I picked up a digital multi-meter from Canadian Tire ($150) that came with an inductive pickup thinking for that price I'd have no problem doing an rpm reading for tune-ups. What I found was that the reading at idle would jump all over the place in the range of 300rpm to 1500rpm. Repositioning the pick-up didn't fix it and I couldn't get a steady reading.
Need a recommendation on a tach/multi-meter that will give a steady reading and is usable for setting the idle on the RSV.
I've seen the Harbor Freight on online ($30 - http://www.harborfreight.com/lcd-automotive-multimeter-with-tachometer-kit-95670.html ) but is it any good / usable?
What is recommended or used by members ?
I like the look of the Baron's 1" tach that mounts on the resevoir but don't want to spend that much money and don't really need a permanent unit. Just want a simple removable (multi-meter or dedicated to just rpm) tach for the times I synch my carbs.