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I am in the beginning phases of a planned ride to capture for my ride map the northeastern states next summer. One of my possible routes takes me through Montreal and Quebec City to Madawaska, Maine. In my research, I've come across a notice that motorcycles are not permitted in the old city part of Quebec City. True? If so, does that argue against stopping in Quebec City and spending my time elsewhere? Dave PS - first entry in this section of the forum. I feel special.
VentureRider.Org was started on July 21st, 2004. The object of this site is very simple. To bring together folks who enjoy friendly discussion of the Yamaha Venture, Venture Royale, Royal Star Venture and Royal Star motorcycles. What started as a very small group of owners has become the most active site on the Internet dedicated to these bikes. Though most of us share a passion for these particular bikes, we welcome all riders who enjoy the company of a friendly community of riders who have a desire to lend a hand when needed, share a cold drink when possible and simply enjoy the company of other riders. On August 15th 2006 there was a major server crash and we lost two years worth of messages and member information. At that time, we had over 3600 folks registered here. After a total rebuild of the site, the numbers are still coming back and the great technical information lost is being reposted as we continue on. This is a very informal group. We don't feel the need for a lot of club officers, rules, regulations. We do have some basic guidelines for our organization though. These are guidelines that the majority of the members reached a consensus on long ago. Edited by V7Goose: The original intent of the founding members was that this site is, always has been and always will be free to all. Don Nelson, Freebird, spends almost unimaginable time and effort personally creating and maintaining this site for the benefit of all members, and for five years he personally covered 100% of the costs for software, hosting, bandwidth, etc. A few members donated to Don in an effort to help out, but they were only a small percentage of the members here. In 2009, Don and his family were beset by some unexpected health issues and large medical expenses that forced him to make some hard decisions about continuing to spend his own money on this site. As a result, the members here were quite vocal that we needed to implement some form of membership fee so that those of us who enjoy this site would all begin to share in the cost. At this time, the forums are open to all to read but registration is required for posting a new message or replying to an existing message. Registration is just $12/year, is easy to do and helps to protect us against spam. Just as important is the fact that this site is PG rated. There are a lot of sites on the Internet where people can look at pornographic materials, use vulgar language, etc. We do not need that here. By keeping this site PG rated we are able to reach a wide range of people. Please respect this simple guideline when posting here. Although we do not have many rules, keeping the PG rating in all things would be Rule #1. We have also tried to keep political discussions to a minimum here. Many people have very strong political opinions, including me. Again, there are a lot of places on the Internet to discuss politics and I've never seen any good from mixing politics with motorcycle discussion. What starts off as a rational discussion always seems to turn into a heated debate and it usually gets personal before it ends. All of the same things can be said for religious discussions. Rule #2 would be that politics and religion are two subjects that will not be tolerated. The last rule, Rule #3, is that all discussions need to remain civil. That is not to say that we do not expect disagreements, and even some "lively" discussions where it is clear that opinions are held strongly by some individuals. It does mean that personal attacks and insults are not acceptable. Our primary focus here is motorcycles, motorcycle touring, technical discussion, etc. This site would get pretty boring though if no other discussion was allowed. We have become much more than a website here. We have become friends and many of us have met in person as well as here on the site. It was the motorcycles that brought us together but it's the friendships that keep us together. As in face to face meetings, conversations other than motorcycles will often come up. We have specific areas for just that type of discussion and we encourage folks to please try to post in the appropriate areas. If a mistake is made and something is posted in the wrong's no big deal...we will either overlook it or move it. The main thing folks is that this site should be not only helpful but fun as well. I hope that we all remember that first and foremost, we are friends. This is the kindest and most considerate bunch of folks I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. There are no cliques here and no secret groups within our group. If you are new here, simply introduce yourself and you will be warmly welcomed.
