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  1. http://www.road-hound.com/ Anyone had experience with one of these? Do they have a good mounting system for the RSV?-Jack
  2. Here are the pics of my RSTD with Tour Pak added. This version was an aftermarket copy of the HD tour pack and had the rib in the bottom to sit atop the HD mounting bracket. I used my belt sander to take that off then welded up some square tubing to make the mount. I then put some rubber between my mount and the bottom of the tour pack, using 1/4" bolts and lock nuts. The back rest that came with it broke the rubber mounting blocks our first time out, so I ordered better replacements from McMaster Carr as suggested on this site. I'll be making another bracket at some point just to get a bit more sylish and maybe I'll have that one powder coated or chromed. This one just has some black RustOleum on it.
  3. Looking to get a tach for my bike. Anyone have any recommendations for a good, yet reasonably priced one? Also, what is the popular mounting location?
  4. I have a GoPro HERO camera with all the included mounts. I've scanned the forum here for mounting suggestions. I'm still a bit unclear on where best to put the mount/camera. I would like to have a central location (suction cup on gas tank?). I do not want to helmet mount the camera because I tend to "lollygag" (look around a lot!!) and that would cause the video be rather erratic. I would like the central/middle location so that the instrumentation is also visible if possible. What are the opinions/problems with mounting on the fairing lower or even the front fender? Also...the camera does not have a safety lanyard. I can rig up a nylon cord of course but was also wondering if anyone has another recommendation?
  5. I have a '99 Royal Star 4 into 4 exhaust, I have found a hitch but as another option was wondering if I could get a hitch and 2 fender rails from a Venture or RSTD and use those. Are the rails strong enough to use alone without the exhaust support brackets and will the mounting holes on the fender be the same (9 1/4 in.)? This site is a wealth of info, thanks Michael.
  6. On an 85 trunk there are two rubber feet that fit in two holes in the mounting rack. This is an 85 only item.. Does anyone have a wrecked trunk from and 85 that I could get these "feet" from?
  7. Just a FYI..... I am in negotiations with a company in India which manufactures a universal mounting kit for sidecars. They have quoted a price of $150.00 per kit plus air freight. I am going to purchase a sample kit to see how well they are made. If anyone else is interested we could probably do a group purchase.
  8. Other PGR members here I am sure. I am looking into mounting the 3 foot x 5 foot flag to my bike for missions. I want to make the mount and the pole myself and any and all help would be appreciated. I have saw such things in some other sites (Harley) and can not get to the pics and other info with out becoming a member first. Not much on the Ky PGR site either. So far I have come up with very little. Maybe a clothes rod holder for the pole. So your help would be nice. I love pics please. I have searched for hours and many locations on the net and have not gotten any real good info. So I decided to post here and see what others here have done with our bikes. Thank you in advance. I now build these myself. Go here www.jandjflagmounts.com PS; I have come to the conclusion that if someone could come up with a universal type mount, then it would help others. I have decided to build my own and maybe some for others. I can sell a few and save a little gas money for the missions. The Patriot Guard Riders is becoming more and more popular, growing every day. Fuzzy
  9. so i'm at my partners apartment today when we get a knock on the door. he goes and answers the door and standing in the hall are two really derpy looking women asking if he owns the motorcycle in the driveway. so i go over and say its mine well it turns out the idiots backed their Chevy cobalt into my VR. so now the rear left saddle bag is all scratched where it got hit and the front right side of the fairing has some broken mounting tabs and shifted when it toppled over. my insurance must love me two not at fault claims in one riding season. (on a good note i now know i can pick up my bike super easy)
  10. I just bought a Vetter sidecar for $700 and was wondering if there was anyone who could help with some technical info on the mounting and or could provide pictures of how their sidecars are mounted:322: The vetter did not come with mounting hardware
  11. Folks, Wondering if these MKII items will fit on a MKI... Travel trunk? (My helment won't fit in my MKI trunk, and see that the MKII trunk is much deeper). Will a MKII trunk fit without much trouble? Passenger footboard mounting plate? I really like the MKII style of flip-down/flip-up footboard, compared to the MKI things I have. Will a MKII mounting plate fit without too much trouble, and will the muffler mounting be compatible? Thanks to all for your input.
  12. BaggerShield has just released 2 new models of cruiser windshields. The Patriot windshield is available in 15" and 18" height. These shields are mounted to your handlebars (7/8" up to 1-1/4" bars). The mounting clamps slide in and out from 3" to 9" to accommodate any other accessories you might have on your bars. The shields can be adjusted up and down 2" and the angle of the shield can be adjusted to whatever angle you like. The mounting hardware is made of a very high quality, chrome plated, billeted aluminum and the shield itself is made of 3/16" thick aircraft grade Lucite. Click on each picture to bring you to their product page for more details. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/TB-PAT-18Web.jpg http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/TB-PAT-15Web.jpg
  13. my 09 didnt have them when i got it,,can someone tell me or show me a pic where thay mount,,,some pic show mounting holes and some dont
  14. I need one of the metal braces/brackets for my 88 trunk It's on the right side (looking from the rear of the bike) It's the offset "L" shaped bracket that runs up the front side of the base section, bends towards the center of the bottom and has the flared plate on the end with 4 mounting holes Mine is broken in two, PO had it welded (badly) and it broke again. If anyone has one , please let me know and we'll work something out. Thanks
  15. Who sells the mounting brackets to mount road king pipes to a 06 venture? Also who sells the crome piece that connects the pipes togehter?
