. just needs repacking and proper tightening.. fun.. I was perusing various cycle sites and came across this one.. listing bearings.. what's the thought on these? (if I needed to replace mine after all) http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/14/138/21652/405/PITEM/All-Balls-Steering-Stem-Bearing-Kit-2006-Yamaha-Royal-Star-1300-Venture-Parts.aspx
  25. i figured out my problem. it's not cabin fever, and it's not irritable bowel syndrome, its this lousy &ss weather. i want to ride. i hate this global warming. where are you al gore. i want to ring your neck. come to st. louis right now. i'll show you global warming. snarley bill
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