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And the hits just keep on coming. So the battery showed up today (thanks skydoc_17) and I put it in and she fired right up. Just as a double check since I was there I checked for charging voltage and I only had 12.30. I increased the idle and it only went up .2-.3 volts and the longer it ran the lower the voltage dropped. My background being with cars not motorcycles I'm asking here, where do you start with these? Is there fuses for the charging system on these or do I go straight to the regulator?
We did have a beautiful weekend here in east Tennessee. I saw 74 degrees both days while riding and for the middle of January, this was record temperatures. It was good to get out and get a little seat time on Saturday with a friend that has just converted from a Goldwing to an 09 Venture. On Sunday, I rode alone and just enjoyed the day. There were a lot of motorcycles out and about everybody waved. The bad part about about having a warm day in the middle of winter is it seems just about every time we have a local motorcycle death. This weekend was no exception. We had a 77 year old man in a Cadillac pulled out in front of two on Honda's and one struck the car and the other crashed trying to miss the car. The 28 year old rider that struck the car died at the scene and the other rider, who is 18, is in the hospital. The only information the Highway Patrol has released at this time is charges are pending. I just wanted to take a moment and say that we all need to be extra diligent when we get out there and take those "off season" rides because many people just seem to forget about looking for motorcycles. The other thing is it seems like after not riding for a couple of months that we always want to crank it on some to clean the spider webs out. Be careful out there. RandyA
Look at this and see how this guy stores his motorcycles and 4 wheelers.
From the invention of the motorcycle there have been two areas of riding that can be considered to be the extremes of the pastime. Those who want to ride them faster, and those who want to ride them farther. The way motorcycles are used in day to day activities varies from place to place. In the UK, and in much of Europe, the motorcycle was often the primary form of transport for working men and working class families. When I was a child we didn't have a car, our houses did not have garages. My Dad had an elderly BSA 650 with a Canterbury Double-adult sidecar. He went to work on it, took Mum to the stores, and we would use it for vacations traveling from the north of England to the South to visit with family. That was a journey of nearly two hundred and fifty miles. Dad on the bike, Mum and kids in the sidecar and it could take upwards of ten hours including driving right through central London. I guess my introduction to long journeys on motorcycles started at an early age. My first recollection of riding my own bike a long way was at age 17. I had a BSA Bantam D175. Even then that bike was older than me. I once rode it 450 miles in about sixteen hours ... maybe eighteen. Top speed was close to sixty miles an hour. Compared with what I ride now, that journey was tougher than any Bun Burner Gold or SaddleSore 1000, but I was young, and more than a little foolish. In the US motorcycles have pretty much always been leisure vehicles. Yes there are people who use them as transport, but in the UK they were principally transport and it led to different development paths for both bike and riders. I have friends who think little of riding eleven thousand miles in eleven days, and others who love their motorcycles just as much, but who wouldn't dream of riding more than a couple of hundred miles in one go ... a distance that wouldn't even come close to emptying my gas tanks, yet each is as valuable to the sport as the other. It would be a grey world if we were all the same. There are those who think that riding 1500 miles in under 24 hours is foolish, even dangerous, and others who can't comprehend what it takes to do such a thing but would like to hear more about it. To deal with the safety aspects briefly, because it is a subject we will come back to. Riding a motorcycle is not the safest way to get from A to B. That is reserved for aircraft We all ride, and we know the risks yet choose to accept them. We live in a risk-averse society, yet we also realise that life is a continual balance between risk and reward. We could quit riding motorcycles and take the truck, or SUV, but the price we would pay for that is too much for most to accept. On the other hand, let's not get stupid about it. I have a wife and lots of kids and wherever I roam, they want me