  16. I am sure there is a thread somewhere but i am lazy... I am NOT spending 800 dollars on a gps. nuff said. what GPS units do ya'll recommend that are under 200- i got a 200 staples gift card at work. also, what type of weatherproofing and mounting did you come up with for the unit. I am in southeastern nc. i won't be riding in the rain intentionally. 'preciate your responses!
  17. I purchased a set of Passenger Arm Rest for my MKII and the hardware that mounts to the VR has some bad rusting and peeling parts. I know that it is like cancer and so it will spread. But I'm not into rechomeing for that is expensive. So I could use some suggestions as to how to best treat the peeling and rusting chrome. I don't know much about the mounting of it yet, but I'm pretty sure that it is on the inside where it can't be seen. I've included a couple of pictures. Thanks for your advise.
  18. I'm at a loss regarding the mounting of the left cowling! There is a mount tab at the bottom rear that does not match any mounting point on the frame??? It's in line with the removable brace which goes across the side of the engine but there aint nuthin there to bolt to. The left cowling and front "tie-in" were missing when I bought her. Help!!
  19. Whats a reasonable price to pay for some Harley pipes and what does the bracket for mounting them to my venture sell for
  20. I have a project I'm working on. My 84 has a very small trunk and I have the mounting bracket for an 85 trunk. I've also determined that any MkII trunk will fit the 85 hardware. The only thing I'm missing now is the antenna bracket. It needs to be longer than the 84. Questions are.... Does the MkII bracket fit on the 85 mounting rack? Does anyone have one they would be willing to part with? Failing that at least I would know if I could look at ANY MKII on eBay...
  21. Anyone have 1 or 2 helmet locks that bolt to the RSV trunk mounting bracket that I could get?? Thank's Joe
  22. Here is how I plan on mounting my accessories. Your Thoughts?
  23. Hey all I am looking for anyone who might have a RSV trunk mounting bracket for sale. If anyone has one please send me an IM. Thanks Star4772
  24. Arrrrgggggg........ So last night I get home from work and hear the furnace start up. Well I really could not help but to hear it since it sounded just like a jet engine at takeoff power. So I jumps up off the couch and run for the basement expecting the worst. Open up the covers on the furnace to see what is going on and the draft blower is jumping all over the place. All 3 mounting legs have broken off the housing and it is shaking violently. So I hit the power switch on the side of the furnace and low and behold it quieted right down. Who da thunk it? I thought well I can live with this noise level but all of the girls in the house might not like the cold. So I grab some tools and dive in. It was really easy to get the blower out, just 2 hose clamps and 7 wires that even had quick connects on them. Easy always scares me. All wires nicely color coded to know where they go back on. Now with the blower out of the way it was really easy to get to the mounting feet to remove them from the furnace. Off to the work bench. well first I have to push stuff around to clear a spot to make a new mess in. First thing was to power up the motor to see if it sounds ok. To steal a quote from the amateur plumbers, "HELL NO". It is vibrating so bad that I can not hold on to it. Well that explains why the mounting feet are broken off and the sheet metal was amplifying the vibrations to make all of the racket. So time to disassemble. There are 6 spring clips holding the blower assy together. They came off rather easily, another warning sign. nothing can ever be easy. Once I get the thing open the problem is obvious, the plastic blower wheel is missing a couple of vanes on one side and has snapped off the center part that attaches it to the motor shaft and the back side is all melted from rubbing on the housing. There is even a part number on the blower wheel, so I head for the puter to find that part, it is just a piece of plastic, how much can that be? HA!!! You can not buy that piece of plastic anywhere. You have to get the whole blower assy, every place that lists the blower assy has a note under it that says "NO BLOWER PARTS ARE AVAILABLE" So they must know that this cheap piece of plastic fails but know that they can hit you up for a whole blower. So I do a bunch of searching on line for the best price and cool, the best price is even here in town, so I go to the check out page and then POW, right in the kisser, Even though the place is only 5 miles from my house, they still want me to order it and have it shipped. But they do have a retail outlet. Get ready. Are you sitting? Here it comes........... There is a $150 counter fee:scared: Well since we are supposed to drop to sub zero tonight I had to do something so I glued the mounting feet back onto the housing and glued all of the pieces of the blower wheel back together as best I can. I even tried to balance the darn thing to get it into the ballpark. put the blower back together on the bench and fire it up. well there is still some vibration but not to bad, so I reinstall it into the furnace. It made it thru the night but I do not expect it to last very long. So I am sitting at my desk stewing about that $150 counter fee and waiting for all of the parts houses in town to open up to see if I can find the part local at a place that actually wants me to come and pick it up. I even thought I found one on Craigslist for $50, new prices are from $300-$700, in New London. New London is only 150 miles away. and my brother lives about 15 miles from there. COOL. NOT, wrong New London, it is in New London Minnesota not New London Wisconsin. That is to far to drive for the part, it would not save any time or money. OK Rant / whine over. Stores are opening up now.:mo money: Dang, did I type all of that????
  25. A while back I had to order some things from a online Motorsports place. While I was on the site I noticed that they sold oil filters for XV1200TDVENTURE 85-86. They are made by a company named Filtrex and claim on their packaging to be O.E.M. suppliers for Japanese motorcycle companies. They look to be very well made filters when compared to other I have purchased. Being my shelf supply was getting low I ordered 2. I went to put one on yesterday and I couldn't get the mounting bolt through the hole in the center being it was a hair to large and would pull the sealing rubber free from the filter. Lubing it up didn't help at all. My question is this isn't the 1200 & 1300 mounting bolt the same size?
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