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  1. Hi Have seen the thread about the muffler mod where you cut and move the end pipe section with a Dremel wheel. Is this also recommended on a bike with 4 mufflers? I don't want anything too loud, but my bike still has stocks and is a too quiet.
  2. Hey Folks, I'm on a 6000 mile hike through the US... Currently in Phoenix (week of May 19th), Next week Houston (Week of 26th) with 5 days over the weekend to enjoy (I hope). Im 2600 miles into this trip with i have a 2009 Royal Star Venture that I bought with LAC pipes... the noise is killing me.... I'm looking for New OEM (take-off), Used OEM to swap out before i keep going. Will consider trade, cash, beer or whatever else won't get me arrested. Thanks G
  3. The following description of my exhaust pipe problem encountered during the first week of our recent five week trip and my emergency repair was originally posted in my thread "Our Venture West". It has been over 10,000 km since I did this emergency fix and it has worked so well and without any exhaust leak that I don't plan on any further repair. While traveling along the Yellowhead Trail through Saskatchewan on our recent trip west, my exhaust noise got louder and still louder again after part of the chrome heat shield cover to the exhaust pipe broke away. The exhaust pipe from the collector had broken loose from the muffler and the muffler was left hanging by one bolt with no support. The end of the exhaust pipe was rusted and broken away so badly that it couldn't be reconnected to the muffler. Truly an "Oh Sh--" moment that could have ruined our trip west. The first picture shows the exhaust pipe after I removed the muffler. I got lucky as the next town had a Canadian Tire Store (open on Sunday) where I bought an exhaust pipe coupler designed to reduce pipe size and some aluminum duct tape. After removing the original clamp at the mouth of the muffler and wrapping both the front few inches of the muffler and the last few inches of the exhaust pipe with the aluminum duct tape for a tight fit, I slid the coupler over the muffler and the exhaust pipe and bolted my muffler back in place. To my surprise, there is no exhaust leak and I think the joint is as strong as original. I would bet that mine isn't the only first gen with a wore out exhaust pipe under the chrome cover. Attached Thumbnails
  4. has anyone out there tried the superflow mufflers from B&E. I found them on ebay and also went to the web site. they seem like a descent set up if you like the rk muffler look and sound. any thoughts would be helpful with my desicion.
  5. I posted a week or two ago that I was having muffler issues with my 87 standard. I was getting significant flow from the drain hole at the inlet of the muffler on the left side. I found a replacement muffler, put it on, and while the tone changed, it still has the "hot rod" sound. As cool as it sounds, it's not the sound I was looking for. This problem started after loading / unloading the bike on a trailer, after I noticed that the bike hit pretty hard on the trailer when the back tire dropped down onto the ramp. I'm now figuring that the topside of the collector has gotta be cracked. I can see no evidence on the underside of a crack, but it's gotta be there. (on the topside) When first looking into this problem, I pulled the mufflers, pulled the front two pipes into the collector, loosened the clamps on the back two pipes to the collector, and planned to remove it for inspection, but it wouldn't budge. After a few tries I looked it over again and thought "there's nothing wrong with the collector" and gave up on removing it. Well, now I know there IS something wrong with it, so it's gotta be removed. Which brings me to my question......What's the trick??? I'm sure it's gotta be bolted on, but with all the crud down there, I saw no bolt heads. If I can get this thing off, I can weld up whatever's broken, but I don't want to chance breaking anything worse than it is by pulling / prying too hard when it's still attached somehow. Any advise on how to remove this sucker will be much appreciated. Thanks.
