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  1. The Natchez Trace Parkway is a Federal ParkRoad a lot like the Blue Ridge Parkway as far as the type of road and some of the scenery. No high mountain views though like the B.R.P. The Trace begins in Natchez, Mississippi and ends about 450 miles later just south of Nashville, Tennessee in Franklin. I thought that the best riding parts are from the Mississippi/Alabama State line north to Nashville. The southern part is beautiful, but relatively flat. This road has a lot of history. Apparently early pioneers would float their goods down the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Natchez Mississippi where they would sell their stuff. They even sold the lumber from the boats they made to get their wares there. They then would hike back to Nashville, Tennessee. This trail or trace was used for many, many years. The remnants of it are still visible. You can walk parts of it still today. Along the way, there are ancient Indian Burial Mounds and a whole ton on of history. There are lots of pull offs, bathrooms and a very well maintained road. We began our trip in mid April at the Comfort Inns Suites, located on the river across the Mississippi River from Natchez in Vidalia, Louisiana. it a very nice and relatively new motel. Videlia is about 150 miles from New Orleans. We left from there for the 2 day trip to Nashville. The speed limit on the Parkway is 50 mph on most parts and slower on some others. It’s enforced too. There are lots of park rangers on it. It rained the entire first day of our trip, however it was a light rain and the scenery was beautiful. We saw deer, lot's of turkeys and buzzards. No bears though, darn! Plan your route for gas stops. To get gas, you have to leave the Parkway. While some gas stops may be really close to the Parkway, other may be some distance away. We stopped for the night in Starkville, Mississippi, home of MSU. That was a good halfway point. Lot of motels, restaurants, stores etc.... in case you need something. The next day was clear and sunny, but not very warm. We had packed lunches the first day and thought we could finish it and just do a late lunch at the end. We took a break at the Tennessee side of the Tennessee River Bridge. There's a really nice pull off with bathrooms there and more great scenery. It took us longer to do the ride than we’d figured so it was about 3 pm when we exited the Trace. I would suggest you pack lunches each day you plan on being on it. At the end of the Parkway, we found the Loveless Café (Diner to the stars). We ate there. I think every country singer etc in world has eaten there. There are gift shops etc ... there. The food was ok but not great. The prices were pretty reasonable though. This was one “way kool” ride and is well worth doing. You might be able to do it in 1 day but you'd be missing everything. Plan on 2 for sure. Thanks Eck. Steve
  2. Just under two weeks with the new trike and we just today returned from a four day ride down the Natchez Trace. The trike handled great. Thanks to Hannigan Trikes and to Randy at Volunteer Cycles and Trikes for doing the conversion. The trike rides even smoother than the two wheeler. Too bad my MPG dropped from 45/46 to 32 MPG. Oh well. We even had enough (barely (smile)) luggage space for my wife! Met some STAR members along the Trace near Jackson, MS. Natchez was terrific, crossed the Mississippi into Vidalia, LA. Great trip with some super friends who rode with us.
  3. Overall the last 20 years Loraine and I traveled a lot of miles on our bikes. I would like to share some of this beautiful country with you. The first one will be a short trip down the Natchez Trace Parkway! http://www.photoshow.com/watch/YC3hB7NN?source=em_ps_show_owner Phill
  4. Hey Guys, My wife and I are going on a road trip next weekend from East Texas to Vicksburg then Natchez and back home. I was wondering if anyone could give some suggestions on sights to see that we would not see otherwise. I plan on doing the military park in Vicksburg and catching the Natchez Trace on the way to Natchez. Also, I plan on passing through Nachitoches on the way back. So, fire away suggestions because all are appreciated. Thanks. Jeff
  5. If anyone is interested in the Natchez Trace, there is a 4 page article in the November 2008 MotorHome magazine. Might be helpful if you are going on it, or thinking about it. Lyle
  6. My wife and I are planning a trip up the Natchez Trace Pkwy. We are leaving from Houston on Monday the 30th and plan on styaying in Natchez that night. We plan on the trip up to Nashville and back home to take 5 or so days. What I would like to know; does anyone know of a nice motel somewhere up the parkway 250 or 300 miles north of Natchez? Also we would like a different route back to Houston perhaps through Arkansas and then back south, any suggestions on route and where to stay? Thanks
  7. Here is my pics of the Natchez Trace ride. http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/kebranton/Natchez%20Trace/
  8. Here are Beth's aka nanaof4 pics of the Natchez trace ride. http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/kebranton/Natchez%20Trace%204-16-08/ I'll add mine tomorrow.
  9. Well we've been planning it for quite a while and we finally got to go. 9 Riders left Tuscaloosa Alabama Friday for a leisurely trip to Natchez Ms. We rode out 82 W past Starkville Ms and got on the Natchez Trace. What a great ride that is. If you are not into speed and want a slow pace for a change try this one out. We stayed the night in Natchez and left the next morning for Pascagoula, ms. The best part about this ride is that we weren't in a hurry and had plenty of time. We stopped every 1-1 1/2 hours just because we could. On the way to Pascagoula we made a special effort to cross the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway. This is the longest bridge in the world and I wanted to cross it. 24 miles is a long ride over the water. At the middle it was hard to tell where you were as the land was far far away and barely visible. After the trip north on the causeway we headed for the coast and took 90 over to Pascagoula. The ride along the coast was most enjoyable and the beaches were really cleaner than I thought they would be. The 2 year old damage was still very visible, although mostly just building foundations that had been cleaned off. We left Pascagoula around 8am for Tuscaloosa, Al and arrived about 3pm, I said we weren't in a hurry didn't I? I'll be planing another ride similar to this one in the near future. We really saw a lot of bikes on the road this weekend and the weather was great.
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