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everybody that lives in the hill country of texas knows these roads, they are called the three sisters, 335, 336, 337, people drive down from colorado to drive on these three roads. ( imagine that ) not only are they great roads, lots of twists and turns, but some great biker friendly places to eat. some great swimming holes. great changes in elevation and a motorcycle museum run by a guy from new zealand. ( talk about getting lost ) during the week you can ride these and never see a soul, car nor motorcycle. on week ends you meet some great riders from all over i highly recommend the ride
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My brother is planning a trip to Guadalahara Mexico on his motorcycle. I've heard horror stories of motorcyclists getting their bikes stolen or taken away, mugged and any number of other consequences from riding across the border. I just wanted to get some feedback from some of you guys with firsthand knowledge or a safe way to travel in Mexico on a motorcycle in particular.
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Check out the current Rider magazine, July 2012 edition. It has an interesting article as to why you should not use car tires on motorcycles. It also has a quote from John Mosby, a representative of Kumho tires, "Kumho passenger car tires are not made to absorb the reduced contact patch of high camber angles that motorcycle tires frequently experience. Because of this durability can be affected by operating at such high camber angles, which can lead to tire failure. We strongly discourage anyone from using Kumho passenger car tires on their motorcycle." It's a very informative article including detailed pictures and talks about in the event of a crash... will he be the target of a costly lawsuit because he fit his motorcycle with tires not designed or intented for motorcycle use and may have contributed to the crash. "Are the few dollars saved by turning to a car tire outweighed by the potential loss of a house and whatever dollars may be squirreled away for retirement?" I thought this was a very interesting read... i couldn't find it on their website, but please try to find it and read it. i know this probably won't sway the darkside believers... because.. well..
This forum is for those of who have decided to run a car tire on the back of their Ventures, or for those who may be interested in trying it and looking for some information. PLEASE READ: By participating in this area you AGREE to the following. 1. Installing and running a car tire on the back of the Venture or any other motorcycle is NOT endorsed by nor recommended by 2. In this group you will mostly find posts from people who are using these tires and are sold on the idea. It is important that you understand that there are negative opinions also. Some of these include possible rubber compounds that are not optimized for motorcycles, some insurance companies may not pay for accidents if they know that you are using a car tire, possible problems with the bead profile of the motorcycle rim not correct for a car tire, profile of tire is possibly not optimized for motorcycle use. These are just a few of the reasons cited for NOT running a car tire on a motorcycle. These issues have been agreed to by some and disputed by others but you need to be aware that the use of a car tire on a motorcycle is NOT universally agreed upon to be a good idea. 3. The bottom line is, do your research and come to your own conclusion. Do not take my word or that of anybody else that this is a good or a bad idea. Do your research and come to your own conclusion but remember, should you decide to proceed with a car tire on your motorcycle, you do so at your own risk and you agree to NOT hold or any moderator, administrator or member here responsible for any negative consequences of your decision. 4. There are people who have strong feelings on both sides of this issue. It this can be discussed in a mature way then that will be great. Please remember, this forum is NOT solely for the purpose of hearing from those who think that a car tire on a motorcycle is a great idea. There will likely be some posts from those who think it is a dangerous idea. There is likely to be discussion and debate. That is why this is called a DISCUSSION FORUM. If those who participate in this forum cannot do so without resorting to personal attacks and sarcastic comments then this area will be removed IMMEDIATELY. Don "Freebird" Nelson