back in one piece. So we are going to be looking at not simply how to ride a long distance, but how to do so in as safe a manner as possible. It is notable that the accident statistics for LD Riders are about the same as for all motorcycles. The accident severity is generally less because of the insistence upon All The Gear, All The Time (ATGATT). The other thing that should be said upfront is that LD Riding is not about speed. Every Certificate Ride on the IBA website can be completed within the posted speed limits in the US. Indeed, it makes sense to keep your speed at a moderate level because the stopped time for gas outweighs the time gained by speeding once the speed creeps up to 80mph and beyond. "Performance Awards" from State Troopers are unwelcome expenses and many Rally Masters will disqualify riders who pick up too many tickets. The safest, and least tiring way to make progress is to ride at the speed that has you doing the least work in terms of over-taking and being passed. On most roads that trends towards the speed limit plus a few mph. It varies from place to place. The real secret is not to ride fast, but to keep the wheels turning as much as you can. If you are riding with a friend at a steady sixty miles per hour and you stop for ten minutes, it will take you one hour at seventy miles an hour to catch up with him ... You see how that can work against you? On this site we have broadly two kinds of bikes. The "slow but new" and the "slightly faster but old". We have the first and second generation Yamaha Ventures. The first thing to note is that they are all quite capable of doing anything and everything I will describe in these articles. When we look at buying and choosing a bike, the Venture might not be the first or best choice, but they are the bikes we have, and they are quite capable. Before we get ahead of ourselves though, we need to look at why anyone would do this at all. It is part of the human condition to explore our environments and our personal limits. People choose to do that in any number of ways. Some seek maximum financial gain as a measure. I once heard a billionaire say that the money was irrelevant other than a way of keeping score! Folk run marathons, play sports, write books or find some other hobby in which they strive to excel. Endurance has long played a part in our make-up, and I choose to explore my own limits on a motorcycle. What I am sure of is that many of us need to do "something", because forever sitting on the sofa is simply akin to "waiting for God". There may be readers who do not wish to ride long distances, but simply came here looking for tips on how to make their chosen journeys more efficient or more comfortable. I hope we can help you too. Riding for Certificates, or simply bragging rights is a solitary pastime. It brings it's own rewards. I well remember watching my GPS tick over 1000 miles. I was on a 1977 Yamaha XS750. It was raining hard and about 40F. I was thoroughly wet, very cold and I was into hour 20. The mixture of misery and elation I felt as I counted down the last mile, in tenths, would earn me a fortune if I could bottle and sell it. Arriving home at end of Saddle Sore 1000 - March 2010 Beyond Certificate riding is a whole world of Rallying. These are like scavenger hunts on crack. The bonus is that you will get to meet many folk from all over the country in a spirit of fun and friendly rivalry. Again, the only prize is satisfaction. We will look at both. The principles are the same even for those simply going on vacation. You still have to manage the miles. You still want to be comfortable, well-hydrated and free of pain. The main difference is that generally the time pressure is removed and you are free to relax and stop where and when you fancy. ** I may edit this. A limitation of the Forum is that I can't save a draft so if it appears to grow in length, or sprout pictures you might want to scan through for stuff I added Part Two: Part Three:
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Because proposed E-15 expanded use may adversely affect small engine performance, like lawn & garden equipment, motorcycles, scooters, ATV's, etc., and will void warranties, the brilliant folks at the EPA have come up with a solution - - limit the purchase of E-15 at the pump to a minimum of 4 gallons! Like all motorcycles have gas tanks smaller than 4 gallons, or like all landscape contractors only fill their equipment in the morning and don't carry multiple 5 gallon gas cans that get refilled each day! And like all grades of gas have their own separate hoses at the pump so that residual E-15 won't find its way into the wrong engine! These people must be on crack.
