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  1. I just watched a great movie & I swear that a lot of the actors I met at VentureRiders (including me) Meet & Greets were in it. The Hobbit's Dwarfs look just like most of us! By the way, I really liked the movie & thought all of you acted quite well. In fact, you were more behaved than normal.
  2. It is hard to believe it has been over 41 years since this movie was released. If there ever was a classic motorcycle movie, this was it. Not only was it a great motorcycle documentary, but it was also funny. Steve McQueen was great in it. I remember I had been in the USAF about two and a half years and saw it at the local theater. When it was over, I just wanted to sit there and enjoy the feeling of the love of motorcycling, even though it had been years since I had had one. I am not sure if you have to download zulu to watch this, but if you are interested, here is a link. Enjoy, RandyA http://www.hulu.com/#!watch/79438
  3. I was on you tube looking for music and I thought of the movie easy rider that I saw when I was a senior in high school. I accidentally found a video that is so cool. If you go to you tube and type in "Henryk Rynkowski Easy Rider" you will see the video. It starts out with a harley davidson starting and then you see Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper riding in the movie. I think Henryk Rynkowski is polish and the writing on the video is in polish. My question is does anyone know how I might could get this music. I sure would love to have this song on my mp3.
  4. Just saw this movie trailer on Yahoo. Says characters are portrayed by active Navy Seals, is fictional but tactics and weapons are real. Looks like a good one to go see.
  5. It is hard to believe this movie is the same age as my 83 Venture. Not much into spooky movies, but being a car guy, this one was interesting. It is about a 58 Plymouth. RandyA
  6. Click on the link ant read the article then click on the movie. http://sciencedemonstrations.fas.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k16940&pageid=icb.page80863&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent341734&state=maximize&view=view.do&viewParam_name=indepth.html#a_icb_pagecontent341734
  7. Just wanted to pass on how much I enjoyed this movie. It has some Canadiana that might not translate but it's about a fellow diagnosed with cancer who takes off on a trip across Canada on a little Norton. I think it's just how much he learns about himself through the experiences and people he meets while travelling alone on two wheels that grabbed me. Check it out if you get a chance.
  8. I'm watching Wild Hogs (again). It's an excellent movie that someone that hasn't completed a cross country motorcycle ride would not understand.
  9. http://blog.motorcycle.com/2010/10/29/products/cardo-scala-goes-hollywood/ I've never heard of this movie...but apparently theres a guy on a bike in the movie. Which is usually a good thing. Except in the movie Hog Wild. What a piss-poor portrayal of bikers. But I digress. Anyway, check it out.
  10. Found this while looking at biker sunglasses. The ride on our 83 took us on 66 occasionally back in 02. Good read and music along with some unknown facts about how the movie was made.http://www.mrzip66.com/2009/04/20/route-from-the-movie-easy-rider-map/
  11. This isn't bike related, but thought some may enjoy this little movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=jEjUAnPc2VA
  12. Wild Hogs II has been canceled. There will be only ONE Wild Hogs Movie. http://news.motorbiker.org/blogs.nsf/dx/escaped-movie-wild-hogs-2-is-cancelled.htm
  13. The wife and I just got back from seeing "The Blind Side' movie. WOW! What a terrific movie. It has Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw and a football theme, but it is a story of life and success - not sports. :thumbsup2:
  14. Wow!!! Got the pleasure to meet Ernest The Movie Star Hey HAL Thankyou so much for that Apple Pie, Boy did I need that When I got Home:dancefool:
  15. What would you do if you had one day, one week, or one month to live? This is the premise of the movie One Week starring Joshua Jackson as Ben Tyler. I saw this movie tonight with my younger brother Sean. This is a great biker movie highlighting some of the best scenery from Toronto to the west coast of Vancouver Island. In the movie Ben has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the blood, lymphatic system and liver. Given the news that he will only survive a couple years at most, Ben goes on a journey to discover himself and how he fits into the relationship with his fiance. What makes the movie special is the journey is taken on an old 850 Norton Commando. Leaving Toronto, Ben heads north up through Sudbury along the northern shore of Lake Superior and then