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  1. Hi all, I have just agreed to buy a 1990 venture royale so thought I would join the forum. I have done all the usual reading so don't think I will be in for any huge surprises but one thing I haven't been able to find much info on is expected mpg. What I have seen varies from 30 mpg up to 50 ( sounds a bit hopeful?). I am going to be covering 22,000 a year just going to work and back, I live in Vegas but work out in the desert. I also hope to do some touring so looking to see what I have let myself in for! It will be a while till I can ride the bike as I am recovering from a desert racing crash so I thought I would see what figures other people are getting for the time being. Thanks for for any info people have..... Dave
  2. There have been at least three other threads on this subject in the past month or two, but since this is going to be kinda long and detailed, I thought I would start a new one just for my measurements and results. We all know that reported MPG figures for the 2nd gens have been all over the map, from high 20s to mid 50s (don't I wish!). Nobody is really sure what they SHOULD be or how to compare them. I am on the trail to figure that out. My mileage has always been in the mid 30s average (much more detail below) on both of my RSVs over 50,000 miles. I recently checked and properly set the float levels in the carbs on my 05, and this seemed to produce a dramatic increase in fuel economy (about 5 MPG?). But I still have more to do, and I would love to find someone within a couple of hundred miles of DFW that claims to have mileage in the high 40s or even 50+ MPG with whom I could connect and do some comparisons. In the mean time, I have done some very detailed measurements over a 4,000 mile ride, and here is the information that should make it easier to compare our numbers: Stock Speedometer - on the RSV, it indicates approximately 8% higher than actual speed as measured by GPS. This does not really affect fuel mileage calculations, but is important to know when someone states what MPG they get at a particular speed. For example, if they get 33 MPG at 80 MPH, do they mean a REAL 80 (which would be an indicated 87), or are they seeing an indicated 80 (which is actually only about 73 MPH)? In my experience, the difference between 73 MPH and 87 MPH can change fuel economy by close to 10 MPG! So knowing how to compare apples to apples is quite important for us. Stock Odometer - On the RSV, it indicates approximately 4% higher than actual. In my testing, this calculates out to about 2 MPG difference on a typical tank. BUT, if someone has corrected their speedometer with an external device like a Speedohealer or Yellowbox, then their odometer will now read about 4% LOWER than actual, which means that the miles per gallon they calculate for a typical tank will be approximately 3 MPG lower than that exact same fuel consumption on an identical bike with a stock odometer. For example, if I ride 200 miles and fill up with 5.5 gallons, I get 36.4 MPG. But if someone with a corrected speedometer rides the exact same distance (their odometer will show 184 miles) and fills up with the same 5.5 gallons, they will only calculate 33.4 MPG, quite a significant difference, even though we both got identical mileage! SPEEDS - The difference between an actual 55 MPH (indicated 60) and an actual 80 MPH (indicated 87) will make a huge difference in fuel consumption, and any winds will make this difference even much greater. In my experience, a typical RSV can get 42 MPG at 55, and 32 MPG at 80, without factoring in any wind effects. I believe that for comparison purposes, we must all be vary careful to state specifically if we are using stock indicated miles and speeds or a "corrected" miles and speed. Note that in the latter case, the speed would be a true speed, but the miles reported would be approximately 4% low. Now that I have said all that, let me report on the actual measurements I made on the 4,000 mile trip. I am not going to actually report details on EVERY tank of gas unless someone requests it, but I'll give you the summary. I used to get an average of 36 MPG on my 05 RSV, but only about 32 MPG when running around 76 MPH actual (indicated 82). After setting the float levels, this trip started out showing about 35 MPG when running that fast. Ethanol mixes would drop a mile or two from the calculation, as would any significant cross wind or head wind. For example, my first tank of gas out of Fort Worth took me 206 miles at an indicated speed of about 77 MPH (GPS showed 71 MPH) with a medium cross wind. My calculated mileage (using indicated speeds and distance) for this tank was 35.84 MPG. The next tank took me 154 miles (indicated) at approximately 80 MPH (indicated), but no winds. This tank produced 35.57 MPG. Later in the day I was running around 84 MPH indicated (around 78 actual) and my mileage dropped to around 33 MPG. When I was riding with the group on day rides at the rally, speeds were staying much lower, of course. The three tanks of gas under those conditions resulted in 45.8, 41.6 and 38.4 MPG. When I left Kitchener, I spent the first day on secondary roads. I was still pushing it pretty good, but the speeds were all over the place since there