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Heads up! Lets not make this political.... I made a call to the local Ripley WV WALLMART. Wallmart will no longer be selling AR-15s. StraighT from corporate. The ones around here are sold out. The Mom and Pop gun stores went in and bought them out. I enquired about one Last night AT A MOM AMD POP STORE and they are $200-$500 more than they were two days ago! Bushmasters and Colt .223s are going anywhere from $1200-1500 Better stock up on ammo while your at it. It's gonna get worse folks. I copied this thread in case it gets political and gets deleted. I know there are a lot of gun users on here, hence the reason for this thread. IF YOU CAN PLEASE CONFIRM THE ABOVE IN YOUR STATE FOR WALLMART AND REPORT BACK.... THANKS JOE
Well this past weekend I took my longest trip so far (800 Klicks round trip). I know this is just a small jaunt for some of y'all but not for me! Rode up (solo) to Sudbury to visit my folks and took my 69 year old Mom on her first ever motorcycle ride. The grin on her face and the thank you hug made the trip more than worthwhile. Mom has Alzheimer's and I just hope she remembers this for a while. But if not...I'll be very happy to repeat as often as I can.
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- alzheimers
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I felt like I “starred” in it, this afternoon. Bulldozing a steep patch of woods out at the farm when all of a sudden I’m feeling this immense pain on my face, ears, neck and arms, akin to being stabbed repeatedly with a ice pick. Then I noticed the black hornets all around me and my vision started to blur. I throttled back the bulldozed turned the key off and jumped off the right side. Right into a large patch of briars, but, I didn’t feel that as those winged bas&$%ards were still after me. I ran down the bank pulling my tee shirt off as it was covered in hornets. Got very nauseated and headed for the road to flag down a car. Very sick on the stomach. No one stopped.... four cars went by.... Walked to the neighbors house , no one home... Well I climbed up a hill to where I could get a cell phone signal and Called Penny, she came right away... (15 miles away) Mean while unbeknownst to me, mom had called the ambulance Penny got here and after looking, determined I only had 20 or so bites and my eyes were glazed over. Well, mom called said ambulance was on the way and I told her to cancel it. She said 80 hornets will kill a horse but I told her I wasn’t bit with 80. so........... Went to garage to find me a little payback... in the form of a can of wasp and hornet spray . Got the whole way (300 yards) to where nest was. It was hidden in honeysuckle and was 5 ' from the bulldozer seat.and although the can was completely full, it had lost all pressure over the years and it dribbled out. Guess that payback will have to wait... Then I told Penny I was going to ride the bike back, but when I went to put the helmet on $#@^&*(( it hurt bad)) So glad she brought the car. The bikes still at the farm. My ears are still hurting as I write this 5 hours later So... How was your day?
I just talked to Mike
happy anniversary guys. hope you had a great one. 40 years WOW.
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Just wanted to brag on my wife a little bit if you folks don't mind. June 18th was my b-day and we had to skip it as I was stuck at the hospital when my mom fell. June 13 th was moms and we also had to skip it because mom was sick and close to the hospital then. We were supposed to take mom to the beach (Carolina Beach) in North carolina this weekend but alas that has to be skipped also because again mom is hurting from a fall and is in a rehab/nursing home. Well here comes the bragging part. Today was her b-day and what does she do. She decides to take the day off and drive her bike round trip to Carolina Beach and get doughnuts from a place called Britts doughnuts. If you ever find your place at Carolina Beach do your self a favor and eat 2 or a dozen or so. This is an 8 hr minimum round trip and she did it with a friend in one day just to surprise me and my mom. All this again on her b-day. Now I know it was also a lot to do with the ride and being able to be free of all problems for a day , but for me I think shes the best. It made my moms day to be able to eat one of these doughnuts because that was the biggest reason mom wanted to go to the beach. Ok thanks for reading and have a great day. David
I try to keep these kind of things to myself as my emotions are mine to deal with and not everyone else's. What Im asking for is a prayer if your so inclined. Only a few on here know that my mom has dementia that has been progressing rather quickly. To make things worse her mom died from dementia complications Monday night at 11:45 and mom has went on a downward spiral since then. She now has a urinary tract infection that makes her diabetes hard to handle, and her emotions are off the scales. Grandma was the last of her line as all her parents and brothers and sisters have already passed on . Mom feels like its now her resposinilty to take care of her brothers and sisters and she cant so this is killing her. Sorry if Im rambling as my own emeotions are all over the place wright now. I cant take the time to grieve my grandma because I have to take care of mom. to top it off the family has now decided that since Im the elder grandchild its my job to lead the paul bearers( spelling??). Im just thankfull beyond explanation for my wife as she is stepping up big time to take care of mom when I cant.I cant carry her casket and mom too. Thanks for letting me vent as this is the best group of folks ( family ) I can ever emagine haveing and Ill do my best to read ,listen, or do what ever I can when its some ones else's turn to need help. god bless you all David