I'm new to the forum, but no stranger to the Royal Star. Eventually traded my RSTD for a car some years ago and now it's time for another one. This time, I want the Venture and so the search began. Online, local, classifieds, marketplace etc and of course by doing so, I came across Hesitant to buy online and have the bike shipped, I kept looking. After about a month, I circled back after reading more about their company, warming up to the idea of their online business model, making sure they were legit. (BTW, I don't work for and I'm not affiliated in any way other than I'm an actual customer) After I paid my online deposit I got a call explaining two details. First, bike had just been picked up from the customer and was on it's way to NPA for processing, which takes a few days. Second, upon arrival to NPA, a condition report needed to be completed. This also takes a few days. Just got the condition report today. 1999 Venture w/20k miles for $2,988 free shipping no dealer fee. I can back out now and get a full refund or if I commit, I'll have 3 days upon it's arrival to decide to keep it or restock it. $500 restocking fee. I think I'll roll the dice on this one! Paid by Visa over the phone with all the paperwork being sent to me next day air for me to sign and return. The bike will then travel to the Atlanta hub and on to my house! [ATTACH=CONFIG]112890[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112891[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112892[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112893[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112894[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112895[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112896[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112897[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112898[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112899[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112900[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112901[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112904[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112905[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112902[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]112903[/ATTACH]
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Hi folks, I am considering buying a Stinger Motorcycle Trailer, I would like some feedback on this trailer, I have never bought a trailer for my bike before and I need some direction from people who have some experience with trailers. thanks. Patrick
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I was looking around and found that there are several of the vendors which are offering motorcycle rain suits. Although they are cheap in price but can't figure out which one is the best brand i should have to prefer. Alpinestars, Dainese, Joe rocket and REV'IT! are most known brands in the list.Nelson-Rigg is also offering good collection in this category. Any suggestion and experience. I don't want to find my self wet just because of some bad selection.
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My friend Bobby was looking at the bikes a few days ago, and maid the commit that on the Venture I have car tire. On the kannon bike with a 350 chevy car eng I have a motorcycle tire. I told him I bought it that way, would change when the tire wears out. He said it was just a little irony there. LMAO Gregg
Restrictions on motorcycle passengers. -- Texas. House Bill 3838, also called Malorie's Law, "prohibit(s) the carrying of or riding by a passenger on any motorcycle that is not equipped with footrests and handholds for use by the passenger." According to some sources, many Texan motorcyclists were not aware of this at all!
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A recent case in Iowa. A pickup truck driver pulled out from a side road into the pat of a motorcycle. The two people on the bike, Florida residents Benjiman D'Amico, 58, and his wife, Linda, 59, were both killed. The local prosecutor determined that it was an accident, the driver didn't see the motorcycle and that there were no grounds for any other charges except failure to yield. In the end, two motorcyclist lost their lives, and the driver was fined $65. Involuntary manslaughter sounds like a good start to me.
Just paid my yearly fee, best $12 bucks I ever spent on a motorcycle,, Thank guys, this is a great site
Jim has been nice enough to give me the part number for the disk brakes on the rear of the trike. In the past most of us started out with Brembo's and they kind of wear fast They say now that they have had better luck with the EBC FA266 HH pads and can be purchased at local motorcycle dealers. I found that they will run from 25 all the way to 36 bucks. (for two) I did some research today and found them at Amazon for $33 a set free shipping. Shipped from Power Sports
Has anyone used a motorcycle shipping company, if so, do you recommend one? My wife and I are tossing around for our 30th anniversary, flying to Seattle next year and go on an Alaskan cruise, have our bike shipped to Seattle, and after the cruise ride down through Oregon and down the coast to LA. Then back home.