was a lot of stopping, curves, etc. The next three tanks produced average MPG calculations (using indicated mileage) of 41.4, 39.3 and 37.8 MPG. Friday we got back on the Super Slab, running between 80 and 90 indicated all day long. Average economy was about 32.3 MPG for all tanks. That night, when we got done with dinner and fired up the bike to head back to the hotel, I noticed a pronounced misfire on the left side - the only time I heard this. Other than the misfire at idle, the bike ran fine. The next day the bike seemed to be laboring a little when hard acceleration around 70 MPH, but nothing really significant. The first tank of gas returned typical numbers. Then I had a couple of tanks that looked bad. I was running pretty fast on a divided road that had lights in the towns - probably averaging 85 indicated when out of town, and I got 31.3 MPG. The next tank only got 29.6 MPG! But after that the numbers went back up to the mid 30s and stayed there all the way home. That just shows you how much the numbers can change with little apparent reason! I suspect I had a partially fouled plug for a while, maybe caused by poor gas, but I doubt I will ever know for sure. So there it is, my actual numbers over a 4,000 mile trip with a 2005 RSV running well. I was riding two-up and heavily loaded. It was even worse when I left Kitchener due to the oil and heavy coffee table book I won at the rally and had to add to the load (which also made me add another bag to the top of the rack, increasing wind drag). I still have a couple of things to try to boost the mileage, but frankly, the best thing I can do is slow down! My all-around average used to be around 36 MPG, but now I think it will reasonably be around 40 MPG (due to float levels and tuning). If I can ever find a way to get it higher, I'll sure let y'all know! Goose
  3. I've heard 30 mpg, 35, and I've heard of a Venture getting 40 mpg. Before the ignitech, I was getting 33-35 MPG. Now its 28-31 MPG with the ignitech. I haven't purified my Air Cleaner--again, its also a K&N. But what else? Is it something the Ignitech TCI is doing? I KNOW 100% I am running RICHER than I should be, as I can hear the popping and firing in the H-Pipe in the lower RPMs (2-2.5) it cleans up, but I noticed I got 32 MPG ridding her in the high RPMs, vs the lower RPMs yesterday. I rode from Hanford to Madera, and coming back I had enough gas to 2 up my sister from Hanford to Tulare, filling up on Huston and 99's Shell Station. I'd like to have my 35 back, or heck the 40 would be nice. I'm not going to take apart my carbs and chk the diaphragms, or sliders just yet... not until I've got replacements. Just in case they're the issue. Though She is running better now with the SeaFoam. Or am I hoping too much from the ol' Gal?
  4. Ever since I purchased my 2006 Midnight this summer, I had burned Premium fuel as recommended by the previous owner and my fellow RSV riders here. The bike is a Yank bike, it's ODO is in miles but the pumps here are in Litres so on the road fuel mileage conversions suck.. lol.. However, 'on average', when I pull up to the pumps, I put 1 litre of fuel per 10 miles on the ODO.. in other words, if the ODO shows 170 miles, I'm putting in close to 17 litres of fuel into the bike. When you do the math and all, I'm getting roughly 44 mpg (Imp or US?).. And this fluctuates a bit depending if I'm doing a lot of slow speed 5th gear riding or high revs curve blasting.. Yesterday I thought to myself.. "Self, why spend more money on Premium when Reg is cheaper.. there can't be THAT much of a difference in mpg or performance, can there?" So I filled it up with Reg gas and went on a loooong run last night.. Yesterday, Reg was $1.33 / Litre and Premium $1.39 / Litre.. (and I never want to hear another yank whining about high fuel prices, come up here to do that.. over $5 a gallon here, and worse in Europe) Omg.. what a difference.. I'd never get anywhere on regular gas!! On average there was a 40 MILE difference to the range of that tank. When I went to fuel up, the bike took 17 litres but I only managed to get about 131 miles distance.. Now THAT is scary.. this was the average on two fills and two runs. On Premium fuel, I would average 40 mpg / 48 mpg (US/CDN) On Regular Fuel I would average 30 mpg / 37 mpg (US/CDN) Needless to say I can go further and spend less money to get there by running premium If my milage appears lower than norm, I'm running K&N and HD slash cut exhaust. Your milage may well differ ; )
  5. FWI, over the past several months I've tried Seafoam in every tank (1 oz per gallon) then STP (3/4 oz per gallon) in pure gas by the recommended amounts per product. For me, I've noticed the engine ran smoother and consistently got better fuel mileage with the Seafoam. Prior to Seafoam, I avg'd 40 mpg and with seafoam got a high of 45 mpg. The best I got with STP was 42 mpg. The primary reason I use an additive is the unbranded gas our bulk plant sells has no additives in it like Techron and a tank of gas may last two weeks. I had read a post a while back where the author suggested he got better fuel mileage with Seafoam and after running both products, I would have to agree. Maybe there's a better benefit to STP vs Seafoam, but from an operator's stand point I'm not seeing it.
