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  1. So who has had your rims powder coated and what did it cost? also some names of a few trusted pwoder coaters would be great..
  2. I am compiling the true facts of the Pork in the Pines to be posted later today after my two brain cells get back from vacation. OH the stories, we laughed, we cried, we ate, we gave thanks, we remembered, we were thankful for friends, life, liberty, and our way of life, we bonded, we watched and took care of each other. We all realize what a great and special group this is and that it is a treasure that is priceless. No names will be mentioned but I am sure you will know any way. I have to go off to start my new job so I will get-R-done later today. Just wanted to warn the guilty parties. And no I don't have pictures so you are safe there! :whistling: :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  3. It would help a few of us borderline Alzheimer cases to put a lasting name to a face if you could post a picture of yourselve(s) with names. Met a bunch of friends this week, but I forgot your names!!! Attached is myself and wife Nancy Gary
  4. I was trying to think of a way to see parts of Saskatchewan I hadnt seen before, and to have an excuse for a ride. Its almost the size of Texas so there is a lot of ground to cover. So, I went thru a list of towns and cities in the province and saw some fun town names and thought i should visit these places just because of their names. Big Beaver about 2 1/2 hours sw Climax about 4 hours Sw Smuts about 3 1/2 hours N Fertile about 3 1/2 hours SE Sucker River about 7 hours N Sound like interesting rides? LOL :rotfl:
  5. Just a couple of pics from our ride, Maria is the pretty one, and still looks good after puttin up with me for 29 years!
  6. My mom passed away this morning at 8:55 I will be traveling to Mass this afternoon for a week, if there is anyone in the New England area that wants to meet give me a shout. I won't have my bike but it would be nice to put a face to the names. Tom
  7. Just got back from spending a day with all the great folks at Vogel. Saw some old friends that we haven't seen in awhile, met some new faces and put faces to names seen here on the forum. Many thank to ALL who had anything to do with putting on this great event. No names cause sure as anything, I'd leave someone out....... Hopefully we raised a bunch of money for St. Judes!!!! Great turnout and hope we will get a chance to see all again!
  8. We have had a catastrophic computer failure and have lost all....I mean all our stuff. Please don't tell me what I know I should have done...sadly we didnt think it would happen to us and we didnt have a proper back up plan in effect. So those of you whom are interested in us having their email...please send us a note so we can collect names and addys for our mail box. Thanks Its a bad day as we lost thousands of pictures, programs to do with cadets..dang we are dummies!
  9. I just saw that we now have 11,100 members! I know I will never remember all those names. But congratulations Freebird, you sure started something, Good! Yama Mama:ice_awesome-vi46644
  10. Could those attending the rally go back into the RSVP list and put names for their "guest" I am having badges made...and need to know names. PLEASE help us to get these done
  11. I am thinking of setting up a M&E for somewhere in the Milwaukee area. I have been noticing that there are a few members in this area. I was planing to shoot for sometime in March to give a chance to meet each other just before the riding season starts. I do not have a specific place or date in mind just yet, it may depend on the level of interest as to how much space will be required and when everyone is available. So, watcha think??? I would sure like to match a few more faces to the names.
  12. All, This was my first MD get together. I have to say, this group of folks have to be the nicest bunch I've met in a long time. People would ask if they could help while I was doing some routine maint on my bike... "can I hold that for you ?, need a hand ?", mostly without asking. I'm sorry, I don't remember members names much, but you know who you are... Thanks for the help and going out of your way a new member feel like he's part of the group. John
  13. I am sooo glad I got to go to MD this year, and put the faces to the names. I got to meet quite a few people, although it might take a few more meets to make all of the names stick. You know as you get older, it's harder to keep 'em all straight...lol Great meeting you all, and wish I could have said goodbye to more of you. We'll be seeing some of you again in about 3 weeks at the Int'l Rally. Very glad to be a part of this wonderful group!!
  14. Guest

    Name for your bike?

    I wonder how many of you have name for your bike? I was never one for giving names to machines, but after the first ride the season I think I should name my bike Prozac. What other names are out there?
  15. ... or have waaaay too much time on their hands. No names, but... Registered: August 2006 Location: Cincinnati Posts: 5960
  16. Ponch

    club names

    Please be careful about posting club names, especially certain 1%er clubs. They actually have folks who monitor the web for their name. If it pops up in a thread on a forum, it could cause problems.
  17. I will research this when I have more time but have any of you system admins seen this before? I feel that they are probably going to try and soak me for money but this one is new to me. Here is what I received. Dear Manager: We are a Domain Name registration service company, which is a professional Internet Domain Name Registration and dispute resolution organization in China. On August.10th,2009, We received HAITONG Investment company's application that they are registering the name "venturerider" as their Internet Keyword and "venturerider.cn"、"venturerider.com.cn" 、"venturerider.asia"domain names etc..,It is China and ASIA domain names.But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so I am sending you this Email to check.According to the principle in China,your company is the owner of the trademark,In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you! Best regards, John Oversea marketing manager Tel:+86(0)21 6296 2950 Fax:+86(0)21 6296 1557 web:http://www.ygregistry.cn
  18. Enjoy some pictures we took at the ralley. Sorry no captions or names. Brad
  19. The 2010 harleys were announced today on thier web site. No big changes, nothing water cooled. Same old thing, with some different names. I sure hope Yamaha makes more changes then HD did.
  20. Here are my pics. I took mine at the campsite. I'll have to get everyone's screen names together so you'll know who everyone is. I did get a few done though. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Mini-Muffins%20Asheville%202009/ Margaret
  21. How do ya get those pictures up by your names? I've looked around, but have no idea how to do it. Thanks, Glenn
  22. I'm back at the hotel from my first MD and I would like to thank Don for the great hospitality. It was great getting to meet new members and placing faces and names together. I didn't take near enough photos but here are the ones I did shoot. Looking forward to next year. Dennis
  23. Here are a few pics from M Day 09 I think it is safe to say a Great time was had by all. It was nice to put some faces with some names. An A BIG Thank You Don an his Wife for putting up with all of us.
  24. I wondered if there was a way to sort members by state, so that say I want to take a ride though Ohio, I could look and see who lives that way and then start to recognize names that regularly post and try to get together for a M&E somewhere along the way.
  25. A few of us got puppies for Christmas and some are looking for names. Here's a website to help. http://www.geocities.com/dog_names/index.html
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