I know different versions have been around, but.... YOU MIGHT BE A BIKER IF........ If you paid more for your bike than you did for your wife's engagement ring... If your Christmas cards have a picture of Santa Claus on a motorcycle... If you ride your bike to work at least two or three days a week... If you subscribe to three or more motorcycle magazines, and still pick up extras every week at the newsstand or motorcycle dealership... If you spent more on tires last year than you did on clothes... If you check the Weather Channel on Friday, knowing full well you're still going to ride that weekend depsite what they say... If you can rattle off the names, model designations and horsepower ratings of all the newest bikes, but can't remember your kids' birthdays... If you ever had your barber/hairdresser cut your hair really short so you wouldn't have to comb it out every time you took your helmet off... If you ever grew a beard just to keep your chin warm when riding in the winter... If your personal stationery, credit cards, checks or business cards have a picture of a motorcycle on them... If your bike(s) is kept in your garage, while your car is parked outside... If you remember the exact day you bought your first bike, but have trouble remembering your wedding anniversary... If you sometimes buy premium gas for your bike, even though it doesn't need it, just because you want to show it you care... If you can't walk away from your parked bike without looking back at least once to "see if it's okay"... If you look for excuses to hang around your local motorcycle shop for hours on end, even when you have no business to conduct there... When you're pulling into a parking lot or rest area, if you look for other bikes to park next to so you can talk to the riders... If you won't rent a motel room unless you can park where you can see your bike from the window...And, when you get up in the middle of the night to take a leak, you stop by the window just to see if it's still there... If the return address on all your outgoing mail is those little sticky labels from the AMA... If your cell phone's custom ringer has been programmed to play "Born to be Wild" or "Bad to the Bone"... If you ever detoured 100 miles out of your way just to catch 20 miles of twisties... If your life partner has ever said to you, "You're getting awful cranky lately ~ maybe you should go for a ride"... If you use $6.00 a quart oil in your bike, and buy whatever's on sale for $0.99 to use in your car... If your carry-on luggage on the plane is a tank bag... If your pet dog/cat/goldfish or whatever is named "Scooter", "Harley", "Vincent" or "Triumph"... If you know the exact make, model and size of tires that are on your bike, and precisely what inflation you run in them, but have no idea what brand is on your car... If you buy earplugs in packs of a dozen... If you believe than any piece of metal might look better chromed... If you ever tried to teach your dog to ride on the bike with you... If your idea of "taking it easy" is only riding 200 miles today... If you thought buying your wife a new helmet for her birthday was a good idea... If you think 8 a.m. is too early to start work, but 7 a.m. is too late to start a ride... If you turn to look every time you hear a motorcycle exhaust... If you ever went for a ride when you were sick, rationalizing that it might make you feel better... If you once rode 1,000 miles or more in a single day, just to see if you could do it... If you occasionally realize that you forgot to eat lunch, or dinner, or both, because you were "too busy" riding... If you've ever run out of gas for no other reason than you wanted to see how far your bike would go on reserve... If the guy behind the parts counter at your local dealership greets you by your first name when you walk in the door... If your wife threatened to leave you if you bought one more bike, and started getting her luggage out of the closet... If you stare out the window of an airplane, trying to imagine what it would be like to ride the roads you're passing over... If you occasionally go out to the garage just to "look in" on your bike... If you spend more time hanging out in the parking lot, among the bikes, tha actually going inside the place you just rode over 100 miles to get to... If you ever argued~with your wife or yourself~ that it was too cold (wet,windy or whatever) outside to work in the yard, and then went riding instead... If the first thing to wear out on your boots is the top of the left toe... If you can identify various insects by their flavor... If you find yourself leaning into turns when driving your car... If you've ever decided it would be easier to just ride the bike than to scrape the snow off the car... If your answer to, "Why do you own three bikes?" would be, "Fool~because I can't afford four!"... If seeing something leaking out of your motorcycle causes you more anguish than seeing your own blood...
I have been spending my vacation in Germany and Holland and so far having a great time. They sure know how to kick off Christmas here early with hoiliday drinks and food. I will most likely gain back all the weight I have lost over the past couple months but how can you say no to all this good food etc. Quite a few people here are still riding regardless of snow or cold. Holland even has 1st response Motorcycle ambulances. The idea is that a motorcycle can get on the scene faster and get a head start on initial care getting the victim preped and ready to move by the time the larger response vehicles arrive. Weather does not seem to stand in their way either. I will post pics when I return home.