  6. 08 RSV - bought new in 2008. For the first two years, I got > 44 MPG...one-up or two-up...didnt much matter. Bought a Bushtec trailer, and rode up to TN (2-up)...got a steady 38 MPG uphill, downhill...headwind, tailwind. For the next two years, I've gotten 38 MPH, 1-up, 2-up, with trailer, without trailer. Two weeks ago, the fuel pump finally gave up the ghost. Yamaha dealer replaced the pump under warranty. For the last 400 miles, I've averaged 45 MPG...1-up or 2-up. For the life of me...I cant explain what bearing a fuel pump would have on my gas mileage!!! :confused24: Any reasonable explanation(s) would be appreciated...
  7. I was going 35 MPG and I let go of the handel bars to zip up my jacket, I know I shouldn't ever take both my hands off grips , but that being said at that speed the front wheel really started to wobble, I that I was going down for a moment it was that bad, at first I thought it was just the road but I tried it again and again the wobble. I also tried at 30 mpg and 40 and zero wobble. What should I be looking at ? Thanks
  8. I wanted to wait a little bit til I was sure but I was getting 39/40 MPG on the RSV riding 1 or 2 up on the 2 lane roads running 60/65 by speedometer and I was getting 34/35 MPG riding 1 or 2 up running 80/85 by speedometer on the Interstates. I was in Asheville and I asked Muffinman what this color tune I had seen him do down in Vogel was all about. He explained so I had him do mine. WOW is all I can say. First off let me say I had one carb that the fuel/air mixture was WAAAAYYYY off. The first thing I noticed was how much better it ran and how much more power and quicker response it had. It was so different even the wife noticed it right off. Now here is the kicker. I rode home from Asheville (1 up)in 11.5 hours 703 miles and used a total of 18.09 gallons at speeds of 80/90 by the speedometer. That is 38.86 MPG. That was what I usually got on the 2 lanes. Now here is the even better part I have run 5 tanks through just riding the 2 lanes running over to friends houses, riding out to eat and riding up to Galena and back. I put on a total of 907 miles at speeds between 60/70 and a few miles at 80 or so ( all ny the speedometer) and I used 19.79 total gallons for a whopping 45.8 MPG. Needless to say I am ecstatic with the way the bike runs first off and am tickled with the gas mileage This was how it ran when I first bought it. I can't think Jeff enough for doing this. If you see him and your bike isn't performing like it used to I recommend you let him work his Magic.......Thank You Muffinman:thumbsup2: ps forgot to had I can now run close to 200 miles before I go to reserve used to be around 168
  9. Just under two weeks with the new trike and we just today returned from a four day ride down the Natchez Trace. The trike handled great. Thanks to Hannigan Trikes and to Randy at Volunteer Cycles and Trikes for doing the conversion. The trike rides even smoother than the two wheeler. Too bad my MPG dropped from 45/46 to 32 MPG. Oh well. We even had enough (barely (smile)) luggage space for my wife! Met some STAR members along the Trace near Jackson, MS. Natchez was terrific, crossed the Mississippi into Vidalia, LA. Great trip with some super friends who rode with us.
