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Found 15 results

  1. I just recieved my headlight AND brake light modulators. Where did you all mount yours and make the connections???? I heard you can access the brake light wiring under the seat.....and I'm going to be mounting the Yamaha passing lamps at the same time (useing the relay), so I assume I'll have to seperate the fairing....and that's Probably where I'll install the headlight modulator. Any tips or advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks all!!
  2. Below is a link to an article in the local paper where a Ohio State Patrolman endorses the use of a headlight modulator to make bikes more visible. He doesn't specifically use the term modulator but he does describe the effect. Copied in part here. "As a motorcycle driver, you need to drive more defensively than you do when you're driving a car," Randall said. The sergeant said a number of newer features enhance safety. "There are some headlights that almost look like they're flashing as they come at you," Randall said. Other enhancements include brighter turn signals and brake lights. "It's unfortunate that you have to spend the extra money, but in the end it's worth it," Randall said. http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20120331/NEWS01/203310314/1002/rss01 Gary
  3. I seen info for 1st Gen Head-lite Modulators information posted here... but anybody have Link or Part# for 2nd Gen Head-lite Modulator? It is News like this: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articl...sant-abrk.html that convinces es me more and more to install one. Ride Safe
  4. Just in case anyone else is considering installing a headlight modulator. This is the best price I have found to date, and the unit got a very favorable write up in webbike world. http://www.headlightmodulator.com/ Hopefully this will not degenerate into a debate on whether or not one should install a modulator.
  5. WOW.... Talk about a modulator to get cagers attention. http://www.strobesnmore.com/strobes-n-more-e4-super-led.html
  6. Brian Fries aka Friesman1 has offered up a Headlight modulator that he is not going to use. It is brand new in the package. It is a Pathblazer. Retail value of about $50.00. Now in order for someone to claim this unit there is a catch. Before I explain the catch, you need to know that the proceeds of this sale will go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. If you have read previous posts about our efforts to raise money for St. Jude,you will know that others have had fundraisers to help with this cause. This year we raised $3,450.00. This brings our totals for the past 5 years close to $9,800.00. We not only raise funds this way but also by visiting the Mean Dog Tribute site where contributions can be made. If you want to have this for your own and help out the kids at St. Jude, all you have to do is make a $25.00 donation to the Mean Dog Tribute site. We only have one so the first person to post wanting to make a donation will receive this headlight modulator. The link for the Tribute site is at the bottom of this page in my signature. Thanks to Brian donating this item.
  7. I have been thinking of installing a headlight modulator. Who has one and what make is the most used for the Venture.
  8. For those of you that use a brake modulator on the RSV, is one more popular than others? I'm thinking of getting one, along with an RMark LED Brake/Running Light Bar. I see the Kisan Tailblazer is approx $80...also saw one from Comagination.com for approx $30. Just wondering what most people use...thanks for the info...JR
  9. I was considering installing a headlight modulator for visibility and was wondering what other opinions were. Beings what we seem to be an opinionated group sometimes (Ha), I was wondering if I could get some feedback on getting one. Thanks, Glenn
  10. OK folks. Something has been weighing heavy on my mind since Gary's son posted yesterday about the accident. I've been hesitant to bring it up because I know that we are all still grieving over the loss of a very fine member of our VentureRider family but on the other hand, I think it is something that should be mentioned just in case it is something that could cause harm to another member. I'm talking about the comment from the young lady who pulled out from the stop sign that she thought the motorcycle was turning. She thought that the turn signals were on. That is NO excuse for her pulling out so please don't think that I'm making excuses for her. It caused me to wonder though, do you think it's possible that somebody could see a modulating headlight and think that they see the turn signals flashing? I know that Gary did have a modulator on his. I have a headlight modulator on my bike also and have always thought that they are a great idea and make you more visible to other traffic but this turn signal thing now has me wondering if there is a downside to it also and if so, does that downside out weigh the positives. At the very least, I think it is a possibility that we should be aware of.
  11. Hey guys-- whats the best buy--price wise and ease of instulation --for a headlight modulator for an 06 RSTD?---Buzz
  12. Errghhh.............. Recently hardwired my GPS to the battery. Spliced the wires into the pigtail from the battery the feeds my Battery tender so I can unplug it whn not being used. I have also taken the wires off the bottom of my Rivco air horn to clean and make sure they had contact. This morning, bike won't start? Possibly????????????????????? left the key on in acc. mode, not sure, but thats all I can think of. Now, after a few minutes on the battery tender, starts but now my headlight modulator is out. Headlight works on both high and low but no modulation? WTF? Could I have moved a wire from it? I have NO idea as to where the modulator is or how its wired(Prevous owner installed) Anyone have any idea where to start?
  13. I just wanted to give everyone my recommendation on a portable FM Modulator that you can use on your motorcycle. It comes with an adapter for use in a cars accessory port/lighter, but it is also portable via a set of batteries, so you can have it anywhere on you or the bike. http://www.buy.com/prod/cables-to-go-port-authority-2-mp3-to-fm-stereo-adapter/q/loc/111/10407003.html It's sound quality is the best I've heard from modulators, and it's convenience of being able to use it with any stereo tuner is a HUGE bonus.
  14. id like to have a headlight modulator but will one work with the headlamp safety feature? anyone have one?
  15. I installed the Diamond star headlight modulator. My question is both my headlight warning lights are now on the computer how do I go about turning them off? Thanks Jim.
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