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  1. It is hard to believe it has been over 41 years since this movie was released. If there ever was a classic motorcycle movie, this was it. Not only was it a great motorcycle documentary, but it was also funny. Steve McQueen was great in it. I remember I had been in the USAF about two and a half years and saw it at the local theater. When it was over, I just wanted to sit there and enjoy the feeling of the love of motorcycling, even though it had been years since I had had one. I am not sure if you have to download zulu to watch this, but if you are interested, here is a link. Enjoy, RandyA http://www.hulu.com/#!watch/79438
  2. After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill
  3. Wow, check this out. Maybe you have already seen this stuff, but I just now saw it for the first time. There are so many uses it could be used for in everyday motorcycling. This video shows using it on electronics, but other videos show using it on shoes and clothing, the possabilities seem endless. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOXJ5R2-P4]www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOXJ5R2-P4[/ame] C.R.
  4. "Passion for Work and Motorcycling" is the name of a recent article I wrote for http://www.thetentacle.com, a local commentary site. It's a two-parter, with my comments on motorcycling on the bottom half. http://www.thetentacle.com/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=4022 Nick Diaz Middletown, MD
  5. Ron and I have been riding motorcycles for well over 30 years, like many of you. Motorcycling is what has kept us enthusiastic about life and has given us so many wonderful memories and experiences. It is what makes our relationship strong and keeps us with a very mutual interest. Have you ever given any thought as to, if you did not have motorcycling in your life, what would the alternative be? Everything I can think of in our life, other than our children and our granddaughter would be separate interests. Ron's interests are all technical, and mechanical. I am not that at all. Point of this whole post? Thank the Lord for Motorcycling in our lives, it makes all the difference. We are blessed. Yama Mama:ice_awesome-vi46644
  6. I was warned against motorcycles along with my two brothers. I was the family rebel, and years later (against my father's wishes) and after my "wild" years, I bought a motorcycle to commute to college. I have had many weird events over nearly 30 years of riding, and have been in a couple of accidents with injuries. Yet, I continue to ride, and believe I will as long as I have the physical capbilities. As my children grew up, I warned about the dangers, then my divorce kept me from day to day instruction. Now my son wants to ride, but I see him as extremely green and young lad to get into motorcycling in Chicago traffic, no less. He has already been in a rearend (his fault) accident, and been sideswiped n another occasion. I offered him my corvette (someday) if he promised never to get a bike. I was a pilot in my college days..(dad had a twin turbo aztec) and I feel I was far more technically trained which I include in my motorcycling. Should I try to break in my son, while I have the energy? Or should I have him swear it off? What do y'all think? Sunrayman
  7. What has happened to this once Kick Ass forum I definately have to come back here and start I have to admit after getting ridof the bike I totally lost interest of this site But some my fellow members and friends kept me inform whats happening.And seeing the original crew are still here and watching the DVD's of ME!!! My hobbies of fishing and motorcycling is 50/50 its no more nor less thats how I feel about the two But lately the motorcycling is in my heart and fishing is becoming a bit expensive. Im 56 with Rheaumatoid Arthristis and some of my fellow members here know where Im coming from with this because they have it and I want to be that 21 year-old again ..So Cinderella IM BACK I havent forgotten that intimate session in the back seat of Wolfie Truck at Eureka Springs:dancefool: What I miss about this site is my friends , and Don that includes you too:rotfl:and Lonna's Cheesecake Last week I went out and sold most of my fishing equipment(Yes Beer30 High tech stuff That you wouldnt know about ) and my old boat that leaks took my saving and went out and bought a 2009 AAHH What did I buy( sorry Squid I didnt tell you) I hope you understand even if you are my closest friend its still a secret Im waiting for 2 accessories which are back order When they come in I'll take a photo of this BLACK Machine All I can say Its ME THE DARK SIDE HAS WON... Im SO SO SO SORRY to my fellow 1st Gens owners I havent gotten my passport yet So I wont be going to any across the border meets maybe next year So Moderators on this site..... Are you ready for me.... OR..... have you all :Laugh: fell asleep in your Lazy Boy Chairs
  8. We are planning a trip to the Southeast Ark/Southwest Ok area for RV camping and take in the countryside. We have been looking all over the Internet at different roads and byways to find some scenic and fun roads to travel. Does anyone have some suggestions as to which roads are the best for motorcycling. Keep in mind my lean & speed control monitor will be riding with me. Moakster