This is a good time, draws a lot of motorcycles and is FREE!!!!!!!! Mt. View Ar. is a neat old town, the square is closed for mc only, the bike games are a hoot to watch and lots of vendors. There will be local musicians playing at different spots in the evenings, and a band playing Sat. nite. We saw them last year and they are pretty good. This is not a very big town and rooms are going fast. August 17-19 Here is a link, from the home page click on vendors.....pic of a nice RSV yammer 2k1
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The following is a BC Provincial Govn't new announcement. Moderators feel free to delete if you deem necessary. VICTORIA – To mark the beginning of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, the Province is announcing new safety regulations aimed at improving road safety and reducing motorcycle deaths, injuries and crashes. Effective June 1, all motorcycle riders and their passengers must wear helmets that meet safety industry standards. This means motorcycle riders will no longer be able to wear novelty helmets, typically known as skid lids, skull caps or beanies, which do not meet the new requirements. In addition, the new regulations: · Will require passengers, including children, to place their feet on foot pegs or floorboards. Drivers can easily be thrown off balance and risk crashing if their passengers do not keep their feet fixed on foot rests. Children who are unable to reach foot rests will no longer be allowed to ride as passengers. · Will improve visibility and enforcement for police. The font size on motorcycle licence plates has increased by 0.95 centimetres (3/8 of an inch). Since May 2011, all new motorcycle licence plates have been issued with the larger font. In making the announcement, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Shirley Bond said the provincial government intends to move forward with a graduated licensing program that includes power restrictions, following additional consultation to determine the best model. Feedback will be considered along with research and best practices to develop a model that improves rider safety and reduces motorcycle crashes especially for new riders. The Office of Motor Vehicles and ICBC will also partner on an awareness campaign to ensure automobile drivers are aware of how to drive safely when they encounter motorcycles on the road. The goal is to reduce fatalities and injuries from crashes involving motorcycles. While motorcycles are estimated to make up about three per cent of insured vehicles in B.C., they account for approximately 10 per cent of road fatalities. In the last five years, 203 motorcyclists have lost their lives on B.C.’s roads and 5,172 have been injured. Motorcycle fatalities increased by about 57 per cent between 1996 and 2010. The new rider safety regulations are the result of extensive consultations between the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles, BC Coroners Service, ICBC, police and other road safety partners to develop a comprehensive approach to improve motorcycle safety within the motorcycling community and industry. The month of May will allow for a transition period that will give government time to move to the new laws by informing riders and the public about the upcoming changes. Starting June 1, police will begin enforcing the new laws and issuing educational materials to riders found violating the helmet and seating regulations. Fines for all new helmet-related offences are $138, and fines for seating requirements range from $109 to $121. In addition to fines, riders violating seating requirements will have their motorcycles impounded.
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If anyone is interested I can provide the link to the auction. MINNESOTA STATE PATROL RETIRES MOTORCYCLE UNIT Five State Patrol motorcycles to be sold at auction ST. PAUL — The Minnesota State Patrol today announced that it has disbanded its motorcycle patrol program and will auction the unit’s five Harley Davidson motorcycles. The motorcycle unit was revived in 2007 with five troopers after a nearly 60 year hiatus. Between 1930 and 1949, as many as 80 motorcycles were in use by the State Patrol. “Our decision to decommission the motorcycle unit was not made lightly, and the troopers who served in this unit deserve recognition for their work to improve traffic safety,” said Colonel Kevin Daly, chief of the State Patrol. “We decided not to put motorcycles on the road this year due to increased training costs, a concern for trooper safety, and a lack of troopers interested in volunteering for the unit.” The State Patrol will offer its five 2008 State Patrol Harley Davidson Electra-Glide, 100 Anniversary Police edition motorcycles in separate auctions. The first motorcycle is scheduled to be sold at a live auction on Saturday, April 21. The State Auction is conducted by the Minnesota Department of Administration and will be held at its facility in Arden Hills. The remaining bikes will be sold in consecutive on-line auctions beginning the following week. The motorcycles are equipped with a 103 cubic inch motor, 6-speed transmission, single seat saddle (air adjustable) and a six-gallon gas tank. They also include side saddlebags, tour pack and communications equipment.
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My be why people don't see motorcycles. Check it out.
