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  1. Hi everyone I am looking for a right side engine guard that the highway peg mounts on if anyone has one I will buy it if it is for sale . Thank you Barry
  2. just wondering if anyone has any photos of the way their sidecar mounts attach to a second gen 99 .i just picked up a sidecar and before i start making mounts wanted to see how others have attached theirs. thanks
  3. I lowered the price of my Hitch Flag Mounts for this month. Just wanted you all to know. I also now offer a Hitch Clamp that works very well. Check them out in the classifieds area. CLICK HERE >>> http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=500&ppuser=4963 Regards, Fuzzy
  4. Hidden in a box of parts appears to be a pair of drivers backrest mounts for an MKI bike. Not sure, but may be worth checking out if you are in need of a set. http://www.ebay.com/itm/83-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XVZ-1200-Box-of-Parts-C6-/400308631506?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d3440f7d2&vxp=mtr Gary
  5. I am tooling up to make a set of delrin motor mounts for myself, wonder if any one else here would be interested in delrin mounts for $40 delivered in con US? Full set, 6 pieces, machined to the drawings that have been floating around here for a while. I can also make these from aluminum, probably 6061, maybe even have them anodized to stop the galvonic corrosion. There would need be a decent demand for this, as the anodizing would cost me $100.00 if I did one set or 25 sets. Bare aluminum would be same price as Delrin, adding anodizing would raise cost some
  6. I just scored a set of Ball milled motor mounts. Sounds great right! They don't have the collars with the set screw. Can I:confused24: use one from the hardware store or is this something special?
  7. I bought this really nice aftermarket headlight that was advertised as fitting an RSV using my existing bracket. Problem is you have to remove the mounts that are welded onto the metal headlight case of the stock headlight and glue them onto the plastic housing of the replacement headlight. Not wanting to destroy my stock headlight before I fit the new one, and not wanting to pay $50 plus shipping from Pinwall, I thought I would check to see if anybody has a broken one setting around that I can canabalize for the mounts...
  8. Trying to install my front fender guard. My first instinct is that the guard mounts go between the fender mounts and the tire. Doesn't seem to fit. I wouldn't think it goes between the forks and the fender would it. That would mean that the fender mounts would need to be bent out and undue stress would break it. I'll go try it again inbetween the fender mounts and the tire. Will be back to read suggestions soon.
  9. So I installed 1.5" riser on the handle bars today. All the lines look like there is plenty of play in them. I was not able to re install the rubber mounts for the fairing. Have to think about that for a while before I modify them. Any suggestions are appreciated. The one other problem I found is the mounts now hit the plastic cover on the gas tank by the key. They don't touch the ignition but do move the plastic. I am looking for another one that I can modify. Preferably in Black but any color will do. if anyone has an extra they are willing to part with please let me know. Thanks much
  10. im not as talented as others with fabrication, so, i bought one of these reservoir mounts for my Garmin 1490lmt. total cost was about 55.00.
  11. Currently doing the second gear major and planning on solid motor mounts for the re-install. Is there a downside to the delrin mounts vs solid metal? They claim to be heat tolerant and provide all the advantages of solid mounts without the vibration. Sounds good but I'd like to hear from some who are using them. Thanks for all the good advice so far...
  12. I just updated my ads to show the bottom side of the Stinger Flagpole Mounts. Giving you a reference to how it keeps the flagpole from coming through the bottom, but also allowing the water to drain and so forth. Thanks for all your interest and phone calls and such. I appreciate it. James (Fuzzy)
  13. I have searched this forum and the Internet and have not found a resolution, so here it goes. There are may sources for footboard extensions for the Road Star, but I can't find anything for the Royal Star except possibly new footboards and mounts from Baron. I am 6'3" and would like to extend and tilt the boards, even if I lose some cornering clearance. Any advIce is appreciated!
  14. I bought this Yamaha backrest for my 86 VR. The ad said that it was for an 83-84. I hope its also for an 86! http://www.raymondstacy.com/backrest.jpg Now I don't know how to mount it. Does anyone have a closeup of how it mounts or is it simple enough to just tell me how its done? Thanks! Ray
  15. I had a split in the leather covering on my saddlebag on my V Star 1300, that gave me a good excuse to go out and find some nice hardbags for it. I found them on E Bay, they are the same shape and almost the same size, but they wouldnt exactly fit the stock mounts so I had to use the supplied mounts. They even have lights already installed in them.
  16. OK, this may be "old news" but I found not fold over mounts for my antennas, but next best thing (thanks Highwayman!!! for the heads up).Flying J truck stop has twist off connectors for $9.99 each. All in all for antennas, mounts, co-ax connectors and the quick disconnects I spent about $30.00 per side, at Flying J to put new antennas on my scoot. I elected to use a CB antenna on both sides.