  10. I have to replace the windshield on my RSTD. I started by looking for a stock windscreen, and all I found was this: STR-1D607-11-00 7” lower than stock, made of tough polycarbonate with Quantum Coating® for superior abrasion resistance and longer life. I couldn't find the stock size at the Yamaha website. I'll admit that the only place I could see the windscreen listed was in accessories. I couldn't find it in the parts section. So I started looking for alternatives. The most popular seems to be the Clearview. Threads here suggest that people are getting the shorter version, with the vent. The recurve is both praised and cursed. Any comments on this, comfort, mpg, passenger buffeting? How does the wider size impact attachments to the handlebars? How about riding in the rain, which I do a lot of? The stock windscreen keeps me nice and dry, but it kills my mpg. Another option is Cee Baileys. Anyone have this?? WHen would you use light green? What else is there to fit the stock RSTD quick connect? How does the smoke windscreen look on a midnight bike? Photo examples? Thanks so much for your experience and opinions! Dave
  11. ... and was quite surprised by the results. Nina & I did a ride into the mountains today ... East Gate of Manning park specifically for those in the know. Took it fairly easy most of the way with a bit of rippin thru the twisties. Most of the highway riding was running around 130 km/h Anyhoo ... decided to do a gas mileage check ... which I rarely do. The ride ended with 281 miles logged (452 km). WOW.. I had to double-check my calulations... 46.8 mpg ... not too shabby if I do say so muhself! Caught this beauty hiding behind some bushes... [ATTACH]67673[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67674[/ATTACH] Some of the other scenery along the way... [ATTACH]67679[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67680[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67681[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67682[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67683[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67684[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67685[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]67686[/ATTACH]
  12. There is a chance that I could be riding to the Las Vegas Area around 19 June to 2nd of July. I would like to ride to the Grand Canyon area and into maybe a bit south, kind of want to experience the Arizona landscape. Question 1) How do you ride in the heat, yet still have adiquate protective riding gear. My riding gear consist of Tour Master Transition 2 Jacket with the matchinig Tour Master Venture Pants. Obviously I'll remove the thermal and waterproof lining and have all the jacket and pants air vents open. I also have the Clearview shield with the air vent. Will being lots of bottled water. Question 2) Leaving Las Vegas I would like to ride thru Death Valley going towards Sauramento. But leaving Las Vegas means that I would be going into Death Valley late morning. My 91 MKII gets the normal 40 mpg +or - 2 mpg depending on how I twist the throttle. Being that it looks pretty straight and flat I'm thinking that I should be getting the plus 1 or 2 mpg at about 65 mph. Where are the gas stops? Would I really need to bring an extra gallon of gas? Most of my life I've been able to handle heat better than the average, and not normally a complainier of uncomfortable environments. Except I do complain of high humidity. I just want to ride safe and would appreciate your heat riding experience advise. Also if there are any members that would like to take me on some local rides, I'd be open to that.
  13. Took a little ride today down to Greensboro, NC to meet up with the Muffinman as he was helping out one of our new members that picked up an 83 Venture for less than a song. It was great to see him again and be able to visit and have a meal with him. He is one of the best. I was glad Brian, HotRodYJ, got to meet him. It was a bit of a cool ride, for me anyway, as most of the day was cloudy and from about 50 to 55 degrees. We also ran thru some misty rain, but it did not get us wet. Normally when you drop off the mountain going from NE TN toward the middle of NC, it gets hotter. Today at about 1pm, it was 54 degrees in Greensboro and when we got Boone, NC, it was 72 degrees and about 50 miles away in Johnson City, TN, it was 82 degrees. On the way down, we ran from about 65 to 75 mph most of the way and when I gassed up, I got 42 mpg. On the way back up the mountain, we ran the speed limit, with most being 65 mph and when I got home and filled up, I was up to 47.4 mpg, which I was happy with. We also had a little headwind going down and tailwind coming home. It was a good day, especially when we almost got a ticket by a State Trooper. RandyA
  14. Not complaining, just wondering. Does a good dose of seafoam affect mileage? I suppose I had 1/3 to a 1/2 more than the recommended mix. I measured 40 mpg on a 2 tank ride yesterday out to the Oregon coast and back around to home. Great day! http://db.tt/H451XZov
  15. OK folks, who out there has installed a 3000 on an RSV and what do you think of it. Any noticeable difference? How does it affect power and mpg? And key question, is it worth the money?
  16. I am considering having my 2009 Venture "triked" next year (Hannigan). I have done a bit of research and price checking and I have some questions. 1. I currently average about 45 MPG with 2 up and normal legal speeds. What sort of mileage am I likely to get after the conversion? 2. My OEM front tire was still fairly good at 15K, what sort of tire life should I expect after the conversion. I also heard/read that using a rear tire installed to rotate in the opposite direction would extend the front tire life. The explanation was that it had something to do with the belts/plies compressions (beyond my understanding however).
  17. I ordered two new batteries for the first gens today.With gasoline prices rising looks like more riding for me. Now to figure out my fuel economy problem on the 84. I normally get 36 mpg but when I ride with Yammer Dan I only get 24 mpg. Must be a fuel leak somewhere?
  18. captdrac


    Does platium or Iridium sparkplugs work better and/or give better mpg than regular sparkplugs?
