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  1. Guest

    self balancing bike?

    I don't see a cassette player. Must be an option.. ;-) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1aAmWim838&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Lit Motors unveils functioning prototype of its C-1 self-balancing electric motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]
  2. came up with this? Motors Liquidation Company General Motors has a new name. Motors Liquidation Company, formerly General Motors Corporation, is engaged primarily in the development, production and marketing of cars, trucks and parts. It develops, manufactures and markets vehicles worldwide through its four automotive segments: GM North America (GMNA), GM Europe (GME), GM Latin America/Africa/Mid-East (GMLAAM) and GM Asia Pacific (GMAP). In addition to its automotive operations, the Company's finance and insurance operations are primarily conducted through GMAC LLC, which provides a range of financial services, including consumer vehicle financing, automotive dealership and other commercial financing, residential mortgage services, automobile service contracts, personal automobile insurance coverage and selected commercial insurance coverage. In July 2009, the Company announced that the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York approved the sale of substantially all of General Motors Corporation's assets to NGMCO, Inc. In July 2009, And at the same time, I get notification from the US Bancrupcy court that I am not allowed to either buy more or sell any of my GM Stock.... Thank gawd Big Brother is looking out for me...
  3. OK....we have people here that know something about a lot of things so decided to see if there are any lawn mower experts. The mower is a Snapper zero turn. It uses Hydro-Gear pumps and motors for the drive. It is not an integrated transmission. There are two Hydro-Gear pumps, one for each side. The Hydro motors and not integrated into the pumps. There are hoses that go from the pumps to the motors. I was mowing a couple of weeks ago when suddenly the left lever seemed to lose pressure. It still works and I can use it but while you feel decent pressure on the right lever when you move it forward and backwards, the left lever has almost no feedback/pressure. It is also slow to respond. The left wheel does work in forward and reverse but doesn't seem to have much torque. On a long straight run, the steering seems to work OK but if I am turning on a hill or something, the left doesn't seem to have near enough torque. So far all I've done is change the Hydro filter and tried bleeding the system. Nothing has made any difference. Does it sound like a bad Hydro pump or the Hydro motor? Running or not running, the right side seems to have pressure when you move it back and forth but the left side has almost no resistance to moving. Also, whether it be the pump or the motor, can they be repaired? I tried looking up parts and/or exploded diagrams on line but all I've found is the complete units at about $450.00 each.
  4. I'm moving from CT to SoCal. Anyone ever ship their Venture? I know, I know, I would rather ride it out but time constraints and other events won't allow that. If so who did you use and why? Any ones to look out for? Looking at JC Motors Motorcycle Shipping just less than a grand coast to coast. Any one know of their rep? Ideas, thoughts suggestions?
  5. Guest

    Just a few words...

    Hi all, I have not been an active member of this group, but I have been impressed with your great sense of comradery and spirit. Proof of this is found in the tremendous activity and discussion on and off the board. I thank Freebird for his kindness during my ownership of the RSTD. I traded the RSTD today for a Road King Classic. The Yamaha is a great machine, and anyone who gets one will be fortunate although I never did fall in love with mine. FYI, I spoke with a dealer who told me that he had been selling leftover 07 RSTD's for 8995.00. Unfortunately, that did not help me sell my RSTD. Rebates are also liberal on the 08's as well. The dealer is J & J Motors in Massilon, Ohio. He may have one or two left. Finally, I read that Mean Dog's memorial will be held about 7 miles from my home. I hope to meet you on the 29th of June as I pay my respects to the memory of a very nice man. Best Wishes, Deerjunky
  6. I'm going to be changing the gearing in my 1st Gen to a 2nd Gen with vmax rear end. What other parts should I change out like that O-ring in the engine sump area (whats the part number I cant identify it in the schematics) while the motors out. I was going to do all the water hoses and thermostat also any other parts any you can think of that are 20 yrs old that would be easy to change when the motors out?
  7. Folks the thing we are seeing with the toy industry is just the tip of the iceberg. In the 35 years I have worked, after four years in the military, most all of it has been in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control area of manufacturing. I spent over fifteen years for a company that made electric motors for the appliance industry with the last eight being the Corporate Quality Manager over four plants in three different states. Their product was the small motor usually used as the condensing fan motor in refrigerators, water coolers, coke machines, etc. When I left, they were producing 65,000 motors a week. Without naming names I will say that the largest customer's name started with a "W" and ended with an "L" and they made refrigerators and a lot of other appliances. At the time I left, the price of the OEM motor to them was about $7 each. If it was an aluminum frame motor, it was generally a fifteen year motor and if it was a cast iron frame motor, it was generally a twenty year motor. That means that under normal circumstances you did not have to replace that motor for about fifteen years at a cost of $75 to $100 bucks, if the refrigerator was still worth it. This included the service call. The motor sold to the general public for about $30 from a place like Granger. Several years ago, this famous customer decided they wanted to get motors from China and save a few buck on each refrigerator. Now the motor they are using is about a five year motor. Therefore, for them to save a couple of bucks, it would cost the average homeowner up to $200 to keep that refrigerator running over ten years. But then again, they are hoping that by five years you will want another new $1,500 or more refrigerator anyway. To put this into human perspective, the company I worked for had a plant that employed about 200 people (largest county employer) in one of the poorest counties in east Tennessee. This company had some of the most loyal employees that put out some of the best quality. The return rate on their motors was less than one tenth of one percent. That is less than one in a thousand, and historically half of those returns were customer induced problems. Now that plant is closed. After that company, I worked for a company that made aluminum and zinc castings. They also had three plants and then spent millions building a plant in Mexico. One of the castings they made was the case for the Tremeck six speed transmission that went onto the Corvette. They paid seventy cents per hour for labor to make parts for a transmission to go into a $60,000 car. That company ended up closing three plants including the one in Mexico. I have now been with a company that makes tank type water heaters for over four years. Now, almost everything that we use other than the tank and jacket comes from Mexico or China. The only reason they are still in the US is the physical size of a water heater. It absolutely breaks my heart to see what this country is doing with their manufacturing. One of these days it will be just one big service industry. RandyA
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