Sent to me by an old friend from the MTA. I think that man of us knew this though. "Riding a motorcycle every day might actually keep your brain functioning at peak condition, or so says a study conducted by the University of Tokyo. The study demonstrated that riders between the age of 40 and 50 were shown to improve their levels of cognitive functioning, compared to a control group, after riding their motorcycles daily to their workplace for a mere two months. Scientists believe that the extra concentration needed to successfully operate a motorcycle can contribute to higher general levels of brain function, and it’s that increase in activity that’s surely a contributing factor to the appeal of the motorcycles as transportation. It’s the way a ride on a bike turns the simplest journey into a challenge to the senses that sets the motorcyclist apart from the everyday commuter. While the typical car-owning motorist is just transporting him or her self from point A to point B, the motorcyclist is actually transported into an entirely different state of consciousness . Riding a motorcycle is all about entrance into an exclusive club where the journey actually is the destination. Dr Ryuta Kawashima, author of Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain, reported the outcome of his study of “The relationship between motorcycle riding and the human mind.” Kawashima’s experiments involved current riders who currently rode motorcycles on a regular basis (the average age of the riders was 45) and ex-riders who once rode regularly but had not taken a ride for 10 years or more. Kawashima asked the participants to ride on courses in different conditions while he recorded their brain activities. The eight courses included a series of curves, poor road conditions, steep hills, hair-pin turns and a variety of other challenges. What did he find? After an analysis of the data, Kawashima found that the current riders and ex-riders used their brain in radically different ways. When the current riders rode motorcycles, specific segments of their brains (the right hemisphere of the prefrontal lobe) was activated and riders demonstrated a higher level of concentration. His next experiment was a test of how making a habit of riding a motorcycle affects the brain. Trial subjects were otherwise healthy people who had not ridden for 10 years or more. Over the course of a couple of months, those riders used a motorcycle for their daily commute and in other everyday situations while Dr Kawashima and his team studied how their brains and mental health changed. The upshot was that the use of motorcycles in everyday life improved cognitive faculties, particularly those that relate to memory and spatial reasoning capacity. An added benefit? Participants revealed on questionnaires they filled out at the end of the study that their stress levels had been reduced and their mental state changed for the better. So why motorcycles? Shouldn’t driving a car should have the same effect as riding a motorcycle? “There were many studies done on driving cars in the past,” Kawashima said. “A car is a comfortable machine which does not activate our brains. It only happens when going across a railway crossing or when a person jumps in front of us. By using motorcycles more in our life, we can have positive effects on our brains and minds”. Yamaha participated in a second joint research project on the subject of the relationship between motorcycle riding and brain stimulation with Kawashima Laboratory at the Department of Functional Brain Imaging, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer at Tohoku University. The project began in September 2009 and ran until December 2010, and the focus of the research was on measurement and analysis of the cause and effect relationship involved in the operation of various types of vehicles and brain stimulation. The study measured changes in such stimulation over time by means of data gathered from a long-term mass survey. The reason for Yamaha Motor’s participation in this project is pretty obvious and not a little self-serving, but further research into the relationship between motorcycle riding and brain stimulation as it relates to the “Smart Aging Society” will certainly provide some interesting results. The second research project was divided into two time periods throughout 2009 and 2010 compared differences in the conditions of brain stimulation as they related to the type of vehicle and driving conditions. A second set of tests measuring the changes in brain stimulation over time involved a larger subject group. Yamaha Motors provided vehicles for the research and made its test tracks and courses available for the study. What the study revealed is that what you’re thinking about while you’re riding – and your experience on the bike - changes the physical structure of your brain. Author Sharon Begley concurs with Kawashima’s findings. In her tome, Train Your Mind – Change Your Brain, Begley found much the same outcomes. “The brain devotes more cortical real estate to functions that its owner uses more frequently and shrinks the space devoted to activities rarely performed,” Begley wrote. “That’s why the brains of violinists devote more space to the region that controls the digits of the fingering hand.” Source:
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Ok, I was watching Brain Games on nat geo. They were explaining how the mind can only focus on one thing well and multi tasking. They did some tests and at some point explained that most accidents with motorcycles are cagers who turn left in front of bikes. The cagers are looking for cars and since they do not have motorcycles in their minds they actually dont see the motorcycles since they aren't looking for them, they are looking for cars and trucks. It seems to me if this were true the government would do a better job to educate drivers to look for bikes or place reminders at key intersections to get drivers into the habit.