It sure does appear that PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome), is pretty bad this year, given some of the posts that needed to be deleted or locked. Surely, there is something interesting and fun that we can talk about. On another forum that I occasionally go to, and it is not motorcycle related, it has come down to about the only thing that is discussed is the G & P words. I come here for fun, entertainment and to learn things and occasionally be able to help others. There are some really great people on this forum and I really do appreciate having this site available. If you feel you must discuss or argue about those topics, I guarantee you that there are MANY forums out there that would absolutely welcome you aboard. RandyA
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Some people do some really stupid things on a motorcycle. RandyA video is now unavailable
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Is anyone else going to the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle...tomorrow? I will be going, and am willing to stop by and pick up any invalids living in the area, that can't make it there on there own. If you want a ride, need a ride, or are simply too lazy to go on your own, post back to me, and I will be you up. They better have the new Honda F6B there, or I am going to get upset.
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Does Anyone in the San Antonio Area have a motorcycle tire changer ?
I was given a 97 royal star very recently that has less than 500 miles on it, though it hasnt been ran in about ten years. Its been sitting in a garage and shows it. This is the first time I have ever touched a motorcycle, though I have done a good amount of work on cars. My main concern right now is getting the bike running. When I turn the bike on before I hit the start switch I get fuel pouring out of the overflow tubes. From what I have read its pretty obvious that I need to pull the carbs and clean them, though with there being four of them the task is a little daunting with syncing and everything else involved. I know that seafoam wont work if I cant get a flow through the carbs. Here is what I am asking: 1. Is there a way to clean the carbs out without removing them? 2. Are the carbs the culprit for these symptoms? 3. How do you sync the carbs once they are all clean and back in? 4. What else should I be replacing? ( plugs, oil, oil filter, where is fuel filter?) 5. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone knows a great way to get rid of pitting thatd be awesome. Right now Im using fine steel wool and a turtle wax chrome polish and rust remover, but there are still tiny spots that I am not sure if they will come off at all. Thanks
Well, It finally happened. I was involved in a motorcycle wreck. Only major damage to me is I have no palms and no hide on my left side. The really bad thing is they consider the bike totalled. The question is do I keep the bike with lower payment from the insurance or turn it over and get a new one? I will post pics when I can.
Hey, all you Evergreen State forum members, if you want or need a FREE motorcycle lift, then I have one for you. The one I am giving away...for a 10 year old Powerlift Hydraulics motorcycle lift, like 93.1465 % of the red lifts we see out there for bikes. This one is the same one as all those others, except that this one needs to have the bottle jack replaced. Yes, that is right, it is NOT in brand new condition. It is used, for the past 10 years, and recently the bottle jack broke on me, due to my own error (which I will not go into). The lift, all metal pieces, etc, are in good condition. Other than the bottle jack, this thing still looks and works good. No metal fatigue anywhere. Since I was not successful in finding a new bottle jack to replace this one, I ended up going out and buying a new...aluminum jack, that is a step-up from what I had. cost me more $, but...what the hay ! So, if any of you riders that live in the Greater Puget Sound area want a FREE motorcycle lift, send me a PM, and we can work out who drives where and who picks up/delivers what to whom. I am willing to go out of my way to help get this to you, rather than throwing about 100 lbs. of iron. Contact me... Update: The Lift is now Spoken For. Consider it GONE.
Check this one out [ame=]CRAIGSLIST // FREE MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE - YouTube[/ame]
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Interesting concept.
It is hard to believe it has been over 41 years since this movie was released. If there ever was a classic motorcycle movie, this was it. Not only was it a great motorcycle documentary, but it was also funny. Steve McQueen was great in it. I remember I had been in the USAF about two and a half years and saw it at the local theater. When it was over, I just wanted to sit there and enjoy the feeling of the love of motorcycling, even though it had been years since I had had one. I am not sure if you have to download zulu to watch this, but if you are interested, here is a link. Enjoy, RandyA!watch/79438
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