  9. Part IV on "buying a used motorcycle" is just out today. This is my last installment on this topic. http://www.thetentacle.com/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=3155 My column comes out every other Tuesday on this commentary site, www.thetentacle.com . Motorcycling or math education are my usual topics. Nick Diaz Middletown, MD
  10. Some folks may remember that I write a biweekly column for a local (central Maryland) news and commentary site. My topics are usually math education or motorcycling. Lately I've been concentrating on education topics, but now that spring is around the corner, motorcycling will take up most of my columns. My latest contribution, back to motorcycling, is at http://thetentacle.com/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=3041 . Nick Diaz Middletown, MD
  11. My whole adult life I've been struggling with the question of what I wanted to do when I grew up. Now at the young age of 53 I think I finally know. Yesterday I sealed the deal on a new job which I am hoping will finally put me there. Ever since I got back from my Sturgis trip things have been kinda slow. The projects I've been working on either got completed or petered out right before Thanksgiving and things have been at dead stop since November. Being idle and considering the lousy weather we've been having I have been wrestling with my mental and financial health warding off cabin fever and slow cash flow issues. In the mean time doing my "What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up" exercises. These exercises pretty much involves making a list of the components of the perfect job and then develop a strategy to find that job and get hired for it. My list pretty much read like this: I want a job that requires me to do the following: Ride my motorcycle Travel to meet other people involved with Motorcycling. Conduct business with people who had motorcycling on their minds, for fun and profit. Attending, covering and participating in motorcycling rides, gatherings and events. Writing about those places, people and events I experienced while doing my job. Getting paid for doing all of the foregoing. Work with other people with similar interest and values. I did not want to have a job where : I had to be stuck inside all the time. I had a set schedule or routine that forced me to combat rush hour traffic daily. I was required to wear a coat and tie everyday. My pay did not represent the effectiveness of my efforts. IMPORTANT LIFE LESSON HERE; Once you decide and can visualize what you want in life, point your nose in that direction and follow it. Eventually you will find what your looking for. So Yesterday, I spent several hours with Jerry McDaniel Owner/Editor of Thunder Roads Magazine of Georgia and as of today will be working for him as a Field Representative for his magazine. Being a field rep includes all of the foregoing but, mostly seeking out Motorcycle friendly businesses in Georgia and enticing them into advertising in the magazine. So, if any of you out there, especially North Georgia members know of any Georgia motorcycle friendly businesses who would like to increase their exposure in the Georgia Motorcycling community through direct market advertising in Thunder Roads Magazine, send me an e-mail and a lead. I'll take all the help I can get to get a fast jump off the line. And do appreciate it. Or, If you have any event anouncements you would like included in the magazine, give me a shout.
  12. Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well by David L. Hough Who has read this book? What did you learn?
  13. Well Im fine,,, YES I miss The group from this site.... YES I miss Motorcycling Yes I love the sport of Fishing Photos of my 2008 season
  14. It's bad enough that they were popping wheelies on the freeway. But they chose to block every lane just to show off. These are the knuckleheads that give motorcycling a bad name. http://www.king5.com/video/featured-index.html?nvid=254976
  15. Saw this on another bike fourm I frequent and thought our members here would enjoy it. Larry http://www.gorideontario.com/motorcycle/moto-home.html
  16. I saw this on the nascar website. Should be an interesting book when it's done. http://www.nascar.com/2008/news/features/02/28/kpetty.bike.ride.kschrader/index.html Margaret
  17. I ran across this website. It has a lot of information about General Motorcycling. Checkout all of the articles under the safety tab. http://www.msgroup.org/articles.aspx Dwight
  18. Guest

    Riding in Europe ...

    If this doesn't get you itchin' to ride, don't know what will ... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcmDRPgvb3E]YouTube - 2007 Motorcycling in Austria[/ame] Cheers,
  19. Guest

    Trike ... plus 1 ...

    Hannigan is at it again ... My personal opinion is that it takes most of the fun out of motorcycling, but each one to his/her own, I suppose ... http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2007/09/24/honda-gold-wing-quad-from-hannigan-motorsports Cheers,
  20. Taking the scoot slapping a few necessary items on a stripped or a touring package for the road trip.now thats what motorcycling is all about..... I remember a seeing a Aston Martin towing a trailer this summer and towing a trailer with a motorcycle :rotfl:What a joke it takes away the meaning of Adventure Im hoping that my health issues will get better but Im planning to ride my 88 Honda Super Magna 750 to Dons Maintenance and all my necessary items will be in a pack sac thats 1350 miles to Lowell and the rest of you that dont pull a trailer
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