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  1. This bike is about 45 minutes from me and I have looked at it in person. Very clean bike that looks like it has been very well taken care of. Doesn't have one single blemmish on it. I'm pretty sure I could work a deal of an even swap or very close to it with my 2007 RSTD. It has some adds that would save me the hastle and money such as: center stand, passing lamps, Slip Streamer windshield, backrest, trunk luggage rack, auxilary plug for heated gear/battery tender. One thing that makes me wonder if a previous owner was a member here is that fact that it has E3's on it. That doesn't sem like something a regular non VR member would figure out. But, on the other hand, the antennas are on the wrong sides. The PO traded it for a used Harley Ultra. I have one uh oh thing that I'm trying to sort through my brain. I asked the dealership if I could talk to the PO. They were very obliging and they called the PO. The guy told them that he didn't want to talk to me because he really didn't have an opinion on the bike because he only owned it for a month before he traded it in. What's up with that???. I dont' really care if he wants to talk to me, but why did he trade it after owning it for a month? Hmmmm. Makes me concerned that there is something wrong with the bike internally that he wasn't wanting to deal with.I don't know what I'm gonna do, but it's an extremely clean bike. Any thoughts? 2005 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Stock: 05A009088 | Sunrise Preowned
  2. Got a text msg. on my cell--- My entry last month has won! Tells me to go to BestBuyRaffle.com and enter my winning code number XXXX to claim my FREE $1000 BestBuy gift card within 24 hrs. Watcha think guys (and gals)? Real deal or ???? I, of course, don't remember last week, let alone last month. I went to BestBuy's web site and emailed customer service asking if it might be legit, knowing full well that there's a 99.9 % chance that it's bogus.
  3. Both are 1977 models the blue one is mine and the red one a friend of mine. We still ride them quite a bit. This was from a ride we did last month. People sure can't figure out the 2 stroke street bike thing.
  4. Gas is $3.299 in Wichita. Down 50 cents in the last month. :cool10:
  5. hey lewis happy birthday ya old fart. you just gained on me again. have a great one. see you in a month. snarley bill
  6. things just have not been well for the last month. back in july i got a call on july fourth to please rush to ST Paul mn. my best friend of 32 years had a bad stroke and was not going to make it. i got the call from his daughter. 9 months before he burried his oldest daughter who had a bad seizure hit her head and died. and i was there for that funeral. i now am the last man standing of a group of 7 guys who where my child hood and early adult life friends. there is a big empty in my heart. i allmost gave in and was about to do something bad. but affter some time with his family and my daughter i pulled some what out of it. there must have been an intervention? as i was to go in on july 9th for a total knee operation but it was postponed. so i was there to hold this mans hand and say good bye. he never opend his eyes but placed his hand on top of mine. 3 hours after i got there he was gone he died on the 5th of july. now im going in on the 22nd of this month for the knee operation. i found a 1999 yamaha vstar 1100cc for $2500.00 i have that money but just cant ride the bike though i might still buy it and find a place to store it? kind of a goal for me to get well and ride again. the bike is red has 24000 miles needs a little maintenance. like a new battery flush the fluids you know the usual stuff. im talking to my daughter and older sister about doing this as there concerned about my healing first. i said to totaly heal i need to enjoy life again. and right now im just in a funk.if i can work it out i just might buy the bike. just need to store it. not sure if it can fit in a 5x10 room LOL thats the smalles storage unit i can afford LOL any ways thanks everyone
  7. In east Tennessee, we have had the wettest July on record. It did surprise me because the first part of the month was dry. RandyA
  8. Man goes to Tuscaloosa hotel to meet woman he found online, is shot in head and robbed (note the man had his 9 month old child with him) http://blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2012/07/man_shot_at_tuscaloosa_hotel_a.html#incart_river_default glad he didn't get killed but something tells me he got what he deserved...
  9. On vacation with the G/F in Colorado and I've been getting some great riding in on my 'new' '03 RSV. We did an overnight from Conifer out west to Glenwood Springs. Awesome ride, but the last 20 miles or so through the canyons is breathtaking. Anywhere west of Denver is just ripe with great rides out here, you just about can't go wrong. I'm planning on riding Independence Pass next month, weather permitting. Short update on the RSV...I've only had her a few months and usually just ride her 4 days a month when I'm out here in CO. I got to know her better this week and liking it more every time out. I switched to Synthetic in the motor and the rear end last month and there was an improvement in the whine. It's still there, but between reducing it some, getting used to it some, and learning to manage it, it's not the annoyance that it was at first. I also did the exhaust mod where you dremel the pipe and push it over to make the exhaust flow through...happy with it. A couple other quick observations on the RSV...I feel it's the best bike in high winds that I've ever had. Short of a typhoon, wind is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. I also felt it did really well in the rain. I got caught with a shorty helmet on and was able to maintain some decent visibility. Ride on!