just got home from the meet. great fun great people, and lots of them. lewis counted 34 bikes but there were more to come. total success and lots of food. think everyone helped out a bunch for dragon riders st. jude fund. thanks to b2 mom and dad for a great time
Well folks it is time for the spring silly season with deer running all over at all times of the day. This is the time of year where the does will be giving birth to there new fawns. Just before they give birth, they will drive last years fawns out of her territory (this is how they spread the gene pool). So you will have deer wandering around looking for a new place to live. If that young deer grew up in an area that had very little or no vehicle traffic, then mom never taught them how to cross the street. And if mom is right behind them looking to kick some tail they may be running like crazy. So keep an extra eye out for deer, at ALL times of the day, for the next month till things calm down some. this time of year is not as bad as during the rut in fall, but it still has a significant increase of deer activity.
Hello Friends: Lost my Dad to cancer in mid February Age 88. Mom (age 84) also has cancer and requested to be placed on hospice care yesterday. Neither parent ever drank or smoked. Horrible disease!! Blessed to have my parents as long as I have.
My mom passed away this morning at 8:55 I will be traveling to Mass this afternoon for a week, if there is anyone in the New England area that wants to meet give me a shout. I won't have my bike but it would be nice to put a face to the names. Tom
My mom is on life support and my sisters are gonna meet with the Dr Tuesday and turn it off, I need to go back home to Mass but funds are short so I am selling all my VR stuff and my bike if anyone needs something let me know and I will ship it to you.
This dosnt look to safe to me, but thats not stopping them. Dont know if this has been posted before but first time I saw it and had to share
I realize this is a huge thing to ask of anyone but I am going to make this to the point. I am in Indiana and my oldest brother is in Eugene Oregon. He is in ICU right now and have heard various things in regards to his condition including doctors aren't sure if he is going to make it. My parents have asked me to stay put as my parents, my brothers 2 daughters and their families have already gone out there and mom says too many people wouldn't be good for him. But if I get a call that says the entire family should be there I want to get there ASAP. If I can help it I don't want to deal with 30 layovers to get to him that commercial airlines from what i remember seem to make everyone do on long flights. Thanks. Jerry
Nina's mom passed away peacefully yesterday appx 4:10 PM with Nina and her 2 brothers at her bedside. She was 88? (not sure). Her health deteriorated since her brother passed last year. They were very close and she is now with him again. Rest in Peace mom.
.....I lost my mom to cancer. I sat up with her all night, holding her hand as she slowly slipped away, finally passing at 4am that morning, 15MAR 1989. Every year since, I stay up all night as I did that night and think of how lucky my brothers and sisters and I were to have had such wonderful parents that raised us right. Sometimes my kids would stay up all night with me and we'd tell stories and look at pictures, but they would eventually fall asleep and I would once again be alone with just my thoughts and memories. Tonight is no different, as the wife is fast asleep, and it's just me and mom. If she were here, she'd smack me upside the head and tell me to go to bed, but now I sort of get the feeling that she kind of looks forward to our once-a-year vigil on this special and sad day. I sure do miss her. If you still have any of your parents with you, keep building some memories with them. You never know what tomorrow will bring, or how those good memories will sustain you down the road. Time to make some hot tea and break out the picture books.......
we had a new granddaughter born yesterday thats not doing very well seems her lungs won't open up and function plus there maybe a heart vlv problem, she arrived a four weeks early and it was also very rough on mom (daughter-in-law) to the baby had to be transported to childerns hospital in cinn.and mom is still in maysville,ky for now. if you will , an as i know this bunch you will, please say a prayer for little Lila wells for me thanks worried papaw steve
A little girl asked her Mom, "How did the human race appear?" The mom answered, "God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so was all mankind made.." Two days later the girl asked her dad the same question. The father answered, "Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved." The confused girl returned to her mother and said, "Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and dad said they developed from monkeys?" The mother answered, "Well, Dear, it's very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his."