ok... here is where I show my age .... I know little to nothing about these hi-tec fancy things...... My wife will read anything anywhere and numerous times over. If I had a dollar for every book she has bought in the last 30+ years I would likely be able to retire now. Not complaining... if she had the money I spent on cars and motorcycles... she would have a lot more books. I see these book readers... I think they look great but do not know anything about them or how one get the books loaded on and costs. What is a good one what is a bad one if I was to get her one for Christmas..... Any help................
Hey Wingers, just to give you heads up for GW recall. Check out this article: 126,000 Honda Goldwing motorcycles recalled for brake problems Dec 7, 2011 1:45 PM Honda and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have issued a recall alert for approximately 126,000 Goldwing motorcycles. The company has identified an issue with the motorbikes' secondary brake master cylinders that may cause the rear brakes to drag, increasing the risk of a collision. Riding a motorcycle with a stuck rear brake may also generate enough heat to cause a fire. According to Honda, the brake issue affects GL1800 Goldwing motorcycles of the 2001 through 2010 and 2012 model years. In January, the company expects to being notifying affected Goldwing owners to bring their motorcycles to Honda dealers. Mechanics there will inspect and, if necessary, replace the secondary master cylinder free of charge. For more information on the recall, which Honda has identified as S03, consumers can call Honda customer service (toll-free: 866-784-1870) or visit the NHTSA website: Recall: 2001-10, 2012 Honda GL1800 Goldwing motorcycles - Rear Brakes Campaign ID #: 11V567000 [NHTSA] Honda recalling over 125,000 Goldwing motorcycles [AutoBlog] —Paul Eng Good Luck.
-*570/79623renton120211RentonMotorcyclesWEB1.jpg Scott Lee and his wife Gini picked up a Kawasaki motorcycle Tuesday morning that they had on consignment at Renton Motorcycles. Dean A. Radford/Renton Reporter Buy Photo Reprints Renton Motorcycle Co. on East Valley Road closes; Renton Honda to relocate there By DEAN RADFORD Renton Reporter Editor November 29, 2011 · Updated 5:06 PM inShare1 1comment Email Story Print Story Email Author Letter/Editor Renton Motorcycle Co. closed for business Tuesday to make way for the eventual relocation of Renton Honda, now on Grady Way, to its site on East Valley Road. Employees of Renton Motorcycle were told of the closure Tuesday morning at a regular staff meeting; later, one of them expressed shock at the closure. The Renton Motorcycle Co. and Renton Honda are owned by Bob Lanphere. He also owns Downtown Harley Davidson next door to Renton Motorcycles, which remains in business, said Terry Stallcop, general manager of both businesses. Also remaining open is Mick Kelly's restaurant at the Full Throttle Bar and Grill, which overlooks the Renton Motorcycles showroom. "We have built a customer base that's not dependent on the motorcycle customer base," said owner Lorraine Tores, so her lunch business won't be affected. She also draws customers from the Harley Davidson dealership next door. The economy played a role in the closure of Renton Motorcycles, Stallcop said. However, an earlier plan would have had Renton Motorcycles and Renton Honda share the large building, he said, a plan that failed to get the OK of the Honda corporation. He said it didn't make sense to move Renton Motorcycles elsewhere. Renton Honda won't move for 18 months to 24 months, Stallcop said, during which it will seek permits from the City of Renton to remodel the Renton Motorcycle space. Renton Honda is one of the anchors of the AutoMall the city created on Grady Way. Renton Honda dealership underwent a $9 million expansion and renovation about four years ago. Stallcop said the location on East Valley Road will provide better street access for customers. Renton Honda now is at the busy intersection with Rainier Avenue. Lanphere also leases the four separate parcels on which his Honda dealership is located. Now, he can consolidate on land he owns, Stallcop said. That stretch of East Valley Road is also becoming a busy retail area and there are two other auto dealerships in the area, he said. Younker Nissan and Younker Mitsubishi are nearby. The decision to close Renton Motorcycles was made last week, with managers told Saturday, Stallcop said. The business employs 28; about 10 of them will remain at the store through December to help with closing down the business. Stallcop said the hope is to find positions for the employees elsewhere within the company. Customers can pick up special-order parts, cancel pre-paid maintenance contracts, cash in Renton Motorcycle gift cards and pick up bikes that are in for service, he said. "We will make everyone whole," he said. Customers can reach the company at or at 425-226-4320. One longtime customer, Scott Lee of Rainier Beach, stopped by Tuesday morning to retrieve a Kawasaki motorcycle he had on consignment at Renton Motorcycles. He's also a customer of Downtown Harley Davidson. "It's a sad situation," he said. His wife Gini agreed. "They've been very good to us," she said. Contact Renton Reporter Editor Dean Radford at or 425-255-3484, ext. 5050.