  10. Any locals (or not so local) going to Port Dover next month??
  11. Does anyone can recondition stock TCI? I know that I can get an aftermarket for around $250, but I can't spend that at this time. I will be trying to clean it up and see what happens from there. Im heading to Montreal near the end osf the month and I need something done soon. Thank you.
  12. Have a 2006 Midnight, the control head for audio will sometimes not turn on, will randomly shut itself off or will sporadically change channels. Anyone else have this issue or have experience? Should the controller be replaced or is there maybe a "cheap" fix? It started about a month after warranty went out, and local Yamaha dealer said nothing they could do - for a long while I dealt with it, but it is getting more and more "ghostly" acting over the last month. Thanks for any response
  13. Just this past month Marathon Gas Stations in Palm Bch County started selling 90 octane, ethanol free gas. It is aim.ed at the boating crowd but everybody is taking advantage of it. The store clerk said they are having trouble keeping the tank full, and guess what? It is cheaper then 87octane with ethanol by about 7 cents, go figure. so any of you folks in the south fla area, check your local Marathon station on the coast, you might be pleasently surprised. And one last thing, my bike runs better, but can't tell you how mauch better the mileage is, right now it seems to be about 4 mpg better, but ask me in a month after I have run a few more tankfuls thru the bike. Also I talked to a guy who works for Sunaco gas stations, he says that they are gearing up for............15% ethatnol!!! Says the government is getting close to mandating it, don't know about you, but my feelings is that ethanol is C##P, pure and simple, and don''t know how it is going to affect these bikes, can't be good, cause my bike runs way better on the gas without it
  14. for gas to get back and forth to work ? I consider myself VERY lucky in that I'm retired but it still costs a couple hundred bucks a month for our 2 vehicles. ( 1 car, 1 truck )
  15. Old people worry more about paying bills guess thats a good habit to have. I laughed my arse off at my Dad a while back. He got a bill in the mail that said you have a $200 credit this month. It seems he had paid it multiple times the month before (over paid). This morning I check my checking balance and it seems I paid a bill twice last week. Damn this getting old is making me broke. I could have bought a years insurance on the scoots with that $$$.:backinmyday:
  16. Well dang......that shot my goal of a 12 month riding season this year. Yeah, I know, no big deal for some of you southern boys but in Nebraska it's a rare thing. I started riding the bike to work everyday back in mid March of 2011 and never even got in the car again except on a few really nasty days until this month. I think it was less than 5 days of not riding in that time. The temps dropped down to -3 last night and I decided to pull the battery out and bring it in. Hope it warms up a couple days so I can take another shot at this. At least above 15 degrees. But it's supposed to snow again tomorrow so I better gas up the cage. 11 months....... best year ever for me. Now I'm bored. Mike
  17. Went out to work on the bike today, to check on all of the little things that have been bugging me. After finshing up, just before putting my side cover back on i noticed an oil leak which appears to be coming from the head gasket. About a month ago(some of you may recall), i had my oil changed and went on a 300 mile day trip. a few days later i went to check my oil and could not see the oil level through the site glass. It turned out that they had overfilled the oil. I drained it to the appropriate level and have ridden it for a month without any issues. My question is: Could this have been enough to blow a head gasket? There appears to be oil around the rubber carb boots as well.
  18. After finally getting fed up with Verizon and stupid bills, I have decided that I'm not going to pay for them anymore. Lonna and I have made the last cut from our Michigan roots and now have new cell phone numbers that reflect our TEXAS life. I have updated my profile info with the new # and will pass it on here for those that might want it. The new # is 936 232 9299, we ended up going with a Walmart family plan that is hosted by T mobile who will soon be under the AT&T umbrella. I have dropped $100 off my cell phone bill per month by doing this as for both Lonna and I it will be 70$ for unlimited talk and text....so buh bye Verizon, and rood riddance! I will be working on updating the call list of the old phones as I will cancel them at the end of this month.
  19. Taking with a friend of mine yesterday. Sharon's a retired private school teacher for the special kids. At 64 she has no health insurance, perscription or dental. She'll turn 65 in two weeks. Her husband Jerry who is a few years older and on medicare, just had a successful quadruple heart bypass. The Dr. wrote out the scripts for Jerry, Sharon went to Wallmart to fill them. First she ask how much they cost. It was $300 for one and $500 for the other for a one month supply. She said "now I know why people have to make the decision on wether to eat, or, buy their prescriptions..." She said no thanks, I can't afford it. She called the Dr. back up and ask how in the world was she suppose to come up with that much money "every month". The Dr. Said let me work with the folks at Wallmart... After switching the medications she is now paying less than $14 for a 3 month supply. Just though I'd pass this on as it may help one of us or someone you know...