  19. Was wondering if anyone has experienced a drop in MPG after installing the widest and tallest Clearview shield on long distance, Interstate riding? If so can you provide some stats. Especially interested in stats for MKII.
  20. When I purchased my 87'VR last winter I was getting 31 MPG one up and 28-29- MPG two up. Needless to say, I was not impressed! Over the winter of 08' I did a few repairs, mods and after about 1000 miles I can now say for sure that my gas mileage is much better. Here is a list of the mods: 1) Carb. Diaphragms (when I pulled mine, they looked like spaghetti strainers! I just replaced the rubbers, NOT the sliders) 2) Needle Shim Mod from 5Bikes ( Removed Nylon spacer and replaced with S.S. washers, .050 thinner than Nylon spacer) 3) Crankcase Vent Mod ( plugged airbox, removed vent tubing, installed Crankcase vent filter) 4) Carb. Sync (purchased Carbtune and Synced Carbs. Built a "manifold" to verify Carbtune accuracy.) 5) Adjusted Mixture to 2 1/2 turns from bottom 6) New Plugs 7) New Wires (from Ebay) The bike starts great, runs like a scalded cat, Idle is great, no more soot on tail pipes, no "Backfire". Over the last 4 tankfuls of gas, I have been getting 180 to 190 miles before the "Red Light" comes on. ( 4.0 gals. 45 to 47 MPG) This is one up. Two up I got 165 to 175 miles on three tankfuls. (4.0 gals. 41 to 43 MPG) Thats roughly a 33% increase in gas mileage! Plus, I did most of the work over the winter so I didn't loose any riding time. There are many folks I need to thank and you rascals know who you are! If you have questions, Just ask! I sure did and got a lot of great help! Thanks to everyone, Earl
  21. I was checking MPG when we went away this past summer and then when I got home I just kept keeping track. Attached is a couple of charts with all the fuel records, with a trailer and without. The first page is pretty accurate, but the second page may be off one or two fill ups either way. To those who get higher MPG, I don't know how you do it, but I am sure we do not drive the same. PS. Takes too long at every fill up so I am not checking anymore Brad
  22. Well it finally happen. I usually get from 39 to 42 MPG. I've been tweaking things for quite some time to try and help my gas mileage mainly because a few people have bragged about 48 to 50 MPG. I recently went on a 954 miles trip over two days. The guy I went with was on a 03 Venture and I had never ridden with him before. I was watching our gas mileage and he consistently took less gas than me, actually on one run I put in 5.2 gals and he put in 4.3 gals for 213.4 miles. Darn near 50 MPG for him and not to shabby for me. Overall I was able to check the first 823 miles because we didn't fill up at the end, besides it was raining. Any way I burnt 19.75 gals or 41.67 MPG and he burnt 17.18 for 47.9 MPG. Probably 90% interstate and at 70MPH indicated. I ask him if I could take his bike apart to check all the adjustments but he declined. LOL If he were to sell the bike I would be the first in line to buy it. That just amazes me that the gas mileage could be so different. BOO
  23. hi all drove the trike on it's first long distance ride since i bought it. went out to west texas, to ft.davis. total of 1,400 miles round trip. used 52.7 gallons of fuel, avg mpg for the trip was 25.19. i would say that's not bad for two up and pulling a loaded trailer. avg speed was about 70 mph. left ft.davis sunday morning around 8:am & arrived back home just after 8:00pm sunday night. 690 miles in 12 hours with a bbq break at cooper's in junction, texas. (cathie tells me she will not be doing any iron butt rides with me) my lowest mpg was 21.5 to a high of 29.7. so what i have read about our trike's mpg, i would say i'am right in the ball park. had a great weekend. reguards don c.
  24. I got my 83 venture the 4th of July. After running a couple of tanks with sea foam in it I was getting 40 mpg. Now getting 37 mpg or a little less, I thought I might be running into some problems. Looking into a few things my problem is self inflickted. The more I ride the more comfort I have in the bike. So my driving a little harder and faster is more then likly the problem. Things are not as they seam.
  25. I would like to know if anyone from Indiana has use Dryer for maintenance. If you was happy with them. I have a 2005 RSTD with 43,000 miles on it I got it new. The bike is stock except for Bub slip on's. I change my on oil, brake pads and plugs. It runs great and MPG is still good around 50 on the road. But I would like to get the valves check. I was thinking of get it check out this winter. After reading on this forum and other forums I think it hard to trust the dealers or who they have working for them.
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