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I saw this on another site and don't know how reliable it is but I thought I would post this here just in case it involves any of you. Please forgive me if it's false. Hello everyone. I just received a letter from Yahama Motor Corp. stating it has been decided that a defect which relates to motorcycle safety exist in all 2009-2011 and certain 2012 XVS95 {V-Star 950} and XVS95CT {V-Star 950 Tourer} model motorcycles as well as all 2007 XVS13 {V-Star 1300-Tourer} models Reason for Recall,,, " In Affected motorcycles, there may not be a proper seal between the fuel pipes for the fuel injectors and the fuel hose that connects them due to an improperly molded fuel hose. Over time, pressurized fuel can begin leaking at the hose connection points, which could result in a fire hazard. " CONTACT your dealer if you have any questions.
The Zero electric motorcycles are becoming more attractive each year. The 2012 street version has a top speed of 88mph and range of 114miles. The battery pack is claimed to be good for 300,000miles and the company claims no routine maintenance is required. The cost for electricity used is equivalent to 300 mpg.
Seems like a lot of Venture/Tour deluxe riders also own a FJR... Thought I would share this with you..... This has been know as "the spider bite" Also there is one coming for the 2011 FJR Just got this notice................ Intent to Recall 2006~2009 FJR13A/AE Models Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. has decided that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in 2006~2009 FJR13A/AE model motorcycles. In affected motorcycles, the ground joint connector of the wire harness could overheat and become deformed, possibly causing an intermittent ground wire connection. If the electrical system is not properly grounded, the ignition system and/or other electrical components could malfunction, which could cause the engine to stall. If this happens while the motorcycle is being ridden, there could be a crash resulting in injury or death. Yamaha intends to recall these motorcycles for a modification of the electrical system. A Technical Bulletin with all necessary information will be provided in the near future. Until then, please suspend sale of any 2006~2009 FJR13A/AE motorcycles in your inventory. As with all safety recall campaigns, Yamaha will be notifying all registered owners of affected units by mail. Will have more details as they make them available.
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My bike made it to the Star Motorcycles virtual bike show......Vote for me... its the 2006 Tour Deluxe listed under Royal star/ Royal Star Venture tab (bottom one) Cant miss the bike... Picture is the bike sitting in from of Miller Park Visit the Star Motorcycles Virtual Bike Show at Thanks all
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Stumbled upon this 1st Gen on a Norwegian web site. Gotta say that this is the nicest 1st. Gen I have ever seen. Would buy it if I wanted a slower bike than my 1998 Royal Star Tour Classic II The Norwegian price on the other hand is something different. Motorcycles here cost an arm and a leg and the wife and the dog to ! 17.743 US$ is the asking price. They have extremely hefty taxes here on motorcycles. But don´t worry - it will go for that price. Here is the link: Friendly regards from Iceland (Norway at the moment at work), Jonas
- Just what I did not want to read about. The weather is warm and motorcycles are out and about. Another idiot auto driver that doesn't look.