  20. I have an ulcer on the bottom of my right foot and they are doing a procedure called a "graft" tomorrow afternoon. I am suppose to stay off my feet to help it heal. I asked the doctor how long I will stay out and he asked me how long do I want?!!? I'm sort of thinking 10 months would be too long to ask for so in a month or so I will return to work. I retire next August!!! Guess you will see a lot of me on the forum for the next month...
  21. well since im on social security. is there any good real online places where i could make like around $500 a month? i use to sell on flebay still do time to time but i ran out of things to sell. just looking to supplement my lousy $717.00 a month income.
  23. My little Buddy Kolton, fixxin to be 1yr old next month.
  24. I hate having to do this but it is time to turn the heat up on Ma Yamaha. As has been discussed here before looking for advise my RSTD was in the shop for a full month in February of this year for over heating problems. This is what the leak looked like then. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x249/TearlessTom/P1010241-1.jpg A possible cause was found and repaired AFTER A MONTH and all they had to do was to actually lay a wrench on the bike. They found a bolt from the motor mount had backed out droped into the fan and blew the fuse which could have caused the over heating problem. Fast Forward 2-3 weeks: March 16th Now this is what the leak looks like http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x249/TearlessTom/RSTDLeak.jpg so obviously it was not the bolt in the fan but rather the head gasket like I had told them the 1st part of February. Oh and by the way they still didn't believe it. TODAY IS NOW MAY 17TH. IT HAS BEEN IN THE SAME SHOP HALLS MOTORSPORT IN MOBLIE AN MALBIS FOR AN ADDITIONAL 2+ MONTHS. 62 DAYS TODAY PLUS THE 30 IN FEB BRINGS IT TO AN ASTOWDING 92ISH DAY IN THE SHOP THIS YEAR AND TODAY IS THE 137TH DAY OF THE YEAR SO THEY HAVE HAD IT 2/3RDS OF THE YEAR. After a 2nd month (1st month this occurance )in the shop they finally got around to fixing the head gasket. When they put the bike together it ran like CRAP!!!! So now it is in the 3rd month of their possession because they cannot figure out what happened to the bike to make it run so bad as it was running perfectly before they worked on it (with the exception of the head gasket) I think 2 months is more than sufficient to fix a bike for any reason. It took less than that to repair my Honda and my wife’s Harley when she had her accidents. Actually only took about 3-4 weeks including paint. So I called Ma’ Yamaha yesterday, they said they would call HALLS MOTORSPORT at 10:AM then call me back. Didn’t hear back so I had to call them again. Now they are saying re-re-recheck the timing which I am told is being started this afternoon and should be back together tomorrow AM. The service manager, mechanic and myself have racked our collective brains trying to think of possible causes for the poor running but to no avail. We think it is a fuel problem. The service department acts as if they can not wipe their collective backside with out Ma’Yamaha’s permission because it is a warranty job. Now I am being told that a service rep/mechanic will TRY TO BE HERE NEXT THURSDAY, IE: 10 Days Their handling of this is way beyond not acceptable business practice. To Make matters even worse this is my 2nd Yamaha, My son has had one and was looking to buy another but the sales people at this same dealership HALLS MOTORSPORT IN MOBILE ALBAMA treated him so poorly he does not want to go back. To bad to as he had the money in his pocket. Well thanks everyone for letting me vent and I have a favor to ask. 1st Would everyone who reads this please shoot a note or even copy and paste this to the below listed contact for HALLS MOTORSPORT IN MOBILE ALABAMA. And let them know your feelings of their business practices. 2nd If you can spare a minute call the below listed # for Yamaha’s so called customer support and tell them the problems going on at this dealership. Maybe they will take note and pull there licenses or at least put some pressure on them. As of this writing we have 2,184 members on this site alone, Please help me put some collective pressure on these stealers. http://halls-motorsports.com/contact/ Customer Relations (800) 962-7926, press "3" for Star Specialist. Oh and as an aside note. I had reason to do business with Truck’n Up in Mobile. I ordered a truck bed cover for my truck yesterday morning. He found one in Indiana. He calls me at lunchtime today tells me it is in and he can install anytime. So in a matter of about 28 hours including off hours he find the cover , ordered it, called the customer, and installed it. They also rechecked the balance on some new tires for me free of charge. That is how a business should be run!
  25. Need help in locating someone to pinstripe my Venture in the LA area later this month. Appreciate any good referrals.
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