onto Thunderbay. Ben crosses through to Manitoba where he has an accidental encounter with the Stanley Cup. Through the prairies and bad lands of Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta Ben meets interesting people along the way who help him in his search. Without giving too much of the movie away Ben ends his journey in Tofino on Vancouver Island then returns home. This movie is not light at heart like Wild Hogs (a great biker movie in and of itself), but is a movie of much deeper meaning and reflection. For myself this movie has a lot of personal significance. I was choked up through most of the movie. Like Ben I have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the blood, lymphatic system, and liver. My cancer actually started in the colon which has been removed. I too have only been given a couple of years to live and am in search of meaning for my remaining days here on earth. I have visited most of the places Ben travelled but not on a bike. I have always said I wanted to ride to the west coast – and now I have even more inspiration to make it happen. In my opinion this is a great biker movie. Being a proud Canadian I am proud this is a very good Canadian production featuring Canadian actors and some of the best Canadian scenes you would ever see from the saddle of a bike. If you get a chance go see the movie. And think about it, what would you do if you were given one day, one week, or one month to live?
  16. Saw this last night. Outstanding movie. If you don't have a tear in your eye by the end of this, you have no heart. It makes you wonder, does the public really know what's happening as was suggested in the movie? :thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  17. I was thinking, after reading the prize list for Ft. Collins, about all the prizes being really great and all, but more "Man", "Man and his scooter", "Boy and his dog", oriented. Here's the idea, mull it over and see if this sounds like something you want to do. Ladies, the ones I know at least, like baskets of stuff. Now, I don't know if each would be willing to work up a basket or not but you could make them with different themes. Some themes would be.......Movie night, relaxation, bath night, romance, coffee lovers, chocolate lovers, book lover etc. etc., etc. you get the idea. Movie night could be a basket with a movie, microwave popcorn, hot chocolate, goobers etc. things you'd eat at the movies....you know, bath night could be a basket with stuff from Bath and body works, a CD of relaxing music, you know, things you can pamper yourselves with in the bath...etc. let your minds go wild. I think this would be a great way for the ladies to get more involved and get some stuff as well. Most of these would not cost all that much to make and could be fun things to give away at the rally. You could even make some up for the guys if you really wanted to (Naw they get enough stuff anyway). They could be done in advance and brought or you could do them here. There is a Michael's, Hobby Lobby (for baskets), Bath and Body works and lots of other places to get things here.
  18. Just saw the movie this evening and thought it was a classic Eastwood movie. I thought it was a pretty good. RandyA
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHAg7gZVGWg]YouTube - Vmax Burnout Wheelie Movie[/ame]
  20. One of these Carvers, Check out the Multimedia Movie section an interesting machine www.carver-worldwide.com
  21. kenw


    Sure glad it wasn't a motorcycle movie
  22. Guest

    Good movie...check it out

    Ok...not bike related...but the movie called '3:10 to Yuma' is a really good movie. Just watched it...and it was filmed in the state right next to me...New Mexico. Its a western about a rancher taking a killer to justice...the action and dialog is pretty good. Only a few cusswords, and one buttshot, so you can watch it with your teens. It IS a western, so lots of gunfire and some blood..not gory tho. If you liked Unforgiven, or Cold Mountain, you'll like this one. I dont watch many movies anymore...too much crap out there now days...this one was good. For what its worth.
  23. Just came home from seeing the movie 'No Country for Old Men', and I was just wondering..... are guns that 'popular' in Texas? I've heard that Texans like their guns, but I think I might be a tad nervous riding through rural Texas after seeing that movie. Anyone else seen it?
  24. I was sitting here watching an old movie tonight. I don't even know the name of it. Goldie Hawn is coaching a high school football team in the ghetto. A lady friend gave here a ride home on her motorcycle...not sure of the year but I THINK it was an '85 Venture. Pretty cool. Never saw a lot of them in the movies.
  25. Sorry guys but I couldnt let this pass! LOL
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