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Found 23 results

  1. I'm a member at the RoadStarClinic.com and they have a few guys that have successfully installed a hydraulically adjustable shock assembly from a GL1800 (Goldwing). There are a couple of minor mods to make it fit the RS like drilling another hole in a bracket on one end and changing bushings in the other but it works great. Without measurements I can't say it would work on the 2nd Gens but from what I see, it should. I've put 2 links below that go to 2 different threads that should have enough info between the two including the wiring how-to. I also posted a pic of the GL1800 shock and hydraulic actuator after the mods. What I find funny is that they talk about how expensive the GL1800 shock units have become to buy them used on ebay. When I went to look the highest price was $125. Anyway, this is just info in case someone wants to give it a try when their shock takes a dump on them. Link to thread Another thread http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s320x320/577896_3423724624406_1008938154_32461466_1097849736_n.jpg
  2. Lets all post pictures of our bike so we can see what wonderful mods you done!
  3. Got a busted 87 that I am gonna turn into a chopper. What will it take to have the bike run well with no airbox at all? The mods to the frame are not going to allow for the airbox to be used.
  4. Here's a link that was sent to me that you Wing nuts will enjoy. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?304851-I-modified-my-Wing-cat-is-out-of-the-bag This guy has done some major mods on his ride. Larry
  5. When I purchased my 87'VR last winter I was getting 31 MPG one up and 28-29- MPG two up. Needless to say, I was not impressed! Over the winter of 08' I did a few repairs, mods and after about 1000 miles I can now say for sure that my gas mileage is much better. Here is a list of the mods: 1) Carb. Diaphragms (when I pulled mine, they looked like spaghetti strainers! I just replaced the rubbers, NOT the sliders) 2) Needle Shim Mod from 5Bikes ( Removed Nylon spacer and replaced with S.S. washers, .050 thinner than Nylon spacer) 3) Crankcase Vent Mod ( plugged airbox, removed vent tubing, installed Crankcase vent filter) 4) Carb. Sync (purchased Carbtune and Synced Carbs. Built a "manifold" to verify Carbtune accuracy.) 5) Adjusted Mixture to 2 1/2 turns from bottom 6) New Plugs 7) New Wires (from Ebay) The bike starts great, runs like a scalded cat, Idle is great, no more soot on tail pipes, no "Backfire". Over the last 4 tankfuls of gas, I have been getting 180 to 190 miles before the "Red Light" comes on. ( 4.0 gals. 45 to 47 MPG) This is one up. Two up I got 165 to 175 miles on three tankfuls. (4.0 gals. 41 to 43 MPG) Thats roughly a 33% increase in gas mileage! Plus, I did most of the work over the winter so I didn't loose any riding time. There are many folks I need to thank and you rascals know who you are! If you have questions, Just ask! I sure did and got a lot of great help! Thanks to everyone, Earl
  6. Picked up my 08 RSV today and with a 140 mile ride home I had time to make a mental list of things I need to do. First, I need the handlebars closer. too much of a reach so the old back lets me know it. Riser a possibility or different handlebars? Second, need to lower it also so i guess barons kit will be in the mix. Third, The old butt burn after bout an hour. What seat mods are available? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I have been, on a tiny budget, preparing my 1986 Venture Royale for Long Distance riding. At the start of this thread I want to show you two of the mods accomplished. The pictures show an equipment shelf I added recemtly. This is made from 2" x 1/8" aluminum strip from Lowes. I will put a few miles on the bike to make sure the mounts will hold. If not, I'll add supports. This shelf cost less than $15 and will carry my phone, satellite radio, two GPS units and a radar detector. The driving lamp brackets are made from the same material. The lamps themselves are Walmart specials. These lamps are cheap ($18), but reviewed quite well. When I can afford it I will swap them for the Philips HID Driving Lamps. The headlight has a HID conversion, which takes care of the dip beam, the driving lamps supplement the high beams and are controlled by a separate switch on top of the brake fluid reservoir. The screen, discussed in another thread, has been cut down from 25" to 18", and narrowed considerably. http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/IMG_0639.jpg http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/IMG_0640.jpg http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/IMG_0641.jpg http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/IMG_0643.jpg http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/IMG_0642.jpg There are other mods done, and more to come and I'll add to this thread later. Meanwhile, I'll take suggestions too, and if anyone has a 5 gallon fuel cell lying around, I'll take that too
  8. Looking for soem upgradesalthough when I first got the RSTC i said i wouldnt change anything. Well I guess Im just a guy and want improvemenmts. SO who has done the vmax rear drive swap ? What is needed besides the rear. What year rear should be used and any mods have to be done? Fuel milage vs passing power . Is it peppier?
  9. Just finished reading this article, and thinking very heavily of doing this tomorrow. Just wondering if anyone else has done it yet? I think this might add to the lower end in addition to the other mods in this forum. With these fuel prices, i'm willing to try anything!! 2-3mpg is 2-3 mpg http://performanceunlimited.com/documents/plugsidegapping.html
  10. I put a set of Ponce gauges, oil pressure, water temp and tach, shortened my front forks by an inch , did the “Jason mod” on the vacuum ports at the base of each intake port, relocated the fuel filter, put a trickle charger plug on the battery, put spacers on the passing light bar and put in iridium spark plugs. Since I bought it last summer I have added Iso Grips, bag rails, spoiler with light on the trunk, RK mufflers, brake/tail light under trunk, fringe on the brake and clutch levers, All that is left is to get my seats reworked by Rick Butler. I think the mods will be done at least for a time.
