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  1. Went to my local Steeler today to see if they had speed bleeders and they did not same as with all the local auto parts stores, however they said they use a little tool that works great but they had just sold the last one. When I was getting ready to walk away one of the service guys said he had just bought one for the service dept but if I needed it he would sell it to me for half price since it was now used and he could get another one next week. Brought it hone and it worked great, still plan on getting speed bleeders but this will make a nice addition to my tool kit. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-Mini-Bleeder-08-0482/dp/B0077QSGFG]Motion Pro Mini Bleeder 08-0482 : Amazon.com : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31PmYpNl9DL.@@AMEPARAM@@31PmYpNl9DL[/ame]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31PmYpNl9DL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  2. i know most members here seem to like the morgan carbtune but i thought i heard it was taking forever to get them in the states. having said that my question is is the motion pro carb tunner any good? i can get one of these the next day.
  3. Anyone tried one of these yet? I'm thinking of ordering one just to see if it works as he says. I am sure with some type of motion switch it could be done and it is a good idea. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motorcycle-taillight-downshift-activator-only-99-cents-/120759940263?hash=item1c1dda74a7&item=120759940263&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr
  4. Let NY'ers into the South and look what happens.... S**W After the mildest winter on record now why????? My daffodils are up already. The reason appears obvious to me. sabotage by the Yankees I hereby make a motion that we all collect the stuff and send it back to where it belongs.
  5. Should probably be in the classified section - sorry. I am not real happy with the Motion Pro syncPRO that I purchased. The fluid seems to separate in the tubes after each use and when I blip the throttle. I ordered a Morgan carb tune pro unit and it will be here in another week or so. If any member wants to send me $40 (check or money order) I'll send the Motion Pro to them. The $40 includes shipping. First post gets the unit. There are no instructions but it should be easy to download and the unit is complete.
  6. I'm looking to change my brake and clutch fluids soon. I've been reading about the "Speed Bleeders" and another bleeder called the "Motion Pro Hydraulic Brake Bleeder". My question is; has anyone here actually used the Motion Pro? I'm a little more interested in the Motion Pro over the Speed Bleeders because it appears that you only need one and just move it to the brake you're bleeding at the time. Does anyone here know if that's how this works? J&P Cycles has the motion Pro for $19.99. Thanks Guys
  7. I have a Motion Pro carb stick that I don't need. I have never tried to sell it because it can't be shipped. If anybody is going to be at the International rally Monday or Tuesday I could bring it with me. I would like $25.00 for it. First one that speaks up and says they want it gets first dibs.
  8. well guys we are getting close to the nitty gritty........ motion hearing is this morning..... the only motions i am aware of are his motions to suppress his statement and the evidence, and for a continuance on trial date I was under the belief that these motions were argued between the prosecutor and the defense lawyer and then judge decides whether to allow or not......but apparently the police officers involved and the perps parents will be testifying this morning. I was going to go alone because dale has no paid days left til June, but when he found out they were testifying he took the day off to be there. we havent had to see the jerk since december, so it will be hard to have to look at him again today. I feel so bad for his parents having to go thru this at their age and im sure they arent happy about having to testify especially since they are sposed to be testifying on our side today( i guess its about the search of the living quarters of their son and a magazine he showed Haylie ,which is what he is trying to get suppressed, making sure it was all done legally so we can use it for evidence) ok im ratteling again........... im keeping the faith that all goes our way today........i have a feeling that if it does, his lawyer will be wanting to make a plea bargain real soon. will fill ya in later today....
  9. Is the Motion Pro like the Carbtune? Does one work just as good as the other? I'll try to post a picture but just in case it doesn't work the ebay # is 200322868924. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3907.m37.l1313%26satitle%3D200322868924%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1&item=200322868924&viewitem=
  10. Ok, I'm sold on the idea and convinced that I'm going to buy my own synchronizer. So which one gets the most votes? Morgan or Motion Pro. That's the only four carb units I've found.
  11. what exactly does it mean that the guys attorney has file a Motion for Discovery ? he also put in a motion for bond reduction...... i keep checking the public court records daily to see if anything new shows up and these entries were added to the record yesterday.
  12. Has anyone had any experience with the Motion Pro Carb Sync tool? And how does it compare to the Morgan Carbtune ? I'm thinking about buying one. Also are will the 5mm adadpters work on 2nd Gen., or will I need to get the 6mm?
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