I don't post here to often lately, but I need your help! Lat night I received a call from my 93 year old Mom. She lives alone in northern Wisconsin and got a call from her doctor saying she needs a bypass. I live in georgia and can't be there all the time, but she called in a panic. When I talked to her she was in shock and didn't ask the Doc any quesions of consequences or options so I'm waiting for a call from him this morning. Please pray for her health and peace of mind and heart!
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, Mom passed today little before 3. God Bless you all.
Had to make a quick ride today from Charleston to Va so we could meet with Hospice and it looks like we will be moving her to Hospice tomorrow. Please keep Mom in your prayers.
Happy Mothers day! Don't forget... Spend some time with "Mom" I'm going to spend the entire day with Amber my daughter, Penny my wife and June my mom. Will be going out to eat and will take them where ever they wish to go! Man it's going to be a LOooong day!
This is about my mom who passed away just these past hours. I know a lot of you here will express sympathy. It is one of the reasons I love this website. So, if you don't mind to much, I would like to pay tribute to my Mom!! Her name was Jimmie. What I know about her most was that she had 5 kids by the age of 22. Her and my father married early in life, she 14 my Dad 19. Once, thinking I was the reason they married so young, I checked the records. They did lie about her age but I was not the reason. They just hit it off. I remember being 15 and not being able to quite comprehend being married with a child at that age. At 52 I'm still in a little awe of her accomplishment. Mom didn't have an easy life. He mother was ½ Cherokee or so and could put the fear of God in someone. Ask my brother. He has always rebelled against authority figures except for his grandmother. She was the only person I ever saw to put fear into him. Anyhow, my grandmother would put my mom on top of moonshine and run it up to Chattanooga, TN from Alabama. She also hauled my mom off to California where she ran into trouble with the law. After that it was back to Alabama. Mom's husband, my dad, tended to blame her for most of our shortcomings and was highly critical of her most of their marriage. Yeah, he was a bastard that way but he was who he was and this is not about my Dad, who I dearly love to. Mom loved Elvis! She would tell me about her and her girlfriend jumping out of an old beat up truck to dance to his music, not caring about any traffic, as the hot asphalt kissed their bare feet. What can I say it was a different time. While I was in High School Elvis, toward the end of his career, appeared in a concert near us. I had grandiose plans of surprising her with tickets. But, alas, I was just a high school punk at the time. Still it would have been great. I remember returning home my first time on leave from the military. I found my mom asleep in bed without her teeth, and with dyed “white” hair. I thought I had aged her terrible. Nope just bad taste in hair color! Mom was crazy about her grand kids. Not sure how many there are. I know I haven't met all of them but I do know this if Mom loved you it was with everything she had. She was stingy with that love but oh man, if she gave it to you she gave everything. If she thought someone had done one of her loved ones wrong they were beneath contempt in her book, period. I grew apart from my mom over the years. With time the mom of my childhood, who was loved by all, was replaced by the mom who had faults, was more human, who wasn't loved by all. I rarely visited and would find reasons not to during our infrequent communications. God has his own way of communicating. He made it clear to me that I would never find love until I figured out how to love my mom. That I have done. I wasn't to late. I found out that I do love her! And I made sure she knew it. She made sure that I knew she loved me. Hell, I've always known that! I sit here crying as I write this I knowing I am blessed to have had such a mom!
Mom passed away on April 7, please send prayers.
'Mom, may I take the dog for a walk around the block?' Mom replies, 'No, because she is in heat.' 'What's that mean?' asked the child. 'Go ask your father. I think he's in the garage.' The little girl goes to the garage and says, 'Dad, may I take Belle for a walk around the block? I asked Mom, but she said the dog was in heat, and to come to you.' Dad said, 'Bring Belle over here.' He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog's backside with it to disguise the scent, and said 'OK, you can go now, but keep Belle on the leash and only go one time round the block.' The little girl left and returned a few minutes later with no dog on the leash. Surprised, Dad asked, 'Where's Belle?' (YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! ! ) The little girl said, 'She ran out of gas about halfway down the block, so another dog is pushing her home.'