  11. Wondering if I should get a new seat...Since I've only had my '06 RSV for a few weeks, I'm still slowly going over it and "fixing" it up. I had the driver seat off the other day and noticed 2 things. 1) there is a small (less than an inch) rip or cut in the side of the seat (can't really see it unless you are looking). 2) one of the 2 bolts that hold the seat on is missing. PO had used a sheetrock screw to hold that side on... I'm going to be sending the seat in to the member on this site that does the seat mods for lowering/narrowing anyway...so I'm not sure if the bolt can be fixed at that time or if the rip will prevent the cover from being restretched...Been spending money already getting a few "extras" for the bike so hate have to buy a new seat if I don't need to. Anyone got a stock seat collecting dust they need to get rid of? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Does anyone know if an 88 Venture seat will fit an 83? Mods required?
  13. We would like to find a larger trunk for our '84 Venture. Our weekend away showed us we need more room. I know I saw the answer here but I can not find it. Does a trunk fom a 1985 fit onto the bracket on a 1984? The '85 is larger isn't it? If I go with an '86 and newer, I know I would need the mounting bracket, does the newer one bolt right up or are there mods needed? Thanks, Dave
  14. Hey Freebird I think it would be neat if we could have a section of the forum just for pictures of mods. Maybe divided for 1st gens, 2nd gens, and royalstars. What do you think? I hope this is not already set up since I couldn't find it! I think it would be awesome to get on and just look at the many different mods people have done to their bikes all in one convienient location. What do ya say?! Big Mike
  15. Made some minor mods. What do you think?
  16. Mods, Please move if necessary but it relates to a long trip I'm planning. I've talked with member Rick Butler regarding a seat modification he does but am not completely convinced it is for me. I am preparing to take a 30 day ride starting around Aug 1. I've already posted some info on this here already. My 04 RSV has the stock seat which is not the most comfortable seat around obviously. I am a big man- 6'5 and 275 so there's a lot of weight on the seat which of course hurts the ole butt cheeks after a couple hours. I know Rick's modifications relieves pressure around the tailbone but I really believe most of my pain is around the cheek areas. I'm trying to figure out what others have done here where the mods they made were worthwhile. I've heard nothing but good things with Rick's seat mods but I've also heard some good things regarding newer seats. Any thoughts or actual stories would be most appreciated.
  17. any body do stock exhaust mods to make a little more noise ? I put on a set of 4-2-4 nasty boys and they are obnoxous, now I'am the guy everyone glares at, put some stainless steel wool in each one ,buts its bordering on illegal:stirthepot:
  18. Hello everyone - Shep here and I am new to the community and just bought a brand new 2007 RSTD from the dealer. I need a few things and thought I would start here. Moderators - if this is the wrong place - please direct me to the correct forum or fell free to just more this post. Here is what I need....... 1. Pipes - gotta have some rumble - will to trade brand new RSTD's for something with rumble OK - solved - bought the Baron 4-2-4's and so far - love 'em! 2. Luggage rack - momma needs more room... Bought one from Alan here on the forums :>) 3. Would like to lower an inch or so - so that I can get my gelpad on and still touch the ground. Had Rick Butler modify my seat (good job Rick!) 4. I need some longhorn offsets (have pegs) so I can cool my feet off Done! - Went with Kury's 5. Wife needs her floorboards a little lower and forward - I am open to suggestions (inventive and cheap is always good). Found a good mod - but will need to do this myself.. (check out this thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28341) Got them done and working - now need to contour, sand and paint. 6. How about lightbars and lights? I am a former Boulevard C-50 owner and had them on my bike - would like them on my RSTD - where can I get them? Ordered a set of Yamaha light off Ebay. 7. Install Stebel Horn Got that done this week! 8. Bought and installed backrest (very nice addition). 9. Ordered and installed - Flanders 650-08783 pull backs. That should keep me busy for a while Last question: Does the community (forums) here have a place where new owners of RSTD's can get a list of "mods" - perhaps part #'s used in those mods and maybe even a respective "cost" analysis? On the Volusiariders forums we had a couple of very useful forums - one called "swap meet" - for trading parts and the other was "Custom Mods" - that owners had done to their bikes. We very helpful to me when I first signed on - because many had "gone before me". Thanks ahead of time for all your help - I look forward to getting to know you folks and to the fellowship! Shep
  19. It's only been a few weeks since we last rode the scoot, and already I'm going nuts!!! Depression is seting in and I can't wait to rework the scoot and take it out again!! Winter projects include upgraded front suspension and brakes, along with bigger saddlebags and trunk. Came up with a few minor mods as well. The big winter project is getting the '85 running and start it's restoration! What are your winter plans?? Maybe we need a mid winter get together somewhere around here...
  20. I have noticed the Saddle bags get really hot due to being close to the pipes. If I were to go to the grocery and get anything cold or produce, it would heat it up if I left it there very long. Has any one installed heat shields under their bags or any mods to fix this? I was even thinking of venting the bags along with a heat shield of somekind.
  21. I got a set of new 07 HD mufflers will these be ok without any carb mods or anything else? Joe
  22. Just unloaded my new 07 Venture from the truck and ready to start working on it. Got a little money to spend and want to know what everyone recommends as the immediate mods, critical, then those nice to have and the order i should start knocking them out in... Ive seen a lot of talk on the site of exhaust, leveling, passing lights, led's, etc but thought it would be nice for us newbies to have the vetrans give us the list from their experience... Thoughts?
  23. http://www.tattootate.50megs.com/index.html A quick site I have built showing my new bike and the mods I have made to it.
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