  17. Hi there ive just got a lovely pair of harley Roadking fishtails . Ive made my brackets but cant seem to find any bolts that fit the rear mounts . Does anyone know what thread and size i need . Cheers Edge
  18. I enjoyed Stardays. I spent too much money but what the heck. I got a backrest, Half Cover and the saddlebag rails. Everything was installed there. My question is who was the vendor selling the GPS mounts? I would like to try to give them some business. I was on the Blue 2011 RSV.
  19. Got a question. What does the Zumo 550 use as a mount on the backside. The reason I ask is my look-a-like Streetpilot c550 snaps onto a 17mm ball, and I just got off the phone with RAM and they are telling me the Zumo mount bolts on?? And.... they don't have anything that will work with the STPilot. Even though when you go on their website for MC mounts,, and use their search engine, the mount they say to use on the MC says it's not recommended for MC use. I used to really like RAM mounts, but lately they are getting to be a joke....
  20. Good day. I am about to tear into my bike to do a few, (hopefully last in a while), fixes and tunes. While I was in there, (taking the thing apart is getting old), I want to change to solid motor mounts. Where is a good place to get them for a reasonable price? Thanks.
  21. For those of you putting the solid motor mounts in the 1st gens, I have encountered a minor issue with them. The solid mounts are interfering with the upper spacer that goes between them. The solid mounts are the exact same length as the stock rubber ones. They have a 1.10" dia. shoulder that fits through the mounting boss on the block. This 1.10" dia on the solid mounts is the same dia. to the end of the mount. This differs from the stock mounts. The stock set has another diameter reduction to .58" at .23" from small end. A comparison of the two mounts is shown in the 4th picture. On the upper front mount this smaller diameter is used to capture the Spacer, Engine Mount (2H7-15336-00-00, located in crankcase section of fiche). There is a welded on collar on each end of this spacer that fits over the small end of the stock mount. Shown in last picture. I really don't don't see a structural purpose for these two collars, so the solution seems to be to grind them back to allow the spacer to fit in between the new solid mounts. I think the spacer does perform a function by maintaining the distance between the two mounts, and not allowing the long bolt that passes through both mounts to pull the motor mount ears inward. Omitting this spacer could lead to one of the motor mount ears snapping when the frame is under stress. The other four mounts are fine as far as I can tell at this point. The block did require a very thorough cleaning to allow the solid mounts to be inserted. I used a dremel with a sanding drum on it to clean. This is a view of the upper mounts and the long bolt in place. The spacer rod is not installed yet in this picture. This is a view of the stock upper mounts with the spacer in place. Stock mount with spacer shown over small diameter. Spacer shown with solid mounts in block to illustrate length issue. View of solid mount next to stock MKII mount. MKI mounts differ slightly in that there is ribbing around the larger diameter rubber portion. View of spacer next to stock MKII mount. The welded on collar on the spacer is what can be ground down to allow use of spacer. Gary
  22. Anyone using either of these two RAM mirror-type mounts on an RSV? RAM .87 Inch x 2.25 Inch Base with 11mm Hole and 1 Inch Ball (U) or RAM BASE W/ 9 MM HOLE AND 1" BALL Anyone happend to know (off the top of your head) the diameter of the threaded hole?
  23. The motor mounts for 1st Generations have been delivered to me and I will be shipping them no later than Friday, March 4, 2011. Each of you that have purchased a set have been sent an email to the address shown on your PayPal payment asking for verification of your shipping addresses. Please respond to the email address that sent the request and not to the private email here on the forum. I thank each and everyone of you who made a purchase and contributed to the discussion. If some would like to order at this time I do have "extras". For more information see : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=55960 Again, Thank you all
  24. Just curious if anyone has ever used this vendor? http://www.rumblingpride.com/ Here is one of their mount kits that does not interfere with the trunk opening and closing? http://www.rumblingpride.com/Touring_Class_Mounting_System.htm Then of course there is always the luggage rack mounts...but don't those get in the way? I am especially interested if anyone has ordered from them before. Thanks, Wally
  25. Anyone ever have this issue? See pics. What's odd is that the DEALER (who remains nameless at this point) said he replaced the complete INNER FAIRING piece about 6 weeks ago (under warranty) to resolve the exact same issue. I cracked the fairing to replace a stereo cable...and low and behold...the windshield bracket-to-inner-fairing mounts are completely broken. Thoughts? Is this a COMMON issue that all RSVs have? Or am I just "lucky"?
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