  6. I've always considered myself a pretty good mechanic. I'm a commercial / industrial HVAC tech, and I'm one of the better one's you'll come across. This isn't just my ego talking, it's confirmed by the respect I get in the National company I work for, as well as my piers in my Union Hall, as well as those in my local area who know me. I think I can figure out anything, fabricate anything, and repair anything. Every once in a while I need to be put in my place. This old Venture is trying real hard to do just that. (87 Standard) I've been following this site for about 4 years now, and am doing many of the things that I've read that others do to their bikes, and am finding out just how difficult many of these repairs are. Kudos to all of you, and thanks for all the great advice / info I've gotten over the years, and you have my utmost respect for making them sound so easy. I don't get a chance to ride nearly as much as I'd like to, since with my trade, I'm usually working long hours / 6 days during much of the prime riding season, and this year has certainly been no exception. I'll be going on a road trip with friends at the end of August, typically putting 1,000 miles + over the 3 day trip. I know that doesn't sound like much to most of you, but for me it's a bit of an event. In any case, I'm having an issue that caused me to break the bike down somewhat and I figured it'd be a good time to play catch up on some of the things I should have done in the past. What I've done over the past two weeks, in the evenings after work, when I've been able to get home before 9:00, is to replace the carb diaphragms, all of which had small holes. That was the only easy task. I also replaced the spark plug wires, which wasn't too bad, but the right front one was a PITA. I also changed the final drive fluid, but didn't grease the ?spline?....how important is this? The issue that started all this was the exhaust issue where I was getting quite a bit of exhaust flow and noise, some backfiring out of the drain hole on the left side muffler. I thought I had a miss, but after changing the diaphragms and wires, I pulled the exhaust all apart and examined what I could see of the inside of the mufflers and the collector. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I didn't actually pull the collector off, but pulled the front pipes off and the mufflers off and saw no cracks, nothing loose, no evidence of exterior leaks. I put the front pipes back on and started it with the mufflers off and it seemed to run well. No backfires from either side, and it ran relatively smoothly. Put the mufflers back on and the sound's still there. I'm convinced that the left side muffler has something blown out inside of it. I don't know how the inside of the muffler is configured, and don't understand how it could develop such a problem all of a sudden, but I can think of no other explanation. So that brings my first question.....are there aftermarket mufflers available that will fit this bike, or does anyone know where I can find a good used replacement. Second question is with the clutch slave cylinder. It's been leaking for a couple of years now, causing me to refill the reservoir once or twice a season. I want to rebuild it, but it seems to be tucked in behind the ? output ? casing, making access difficult. If I pull the two bolts that hold it, how difficult will it be to remove and rebuild? If I can get the muffler situation resolved, and the slave cylinder rebuilt, all I should have left to do is to change out the brake fluid (never been done and looks nasty in the window) ...and I'll feel comfortable that I've done my due diligence to keep this old beauty maintained. Any advice with these issues from those of you "in the know" will be much appreciated. I know this was long winded, thanks for staying with me to the end.
  7. I'm helping a friend fix up a 96 4 piper and if some could post some pic's on how the muffler mounting brackets mount to the frame and mufflers I would sure appreciate it. The guy before welded drag pipes to the header pipes and the muffler mounts are due in tomorrow. Thanks for your time.....
  8. are there any brackets available for muffler conversion RSTD to harley pipes?
  9. Does anyone know if the 2012 stock harley mufflers have the cat inside the muffler? Will these work on our RSV or RSTD? Joe
  10. I know...I know another RK Muffler question. I just wanted to check on something. I just got a very nice set of slash-cut Road King mufflers. They are off a 1998 model. Serial Numbers are: 65546-98 and 65547-98. From my reading here and other forums I understand that these will not contain the catalytic converter. However, when peering though the mufflers I noticed that I can see through the 65547-98 through a small center hole down in the muffler. I cannot see through the 65546-98. Is this normal or is there a problem with the one I can't see through?
  11. Can a Harley Road King or Ultra Classic Muffler be fitted on a 89 Venture Royale:confused24:
  12. I have an '83 venture that has the left hand muffler end piece just about rusted through. Is it possible to just replace end caps or is it necessary to replace entire muffler? What would bst and easiest replacement be. (I do not really want to increase Db level). I have Jardines on my '90 RSV which are a bit loud, but seem to have misplaced them OEM'S !!
  13. I am having a very noticeable rattle under the bike and I am trying to determine if it is a loose baffle. I have another collector that I had a sleeve welded on where one of the pipe connections had broke off and when I look into the muffler tube hole I can see what looks like a baffle. When I stick a foot long rod in and peck on the baffle, it is solid. When I pulled the right muffler off, where the knock seems loudest, and did the same thing on the collector on the bike, it also seems to be mounted solid. It there another baffle in there that I am not seeing or feeling that could be loose? RandyA
  14. has anyone done a rk muffler swap with a first gen?
  15. My right muffler on the 91 VR is loose. I grab the tail pipe and the entire unit easily moves side to side 1/2 to 1 inch. I've tighten the bolt to the frame, and I've tighten the clamp at the juncture point. It appears that the movement is at the clamp for the juncture point. I've taken the entire right muffler off at the juncture point for the muffle and the end of the exhaust pipe all look good. The nut/bolt and clamp has more room to tighten but it is tight on the muffler. To go much tighter I would break the bolt. The left side is tight. On my 89 VR both left and tight muffler are tight and snug. Could there be a missing sleeve/spacer the goes over the end of the exahust pipe but inside the muffler? Also I noticed 5 lub fittings while I was under the VR. Before I grease them are there any more? Also any special type of greese reommended?
  16. I have 08 RSTD what HD mufflers slash cut do I need to put on my bike as to not jet or rework anything. Cat or non Cat muffler and if anyone has a part number. Thanks Joe
  17. Pulled the mufflers off my bike tonight to replace a tire. Loosened the clamp bolts, gave the left one a wiggle and came off as normal, did the same to the right started pulling on the muffler and all the guts started coming out. I've always used anti sieze on the pipe. It looks like the inside collar on the muffler is missing compared to the other one. Has anyone else have this happen. I'm taking it to the bike shop in the to see what they say. It should be warranty as it's an 08.
  18. Just wanted to personally thank you for a great weekend,and also for the Venture Bell now I can hang it on my bike and be protected. I will also get good use of the sirius set up I won on the ticket drawing. I am also thanking all who was involved in this year's MD, yes even you Squidley even though you skipped by me for the muffler drill out. :rotf::rotf:just kidding it was nice just to see your ugly pug :rotf::rotf:and Lonna too. God bless and hope everyone makes it home safe and sound. Joe
  19. Okay. Yesterday I tried to install the RK mufflers I got. These are 07s if I remember correctly so they do have a cat. I don't know if that makes any difference on installation. I got a pair of the 31-9920 Chrome clamps. I've spread them out as large as I can make them with a screw driver. I go to put the muffler on and I can only get it on so far. There's about 1/4" of the mating pipe showing still. I've tried using a wood block and a hammer but I don't want to damage any of the upstream exhaust by pounding too hard. I'm thinking of the "Y" weld... don't want to crack that in any way. I used a little anti-seize as someone recommended. The end of the muffler seems to be spreading a bit as I push it on. I'm assuming this is normal. I'm also assuming that the clamp is supposed to go on up to the heat shield and none of the existing exhaust pipe is supposed to show. Let me know if you've experienced a similar situation and what worked for you.
  20. I know if I put a Road King muffler on my 08 RSV, I will have to use some custom brackets for support. My question is: will I have to use a bushing or will it slip right on the pipes without a bushing?
  21. some one I know is selling his 2005 Ultra Classic with 45,000mi and is giving me a heck of a deal due to he needs $$$ I wanted to ask the family here who owns a Ultra what to look out for? as per say "taken to the cleaners" if you know what I mean . I don't think he would but I would feel better knowing what to look for on a HD. He sent couple of photos and first thing I saw in the photo is the right muffler has been kinda hot like blueish gold color? asked him about this and he said it was due to the cat.converter in the muffler? all ultra Classic have this issue? other than that this Ultra is in great shape never been down or dropped He bought this bike with 3,000mi and as far as I know there has been no issues or break downs that I can think of other than just tires and oil changes he said he just had the 40,000 maintenance done with 45,000mi on the clock is there any issues I need to be aware on 2005 model Thanks Buddy
  22. I saw an exhaust on a Kawasaki Voyager (a 1993 I think) and I am wondering if anyone has a source for something like that that could be adapted to my 90 VR. They are the dual tipped ones. They are apparently welded to the muffler, but I wonder if any aftermarket tips could be fitted to a VR? Any advice /info would be appreciated. I saw some on a VR in the Gallery, but can't remember who it was. They really look sharp.
  23. I bought a pair of MarkII ('87) passenger boards on eBay and trying to fit them on my '83. The 3 mounting holes line up OK. The problem is with the muffler attachment. There's a wide gap and a bit of an offset. Anyone know of a solution?
  24. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. 89 VR about 70k on her and I have a rear wheel bearing that has worn out. what i thought would be the easy part, getting the right side slip on can off, is now apparently going to be the toughest. the joint is all rusted together and I can't get it to brake loose. I got the old muffler clamp off by twisting the head of the bolt off. the joint obviousy is rusty. I've soaked in penetrating fluid for a few days now. it looks cleaner but not budging. I've tried hitting the end with a hammer..nothing. tried heat..nothing. put a strap around the can so I could have someone pull as i hammered below...nothing. i did remove the mount bolt by the rear footrest. any help would be appreciated. I'm worried I'm going damage the collector if I rip and snort much more. can the rear wheel be dropped any lower by removing a linkage bolt? I need to get the rear axle out. thanks much Bob.
  25. Hi Guys and Gals... I have a holes in the chamber thing and I cannot get it a patch to hold for anything. I have tried muffler patch and the clay stuff that turns into metal, even a screw and the clay/metal stuff and that still blew out. It is annoying but I just want to make sure it won't affect the engine in any negative way. I prefer a nice quick ride but I can put up with the pseudo Harley sound. I do not know what the chamber is called but it is connected to the pipes from the engine then to the mufflers. Help I am going nuts with this. Thanks, Mark '86 VR
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